Impact of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on the Valve Movement of Mytilus edulis: A Comparison between Two Populations with Contrasting Histories Exposure
Fonds de Recherche du Québec, et al. Impact of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Catenella on the Valve Movement of Mytilus Edulis: A Comparison between Two Populations with Contrasting Histories Exposure. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Fonds de Recherche du Québec, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Durier, G., Comeau, L. A., Babarro, J. M. F., Starr, M., Clements, J. C., & Tremblay, R. (2023). Impact of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on the Valve Movement of Mytilus edulis: A Comparison between Two Populations with Contrasting Histories Exposure.
Fonds de Recherche du Québec, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Guillaume Durier, Luc A. Comeau, José M. F. Babarro, Michel Starr, Jeff C. Clements, and Réjean Tremblay. 2023. “Impact of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Catenella on the Valve Movement of Mytilus Edulis: A Comparison between Two Populations with Contrasting Histories Exposure.”