The Need for Flexible Chemical Synthesis and How Dual-Function Materials Can Pave the Way
European Commission, et al. The Need for Flexible Chemical Synthesis and How Dual-Function Materials Can Pave the Way. 2023. EBSCOhost,
European Commission, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Paksoy, A. I.-0002-8904-0409], Ramírez-Reina, T.-0001-9693-5107], Duyar, M. S.-0002-9891-5932], Merkouri, L.-P., Paksoy, A. I., Ramírez-Reina, T., & Duyar, M. S. (2023). The Need for Flexible Chemical Synthesis and How Dual-Function Materials Can Pave the Way.
European Commission, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Aysun Ipek[0000-0002-8904-0409] Paksoy, Tomás[0000-0001-9693-5107] Ramírez-Reina, Melis S[0000-0002-9891-5932] Duyar, Loukia-Pantzechroula Merkouri, Aysun Ipek Paksoy, Tomás Ramírez-Reina, and Melis S Duyar. 2023. “The Need for Flexible Chemical Synthesis and How Dual-Function Materials Can Pave the Way.”