An Idealized description for the Diurnal Cycle of the Dry Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Hooft, J.Antoon van, et al. “An Idealized Description for the Diurnal Cycle of the Dry Atmospheric Boundary Layer.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Vol.76 (2019) Date: 2019-11-30 Nr.12 p.3717–3736 [ISSN 0022-4928], 2019. EBSCOhost,
Hooft, J. A. van, Baas, P., van Tiggelen, M., Ansorge, C., & Wiel, B. J. H. van de. (2019). An Idealized description for the Diurnal Cycle of the Dry Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Vol.76 (2019) Date: 2019-11-30 Nr.12 p.3717–3736 [ISSN 0022-4928].
Hooft, J. Antoon van, Peter Baas, Maurice van Tiggelen, Cedrick Ansorge, and Bas J.H. van de Wiel. 2019. “An Idealized Description for the Diurnal Cycle of the Dry Atmospheric Boundary Layer.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Vol.76 (2019) Date: 2019-11-30 Nr.12 p.3717–3736 [ISSN 0022-4928].