A home gardening intervention to improve vegetable consumption among urban poor children: a study protocol for randomised controlled trial
Mok, Kai Ting, et al. A Home Gardening Intervention to Improve Vegetable Consumption among Urban Poor Children: A Study Protocol for Randomised Controlled Trial. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Mok, K. T., Tung, S. E. H., Kaur, S., Chin, Y. S., Martini, M. Y., & Ulaganathan, V. (2022). A home gardening intervention to improve vegetable consumption among urban poor children: a study protocol for randomised controlled trial.
Mok, Kai Ting, Serene En Hui Tung, Satvinder Kaur, Yit Siew Chin, Mohammad Yusoff Martini, and Vaidehi Ulaganathan. 2022. “A Home Gardening Intervention to Improve Vegetable Consumption among Urban Poor Children: A Study Protocol for Randomised Controlled Trial.”