Machine learning streamlines the morphometric characterization and multi-class segmentation of nuclei in different follicular thyroid lesions: everything in a NUTSHELL
L’Imperio, V., et al. Machine Learning Streamlines the Morphometric Characterization and Multi-Class Segmentation of Nuclei in Different Follicular Thyroid Lesions: Everything in a NUTSHELL. 2024. EBSCOhost,
L’Imperio, V., Coelho, V., Cazzaniga, G., Papetti, D., Del Carro, F., Capitoli, G., Marino, M., Ceku, J., Fusco, N., Ivanova, M., Gianatti, A., Nobile, M., Galimberti, S., Besozzi, D., Pagni, F., L’Imperio, V., Coelho, V., Cazzaniga, G., Papetti, D. M., … Pagni, F. (2024). Machine learning streamlines the morphometric characterization and multi-class segmentation of nuclei in different follicular thyroid lesions: everything in a NUTSHELL.
L’Imperio, V, V Coelho, G Cazzaniga, D Papetti, F Del Carro, G Capitoli, M Marino, et al. 2024. “Machine Learning Streamlines the Morphometric Characterization and Multi-Class Segmentation of Nuclei in Different Follicular Thyroid Lesions: Everything in a NUTSHELL.”