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Značaj antioksidantne suplementacije N-acetilcisteinom u tretmanu manifestacija neurotoksičnosti izazvane cisplatinom kod pacova

Authors :
Selaković, Dragica
Rosić, Gvozden
Jakovljević, Vladimir
Ilić, Tihomir
Vuković, Rade
Selaković, Dragica
Rosić, Gvozden
Jakovljević, Vladimir
Ilić, Tihomir
Vuković, Rade
Publication Year :


Uvod: Studija razmatra uticaj antioksidativnog efekta N-acetilcisteina (NAC) neurotoksične manifestacije izazvane upotrebom cisplatine kod pacova. Materijal i metode: Studija je obuhvatila 32 pacova Wistar albino pacova, starosti 2 meseca, telesne mase od 200 do 250 g, podeljenih u 4 grupe: kontrolna, cisplatinska, cisplatina + NAC grupa i NAC grupa. Cisplatina je primenjivana u pojedinačnoj dozi (7.5 mg/kg) petog dana dok je antioksidantna suplementacija Nacetilcisteinom primenjivan u odgovarajućim grupama prvog i petog dana (500 mg/kg). Promene u ponašanju su se utvrđivale desetog dana pomoću bihevioralnih testova ( test otvorenog polja, test uzdignutog krstatstog lavirinta i test kačenja o rep). Nakon ovih testiranja životinje su bile žrtvovane i tkivo hipokampusa i prefrontalnog korteksa je analizirano radi određivanja markera oksidativnog stresa i apoptoze. Rezultati: Rezultati bihevioralnog ispitivanja su pokazali anksiogeni efekat cisplatine. Bihevioralni testovi su takođe ukazali na antidepresantni efekat cisplatine što nije u skladu sa očekivanjima na osnovu rezultata iz dosadašnjih studija, pa se taj zalključak ne može sa sigurnošću izvesti i potrebno su dodatne studije i analize. Takođe, smanjenje neurotoksičnosti izazvane cisplatinom, u smislu uticaja na vrednosti parametara oksidativnog stresa i apoptoze je ostvareno primenom N-acetilcisteina i u tkivu hipokampusa i u tkivu prefrontalnog korteksa pacova. Zaključak: Anksiogeni efekat, kao manifestacija neurotoksičnosti izazvane cisplatinom, je u bihevioralnim testovima bio uspešno umanjen oralnom primenom N-acetilcisteina.<br />Introduction: A review study affects the antioxidant effect of Nacetylcysteine (NAC) neurotoxic manifestations and the use of cisplatin in rats. Material and methods: The study included 32 Wistar albino rats, 2 months old, body weight 200 to 250 g, divided into 4 groups: control, cislinate, target + NAC group and NAC group. Target administration was in a single dose (7.5 mg/ kg) on the fifth day while antioxidant supplementation with N-acetylcysteine was administered in the approval groups on the first and fifth day (500 mg/kg). Behavioral changes were determined on the tenth day using behavioral tests (open field test, elevated cross maze test, and tail climbing test). After these tests, the animals were sacrificed and the tissue of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex was analyzed to determine the marketing of oxidative stress and apoptosis. Results: The results of the behavioral study showed an anxiogenic effect of cislite. Behavioral tests also indicated an antidepressant effect of cisplatina, which is not in line with expectations based on the results from previous studies and this conclusion cannot be reported with certainty and additional studies and analyzes are needed. Also, the reduction of acid-induced neurotoxicity, in terms of the influence on the values of oxidative stress and apoptosis parameters, is created by appropriate N-acetylcysteine both in the hippocampal tissue and in the tic of the rat prefrontal cortex. Conclusion: The anxiogenic effect, as a manifestation of neurotoxicity and the use of cislinoma, was successfully reduced in behavioral tests by oral administration of Nacetylcysteine.


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Electronic Resource
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Electronic Resource