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Zatvaranje oroantralnih komunikacija primenom autologog fibrina bogatog trombocitima
- Publication Year :
- 2023
- Maksilarni sinus predstavlja pneumatizovanu koštanu šupljinu lociranu u telu gornje vilice. Definitivni razvoj ove koštane strukture završava se zaključno sa formiranjem stalne denticije. U oralno-hirurškoj praksi od velikog značaja je odnos poda sinusa i vrhova korenova gornjih bočnih zuba. Obzirom da je donji koštani zid koji deli usnu duplju od maksilarne šupljine tanak i iznosi svega 1,2 do 2,9 mm, pri ekstrakciji gornjih bočnih zuba može doći do nastanka komunikacije izmedju ove dve strukture. Obzirom da OAK povezuje usnu duplju i sinusnu šupljinu, postoji mogućnost širenja infekcije u maksilarni sinus. Stoga, OAK mora biti zatvorena u vremenskom periodu od 24h do 48h. Postoje razni modaliteti u zatvaranju ovih komunikacija. Sve opisane tehnike imaju za cilj prezervaciju krvnog ugruška koji tokom zarastanja rane ima barijernu ulogu i ulogu u sprečavanju prodora mikroorganizama iz usne duplje u maksilarni sinus. Najsavremeniji i najbezbedniji materijal po pacijenta je autologni biološki materijal kao što je fibrin bogat trombocitima. Fibrin bogat trombocitima podstiče neovaskularizaciju kao i ubrzanu reparaciju i regeneraciju usled brojnih faktora rasta koji imaju presudnu ulogu u diferencijaciji mezenhimalnih ćelija u koštane ili mekotkivne ćelije. Period remodelacije kod velikih koštanih defekata kao i mekotkivne regeneracije omogućen je brojnim citokinima i faktorim rasta koje sadrži ovaj materijal. Fibrin bogat trombocitima uz skraćenu reparaciju i regeneraciju, kod nastale oroantralne komunikacije ima i barijernu ulogu kao i ulogu u integraciji i protekciji koaguluma. Cilj istraživanja ove disertacije je procena efekta primene fibrina bogatog trombocitima u zatvaranju oroantralne komunikacije. Kliničko istraživanje je vršeno u 3 grupe sa različitim tehnikama zatvaranja oroantralne komunikacije, komparirajući konzervativnu, polukonzervativnu i hiruršku tehniku. Rezultati su dokazali da zatvaranje oroantralnih komunikacija primenom autologog fibrina bogatog t<br />The maxillary sinus is a pneumatized bone cavity located in the body of the upper jaw. The final development of this bone structure ends with the formation of permanent dentition. In oral surgical practice, the relationship between the floor of the sinus and the tops of the roots of the upper lateral teeth is of great importance. Considering that the lower bony wall that separates the oral cavity from the maxillary is thin and is only 1.2 to 2.9 mm, during the extraction of the upper lateral teeth, communication between these two structures may occur. Considering that OAK connects the oral cavity and the sinus cavity, there is a possibility of infection spreading to the maxillary sinus. Therefore, the OAK must be closed for a period of time from 24h to 48h. There are various modalities in closing these communications. All described techniques aim to preserve the blood clot, which during wound healing has a barrier role and a role in preventing the penetration of microorganisms from the oral cavity into the maxillary sinus. The most modern and safest material per patient is an autologous biological material such as platelet-rich fibrin. Platelet-rich fibrin promotes neovascularization as well as accelerated repair and regeneration due to numerous growth factors that play a crucial role in the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into bone or soft tissue cells. The period of remodeling in large bone defects as well as soft tissue regeneration is made possible by the numerous cytokines and growth factors contained in this material. Platelet-rich fibrin, with shortened reparation and regeneration, in the resulting oroantral communication, has a barrier role as well as a role in the integration and protection of the coagulum. The aim of this dissertation research is to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin in closing the oroantral communication. Clinical research was performed in 3 groups with different techniques for closing the oroantral communication, comparing
- Database :
- OAIster
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1461993551
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource