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Burning Land, Burning the Climate: The biofuel industry's capture of EU bioenergy policy

Authors :
Herman, Marc-Olivier
Mayrhofer, Jan
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Oxfam, 2016.


There is overwhelming evidence of the harm caused by the European Union’s current bioenergy policy to people in developing countries, to the climate and to Europe’s own sustainable development. The policy is on a collision course with the Paris climate agreement and the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.<br />This briefing follows the trail of destruction left by the policy on three continents. It assesses the extraordinary lobbying ‘firepower’ and powerful network of influence at the disposal of the European biofuel industry and its allies, which is blocking reform. In the past year alone, actors in the biofuel value chain – from feedstock growers to biofuel producers – spent over €14m and hired nearly 400 lobbyists. Biofuel producers spend as much on EU influencing as the tobacco lobby. EU decision makers must free themselves from the stranglehold of powerful corporate groups – and choose genuinely sustainable and renewable energy to meet their 2030 climate and energy goals.


Subjects :
Climate change
Private sector


Language :
English, French, Spanish, Italian
9780855987992 and 0855987995
Database :
Oxfam Policy & Practice
Accession number :
Document Type :
Briefing paper