When Rhetoric Meets Reality. Issues Confronting the National Framework for the Recognition of Training. A Paper Prepared for the Review of the ANTA Agreement.
Technology Univ.-Sydney, Broadway (Australia).Research Centre for Vocational Education and Training., et al. When Rhetoric Meets Reality. Issues Confronting the National Framework for the Recognition of Training. A Paper Prepared for the Review of the ANTA Agreement. 1 Feb. 1996. EBSCOhost,
Technology Univ.-Sydney, B. (Australia). R. C. for V. E. and T., Hawke, G., & McDonald, R. (1996). When Rhetoric Meets Reality. Issues Confronting the National Framework for the Recognition of Training. A Paper Prepared for the Review of the ANTA Agreement.
Technology Univ.-Sydney, Broadway (Australia). Research Centre for Vocational Education and Training., Geof Hawke, and Rod McDonald. 1996. “When Rhetoric Meets Reality. Issues Confronting the National Framework for the Recognition of Training. A Paper Prepared for the Review of the ANTA Agreement.”