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Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (30th, Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006). Volume 1

Authors :
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Novotna, Jarmila
Moraova, Hana
Kratka, Magdalena
Stehlikova, Nad'a
Source :
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 2006.
Publication Year :


This volume of the 30th annual proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education conference presents: plenary panel papers; research forum papers; short oral communication papers; and poster presentation papers from the meeting. Information relating to discussion groups and working sessions is also provided. Plenary lecture papers include: (1) Mathematics, didactical engineering and observation (G. Brousseau); (2) A Semiotic View of the Role of Imagery and Inscriptions in Mathematics Teaching and Learning (N. Presmeg); (3) School Mathematics as a Developmental Activity (S. Stech); and (4) PME 1 to 30--Summing Up And Looking Ahead (P. Tsamir and D. Tirosh). Plenary panel papers include: (1) The Necessity of Collaborations between Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators (Z. Gooya); (2) Generic versus Subject Specific Pedagogy (S. Groves); (3) How Can Schools Put Mathematics in Their Centre? (K. Krainer); and (4) Mathematics in the Centre (T. Rojano). The first research forum (RF01) includes: (1) Seeing More and Differently (L. Brown and A. Coles); (2) Joint Reflection as a Way to Cooperation between Researchers and Teachers (A. Hospesova, J. Machackova, and M. Ticha); (3) Opening the Space of Possibilities (A. Lebethe, N. Eddy, and K. Bennie); (4) Diverse Roles, Shared Responsibility (J. Novotna and A. Pelantova); (5) Research with Teachers (L. Poirier); (6) Developing a Voice (G. Rosen); and (7) Learning about Mathematics and about Mathematics Learning through and in Collaboration (V. Zack and D. Reid). The second research forum (RF02) includes: Exemplification in Mathematics Education (L. Bills, T. Dreyfus, J. Mason, P. Tsamir, A. Watson, and O. Zaslavsky). The third research forum (RF03) includes: (1) Conceptual Change in Mathematics Learning (D. Tirosh and P. Tsamir); (2) Aspects of Students' Understanding of Rational Numbers (X. Vamvakoussi and S. Vosniadou); (3) Conceptual Change in the Number Concept (K. Merenluoto and E. Lehtinen); (4) The Linear Imperative (W. Van Dooren, D. De Bock, and L. Verschaffel); (5) Conceptual Change in Advanced Mathematical Thinking (I. Biza and T. Zachariades); (6) Students' Interpretation of the Use of Literal Symbols in Algebra (K. P. Christou and S. Vosniadou); (7) The Dilemma of Mathematical Intuition in Learning (L. B. Resnick); and (8) Designing for Conceptual Change (B. Greer). Short oral communications papers include: (1) The Mathematics Teachers' Conceptions about the Possible Uses of Learning Objects from RIVED-Brazil Project (C. A. A. P. Abar and L. S. de Assis); (2) On the Way to Understanding Integration (S. Abdul-Rahman); (3) The Impact of Graphic-Calculator Use on Bedouin Students' Learning Functions (M. Abu-Naja and M. Amit); (4) How to Put It All Together? (M. Alagic); (5) Reading Mathematics Textbook as a Storybook (S. E. Anku); (6) Naming and Referring to Quantities When Solving Word Problems in a Spreadsheet Environment (D. Arnau and L. Puig); (7) If It Divides by 4, It Must Divide by 8 (J. Back); (8) Universal and Existential Mathematical Statements (R. Barkai, T. Dreyfus, D. Tirosh, and P. Tsamir); (9) Situtations, Linear Functions and the "Real World" (G. Benke); (10) The Relationship between High School Mathematics and Career Choices among High Achieving Young Women (S. B. Berenson, J. J. Michael, and M. Vouk); (11) Students' Understanding of Ambiguity in Symbols (K. P. Blair); (12) Reform-Oriented Teaching Practices and the Influence of School Context (J. Bobis and J. Anderson); (13) Approaching Linear (In)Dependence with Example-Generation (M. Bogomolny); (14) Metaphors in Teacher's Discourse (J. Bolite Frant, V. Font, and J. Acevedo); (15) Designing Instructional Programs that Facilitate Increased Reflection (J. Bowers and S. Nickerson); (16) Conformism in Teaching Mathematics (A. Braverman, P. Samovol, and M. Applebaum); (17) Constructing Multiplication (J. Brocardo, L. Serrazina, and I. Rocha); (18) The Trigonometric Connection (S. A. Brown); (19) Student Beliefs and Attitudes from Poetry Writing in Statistics (M. Bulmer, B. Lea, and K. Rolka); (20) The Teaching of Proof in Textbooks (R. Cabassut); (21) Classroom: A Learning Context for Teachers (A. P. Canavarro); (22) An Investigation of Differences in Performance in Mathematics between Parallel Students and Normal Entry Students at the Polytechnic--University of Malawi (P. C. Chamdimba); (23) A Study on Eliciting the Formula for the Area of Triangle from Students' Structuring of Tile Arrays and Figure Reconstructions (J.-H. Chen and S.-K. S. Leung); (24) Decision Making at Uncertainty (E. Chernoff and R. Zazkis); (25) A Study on Implementating Inquiry-Based Teaching to Facilitate Secondary School Students' Learning in the Retaking Mathematics Course (E.-T. Chin, C.-Y. Chen, C.-Y. Liu, and C.-P. Lin); (26) Girls Excelled Boys in Learning Geometric Transformation Using Tessellations (S. Choi-Koh and H. Ko); (27) A National Survey of Young Children's Understanding of Basic Time Concepts (J. Chung and C.-C. Yang); (28) An Exploration of the Mathematical Literacy of Irish Student Primary School Teachers (D. Corcoran); (29) Mathematics Teachers' Knowledge and Practice (J. P. da Ponte and O. Chapman); (30) Psychological Aspects of Students Thinking at the Stage of Graphical Representation in the Process of Investigation of Functions (M. Dagan); (31) Formative Feedback and Mindful Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics (G. E. Davis and M. A. McGowen); (32) Mathematics Education in the South and Western Pacific (A. J. Dawson); (33) Teacher Meditation of Technology-Supported Graphing Activity (R. Deaney, S. Hennessy, and K. Ruthven); (34) A Categorization of Difficulties Encountered by 13-to-15-Year-Olds while Selecting Inverse Algebraic Operation (A. Demby); (35) "It's Infinity" (T. Dooley); (36) What Is to Be Known? (J.-P. Drouhard); (37) "The Most Normal Path" (M. Droujkova, S. Berenson, G. Mojica, K. Slaten, and H. Wilson); (38) Exploratory Mathematics Talk in Friendship Groups (J.-A. Edwards); (39) Conceptual Basis of Proof (L. D. Edwards); (40) In-Service Education under Market Conditions (L. R. Ejersbo); (41) Statements of Problems and Students' Choices between Linear or Non-Linear Models (C. Esteley, M. Villarreal, and H. Alagia); (42) Equity and Quality Mathematics Education (G. Frempong); (43) Is Sensitivity for the Complexity of Mathematics Teaching Measurable? (T. Fritzlar); (44) By Using the Outcome-Based Approach to Strengthen Students' Learning Capabilities (A. T.-F. Fung and K.-M. Leung); (45) Patterns of Students' Interactions while Doing Geometric Proofs in Groups (F. L. Gallos); (46) Dialogue: A Tool for Creating Mathematical Proof (S. Gholamazad); (47) Beginning Teachers in Mathematical Inquiry (B. Graves and C. Suurtamm); (48) Learning Trajectory of Fraction in Elementary Education Mathematics (S. Hadi); (49) Elementary Education Students' Affect towards and Advancement in Mathematics (M. S. Hannula, R. Kaasila, E. Pehkonen, and A. Laine); (50) Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers (B. Hartter and J. Olson); (51) Effectiveness of Video-Case Based Elementary Mathematics Teacher Training (R. Huang and J. Bao); (52) Improving Students' Level of Geometrical Thinking through Teacher's Regulating Roles (M. Imprasitha); (53) What's the Connection between Ears and Dice (I. Jan and M. Amit); (54) Tactile Perception in 3D Geometry (D. Jirotkova and G. Littler); (55) High Achieving Students' Conceptions of Limits (K. Juter); (56) Reading Visual Representations of Data with Kindergarten Children (S. Kafoussi); (57) Students' Use of Gestures to Support Mathematical Understandings in Geometry (L. H. Kahn); (58) Mathematical Abilities for Developing Understanding of Formal Proof (E. Kapetanas and T. Zachariades); (59) An Analysis of Connections between Errors and Prior Knowledge in Decimal Calculation (J. Kim, J. Pang, and K. Song); (60) Insights into Primary Teachers' Interpretations of Students' Written Answers in Mathematics (A. Klothou and H. Sakonidis); (61) The Role of Proof (S. Kmetic); (62) A Comparison of Mathematically Gifted and Non-Gifted Students in Intuitively Based, Probabilistic Misconception (E. S. Ko, B. H. Choi, and E. H. Lee); (63) Exploring Teaching and Learning of Letters in Algebra (A. Kullberg and U. Runesson); (64) Teaching Mathematics to Indigenous Students and Pupils from Multicultural Backgrounds (E. K. Lam); (65) Limitations of a Partitive Fraction Scheme in Developing Multiplicative Reasoning about Fractions (H. S. Lee); (66) Teachers' Reflection and Self-Assessment through the Use of a Videotape of Their Own Mathematics Instruction (S. Lee and J. Pang); (67) A Case Study on the Introducing Methods of the Irrational Numbers Based on the Freudenthal's Mathematising Instruction (Y. R. Lee); (68) A Case Study of an Elementary School Teacher's Professional Development on Mathematics Teaching in Context (Y.-C. Leu, C.-H. Hsu, and W.-L. Huang); (69) "But after All, We'll Need This for School" (N. Leufer and S. Prediger); (70) Developing Primary Students' Cognitive Skills through Interactive Mathematics Lessons (K.-M. Leung); (71) A Study on the Effects of Multiple Representation Curriculum on Fraction Number Learning Schemes for Fourth Grade Children (S.-K. S. Leung and I.-J. Wang); (72) Teachers' Knowledge about Definitions (E. Levenson and T. Dreyfus); (73) Supporting Teachers on Maintaining High-Level Instructional Tasks in Classroom by Using Research-Based Cases (P.-J. Lin); (74) Towards an Anti-Essentialist View of Technology in Mathematics Education (B. Lins and C. H. de Jesus Costa); (75) Comparing Teaching of Common Mathematical Tasks in Different Countries (G. Littler and M. Tzekaki); (76) New Approach of Neurocognition in Mathematical Education Research and further Implications (C. Liu, F.-L. Lin, and C.-N. Dai); (77) Reasoning and Generalizing about Functional Relationship in a Grade 2 Classroom (S. London McNab); (78) The MathematicalPerformances in Solving the Norming Problem (H.-L. Ma); (79) The Education of Reasoning (E. Macmillan); (80) The Effect of Rephrasing Word Problems on the Achievements of Arab Students in Mathematics (A. Mahajne and M. Amit); (81) An Approach to Eary Algebra Using Technology as an Enhancement (C. A. Maher and G. Gjone); (82) Teachers' Beliefs and Competencies of Creative Mathematical Activities (B. Maj); (83) Manipulative Representation (N. Mark-Zigdon and D. Tirosh); (84) Language, Power and Mathematics Learning (M. Mathye and M. Setati); (85) Children Learning as Participation in Web-Based Communities of Practice (J. F. Matos and M. Santos); (86) Recognizing Mathematical Competences (J. F. Matos, M. Santos, and M. Mesquita); (87) Mathematics Teachers' Preparation Program (A. S. Md. Yunus, R. Hamzah, H. Ismail, S. K. S. Hussain, and M. R. Ismail); (88) Mathematics Register Acquisition (T. Meaney); (89) Development of Spatial Abilities (H. Meissner); (90) An Encounter between Queer Theory and Mathematics Education (H. Mendick); (91) Establishing a Mathematics Learning Community in the Study of Mathematics for Teaching (J. Mgombelo and C. Buteau); (92) Talking Mathematics in a Second Language (H. Miranda); (93) Objects in Motion (I. Miranda, L. Radford, and J. G. Hernandez); (94) Researching the Appearance of Mathematical Argumentation (C. Misailidou); (95) Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Teaching of Quadrilaterals (I. A. C. Mok and M. Y. H. Park); (96) Out-of-School Experts in Mathematics Classes (J. Monaghan); (97) A Sequel to Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 2003, in Botswana (S. M. Montsho); (98) The Pattern and Structure Mathematics Awareness Project (PASMAP) (J. Mulligan and M. Mitchelmore); (99) Primary Pupils' Mathematics Achievement (C. Opolot-Okurut); (100) Images of Functions Defined in Pieces (R. Ovodenko and P. Tsamir); (101) A Comparative Analysis of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks of Korea and Singapore (J. Pang and H. Hwang); (102) Substitutions on Algebraic Statements, Based on Associations in Natural Reasoning (M. Panizza); (103) Virtual Learning Environments and Primary Teachers' Professional Development (M. C. Penalva-Martinez and C. Rey-Mas); (104) Cypriot Preservice Primary School Teachers' Subject-Matter Knowledge of Mathematics (M. Petrou); (105) Phenomenological Mathematics Teaching (P. Portaankorva-Koivisto); (106) Using the Debate to Educate Future Teachers of Mathematics (J. Proulx); (107) Surprise on the Way from Change of Length to Change of Area (N. Prusak, N. Hada, and R. Hershkowitz); (108) Discovering of Regularity (by 11-Years-Old Children) (M. Pytlak); (109) Using Manipulatives to Teach Students in College Developmental Math Classes about Fractions (S. L. Reynolds and E. B. Uptegrove); (110) Sixth Graders' Ability to Generalize Patterns in Algebra (F. Rivera and J. Rossi Becker); (111) Variety of Representational Environments in Early Geometry (F. Roubicek); (112) From Research on Using Problems Related to Functional Equations as Multifunctional Tools for Revealing Subject Mater Knowledge of Functions in Future Mathematics Teachers (M. Sajka); (113) Expert and Novice Primary Teachers' Intervening in Students' Mathematical Activity (H. Sakonidis, M. Kaldrimidou, and M. Tzekaki); (114) Examining Teachers' Reflections about Mathematics Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (V. M. Santos-Wagner); (115) Analyzing Students' Thought Process in Revealing Correspondence between Formulas and Geometrical Objects (P. Satianov and M. Dagan); (116) "No Need to Explain, We Had the Same" (K. Schreiber); (117) Characteristics of Malaysian Students' Understanding about Functions (S. A. Sh. Abdullah); (118) Mathematical Induction via Conceptual Representation (A. Sharif-Rasslan); (119) Exploring the Meanings of Events in Mathematics Classroom from Learners' Perspective (Y. Shimizu); (120) A Study on the Law of Large Numbers Instruction through Computer Simulation (B.-M. Shin and K.-H. Lee); (121) Mathematics Learning Quality for Gifted Junior High School Students in Taiwan (H.-Y. Shy, C.-H. Liang, and W.-M. Liang); (122) A Preservice Teacher's Growth in Subject Matter Knowledge while Planning a Trigonometry Lesson (K. M. Slaten); (123) Comparing Numbers: Counting-Based and Unit-Based Approaches (H. Slovin); (124) Mathematically Gifted 6th Grade Korean Students' Proof Level for a Geometric Problem (S Song, Y. Chong, J. Yim, and H. Chang); (125) Probability Reasoning Level of Gifted Students in Mathematics (S. Song, K. Lee, G. Na, and D. Han); (126) Analysis of Mathematically Gifted 5th and 6th Grade Students' Process of Solving "Straight Line Peg Puzzle" (S. Song, J. Yim, Y. Chong, and J. Kim); (127) Standard Mathematics Discourses of Developmental Algebra Undergraduates (S. K. Staats); (128) Novice Students, Experienced Mathematicians, and Advanced Mathematical Thinking Processes (E. Stadler); (129) The "Soil" of Extended Problems: The Cultural Background of the Chinese Mathematics Teaching Practice (X. Sun and N.-Y. Wong); (130) Immersion in Mathematical Inquiry: The Experiences of Beginning Teachers (C. Suurtamm and B. Graves); (131) The Whole Idea (S. Tobias); (132) The Teaching Modes (R. A. Tomas Ferreira); (133) Didactic Decisions (J. Trgalova and I. Lima); (134) Evaluating a Large-Scale National Program for Incorporating Computational Technologies to Mathematics Classrooms (M. Trigueros and A. I. Sacristan); (135) Symmetry: Equality or a Dynamic Transformation? (K. Tselepidis and C. Markopoulos); (136) Teaching Children to Count (F. Turner); (137) Student Conceptions and Textbook Messages (B. Ubuz); (138) Students' Errors in Transforming Terms and Equations (A. Ulovec and A. Tollay); (139) Mathematics with Technology (S. Ursini, G. Sanchez, and D. Santos); (140) Francisca Uses Decimal Numbers (M. E. Valedmoros Alvarez and E. F. Ledesma Ruiz); (141) Development of Numerical Estimation in Grade 1 to 3 (M. van Galen and P. Reitsma); (142) Mathematics Education and Neurosciences (MENS) (F. van Nex and T. Gebuis); (143) Symbolizing and Modeling to Promote a Flexible Use of the Minus Sign in Algebraic Operations (J. Vlassis); (144) An Analysis of Preservice Teachers' Estimation Strategies within the Context of Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (T. N. Volkova); (145) What Does It Mean to Interpret Students' Talk and Actions? (T. Wallach and R. Even); (146) The Research of Co-Teaching Math between Experienced and Preservice Teachers in Elementary School (J.-H. Wang); (147) The Influence of Teaching on Transforming Math Thinking (T.-Y. Wang and F.-J. Hsieh); (148) Searching for Common Ground (J. Watson, L. Webb, L. King, and P. Webb); (149) Are Beliefs and Practices Congruent or Disjoint? (L. Webb and P. Webb); (150) Working Memory and Children's Mathematics (M. Witt and S. Pickering); (151) Mathematics Education Reform in the United States (T. Wood); (152) A Modeling Perspective on Problem Solving in Students' Mathematics Project (F.-M. Yen and C.-K. Chang); and (153) Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Teachers' Mathematics-Related Beliefs (S.-Y. Yu and C.-K. Chang). Poster presentations include: (1) A Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Achievement and Attitudes of Male and Female Students in Botswana Secondary Schools (A. A. Adeyinka); (2) Logical-Mathematical Learning for Student with Down's Syndrome (R. M. Aguilar, A. Bruno, C. S. Gonzalez, V. Munoz, A. Noda, and L. Moreno); (3) The Math Fair as a Bridge between Mathematics and Mathematics Education, the University and Elementary or Junior High School (M. Beisiegel); (4) One Teaching Episode from a Learner's, an Observer's and a Teacher's Point of View (H. Binterova and J. Novotna); (5) A Framework for Studying Curricular Effects on Students' Learning (J. Cai and J. C. Moyer); (6) Preservice Elementary Teachers' Conceptual Understanding of Word Problems (O. Chapman); (7) Mathematics Education and School Failure (P.Chaviaris and S. Kafoussi); (8) Enhancing the Seventh Graders' Learning on Equality Axiom and Linear Equation through Inquiry-Oriented Teaching and Integrated Mathematics and Science Curriculum (K.-J. Chen, S.-Y. Yu, E.-T. Chin, and H.-L. Tuan); (9) To Conjecture the Staff Development Model of Mathematical Teacher According to Spark's Theory (Y.-T. Chen and S. Leou); (10) Discovery of Implementing Teaching by Discussion in Mathematics Classrooms (J. Chung); (11) Modeling Teachers' Questions in High School Mathematics Classes (S. Dalton, G. Davis, and S. Hegedus); (12) My Assistant, a Didactic Tool of Mathematics for Primary School Teachers (N. de Bengoechea-Olguin); (13) A Model to Interpret Teacher's Practices in Technology-Based Environment (N. C. Dedeoglu); (14) The Gnomon (P. Delikanlis); (15) The Teacher's Proactive Role in the Context of Word Problem Solving by Young Beginners in Algebra (I. Demonty); (16) Students' Geometrical Thinking Development at Grade 8 in Shanghai (L. Ding and K. Jones); (17) An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Learning to Teach Mathematical Writing (H. M. Doerr, K. Chandler-Olcott, and J. O. Masingila); (18) Multiplication Models (D. Droujkov and M. Droujkova); (19) Quantitative Grids and Cyclic Patterns (D. Droujkov and M. Droujkova); (20) Learners' Influence in Computer Environments (M. Droujkova nd D. Droujkov); (21) Alleviating Obstructions to Learning (D. Easdown); (22) Knowledge and Interpretation of Teachers to the School Content of Proportionality (H. Enriquez Ramirez and E. Jimenez de la Rosa Barrios); (23) Mathematical Flexibility in the Domain of School Trigonometry (C. Fi); (24) "Moving Fluidly among Worlds" (S. Gerofsky); (25) Making Practice Studyable (H. Ghousseini and L. Sleep); (26) Cognitive Roots for the Concept of Asymptote (V. Giraldo, M. Chaves, and E. Belfort); (27) Flemish and Spanish High School Students' Mathematics-Related Beliefs Systems (I. M. Gomez-Chacon, P. Op't Eynde, and E. De Corte); (28) Cube Nets (M.Hejny and D. Jirotkova); (29) From Word Notation of Relations between Constants and Unknown to Algebraic Notation (Pretest) (J. Herman); (30) Mathematics and Community Capacity Building (P. Howard and B. Perry); (31) A Study on the Mathematical Thinking in Learning Process (C.J.-Hsieh and F.-J. Hsieh); (32) A Case Study on Pre-Service Teachers Making Mathematical Model of Voronoi-Diagram (C.-T. Hu and T.-Y. Tso); (33) A Fast-Track Approach to Algebra for Adults (R. Hubbard); (34) The Validity of On-Screen Assessment of Mathematics (S. Hughes); (35) After Using Computer Algebra System, Change of Students' Rationales and Writing (I. K. Kim); (36) Using a Socrates' Method in a Course of Mathematics Education for Future Mathematics Teachers (N. H. Kim); (37) Beyond Visual Level (G. Kospentaris and T. Spirou); (38) Videopapers and Professional Development (T. Lima Costa and H. Nascentes Coelho); (39) Concurrent Calibration Design for Mathematics Learning Progress Investigation (C.-J. Lin, P.-H. Hung, and S. Lin); (40) Further Insights into the Proportion Reasoning and the Ratio Concept (C. Liu, F.-L. Lin, W. Kuo, and I.-L. Hou); (41) Coursework Patterns between Mathematics and Science among Secondary Students (X. Ma); (42) Beginning the Lesson (C. Mesiti and D. Clarke); (43) Development of Web Environment for Lower Secondary School Mathematics Teachers with 3D Dynamic Geometry Software (M. Miyazaki, H. Arai, K. Chino, F. Ogihara, Y. Oguchi, and T. Morozumi); (44) The Effect of the Teacher's Mode of Instruction inside Math Classrooms with a Computer (S. Mochon and M. E. F. Olvera); (45) Mathematics Education in Rural Schools (J. Mousley and G. Marks); (46) Mathematically Gifted Students' Conception of Infinity (G. Na and E. Lee); (47) A Good Moment in Time to Stop "Shying Away from the Nature of Our Subject"? (E. Nardi); (48) Toward Real Change through Virtual Communities (K. T. Nolan); (49) Powerful Ideas, Learning Stories and Early Childhood Mathematics (B. Perry, E.Harley, and S. Dockett); (50) Tracing the Development of Knowledge about Mathematics Teaching (C. Rey-Mas and C. Penalva-Martinez); (51) Preschool Children's Number Sense (L. de C. Ribeiro and A. G. Spinillo); (52) A First Approach to Students' Learning of Mathematical Contents (G. Sanchez-Matamoros and I. Escudero); (53) Young Children's Mathematics Education within a Philosophical Community of Inquiry (A. Sawyer); (54) Learning Mathematics in Austria (H. Schwetz and G. Benke); (55) The Influence of a Mathematician on His Students' Perceptions (A. Sharif-Rasslan); (56) Analysis on the Algebraic Generalization of Some Korean Mathematically Promising Elementary Students (S. Song, J. Yim, Y. Chong, and E. Park); (57) Students' Linguistic Strategies for Shared Authority in Undergraduate Algebra Discussions (S. Staats); (58) Contrasting Decimal Conceptions of Adult and School Students (K. Stacey and V. Steinle); (59) Mathematical Writing and the Development of Understanding (N. Stehlikova); (60) Enhancing Teachers' Professional Development through Developing Teaching Norms Based on Developing Classroom Learning Norms (W.-H. Tsai); (61) The Features in the Process of Mathematical Modeling with Dynamic Geometric Software (T.-Y. Tso); (62) Finding Instructive Characteristics of Picture Books that Support the Learning of Mathematics (S. van den Boogaard and M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen); (63) High School Course Pathways of High Achieving Girls (P. H. Wilson, G. F. Mojica, K. M. Slaten, and S. B. Berenson); (64) The Developmental Stages of Representations of Simple Regular Space Figures of Elementary School Students (D.-B. Wu, J.-L. Ma, and D.-C. Chen); (65) How to Assess Mathematical Thinking? (S. Yesildere and E. B. Turnuklu); and (66) Lasting Effects of a Professional Development Initiative (S. Zehetmeier). (Individual papers contain references.)


Language :
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Journal :
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Publication Type :
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Document Type :
Collected Works - Proceedings