- tlalocan5
- 2007 ieee 15th signal processing and communications applications1
- 2008 international conference on control, automation and systems1
- 2014 1st international conference on advanced technologies for signal and image processing (atsip)1
- 2014 joint 7th international conference on soft computing and intelligent systems (scis) and 15th international symposium on advanced intelligent systems (isis)1
- 2019 boston, massachusetts july 7- july 10, 20191
- 2019 ieee 4th advanced information technology, electronic and automation control conference (iaeac)1
- 2019 international joint conference on neural networks (ijcnn)1
- 2019 southern african universities power engineering conference/robotics and mechatronics/pattern recognition association of south africa (saupec/robmech/prasa)1