- 2015 ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr)2
- 1998 sixth international workshop on computational electronics. extended abstracts (cat. no.98ex116)1
- 1999 digest of the leos summer topical meetings: nanostructures and quantum dots/wdm components/vcsels and microcavaties/rf photonics for catv and hfc systems (cat. no.99th8455)1
- 2008 device research conference1
- 2010 ieee antennas and propagation society international symposium1
- 2010 proceedings - annual reliability and maintainability symposium (rams)1
- 2011 ieee nuclear science symposium conference record1
- 2011 xxxth ursi general assembly and scientific symposium1
- 2012 6th european conference on antennas and propagation (eucap)1