- runtime verification : 6th international conference, rv 2015, vienna, austria, september 22-25, 2015. proceedings3
- coordination control of distributed systems1
- economics of grids, clouds, systems, and services : 12th international conference, gecon 2015, cluj-napoca, romania, september 15-17, 2015, revised selected papers1
- formal aspects of component software : 18th international conference, facs 2022, virtual event, november 10-11, 2022, proceedings1
- formal methods: foundations and applications : 19th brazilian symposium, sbmf 2016, natal, brazil, november 23-25, 2016, proceedings1
- formalizing data-centric web services1
- heterogeneous data management, polystores, and analytics for healthcare : vldb workshops, poly 2020 and dmah 2020, virtual event, august 31 and september 4, 2020, revised selected papers1
- inverse problems and large-scale computations1
- leveraging applications of formal methods, verification and validation: discussion, dissemination, applications : 7th international symposium, isola 2016, imperial, corfu, greece, october 10-14, 2016, proceedings, part ii1