- blood135
- pediatric critical care medicine75
- lecture notes in computer science43
- advances in computing science - asian'99 : 5th asian computing science conference phuket, thailand, december 10-12,1999 proceedings41
- foundation of software technology and theoretical computer science : 14th conference madras, india, december 15-17, 1994 proceedings36
- foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science : 15th conference bangalore, india, december 18-20, 1995 proceedings35
- from model-driven design to resource management for distributed embedded systems28
- from model-driven design to resource management for distributed embedded systems : ifip tc 10 working conference on distributed and parallel embedded systems (dipes 2006), october 11-13, 2006, braga, portugal28
- formal modeling & analysis of timed systems (9783540754534)25