- cent finland hosp nova, dept oncol, jyvaskyla, finland.;docrates canc ctr, helsinki, finland.5
- departemnt of oncology, central hospital of central finland jyvaskyla finland;docrates hospital helsinki finland5
- department of genetics, fimlab laboratories tampere finland5
- department of genetics, huslab, hus diagnostic center helsinki university hospital helsinki finland;department of genetics university of helsinki helsinki finland5
- department of oncology haukeland university hospital bergen norway;department of clinical science university of bergen bergen norway5
- department of oncology helsinki university hospital helsinki finland;department of oncology university of helsinki helsinki finland5
- department of oncology kuopio university hospital kuopio finland;department of medicine university of eastern finland kuopio finland5
- department of oncology odense university hospital odense denmark;department of clinical research university of southern denmark odense denmark5
- department of oncology oulu university hospital oulu finland;department of oncology university of oulu oulu finland5