- uppsala universitet, materialteori10
- division of polymer and materials chemistry, lund university, lund, sweden6
- division of solid state physics, nanometer structure consortium, lund university, lund, sweden6
- division of synchrotron radiation research, lund university, lund, sweden6
- hogskolan i halmstad, tillampad matematik och fysik (mpe-lab)6
- london6
- voronezh state technical university, voronezh, russian federation6
- chinese acad sci, inst semicond, state key lab superlatt & microstruct, pob 912, beijing 100083, peoples r china.;univ chinese acad sci, ctr mat sci & optoelect engn, beijing 100190, peoples r china.5
- lund univ, div solid state phys, box 118, s-22100 lund, sweden.;lund univ, div chem phys, box 124, s-22100 lund, sweden5