This research work aims to develop a system that will analyze and identify students who indulge in malpractices/suspicious activities during the course of an academic offline examination. Automated Video Surveillance provides an optimal solution which helps in monitoring the students and identifying the malpractice event immediately. This work is organized into three modules. The first module deals with performing an impersonation check using a PCA-based face recognition method which is done by cross checking his profile with the database. The presence or absence of the student is even determined in this module by implementing an image registration technique wherein a grid is formed by considering all the images registered using the frontal camera at the determined positions. Second, detecting such facial malpractices in which a student gets involved in conversation with another, trying to obtain unauthorized information etc., based on the threshold range evaluated by considering his/her mouth state whether open or closed. The third module deals with identification of unauthorized material or gadgets used in the examination hall by training the positive samples of the object through various stages. Here, a top view camera feed is analyzed to detect the suspicious activities. The system automatically alerts the administration when any suspicious activities are identified, thereby reducing the error rate caused due to manual monitoring. This work is an improvement over our previous work published in identifying suspicious activities done by examinees in an offline examination., {"references":["A. Y. Abdul Kareem, A. T. Alabi, \"Curbing Examination Malpractice in the University system\", Nigerian Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2004.","Ahmad Salihu Ben-Musa, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Prateek Agrawal, \"Suspicious Human Activity Recognition for Video Surveillance System\", International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies, Research gate, 2015.","B. C. Amanze, C. C. Ononiwu, B. C. Nwoke, I. A. Amaefule, \"Video Surveillance And Monitoring System For Examination Malpractice In Tertiary Institutions\", International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, Vol. 5, January 2016, pp. 15560-15571.","Christian Bouvier, Alexandre Benoit, Alice Caplier, Pierre-Yves Coulon, \"Open or Closed Mouth State Detection: Static Supervised Classification Based on Log-polar Signature\", Springer, Vol. 5259, pp.1093-1102, 2008.","D. Gowsikhaa, Manjunath, S. Abirami, \"Suspicious Human Activity Detection from Surveillance Videos\", International Journal on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, Vol. 2, No: 2, 2012.","Ijaz Khan, Hadi Abdullah, Mohd Shamian Bin Zainal, \"Efficient Eyes and Mouth Detection Algorithm Using Combination of Viola Jones and Skin Color Pixel Detection\", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.3, No. 4, 2012.","Paul Viola, Michael J. Jones, \"Robust real Time Face Detection\", International Journal of Computer Vision 57(2), pp. 137–154, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.","Pravin Khandagale, Anant Chaudhari, Amol Ranawade, P. M. Mainkar, \"Automated Video Surveillance to detect suspicious Human Activity\", International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, pp. 13-128, 2013.","N. Rajesh, H. Saroja Devi, \"Emerging trends in video surveillance Applications\", International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, vol. 9, 2011.\n[10]\tRajkiran Gottumukkal, K. VijayanAsari, \"An improved face recognition technique based on modular PCA approach\", Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (2004), pp. 429–436, 2003.\n[11]\tG. Sandhya Devi, P. G. V. D. Prasad Reddy, G. Suvarna Kumar, Vijay Chaitanya, \"Multiple View Surveillance using Image Registration\", International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 93 – No. 2, 2014.\n[12]\tG. Sandhya Devi, P. G. V. D Prasad, G. Suvarna Kumar, V. Chaitanya, \"A Mono Master Shrug Matching Algorithm for Examination Surveillance\", I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 01, pp. 81-86 vol. 1, 2015."]}