- Author
Vincek, Petra and Balažic, Janez
- Subjects
archangel ,karner ,nadangel ,Cerkev ,sv. Mihael ,statue ,udc:75.04(043.2) ,kip ,Church ,Štajerska ,St. Michael ,Štajerska region ,charnel house - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi predstavljam kip svetega Mihaela na Štajerskem med sredino 15. in koncem 19. stoletja. V prvem delu naloge razčlenim pomen in kult svetega Mihaela. Mihael s svojim pomenom "KDO KAKOR BOG?" premaga Luciferja, zato ga Sveto pismo zaznamuje kot največjega vodnika nebeške vojske. Srednjeveška ikonografija je dala svetemu Mihaelu vlogo sodnika pri tehtanju duš pri poslednji sodbi. Zaradi svoje eshatološke narave postane zavetnik karnerjev, ki so bili postavljeni na pokopališčih, v zgornjem prostoru je bila kapela navadno posvečena sv. Mihaelu. Edina ohranjena kostnica na Štajerskem je v Jarenini. Če so kapeli povečali ladjo in dodali zvonik, je postala cerkev. Cerkve svetega Mihaela spadajo med najstarejše. V prvotnih časih pokristjanjevanja je Mihael nadomestek predkrščanskih božanstev. Cerkva, posvečenih svetemu Mihaelu, je danes na Štajerskem 14. V drugem delu naloge na terenskem delu zajamem večino Štajerske, dokumentiram 56 kipov svetega Mihaela in tri povzamem iz virov. Z deskriptivno metodo vključevanja interpretacije umetnostnega spomenika opišem Mihaelovo podobo, vključujem tehnične podatke, datacijo in atribucijo. Nadangelov pomen umestim v obdobja kot spomenik kulturni dediščini na Štajerskem. V gotiki je ohranjen edini arhitekturni sklepnik v Radmirju. V renesansi ni ohranjenih kipov svetega Mihaela , kar sovpada s celotnim kiparstvom na Štajerskem. Prav tako sovpada kvantiteta kipov v baroku, saj jih je takrat največ, njihova kakovost je na vrhuncu. Ob koncu 18. stoletja začne število kipov upadati. V 19. stoletju je bilo kljub neozaveščenosti cerkve in navadnega človeka ustvarjenih nekaj dobrih del v obliki kipa svetega Mihaela na Štajerskem. The thesis presents the statue of St Michael in the Slovenian region of Štajerska between the mid -15th century and the end of the 19th century. The first part of the thesis discusses the importance and the cult of St Michael. Michael - the literal translation of his name would be "Who is Like God?" - overcomes Satan and therefore the Holy Bible refers to him as the leader of the heavenly army. Medieval iconography gave St Michael the role of a weigher of souls at the Last Judgement. Due to his eshatological nature he became the patron saint of charnel houses which could be found in cemeteries where the upper room with the chapel was usually dedicated to St Michael. The only preserved charnel house (also known as an ossuary) in the region of Štajerska can be found in Jarenina. If the chapel's nave was enlarged and a bell tower added, it became a church. Churches dedicated to St Michael are among the oldest ones. In the early days of Christianisation St Michael represented a substitute for the pre - Christian deities. Today, there are 14 churches dedicated to St Michael in the Štajerska region. In the second part of the thesis a field study, which included most of the Štajerska region, was conducted 56 statues of St Michael were documented and three were described based on various sources. With the descriptive method of giving an interpretation of the artistic statue, a description of Michaels image is given but also technical data, dating and attribution. The thesis also takes a look at the periods in which the archangel was depicted in the form of a statue and its importance for the cultural heritage of Štajerska. The only preserved architectural boss from the Gothic period can be found in Radmirje. No statues of St Michael date from the Renaissance period and this applies to the entire region of Štajerska. In Štajerska, most statues were made during the Baroque period and their quality reached a peak during that time. At the end of the 18th century, the number of statues began to decline. Although there was a lack of awareness in the church and among ordinary people in the 19th century, a few good works in the form of a St Michael statue were created in the Štajerska region.
- Published
- 2016