Many of the tourism oriented strategies developed for economic development of the city or disadvantaged neighborhoods, and for reviving the region, turn intrinsic characteristics of the local communities into commodities. That brings along many problems concerning rights and identities. This study, therefore, attempts to reveal what kind of influences and dichotomies that a transformation brought about by tourism oriented urban development strategies might lead to on the part of neighborhood inhabitants. Accordingly, in order to find out how they perceive tourism development, and how they support tourism, a survey was carried out during November-December 2017, with the participation of inhabitants of ten neighborhoods preserving traditional identity of Amasya Province with significant roles with its historical, architectural, cultural and geographical contexts. Principal components analysis is applied to statistically measure structural validity of the scale. Non-parametric test methods Spearman’s Correlation, Mann Whitney, and Kruskal Wallis were used in the study. It was found that factors, which determine neighbourhood inhabitants’ support for tourism are respectively “influences of tourism oriented decisions,” “influences of tourism on economic and cultural environment,” “influences of tourism on physical and social environment,” and “influences of tourism on social interaction.” It was revealed that, influences of tourism on economic and cultural environment are positively perceived in general, and that the content of tourism oriented policies is substantially decisive in how tourism is supported. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Kentin yada dezavantajli mahallelerinin ekonomik gelismesi ve bolgenin yeniden canlandirilmasi amaciyla ortaya konulan turizm odakli stratejilerin pek cogu, yerel toplumlarin ozundeki pek cok ozelligi, alinip satilabilen ticari mallara donusturebilmektedir. Bu durum da haklar ve kimlikle ilgili pek cok problemi de beraberinde getirebilmektedir. Bu nedenle bu calismada turizm odakli kentsel gelisme stratejileri ile meydana gelen bir donusumun mahalle sakinleri uzerinde ne tur etkiler ve ikilemlere neden olabilecegi kavranmaya calisilmaktadir. Bu amacla tarihi, mimarisi, kulturel ve cografi baglamlari ile onemli roller ustlenen Amasya ilinin geleneksel mahalle kimligini koruyan on mahallesinde yasayanlara, turizm gelismesini nasil algiladiklarini ve turizme verdikleri destegi ortaya koyabilmek icin 2017 yili Kasim-Aralik tarihleri arasinda anket uygulanmistir. Olcegin yapi gecerligini istatistiksel olarak tespit etmek icin temel bilesenler analizi kullanilmaktadir. Calismada parametrik olmayan test tekniklerinden Spearman korelasyon, Mann Whitney, Kruskal Wallis testleri kullanilmistir. Yapilan degerlendirme sonucunda, mahalle sakinlerinin turizme verdikleri destegin belirlenmesinde etkili olan faktorlerin sirasiyla “turizm odakli kararlarin etkileri”, “turizmin ekonomik ve kulturel cevreye etkileri”, “turizmin fiziksel ve sosyal cevreye etkileri” ve “turizmin sosyal kaynasmaya etkileri” oldugu belirlenmektedir. Yapilan degerlendirme sonucunda genel olarak turizmin ekonomik ve kulturel cevre uzerindeki etkilerinin pozitif olarak algilandigi ve turizm odakli politikalarin iceriginin de turizm destegini onemli derecede belirledigi ortaya konulmaktadir.