1. Assessment of Allergies to Food and Additives in Patients with Angioedema, Burning Mouth Syndrome, Cheilitis, Gingivostomatitis, Oral Lichenoid Reactions, and Perioral Dermatitis
- Author
Domić, Iva, Budimir, Jozo, Novak, Ina, Mravak-Stipetić, Marinka, and Lugović-Mihić, Liborija
- Subjects
stomatognathic diseases ,Aditivi ,Alergija ,Hrana ,Oralne bolesti ,Perioralne bolesti ,Ubodni kožni test ,Epikutani test ,Koža ,Angioedem ,Additives ,Allergy ,Food ,Oral diseases ,Perioral diseases ,Skin prick test ,Patch test ,Skin ,Angioedema - Abstract
Oral cavity and perioral area are constantly exposed to a variety of antigens, including food and additives, which have a potential role in the development of different oral mucosal and perioral cutaneous diseases since they can cause hypersensitivity reactions. Oral and perioral diseases mainly include angioedema, burning mouth syndrome, cheilitis, gingivostomatitis, oral lichenoid reactions, and perioral dermatitis. Previous studies were focused on delayed-type oral allergies by performing patch testing but did not include tests for immediate-type allergic reactions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine common nutritive and additive allergens in the prevalent oral and perioral diseases by using skin prick tests. Our study evaluated 230 participants, i.e. 180 patients with oral/perioral diseases (angioedema, burning mouth syndrome, cheilitis, gingivostomatitis, oral lichenoid reactions, and perioral dermatitis), and 50 healthy control subjects. The results of skin prick tests showed that immediate-type allergic reactions to food and additives were mostly seen in patients with burning mouth syndrome (40%) and cheilitis (33.3%), whereas allergies were least frequently observed in perioral dermatitis (10%) and gingivostomatitis (20%). Fruits, mushrooms, and vegetables were the most frequent causes of nutritive allergies in oral and perioral diseases. The most commonly identified additive allergens were glutaraldehyde, citric acid, and sodium glutamate. Study results suggest the possible association with nutritive and additive allergies be considered in cases of persistent oral mucosal or perioral skin disease accompanied by respective medical history., Usna šupljina i perioralna regija izložene su različitim antigenima, osobito hrani i aditivima, koji imaju potencijalnu ulogu u razvoju različitih bolesti oralne sluznice i perioralne kože s obzirom na to da mogu potaknuti reakcije preosjetljivosti. Oralne i perioralne bolesti najčešće se manifestiraju kao angioedem, sindrom pekućih usta, heilitis, gingivostomatitis,oralne lihenoidne reakcije ili perioralni dermatitis. Dosadašnje studije usmjerile su se na istraživanje kasne alergijske preosjetljivosti kod bolesti oralne sluznice koristeći samo epikutane (patch) testove. Stoga je cilj našeg istraživanja bio odrediti najčešće nutritivne i aditivne alergene u oralnim i perioralnim bolestima primjenom kožnog ubodnog (prick) testa. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 230 ispitanika, tj. 180 bolesnika s oralnim/perioralnim bolestima (angioedem, sindrom pekućih usta, heilitis, gingivostomatitis, oralne lihenoidne reakcije i perioralni dermatitis) i 50 zdravih ispitanika. Rezultati kožnih ubodnih testova pokazali su da su alergijske reakcije rane preosjetljivosti na hranu i aditive najčešće uočene u bolesnika sa sindromom pekućih usta (40%) i heilitisom (33,3%), dok su najrjeđe opažene u bolesnika s gingivostomatitisom (20%) i perioralnim dermatitisom (10%). Najučestaliji uzrok nutritivnih alergijskih reakcija u oralnim i perioralnim bolestima bilo je različito voće, gljive i povrće, a najčešće identificirani aditivni alergeni bili su glutaraldehid, limunska kiselina i natrijev glutamat. Rezultati našeg istraživanja upućuju na to da kod ustrajnih bolesti oralne sluznice ili perioralne kože te značajnih povezanih anamnestičkih podataka treba razmotriti moguću povezanost s nutritivnim i aditivnim alergijama.
- Published
- 2021