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51. The arbitrariness and normativity of social conventions.

52. Values beyond value? Is anything beyond the logic of capital?

53. Unpicking sociology's misfortunes*.

54. The second modern condition? Compressed modernity as internalized reflexive cosmopolitization.

55. The intellectuals and capitalism.

56. Global generations: social change in the twentieth century.

57. Understanding generations: political economy and culture in an ageing society.

58. The new gender essentialism – domestic and family ‘choices’ and their relation to attitudes.

59. Between football and martyrdom: the bi-focal localism of an Arab-Palestinian town in Israel.

60. Notes to contributors.

61. Sociologists and subjectivity revisited.

62. Symbolic interactionism and the concept of power.

63. Smith'sSentiments(1759) and Wright'sPassions(1601): the beginnings of sociology.

64. The historical universal: the role of cultural value in the historical sociology of Pierre Bourdieu.

65. A new political arithmetic to make sociology useful? Comments on a debate.

66. Domestic equipment does not increase domestic work: a response to Bittman, Rice and Wajcman.

67. Signal crimes and signal disorders: notes on deviance as communicative action.

68. Consumption and its discontents: addiction, identity and the problems of freedom.

69. The sources of political orientations in post-industrial society: social class and education revisited.

70. A unified middle class or two middle classes? A comparison of career strategies and intergenerational mobility strategies between teachers and managers in contemporary Hong Kong.

71. Sociology and political arithmetic: some principles of a new policy science.

72. Making social science useful.

73. Policy and sociology.

74. Declining inequality? The changing impact of socio-economic background and ability on education in Australia.

75. Social capital and social exclusion in England and Wales (1972-1999).

76. Mythscapes: memory, mythology, and national identity.

77. Risk and panic in late modernity: implications of the converging sites of social anxiety.

78. Complexity and practical knowledge in the social sciences: a comment on Stehr and Grundmann.

79. The crisis of 'identity' in high modernity.

80. Critical realism and the dialectic.

81. Socio-political control in urban China: changes and crisis.

82. The authority of complexity.

83. Sociology and the public understanding of science: from rationalization to rhetoric.

84. Spencer is dead, long live Spencer: individualism, holism, and the problem of norms.

85. Market returns? Gender and theories of change in employment relations.

86. Social mobility and personal satisfaction: evidence from ten countries.

87. Rules, boundaries and the courts: Some problems in the neo-Durkheimian sociology of deviance.

88. Foucault, Foucauldians and sociology.

89. Is equality of opportunity a false ideal for society?

90. The idea of crisis in modern society.

91. Scientific community: formulations and critique of a sociological motif.

92. State, science and economy in traditional societies: some problems in Weberian sociology of science.

93. Problems of involvement and detachment in the writings of Norbert Elias.

94. Adam Ferguson and the theme of exploitation.

95. Overrating inequality and ignoring the difference: a reply to Mahon.

96. Appraising Goffman.

97. Max Weber: a monumental edition in the making.

98. Vertical mobility and class inheritance in the British Isles.

99. Zygmunt Bauman: Personal reflections within the mainstream of modernity.

100. Rational action theory for sociology.