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1. Mechanisms for the Advanced Asian Summer Monsoon Onset since the Mid-to-Late 1990s*.

2. An Investigation of the Initial Development of the Double-ITCZ Warm SST Biases in the CCSM.

3. What Caused the Observed Twentieth-Century Weakening of the Walker Circulation?

4. Eastern Equatorial Pacific Forcing of ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies.

5. The Tropical Atmospheric Energy Budget from the TRMM Perspective. Part II: Evaluating GCM Representations of the Sensitivity of Regional Energy and Water Cycles to the 1998–99 ENSO Cycle.

6. Variability in the Characteristics of Precipitation Systems in the Tropical Pacific. Part II: Implications for Atmospheric Heating.

7. Role of Tropical Clouds in Surface and Atmospheric Energy Budget.

8. Prediction Skill and Bias of Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2.

9. Low-Frequency Variability of Temperature in the Vicinity of the Equatorial Pacific Thermocline in SODA: Role of Equatorial Wave Dynamics and ENSO Asymmetry.

10. Atmospheric Origins of Variability in the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

11. On the Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulation in a Warming Climate.

12. Decadal Variations in the Relationship between the Western Pacific Subtropical High and Summer Heat Waves in East China.

13. The Dependence of Global Cloud and Lapse Rate Feedbacks on the Spatial Structure of Tropical Pacific Warming.

14. Time-Varying Response of ENSO-Induced Tropical Pacific Rainfall to Global Warming in CMIP5 Models. Part II: Intermodel Uncertainty.

15. Time-Varying Response of ENSO-Induced Tropical Pacific Rainfall to Global Warming in CMIP5 Models. Part I: Multimodel Ensemble Results.

16. CFSv2-Based Statistical Prediction for Seasonal Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) over the Western North Pacific.

17. Impact of Tropical Pacific Precipitation Anomaly on the East Asian Upper-Tropospheric Westerly Jet during the Boreal Winter.

18. Assessing the Twenty-First-Century Shift in ENSO Variability in Terms of the Bjerknes Stability Index*.

19. The Role of Air-Sea Coupling in Seasonal Prediction of Asia-Pacific Summer Monsoon Rainfall.

20. Changes in the Relationship between ENSO and Asia-Pacific Midlatitude Winter Atmospheric Circulation.

21. Does Knowing the Oceanic PDO Phase Help Predict the Atmospheric Anomalies in Subsequent Months?

22. Interdecadal Relationship between the Mean State and El Niño Types*.

23. Impact of Different ENSO Regimes on Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones.

24. Impacts of Different Types of El Niño on the East Asian Climate: Focus on ENSO Cycles.

25. Limitations of Seasonal Predictability for Summer Climate over East Asia and the Northwestern Pacific*.

26. The Effect of ENSO Events on the Tropical Pacific Mean Climate: Insights from an Analytical Model.

27. Season-Dependent Forecast Skill of the Leading Forced Atmospheric Circulation Pattern over the North Pacific and North American Region*.

28. Merging Seasonal Rainfall Forecasts from Multiple Statistical Models through Bayesian Model Averaging.

29. Evidence for Using Lagged Climate Indices to Forecast Australian Seasonal Rainfall.

30. Poleward Atmospheric Energy Transports and Their Variability as Evaluated from ECMWF Reanalysis Data.

31. 1997/98 El Niño-Induced Changes in Rainfall Vertical Structure in the East Pacific.

32. Roles of SST Anomalies on the Wintertime Turbulent Heat Fluxes in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence Region: Influences of Warm Eddies Detached from the Kuroshio Extension.

33. Pacific Shallow Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Warming Climate.

34. Equatorial Asymmetry of the East Pacific ITCZ: Observational Constraints on the Underlying Processes.

35. The Role of the Indonesian Throughflow on ENSO Dynamics in a Coupled Climate Model.

36. Convective Control of ENSO Simulated in MIROC.

37. Influence of Modes of Climate Variability on Global Precipitation Extremes.

38. Asymmetry in the Duration of El Niño and La Niña.

39. Large Multidecadal Salinity Trends near the Pacific–Antarctic Continental Margin.

40. Ocean Response to Wind Variations, Warm Water Volume, and Simple Models of ENSO in the Low-Frequency Approximation.

41. Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Divergence Response to High Rainfall Events in the Tropics: Observations and Models.

42. Subtropics-Related Interannual Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Central Equatorial Pacific.

43. Decadal Prediction in the Pacific Region.

44. The Source of the Midwinter Suppression in Storminess over the North Pacific.

45. Causes of the El Niño and La Niña Amplitude Asymmetry in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific.

46. Joint Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Sea Surface Temperatures and Global Palmer Drought Severity Index Values.

47. Response of ENSO and the Mean State of the Tropical Pacific to Extratropical Cooling and Warming: A Study Using the IAP Coupled Model.

48. Assessing General Circulation Model Simulations of Atmospheric Teleconnection Patterns.

49. A Lagged Warm Event–Like Response to Peaks in Solar Forcing in the Pacific Region.

50. The Role of SST in the East Pacific Warm Pool in the Interannual Variability of Central American Rainfall.