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1. Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet on Blocking in Idealized Simulations.

2. Improving Short-Term, Near-Surface Temperature Forecasts by Integrating Weather Pattern Information into Model Output Statistics.

3. The Relationships between the Winter Circulation Regimes and the Northern Hemisphere 45-Day Oscillation: A Combined Regime–Oscillation Framework.

4. Disentangling North Atlantic Ocean–Atmosphere Coupling Using Circulation Analogs.

5. A Global Perspective on the Upper Branch of the Hadley Cell.

6. The Bjerknes' Circulation Theorem: A Historical Perspective.

7. How Do Different Processes Shape Temperature Probability Distributions? A Percentile-Averaged Temperature Tendency Decomposition.

8. Does More Moisture in the Atmosphere Lead to More Intense Rains?

9. Diurnal Cycle Dependence of ENSO Influence on the Winter Surface Air Temperature in Southeastern China.

10. Environmental Control of Wind Response to Sea Surface Temperature Patterns in Reanalysis Dataset.

11. Using Model Cloud Information to Reassign Low-Level Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the ECMWF Assimilation System.

12. The ERA5 Extreme Seasons Explorer as a Basis for Research at the Weather and Climate Interface.

13. Disentangling the Driving Mechanisms of the Tripole Mode of Summer Rainfall over Eastern China.

14. The Secrets of the Best Rainbows on Earth.

15. The Arctic Surface Heating Efficiency of Tropospheric Energy Flux Events.

16. Observed Evolution of the Tropical Atmospheric Water Cycle with Sea Surface Temperature.

17. Simple Spectral Models for Atmospheric Radiative Cooling.

18. The Sensitivity of Superrotation to the Latitude of Baroclinic Forcing in a Terrestrial Dry Dynamical Core.

19. Simulations of Polarimetric, X-Band Radar Signatures in Supercells. Part I: Description of Experiment and Simulated ρhv Rings.

20. North Atlantic Footprint of Summer Greenland Ice Sheet Melting on Interannual to Interdecadal Time Scales: A Greenland Blocking Perspective.

21. Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over the Indo-China Peninsula and ENSO.

22. The Role of the Divergent Circulation for Large-Scale Eddy Momentum Transport in the Tropics. Part II: Dynamical Determinants of the Momentum Flux.

23. Large-Eddy Simulations and Damped-Oscillator Models of the Unsteady Ekman Boundary Layer*.

24. Is Condensation-Induced Atmospheric Dynamics a New Theory of the Origin of the Winds?.

25. ENSO Effects on Annual Variations of Summer Precipitation Stable Isotopes in Lhasa, Southern Tibetan Plateau.

26. A Unified Representation of Deep Moist Convection in Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere. Part II.

27. Charney Problem with a Generic Stratosphere.

28. Seasonal Variation of the Westerly Jet over Asia in the Last Glacial Maximum: Role of the Tibetan Plateau Heating.

29. Interpreting and Stabilizing Machine-Learning Parametrizations of Convection.

30. Simulations of Polarimetric, X-Band Radar Signatures in Supercells. Part II: ZDR Columns and Rings and KDP Columns.

31. Correcting Biased Observation Model Error in Data Assimilation.

32. Enriched Analyses with Assimilation of SALLJEX Data.

33. Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation of the Bay of Bengal–East Asia–Pacific Teleconnection in Boreal Summer.

34. Predicting Daily Mean Wind Speed in Europe Weeks ahead from MJO Status.

35. The Effect of the Madden–Julian Oscillation on the North Atlantic Oscillation Using Idealized Numerical Experiments.

36. Portraying the Impact of the Tibetan Plateau on Global Climate.

37. A Causality-Based View of the Interaction between Synoptic- and Planetary-Scale Atmospheric Disturbances.

38. The Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Model (OLAM). Part I: Shallow-Water Tests.

39. Empirical Master Equations. Part I: Numerical Properties.

40. The Mysteries of Mammatus Clouds: Observations and Formation Mechanisms.

41. Clustering Methods for Statistical Downscaling in Short-Range Weather Forecasts.

42. Trends in the Southern Annular Mode from Observations and Reanalyses.

43. Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Tropospheric Temperature Trends to the Diurnal Cycle Adjustment.

44. The Double Peak in Upwelling and Heating in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere.

45. Impacts of Local and Remote SST Warming on Summer Circulation Changes in the Western North Pacific.

46. Impact of Summer North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Tripole on Precipitation over Mid–High-Latitude Eurasia.

47. Present Climate and Future Changes in the Annual Cycle of TC Activity in the WNP Investigated by HighResMIP GCMs.

48. Diagnosis of Atmospheric Processes from a Local Perspective for the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon Onset.

49. Rising Extreme Meltwater Trends in Greenland Ice Sheet (1950–2022): Surface Energy Balance and Large-Scale Circulation Changes.

50. Understanding Observed Precipitation Change and the New Climate Normal from the Perspective of Daily Weather Types in the Southeast United States.