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101. Primary School Teachers’ Assessment Profiles in Mathematics Education.

102. Estimating the Delay between Host Infection and Disease (Incubation Period) and Assessing Its Significance to the Epidemiology of Plant Diseases.

103. A Novel In Vivo Vascular Imaging Approach for Hierarchical Quantification of Vasculature Using Contrast Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography.

104. Electro-Acoustic Behavior of the Mitotic Spindle: A Semi-Classical Coarse-Grained Model.

105. Economic Support to Patients in HIV and TB Grants in Rounds 7 and 10 from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

106. Improving Ambulatory Saliva-Sampling Compliance in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Study.

107. Twitter: A Good Place to Detect Health Conditions.

108. Determinants of Public Attitudes to Genetically Modified Salmon.

109. Canadians’ Perceptions of Food, Diet, and Health – A National Survey.

110. Hip Arthrodesis with the Anterolateral Plate: An Innovating Technique for an Orphaned Procedure.

111. Fully Automated Segmentation of the Pons and Midbrain Using Human T1 MR Brain Images.

112. Identification of Critical Regions and Candidate Genes for Cardiovascular Malformations and Cardiomyopathy Associated with Deletions of Chromosome 1p36.

113. Systematic Review of the Properties of Tools Used to Measure Outcomes in Anxiety Intervention Studies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

114. Childhood Adversity Accelerates Intended Reproductive Timing in Adolescent Girls without Increasing Interest in Infants.

115. Predicting Active Users' Personality Based on Micro-Blogging Behaviors.

116. Optimized Strategy for the Control and Prevention of Newly Emerging Influenza Revealed by the Spread Dynamics Model.

117. A Taxonomic Signature of Obesity in the Microbiome? Getting to the Guts of the Matter.

118. Refractory Period Modulates the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Cortical Spreading Depression: A Computational Study.

119. A Study of Early Afterdepolarizations in a Model for Human Ventricular Tissue.

120. A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Salt Reduction Policies to Reduce Coronary Heart Disease in Four Eastern Mediterranean Countries.

121. An Evidence-Based Combining Classifier for Brain Signal Analysis.

122. Gambogenic Acid Kills Lung Cancer Cells through Aberrant Autophagy.

123. The Effect of the G1 - S transition Checkpoint on an Age Structured Cell Cycle Model.

124. Hierarchical Interactions Model for Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Conversion.

125. A Model of Two-Way Selection System for Human Behavior.

126. Costs of Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding at Community Level in Three Sites in South Africa.

127. Knowledge-Guided Robust MRI Brain Extraction for Diverse Large-Scale Neuroimaging Studies on Humans and Non-Human Primates.

128. The Changing Epidemiology of Murray Valley Encephalitis in Australia: The 2011 Outbreak and a Review of the Literature.

129. A More Desirable Balanced Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Composition Achieved by Heterologous Expression of Δ15/Δ4 Desaturases in Mammalian Cells.

130. Network Evolution Induced by Asynchronous Stimuli through Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity.

131. Dual-Force ISOMAP: A New Relevance Feedback Method for Medical Image Retrieval.

132. Metformin as an Adjuvant Drug against Pediatric Sarcomas: Hypoxia Limits Therapeutic Effects of the Drug.

133. Lattice Model for Influenza Spreading with Spontaneous Behavioral Changes.

134. Statistical Inference for Hardy-Weinberg Proportions in the Presence of Missing Genotype Information.

135. Sensitivity of the Breastfeeding Motivational Measurement Scale: A Known Group Analysis of First Time Mothers.

136. Vehicle Scheduling Schemes for Commercial and Emergency Logistics Integration.

137. Circulating Mitochondrial DNA in Patients in the ICU as a Marker of Mortality: Derivation and Validation.

138. NESSTI: Norms for Environmental Sound Stimuli.

139. Publication Pressure and Burn Out among Dutch Medical Professors: A Nationwide Survey.

140. Estimating a Markovian Epidemic Model Using Household Serial Interval Data from the Early Phase of an Epidemic.

141. Modelling of Usual Nutrient Intakes: Potential Impact of the Choices Programme on Nutrient Intakes in Young Dutch Adults.

142. Cluster-Based Statistics for Brain Connectivity in Correlation with Behavioral Measures.

143. Indirect Estimation of the Comparative Treatment Effect in Pharmacogenomic Subgroups.

144. Characterizing Alzheimer’s Disease Severity via Resting-Awake EEG Amplitude Modulation Analysis.

145. iGPCR-Drug: A Web Server for Predicting Interaction between GPCRs and Drugs in Cellular Networking.

146. A Global Airport-Based Risk Model for the Spread of Dengue Infection via the Air Transport Network.

147. HIV Testing and Tolerance to Gender Based Violence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Zambia.

148. Relationships of Disability with Age Among Adults Aged 50 to 85: Evidence from the United States, England and Continental Europe.

149. A Novel Approach to Quantify Time Series Differences of Gait Data Using Attractor Attributes.

150. Walking, Cycling and Driving to Work in the English and Welsh 2011 Census: Trends, Socio-Economic Patterning and Relevance to Travel Behaviour in General.