
Showing total 2,346 results
2,346 results

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1. Quality Education through Writing: Aligning Learning Objectives in Learning Materials and Question Papers Using Bloom's Taxonomy

2. A Case for For-Profit Private Higher Education in India. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.8.2022

3. Teachers and Beyond: A Mapping of Prominent Education Workforce Tools and Frameworks. Working Paper

4. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers and Selected Papers on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology Presented Online and On-Site during the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (45th, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2022). Volumes 1 and 2

5. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES) (Denver, Colorado, April 13-16, 2023). Volume 1

6. Death of Vernaculars and Language Hegemony: An Ethnography of the Higher Education Sector in 21st Century India

7. Catching up on Lost Learning Opportunities: Research and Policy Evidence on Key Learning Recovery Strategies. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 292

8. The Challenges of Scaling up Effective Child-Rearing Practices Using Technology in Developing Settings: Experimental Evidence from India. EdWorkingPaper No. 24-964

9. A Retrospective Audit (Paper A) and the Effects of Educational Intervention (Paper B) on Attitudes towards Inclusive Education in School Teachers

10. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. A World Bank Policy Approach Paper

11. Digital Assessment: Impact on Student Motivation, Peer Learning, Group Dynamics

12. Study of Use of an Additional Reading Material in SWAYAM MOOC Platform in India and Need of Learner Centric Personalized Adaptive Real-Time Reading Material in MOOCs

13. Bibliometric Analysis of Environmental Literacy in Sustainable Development: A Comprehensive Review Based on Scopus Data from 2013 to 2023

14. India's Policy on Early Childhood Education: Lessons for a Gender-Transformative Early Childhood in India. Echidna Global Scholars Program, Policy Paper

15. The Spillovers of Employment Guarantee Programs on Child Labor and Education. Policy Research Working Paper 9106

16. Unravelling the Interplay between Competencies, Career Preparedness, and Perceived Employability among Postgraduate Students: A Structural Model Analysis

17. Teacher and Learner Well-Being in Collaborative Classroom Research

18. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

19. Implementation of New Education Policy in India and the Prospects of Transformational Female Leadership in Indian Higher Education

20. Adaptive Approaches of Primary School Teachers Facilitating Environmental Studies

21. Sanctity of Digital Privacy and Personal Data during COVID-19: Are Youths Enough Digitally Literate to Deal with It?

22. Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a 'Zero Waste' Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8

23. The Social Principle of Inclusive Education and Addressing Diversity in Indian Schools: An Appraisal of Post-Salamanca Initiatives in India

24. Reviews of Literature on Accreditation and Quality Assurance

25. Literacy in Indian Akshara and Other Transparent Orthographic Languages -- Teacher Education Considerations

26. Reforming Early Childhood Education Programs in Rural Areas of India: Equity in Preschool Education

27. Giving Girls Wings to Fly: Tools to Empower Adolescent Girls in Rural Communities in India. Echidna Global Scholars Program, Working Paper

28. Early Mathematics Counts: Promising Instructional Strategies from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0055-1807

29. Mahaul and Mazboori: Educational Aspirations and Realities of Dalit Youth in Delhi

30. Evaluating and Reframing Vocational Education and Training for Refugees: Insights from Five Refugee Groups across Three Cities of India

31. Strategies for Maintaining Academic Integrity in Remote Unproctored and Proctored Online Assessments for Engineering Courses

32. Investigating the Interplay of Epistemological and Positional Framing during Collaborative Uncertainty Management

33. EdTech Applications and Their Adoption in Indian Education Sector--A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review

34. Tracing the Legacy of Peace Leadership from an Asian Perspective: Mahatma Gandhi, Dalai Lama, and Thich Nhat Hanh

35. Mapping of School Teachers' Digital Competency in the Context of Digital Infrastructure: A Systematic Review and Empirical Study of India

36. Gender, Identity and Higher Education: Young Meena Women in Rajasthan, India

37. Building Sustainable and Decent Refugee Livelihoods through Adult Education? Interplay between Policies and Realities of Five Refugee Groups

38. Language, Communication, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Criticality of Multi-Lingual Education

39. Knowledge and (Un)Certainty in Climate Change Education in India

40. A Comparative Analysis of Academic Freedom within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India and the USA

41. Gender Microaggression Praxis: A Study of Implicit Prejudice Faced by Afghan Male Students in Universities in Delhi

42. Analyzing the Use of Social Media in Education: A Bibliometric Review of Research Publications

43. Street-Connectedness through a COVID-19 Lens: Exploring Media Representations of Street-Connected Children to Understand Their Societal Positionality

44. International Schools and De-Globalisation: Exploring the Tensions during the COVID-19 Crisis

45. Managing Racial Integration in BRICS Higher Education Institutions

46. Teaching Internationally, Learning Collaboratively: Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy and Metaliteracy (IPILM)

47. Identification of Misconceptions about the Human Digestive System Using Concept Maps among Higher Secondary Students

48. Towards Development of a System for Automatic Assessment of the Quality of a Question Paper

49. What Perceptions Do Children Involved in an Active School Partnership with a School in India Have of the Country? Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning. Practitioner Research Fund Paper 1

50. MOOCs in India: An Investigation about Reasons, Motivations and Valued MOOCs for Indian Students