57 results on '"Tuyen"'
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2. A fuzzy adaptive sliding mode controller for uncertain nonlinear multi motor systems
- Author
Tinh Tran Xuan, Thanh Pham Tuan, Tuyen Tran Van, Tien Nguyen Van, and Nam Dao Phuong
- Subjects
Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Multi-motor drive systems are nonlinear, multi-input multi-output (MIMO) and strong-coupling complicated system, including the effect of friction and elastic, backlash. They have been widely used in many modern industries. The control law for this dive system much depend on the determining of the tension being hard to obtain this tension in practice based on a load cell or a pressure meter due to the accuracy of sensors or external disturbance. An emerging proposed technique in the control law is the use of adaptive sliding mode control scheme to stabilize closed system. However, the control system would be affected by chattering phenomenon. In order to eliminate this term, fuzzy technique is proposed by adjusting equivalent coefficients. The theory analysis and simulation results point out the good performance of the proposed fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control for the drive system.
- Published
- 2018
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3. Functional Properties of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Skin Collagen Hydrolysate Fraction Obtained By Ultrafiltration Purification.
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Hydrolyzed collagen with different fractions is broadly applied in various industries due to its functional properties. Thestudyaimedto purify and fractionate the hydrolyzed collagen from yellowfin tuna skin by ultrafiltration and evaluate the functional propertiesof its fractions. The effect of temperature, pH, and pressure on membrane flux, nitrogen recovery efficiency, and degree of separation was investigated.2 Afterward, several functional properties of hydrolyzed collagen fractions including solubility, emulsification, foaming, and antioxidant properties were evaluated. The optimum ultrafiltration conditions for hydrolyzed collagen were temperature 25°C, pH 6.5 and pressure 12psi provided optimum membrane flux (3.4 L/m2.h) and nitrogen recovery efficiency (80.81%), and the smallest degree of separation (27.45%). The products after ultrafiltration were separated into two fractions, F2 (< 3 kDa), and F1 (3-5 kDa), with the volume of 90% and 10%, respectively. Both hydrolyzed collagen fractions were more than 96% soluble at pH below 8.0, where the F2 fraction dissolved better than F1. As pH was higher than 8.0, both fractions were almost completely dissolved. In addition, the emulsifying and foaming abilities of the F1 fraction were better than the F2. However, the F2 fraction was more resistant to oxidation with higher antioxidant activity. In conclusion, this research indicates that different fractions from hydrolyzed collagen from yellowfin tuna skin have various functional properties that could be applied in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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4. ''Ne met pas de l’huile qui veut' : retour aux origines du métier de prestataire de services logistiques', Chapitre 27, in Gilles PACHÉ (Coordonné par). Collection 'Droits, pouvoirs et sociétés'.[Ouvrage labellisé FNEGE en 2018 par le « Collège de Labellisation des Ouvrages de Management – Catégorie Ouvrage de Recherche Collectif »]
- Author
FULCONIS, François, Paché, Gilles, Duong, Huu Tuyen, Centre de Recherche sur le Transport et la Logistique (CRET-LOG), Aix Marseille Université (AMU), Avignon Université (AU), Laboratoire Biens, Normes, Contrats (LBNC), and PUAM - Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille
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Métier ,JEL: D - Microeconomics ,JEL: M - Business Administration and Business Economics • Marketing • Accounting • Personnel Economics ,Supply chain management (SCM) ,JEL: R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics ,Logistique ,JEL: L - Industrial Organization ,Management logistique ,Stratégie ,Externalisation logistique (Outsourcing) ,Compétences ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,Prestataires de services logistiques (PSL) ,JEL: A - General Economics and Teaching ,JEL: P - Economic Systems - Abstract
International audience; Voilà un titre surprenant pour un chapitre d’ouvrage publié par des presses universitaires réputées, alors que la tendance des publications dans le monde académique est plutôt au conformisme et au politiquement correct. Et pourtant ! Oui, « et pourtant » n’est-ce pas en ayant un regard décalé par rapport à celui de ses contemporains, en cherchant à voir autrement la « réalité » du moment tout en essayant d’imaginer celle qui caractérisera le contexte de « demain », que l’éminent professeur Jacques Colin fut un visionnaire hors pair (et parfois hors pairs) ? Depuis les années 1970, il n’a eu de cesse de donner à voir, non seulement la dimension stratégique de la logistique, mais il a su aussi convaincre avec beaucoup de pugnacité la communauté universitaire et bien au-delà (responsables au sein de notre Ministère de tutelle, responsables socio-économiques, responsables politiques, etc.) que la logistique était un métier singulier conditionnant l’efficience et l’efficacité de bon nombre d’entreprises et une source d’emplois prometteuse. Mais au fait, la logistique, qu’est-ce donc ? De quoi parle-t-on ? On la trouve aujourd’hui à toutes les « sauces », associée à toutes sortes de qualificatifs. Elle est à la fois opérationnelle, tactique et stratégique, industrielle et des services, de production et de distribution, amont et aval, intégrée et globale, hospitalière et humanitaire, urbaine et internationale, des retours et inversée, polluante et green, linéaire et circulaire, peer-to-peer et business, crowd et open, ou encore sportive, forestière, pétrolière, événementielle, etc.Alors… la logistique ? Oui, la logistique. Ce « truc » que l’on ne voit pas. Existe-elle vraiment au fait ? Allez savoir. Interrogé sur ce point à l’occasion de la récente sortie de l’ouvrage sur Les grands auteurs en logistique et supply chain management (Lavastre et al., 2016), le professeur Jacques Colin donna une réponse on ne peut plus imagée aux membres du laboratoire CRET-LOG en déclarant avec une pointe d’humour : « la logistique, c’est comme de l’huile dans un moteur, l’huile ne crée pas d’énergie, mais sans elle le moteur chauffe, se grippe et puis il finit par casser ». Face à une telle évidence, comment nier son existence ? Impossible désormais. Aussi, peut-on aisément en déduire que si la logistique est si incontournable que cela, tant pour les performances des entreprises que pour l’économie de marché, elle doit certainement faire appel à des compétences particulières. Dès lors… si on en faisait un métier à part entière ? C’est ce que ce chapitre s’efforce de mettre en lumière en revenant, dans un premier temps, sur l’externalisation logistique, véritable démarche stratégique aux origines du métier de prestataires de services logistiques (PSL). Dans un second temps, en tant qu’acteur qui se positionne à l’interface entre industriels, distributeurs et consommateurs, le PSL y est présenté comme un objet d’étude à part entière.
- Published
- 2017
5. Comportement en temps long des solutions de quelques équations de Hamilton-Jacobi du premier et second ordre, locales et non-locales, dans des cas non-périodiques
- Author
Nguyen, Thi-Tuyen, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes (IRMAR), AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes 2 (UR2), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-École normale supérieure - Rennes (ENS Rennes)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Rennes (INSA Rennes), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Université Rennes 1, Olivier Ley, and Emmanuel Chasseigne
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Équations de Hamilton-Jacobi locales et non-Locales ,Comportement asymptotique ,Regularity of solutions ,Problème ergodique ,Ergodic problem ,Opérateur de Ornstein-Uhlenbeck ,Régularité des solutions ,Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator ,Viscosity solutions ,[MATH.MATH-AP]Mathematics [math]/Analysis of PDEs [math.AP] ,Local and nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi equations ,Long time behavior ,Principe du maximum fort ,Solutions de viscosité ,Strong maximum principle - Abstract
The main aim of this thesis is to study large time behavior of unbounded solutions of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations in RN in presence of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck drift. We also consider the same issue for a first order Hamilton-Jacobi equation. In the first case, which is the core of the thesis, we generalize the results obtained by Fujita, Ishii and Loreti (2006) in several directions. The first one is to consider more general operators. We first replace the Laplacian by a general diffusion matrix and then consider a non-local integro-differential operator of fractional Laplacian type. The second kind of extension is to deal with more general Hamiltonians which are merely sublinear.; La motivation principale de cette thèse est l'étude du comportement en temps grand des solutions non-bornées d'équations de Hamilton-Jacobi visqueuses dans RN en présence d'un terme d'Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. Nous considérons la même question dans le cas d'une équation de Hamilton-Jacobi du premier ordre. Dans le premier cas, qui constitue le cœur de la thèse, nous généralisons les résultats de Fujita, Ishii et Loreti (2006) dans plusieurs directions. La première est de considérer des opérateurs de diffusion plus généraux en remplaçant le Laplacien par une matrice de diffusion quelconque. Nous considérons ensuite des opérateurs non-locaux intégro-différentiels de type Laplacien fractionnaire. Le second type d'extension concerne le Hamiltonien qui peut dépendre de x et est seulement supposé sous-linéaire par rapport au gradient.
- Published
- 2016
6. Antenne miniature UHF pour tag RFID spécial
- Author
Pham, Tuyen, Laboratoire d'Electronique, Antennes et Télécommunications (LEAT), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), and Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
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[SPI.ELEC]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Electromagnetism - Abstract
Master 2 Systèmes de Télécommunications (Univ. Rennes 1)
- Published
- 2016
7. Explicit modeling of fire induced spalling of concrete : a thermo-hydro-mechanical approach with evolving boundary conditions
- Author
Phan, Minh Tuyen, Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle (MSME), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)-Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), Université Paris-Est, and Fekri Meftah
- Subjects
Spalling ,[SPI.OTHER]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Other ,Modélisation éléments finis ,Thermo-hydro-mechanics ,Écaillage ,Incendie ,Béton ,Detachment-buckling criterion ,Thermo-hydro-mécanique ,Finite element modeling ,Fire ,Critère flambement-détachement ,Concrete - Abstract
In the recent years, there were major tunnels fires which caused fatalities and severe traffic restrictions. In such extreme conditions (temperatures exceeding 1200 °C for considerable time spans), pore pressure build-up, restrained thermal dilatation, cement paste to aggregate incompatibility, dehydration... are some main degradation mechanisms of concrete that may cause its thermal spalling. Progressive concrete spalling occurring during a fire presents as the breakdown of surface layers which flake into small pebble-like pieces. Then, the resistant section of the structure reduces which may lead to its premature failure.In this thesis, a THM finite element model is enriched with a detachment-buckling type criterion for progressive spalling. The thermo-hygral part of the THM model is based on the three fluid approach for partially saturated porous media. The mechanical part is derived within the framework of thermo-poro-mechanics coupled to damage and softening plasticity.The adopted modeling of spalling leads to a problem with evolving boundary and boundary conditions. A suitable numerical solution strategy without remeshing is then developed in order to transfer properly the THM boundary conditions simultaneously with spalling occurrence.The efficiency of the model THM-Spalling is illustrated by some numerical examples and by parametric studies. These studies identify the influence, on spalling, of size variation of spalling flakes, the average spalling velocity and uncertainties on different material parameters. Confrontation with experimental tests shows satisfactory capacity of the THM-Spalling model in reproducing qualitatively the occurrence of spalling; Dans les dernières années, les incendies majeurs dans les tunnels ont causé des dommages importants. Dans ces conditions extrêmes (la température dépasse rapidement 1200 °C), l'augmentation de pression dans les pores, la dilatation thermique empêchée, l'incompatibilité de dilatation thermique entre la pâte du ciment et des granulats, la déshydratation ... sont des principaux mécanismes de dégradation qui peuvent être à l'origine de l'écaillage. L'écaillage progressif pendant l'incendie se manifeste par le détachement de la surface du béton par petits morceaux réduisant ainsi la section résistante et pouvant conduire à une rupture prématurée de la structure. Dans cette thèse, un modèle éléments finis THM est enrichi par un modèle d'écaillage progressif en proposant un critère d'écaillage de type détachement-flambement. La partie thermo-hydrique du modèle THM est basée sur l'approche à trois fluides en milieux partiellement saturés. Le comportement mécanique est développé dans le cadre d'une approche thermo-poro-mécanique couplée à l'endommagement et à la plasticité adoucissante. Cette modélisation de l'écaillage conduit à un problème avec frontière et conditions aux limites évolutives. Une stratégie de résolution numérique sans remaillage a été développée pour transférer les conditions aux limites THM simultanément avec l'occurrence de l'écaillage. L'implémentation du modèle dans le code aux éléments finis CESAR-LCPC a permis de procéder à différentes études paramétriques et à des confrontations avec des essais pour évaluer les capacités opérationnelles du modèle à décrire l'occurrence de l'écaillage et identifier les paramètres majeurs qui la contrôlent
- Published
- 2012
8. Effect of ruminant species on the nutritive value of roughages in Vietnam
- Author
Le, Oanh T., Vu, Cuong C., and Dinh, Tuyen V.
- Published
- 2012
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9. Apport de la surveillance microsismique en champ proche pour la détection de mécanismes et signes précurseurs aux instabilités gravitaires : surveillance expérimentale d'une cavité saline en exploitation : cas du site de Cerville-Buissoncourt
- Author
Cao, Ngoc-Tuyen, Laboratoire Environnement Géomécanique et Ouvrages (LAEGO), Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Jack-Pierre Piguet, Pascal Bernard, and UL, Thèses
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Effondrement ,Collapse ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mines (sites d'extraction)-Accidents ,Precursors signs ,Subsidences (géologie) ,Microseismicity ,Sismologie ,Système de surveillance ,Après-mine ,Post-mining ,Salt cavern ,Cavité saline ,[SDU.STU] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Monitoring system ,Microsismicité ,Signes précurseurs - Abstract
The study of the precursory signs of a brutal collapse above underground caverns, with an overburden characterized by the presence of a massive and stiff bench, is a major problem for public safety. Thus, to progress in the comprehension and the evolution of the concerned mechanisms, a salt cavern, located in the NE France, was monitored in real-time, since 2004 to 2009, until its collapse. This cavern was mined by solution, until reaching its critical dimension (about 180 m) under a covering of 180 m thick, armed with a stiff Dolomite bench located at 120 m of depth.A multi-parameter high resolution monitoring system aimed at characterizing the precursory signs and following collapse itself. It included both geotechnical and geophysical devices as surface leveling measurements and a permanent microseismic network. This one, which data are the principal subject of this thesis, consisted in nine probes equipped with 40 Hz geophones (5 1D and 4 3D), distributed around and directly below the cavern, including one located in the stiff bench.The evolution of the cavern was marked by two major episodes of microseismic activity:- at the beginning of spring 2008, the dissolution restart in the cavern which caused repeated crisis with several thousand events in a few days, this represent a change in the microseismic regime and marked the cavern instability;- in February 2009, following these observations, the owner decided to trigger the collapse by intensive brine pumping in the cavern. During the three days of the operation, more than 30,000 events were recorded (against 60,000 since 2004).The study of the event signature provides essential information for operational monitoring and the discrimination of these two periods. Particularly, while maximal values reached in amplitude, energy and apparent fundamental frequency are quite stable during the 2008 episodes, the rises of this values are important during the collapse period (prior to the peak of activity), allowed us to suppose its imminence. The evolution of the microseism distribution in terms of energy released and occurrence, calculated similarly to the Gutenberg-Richter law, although often difficult to interpret, has been associated with piezometric level rises, and with small accelerations of surface subsidence. During the collapse, the microseismic activity acceleration follows a power law.Microseisms location required the establishment of an appropriate strategy to ensure the quality and the consistency of the results (record selection, calibration, parametric analysis). However, the use of a constant velocity model over all the period was impossible due to the fast and permanent evolution of the environment. Thus, several models were used, according to the a priori known cavern evolution.The event spatiotemporal distributions, thus located, revealed the existence of preferential failure structures and highlight the role of the stiff bench, located at 120 m depth, L'étude des signes précurseurs d'un effondrement brutal au-dessus de cavités souterraines, dont le recouvrement est caractérisé par la présence d'un banc massif et raide, est un problème majeur pour la sécurité publique. Aussi, pour progresser dans la compréhension et l'évolution des mécanismes mis en jeu, une cavité saline, située dans le NE de la France, a été suivie en temps réel, entre 2004 et 2009, jusqu'à son effondrement. Celle-ci a été exploitée par dissolution, jusqu'à atteindre une dimension critique (de l'ordre de 180 m) sous un recouvrement de 180 m, armé d'un banc raide de Dolomie situé à 120 m de profondeur.Un système de mesures multi-paramètres haute résolution visait à caractériser les signes précurseurs ainsi qu'à suivre l'effondrement lui-même. Il comprenait des dispositifs à la fois géotechniques et géophysiques, dont des mesures de nivellement de surface et un réseau permanent d'écoute microsismique. Ce dernier, dont les données font l'objet principal de cette thèse, était constitué de neuf sondes équipées de géophones 40 Hz (5 unidirectionnels et 4 tridirectionnels), réparties autour et à l'aplomb de la cavité, dont une dans le banc raide.L'évolution de la cavité a été marquée par deux épisodes majeurs d'activité microsismique :- au printemps 2008, la reprise de la dissolution dans la cavité a engendré l'apparition de crises répétées avec plusieurs milliers d'événements en quelques jours, traduisant un changement de régime microsismique, marqueur de l'instabilité de la cavité ;- en février 2009, suite à ces observations, l'exploitant a décidé de provoquer l'effondrement, par le rabattement intensif de saumure dans la cavité. Pendant les trois jours d'opération, plus de 30000 événements ont été enregistrés (sur 60000 depuis 2004).L'étude de la signature des événements apporte des renseignements essentiels pour la surveillance opérationnelle et la discrimination de ces deux périodes. En particulier, alors que les valeurs maximales atteintes en amplitude, énergie au capteur et fréquence fondamentale apparente, sont assez stables au cours des crises, les sauts marqués durant l'effondrement, permettent de présumer de son imminence. L'évolution de la distribution des microséismes en termes d'énergie libérée et d'occurrence, calculée de manière similaire à la loi de Gutenberg-Richter, bien que souvent difficile à interpréter, a pu être associée à des hausses du niveau piézométrique, ainsi qu'à de petites accélérations de l'affaissement mesuré en surface. Pendant la période d'effondrement, le nombre d'événements microsismiques augmente en suivant une loi en puissance.La localisation des microséismes a nécessité la mise en place d'une stratégie adaptée pour garantir la qualité et l'homogénéité des résultats (sélection des enregistrements, calibrage, étude paramétrique).Cependant, l'utilisation d'un modèle de vitesse constant sur toute la période s'est révélé impossible, compte tenu de l'évolution rapide et permanente du milieu. Il a donc été entrepris d'établir des modèles de vitesse différents en fonction des périodes d'évolution de la cavité.Les distributions spatio-temporelles des foyers ainsi localisés montrent l'existence de structures préférentielles de rupture et souligne le rôle majeur du banc raide.Croisées avec les autres mesures acquises sur le site, ces résultats ont permis d'établir un scénario probable d'évolution de la cavité et de proposer quelques recommandations pour la surveillance opérationnelle
- Published
- 2011
10. Suivi expérimental multi-paramètres de l'effondrement d'une cavité saline : site de Cerville-Buissoncourt
- Author
Daupley, Xavier, Fabriol, Hubert, Contrucci, Isabelle, Bernardie, Séverine, Cao, Ngoc-Tuyen, Lebert, François, Cauvin, Laurent, Jousset, Philippe, Klein, Emmanuelle, Bazargan-Sabet, Behrooz, Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), and Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) (BRGM)
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CAVITE ,SEL ,SURVEILLANCE ,[SDE]Environmental Sciences ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,MICROSISMIQUE ,EFFONDREMENT - Abstract
National audience; In the framework of GISOS, INERIS and BRGM contributed to a monitoring experiment of a salt cavern (Lorraine, France). Thereby, the opportunity offered by this collapse was taken to test various monitoring techniques to detect early warning signals. Comparative analysis of the data collected by the various monitoring techniques allows describing in detail the different evolution stages of the cavity and the precursor of its collapse occurred in February 2009.; L'INERIS et le BRGM ont participé, dans le cadre du GISOS, à une expérimentation visant à suivre l'évolution d'une cavité saline en exploitation (Lorraine, France) jusqu'à son effondrement provoqué. Plusieurs techniques d'auscultation ont été mises en oeuvre afin de détecter des signes précurseurs de l'effondrement. La comparaison des principaux résultats acquis permet de décrire de façon détaillée les différents stades d'évolution de la cavité dont l'effondrement est survenu en février 2009.
- Published
- 2010
11. Recherche de la symétrie tétraédrique dans le noyau 156Gd par spectroscopie γ
- Author
Doan, Quang Tuyen, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, Olivier Stézowski(stezow@ipnl.in2p3.fr), and Olivier Stézowski
- Subjects
analyse de données ,[PHYS.NUCL]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Theory [nucl-th] ,structure nucléaire ,symétrie tétraédrique ,simulation ,EUROBALL ,noyau 156Gd ,spectroscopie gamma ,[PHYS.COND.CM-GEN]Physics [physics]/Condensed Matter [cond-mat]/Other [cond-mat.other] ,superdéformation ,Gamma-ray spectroscopy ,Nuclear structure ,Analyses des données ,AGATA ,TetraNUC - Abstract
Theoretical calculations using realistic mean-eld method suggest the existence of nuclear shapes with tetrahedral and/or octahedral symmetries in some rare earth nuclei around 156Gd and 160Yb. In nuclei with exact tetrahedral symmetry, the E2 intra-band transitions are predicted to vanish completely or to be very weak. This work is devoted to an experimental research of the tetrahedral symmetry in the nucleus 156Gd. An experiment has been carried out with the JUROGAM - rays detector at Jyväskylä by using the fusion - evaporation reaction 154Sm(, 2n)156Gd. In analysis, the branching ratios of two parity negative bands were determined, the angular distribution has been analyzed to determine the nature of one inter-band transition between these two bands. The transitions strength ratios determined are of the same order of magnitude as previous experiments, and some upper limits have been established for the lowest spin. The missing of the E2 transitions below the (I$^{pi}
- Published
- 2009
12. Search for tetrahedral in 156Gd nucleus by gamma-ray spectroscopy
- Author
Doan, Quang Tuyen, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, Olivier Stézowski, and STAR, ABES
- Subjects
Symétrie tétraédrique ,Structure nucléaire ,[PHYS.COND.CM-GEN] Physics [physics]/Condensed Matter [cond-mat]/Other [cond-mat.other] ,[PHYS.COND.CM-GEN]Physics [physics]/Condensed Matter [cond-mat]/Other [cond-mat.other] ,Euroball ,Spectroscopie gamma ,Gamma-ray spectroscopy ,Nuclear structure ,Analyses des données ,Superdéformation ,TetraNUC ,Simulation - Abstract
Theoretical calculations using realistic mean-eld method suggest the existence of nuclear shapes with tetrahedral and/or octahedral symmetries in some rare earth nuclei around 156Gd and 160Yb. In nuclei with exact tetrahedral symmetry, the E2 intra-band transitions are predicted to vanish completely or to be very weak. This work is devoted to an experimental research of the tetrahedral symmetry in the nucleus 156Gd. An experiment has been carried out with the JUROGAM - rays detector at Jyväskylä by using the fusion - evaporation reaction 154Sm(, 2n)156Gd. In analysis, the branching ratios of two parity negative bands were determined, the angular distribution has been analyzed to determine the nature of one inter-band transition between these two bands. The transitions strength ratios determined are of the same order of magnitude as previous experiments, and some upper limits have been established for the lowest spin. The missing of the E2 transitions below the (I^π≺9)states in the odd spin parity negative band were conrmed. The results of this work reinforced the hypothesis of the tetrahedral symmetry in the nucleus 156Gd. -ray spectroscopy is the major tool used for this work. Detection principles and -ray simulations are detailed in the document. The simulation, based on realistic events, has been realised to compare the response function of two multidetectors EUROBALL and AGATA. The results show that under certain conditions the rst phase of AGATA (demonstrator) is also a tool to search for rare events, Des calculs théoriques utilisant la méthode de champ moyen ont suggérée l'existence des formes du noyau avec la symétrie tétraédrique et/ou octraédrique dans la région des terres rares au voisinage des noyaux 156Gd et 160Yb. Dans les noyaux avec une symétrie tétraédrique pure, des transitions intra-bande E2 à bas spin dans des bandes de parité négative disparaissent ou sont très faibles. Ce travail est dédié à une recherche expérimentale de la symétrie tétraédrique dans le noyau 156Gd. Une expérience a été faite à Jyväskylä avec le multi-détecteur JUROGAM, sur la réaction de fusion - évaporation 154Sm(, 2n)156Gd. L'analyse des données, a établi les rapports d'embranchement de deux bandes de parité négative et a permis, par distribution angulaire, de connaître la nature d'une nouvelle transition. Les rapports d'embranchement obtenus sont comparables avec ceux des expériences précédentes et quelques limites supérieures ont été déterminées. L'absence de transitions à bas spin (I^π≺9) dans la bande de parité négative à spin impair a été confirmée. Ces résultats ont renforcé l'hypothèse d'une symétrie tétraédrique dans le noyau 156Gd. La spectroscopie gamma est l'outil majeure utilisé dans ce travail. Les principes ainsi qu'une étude de simulation réaliste sont détaillés dans ce manuscrit. La simulation avec des événements réalistes a été faite pour comparer la fonction de réponse de deux types de multidétecteurs EUROBALL et AGATA. Les résultats montrent que sous certain conditions la phase démonstrateur d'AGATA peut être utilisée pour la recherche d'événements rares.
- Published
- 2009
13. Approche Composant : de la spécification à l'implantation
- Author
Nguyen, Tuyen, Souquières, Jeanine, and Programme 'Sécurité et Informatique' - Assemblage de composants digne de confiance: de l'expression des besoins à la spécification - - TACOS2006 - ANR-06-SETI-0017 - SETI - VALID
- Subjects
adaptateur ,EJB ,JML ,[INFO.INFO-SE] Computer Science [cs]/Software Engineering [cs.SE] ,spécification ,compatibilité ,composant - Abstract
Ce rapport présente mon travail de stage au LORIA dans l'équipe DEDALE entre mars et novembre 2008. Il porte sur l'assemblage de composants au niveau UML/B et les composants Enterprise Java Bean (EJB). Nous avons proposé une liaison à différents niveaux : celui de la programmation avec la définition d'adaptateurs à partir des EJBs existants; celui de la spécification avec la définition de la compatibilité entre méthodes à l'aide de Java Modeling Language (JML).
- Published
- 2008
14. Evolution de la consommation alimentaire et de l'état nutritionnel des populations urbaines au Vietnam au cours des vingt dernières années
- Author
Tuyen, Le Danh, Mai, Le Bach, Figuié, Muriel, Bricas, Nicolas, Maire, Bernard, Dop, Marie‐Claude, Chung, Nguyen Dinh, Khan, Nguyen Cong, EXT, Marchés, Organisations, Institutions et Stratégies d'Acteurs, Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM), Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)-Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)-Institut national d’études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro), Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro), and Inconnu
- Subjects
SANTE ,Consommation, distribution et transformation ,[SDV.SA.AEP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Agricultural sciences/Agriculture, economy and politics - Abstract
National audience; L'article examine les changements de la consommation alimentaire et de l'état nutritionnel des populations urbaines au Vietnam. La comparaison porte sur deux périodes, avant et après l'adoption de la politique de libéralisation de l'économie vietnamienne (Doi moi), à la fin des années 80. Il apparaît qu'avant le Doi moi, les urbains avaient, comme les ruraux, un régime alimentaire pauvre en énergie. L'alimentation des citadins était cependant plus diversifiée que celle des ruraux, accordant plus de place aux produits d'origine animale et moins au riz. Après le Doi moi, ces tendances se sont confirmées et la consommation de sucre, de blé, et de produits transformés s'est développée au détriment de la consommation de tubercules. Cette période est également marquée par une plus grande disponibilité des aliments, désormais en vente libre, et surtout par le développement de la consommation de rue en milieu urbain. L'état nutritionnel des populations s'améliore globalement tandis qu'apparaissent en ville des problèmes de surpoids dans certaines catégories sociales. La plupart des enquêtes montrent cependant une faible augmentation de la valeur énergétique des rations des urbains, mais elles n'appréhendent pas correctement jusqu'ici la consommation hors domicile. Ces évolutions posent de nouvelles questions tant en termes méthodologiques (évaluation de la consommation hors domicile) que de santé publique (augmentation possible à l'avenir des maladies chroniques liées à l'alimentation).
- Published
- 2004
15. Evolution de la consommation alimentaire et de l'état nutritionnel des populations urbaines au Vietnam au cours des vingt dernières années
- Author
La Danh Tuyen, Le Bach Mai, Figuié, Muriel, Bricas, Nicolas, Maire, Bernard, Dop, Marie-Claude, Nguyen Dinh Chung, and Nguyen Cong Khan
- Subjects
S01 - Nutrition humaine - Considérations générales ,ETAT NUTRITIONNEL ,État nutritionnel ,REVENU ,CONSOMMATION ALIMENTAIRE ,Population urbaine ,ETUDE COMPARATIVE ,S30 - Régimes alimentaires et maladies nutritionnelles ,MILIEU URBAIN ,APPORT NUTRITIONNEL ,SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ,Enquête auprès des consommateurs ,CHANGEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE ,COMMERCIALISATION ,Consommation alimentaire ,COUTUME ALIMENTAIRE ,ENQUETE ALIMENTAIRE ,MALNUTRITION ,ENQUETE NUTRITIONNELLE ,Produit alimentaire ,EVOLUTION ,Valeur nutritive ,Commercialisation ,URBANISATION ,E73 - Économie de la consommation ,MILIEU RURAL ,Zone rurale - Abstract
Cet article examine les changements de la consommation alimentaire et de l'état nutritionnel des populations urbaines au Vietnam. La comparaison porte sur deux périodes, avant et après l'adoption de la politique de libéralisation de l'économie vietnamienne (Doi moi), à la fin des années 1980. Il apparaît qu'avant le Doi moi, les urbains avaient, comme les ruraux, un régime alimentaire pauvre en énergie. L'alimentation des citadins était cependant plus diversifiée que celle des ruraux, accordant plus de place aux produits d'origine animale et moins au riz. Après le Doi moi, ces tendances se sont confirmées et la consommation de sucre, de blé, et de produits transformés s'est développée au détriment de la consommation de tubercules. Cette période est également marquée par une plus grande disponibilité des aliments, désormais en vente libre, et surtout par le développement de la consommation de rue en milieu urbain. L'état nutritionnel des populations s'améliore globalement tandis qu'apparaissent en ville des problèmes de surpoids dans certaines catégories sociales. La plupart des enquêtes montrent cependant une faible augmentation de la valeur énergétique des rations des urbains, mais elles n'appréhendent pas correctement jusqu'ici la consommation hors domicile. Ces évolutions posent de nouvelles questions tant en termes méthodologiques (évaluation de la consommation hors domicile) que de santé publique (augmentation possible à l'avenir des maladies chroniques liées à l'alimentation).
- Published
- 2004
- Author
- Published
- 2014
17. [Fatal wounds of the left ventricle during mitral valve replacement]
- Author
C, Fournier, N, Paraiso, G, Nguyen Van Tuyen, and A, Gerbaux
- Subjects
Heart Valve Prosthesis ,Heart Ventricles ,Humans ,Mitral Valve ,Female ,Autopsy ,Middle Aged ,Aged - Published
- 1978
18. Une étude analytique du mouvement des satellites galiléens
- Author
Vu, Duong Tuyen, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL), and Morando, Bruno
- Subjects
astronomy ,Orbites ,Points de Lagrange ,Théorie planétaire ,[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph] ,Jupiter (planète) - Abstract
This thesis presents a study of the motion of the Galilean satellites by analytical method. The solution gives the inequalities of the motion in the form of quasi-periodic of time. In chapter 1, we introduce the adopted method. The non-singular variables used in this work are simple expressions of the orbital elements. They facilitate the study of the long period evolution of the orbits of the system. The method gives, in the first stage, an intermediary solution supplied by the integration of all the terms which depend on time explicitly, and in the second stage, a variational solution which takes into account the free eccentricities and the free inclinations of the orbits. In chapter 2, we develop the perturbation function and the second member of the motion’s equations. The considered perturbation function arises from three actions : the interaction between the satellites, the action of the equatorial bulge of Jupiter and the Sun’s action. In chapter 3, we expose the different treatments used in the resolution of the equations and give some extracts from the most significant results ; in particular, the contributions to the high orders of the intermediary solution, a new solution of the libration’s equation, the first approximation of the variational solution and the terms of high degrees of eccentricities and inclinations, among which de Haerdtl’s inequalities are given with supplementary terms. In chapter 4, we present the calculation of the inequalities due to solar perturbations. This chapter contains, in the first part, a comparison of the results obtained with those of known theories, and in the second part the development of a new theory of the four great planets. The theory of Jupiter will be used as a jovicentric solar theory for the calculation of the perturbation of the Sun upon the Galilean satellites.; Le présent travail étudie le mouvement des satellites galiléens par voie analytique et donne la solution sous la forme des inégalités du mouvement exprimé en séries quasi-périodiques du temps. Il contient quatre chapitres : le premier chapitre présente la méthode adoptée. Les variables non singulières utilisées sont des expressions simples des éléments d'orbite. Elles facilitent l'étude du mouvement à très longue période du système. La méthode donne d'abord une solution intermédiaire par intégration des termes dépendant explicitement du temps ; ensuite une solution variationnelle qui tient compte des excentricités propres et des inclinaisons propres des orbites. Le deuxième chapitre donne le développement de la fonction perturbatrice et la formation des seconds membres des équations. La fonction perturbatrice provient de trois actions : l'interaction entre les satellites, l'action du renflement équatorial de Jupiter et l'action du soleil. Le troisième chapitre expose les divers traitements utilisés dans la résolution des équations et donne des extraits des résultats les plus significatifs de la solution, notamment les contributions aux ordres élevés dans la solution intermédiaire, une nouvelle solution variationnelle, la formation et l'intégration des termes de degré élevé parmi lesquels les inégalités de Haerdtl sont complétées par de nouvelles contributions issues d'un développement plus pousse. Le quatrième chapitre réexamine de façon détaillée le calcul des inégalités dues aux perturbations solaires et le choix d'une théorie du soleil jovicentrique. Ce chapitre contient dans la première partie des tables de comparaison des extraits de résultats obtenus à ceux des théories connues et dans la deuxième partie le développement d'une théorie planétaire a solution quasi-périodique. La théorie relative au mouvement de Jupiter obtenue sera utilisée comme théorie du soleil jovicentrique dans le calcul des effets de la perturbation solaire sur le mouvement des satellites galiléens.
- Published
- 1986
19. An analytical study of the motion of the Galilean satellites
- Author
Vu, Duong Tuyen, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL), Morando, Bruno, and Barbet, Virginie
- Subjects
astronomy ,Orbites ,Points de Lagrange ,[PHYS.ASTR] Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph] ,Théorie planétaire ,[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph] ,Jupiter (planète) - Abstract
This thesis presents a study of the motion of the Galilean satellites by analytical method. The solution gives the inequalities of the motion in the form of quasi-periodic of time. In chapter 1, we introduce the adopted method. The non-singular variables used in this work are simple expressions of the orbital elements. They facilitate the study of the long period evolution of the orbits of the system. The method gives, in the first stage, an intermediary solution supplied by the integration of all the terms which depend on time explicitly, and in the second stage, a variational solution which takes into account the free eccentricities and the free inclinations of the orbits. In chapter 2, we develop the perturbation function and the second member of the motion’s equations. The considered perturbation function arises from three actions : the interaction between the satellites, the action of the equatorial bulge of Jupiter and the Sun’s action. In chapter 3, we expose the different treatments used in the resolution of the equations and give some extracts from the most significant results ; in particular, the contributions to the high orders of the intermediary solution, a new solution of the libration’s equation, the first approximation of the variational solution and the terms of high degrees of eccentricities and inclinations, among which de Haerdtl’s inequalities are given with supplementary terms. In chapter 4, we present the calculation of the inequalities due to solar perturbations. This chapter contains, in the first part, a comparison of the results obtained with those of known theories, and in the second part the development of a new theory of the four great planets. The theory of Jupiter will be used as a jovicentric solar theory for the calculation of the perturbation of the Sun upon the Galilean satellites., Le présent travail étudie le mouvement des satellites galiléens par voie analytique et donne la solution sous la forme des inégalités du mouvement exprimé en séries quasi-périodiques du temps. Il contient quatre chapitres : le premier chapitre présente la méthode adoptée. Les variables non singulières utilisées sont des expressions simples des éléments d'orbite. Elles facilitent l'étude du mouvement à très longue période du système. La méthode donne d'abord une solution intermédiaire par intégration des termes dépendant explicitement du temps ; ensuite une solution variationnelle qui tient compte des excentricités propres et des inclinaisons propres des orbites. Le deuxième chapitre donne le développement de la fonction perturbatrice et la formation des seconds membres des équations. La fonction perturbatrice provient de trois actions : l'interaction entre les satellites, l'action du renflement équatorial de Jupiter et l'action du soleil. Le troisième chapitre expose les divers traitements utilisés dans la résolution des équations et donne des extraits des résultats les plus significatifs de la solution, notamment les contributions aux ordres élevés dans la solution intermédiaire, une nouvelle solution variationnelle, la formation et l'intégration des termes de degré élevé parmi lesquels les inégalités de Haerdtl sont complétées par de nouvelles contributions issues d'un développement plus pousse. Le quatrième chapitre réexamine de façon détaillée le calcul des inégalités dues aux perturbations solaires et le choix d'une théorie du soleil jovicentrique. Ce chapitre contient dans la première partie des tables de comparaison des extraits de résultats obtenus à ceux des théories connues et dans la deuxième partie le développement d'une théorie planétaire a solution quasi-périodique. La théorie relative au mouvement de Jupiter obtenue sera utilisée comme théorie du soleil jovicentrique dans le calcul des effets de la perturbation solaire sur le mouvement des satellites galiléens.
- Published
- 1986
20. [Critical study of disease in aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts]
- Author
C, Fournier, N, Paraiso, G N, van Tuyen, J, Gay, P, Benoit, C, Lame, D, Lecomte-Bonnet, A, Barrillon, and A, Gerbaux
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Adolescent ,Coronary Disease ,Thrombosis ,Middle Aged ,Coronary Vessels ,Transplantation, Autologous ,Postoperative Complications ,Humans ,Female ,Saphenous Vein ,Coronary Artery Bypass ,Aged - Published
- 1978
21. [Activity of different antigenic preparations from the retina to induce experimental auto-immune uveo-retinitis (EAU) in guinea pigs (author's transl)]
- Author
J P, Faure, Y, de Kozak, C, Dorey, and V V, Tuyen
- Subjects
Rhodopsin ,Phosphoric Diester Hydrolases ,Freund's Adjuvant ,Guinea Pigs ,Retinitis ,Autoantigens ,Retina ,Autoimmune Diseases ,Uveitis ,Disease Models, Animal ,Solubility ,Species Specificity ,Animals ,Cattle ,Photoreceptor Cells ,Antigens ,Isoelectric Focusing ,Eye Proteins ,Pigment Epithelium of Eye ,Uvea - Abstract
24 different antigenic preparations from bovine or guinea pig retina and 3 from bovine uvea were tested for their ability to induce uveo-retinitis in guinea pigs. Each animal received one injection into the hind foot pads of 0.1 ml og the tissue preparation mixed with an equal volume of complete Freund's adjuvant. The intensity of the disease was assessed by clinical and histological criteria. Homogenates and extracts from whole guinea pig retina are more active than the same preparations from bovine retina. Autologous retinal extract is slightly more active than homologous in low doses. In bovine retina, the autoantigen(s) is localized in the photoreceptor structures and the pigment epithelium. Bovine uveal preparations seem to be inactive when the epithelium has been removed. Purified outer segments are very active, as well as soluble extracts of outer segments. Highly purified bovine rhodopsin has no immunopathogenic activity. A soluble autoantigen (autoantigen S) has been isolated by preparative isoelectrofocusing from retinas of several species. Autoantigen S from guinea pig induces the disease in guinea pigs at a dose of a few micrograms.
- Published
- 1977
22. [Experimental autoimmune uveo-retinitis (EAU): cellular immunity and humoral antibodies in the induction of ocular lesions and tolerance to retinal antigens]
- Author
Y, de Kozak, H, Ardy, V V, Tuyen, B, Thillaye, and J P, Faure
- Subjects
Inflammation ,Immunity, Cellular ,Antibody Formation ,Guinea Pigs ,Immune Tolerance ,Retinitis ,Animals ,Antigens ,Retina ,Autoimmune Diseases - Abstract
EAU is induced in guinea pigs by one inoculation into the foot-pad of a retinal extract in complete Freund's adjuvant. The evolution of the antibodies (complement fixation) is compared with the évolution of the disease (intensity evaluated by frequent ophthalmological examinations). The successful passive transfer of the disease by local injections of immune serum and the demonstration by immunofluorescence of immune complexes in the ocular tissues are arguments for the role of humoral antibodies in the induction of the disease. EAUmay be inhibited by repeated subcutaneous or intradermal injections of the antigen, either before or after the onset of the inflammation. These injections depress the delayed hypersensitivity and increase the titre of complement fixing and passive anaphylactic antibodies.
- Published
- 1977
23. [Severe retroperitoneal hematomas during anticoagulant therapy]
- Author
C, Fournier, G N, Van Tuyen, A, Barrilon, and A, Gerbaux
- Subjects
Male ,Hematoma ,Anticoagulants ,Humans ,Blood Transfusion ,Female ,Retroperitoneal Space ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,Aged - Published
- 1977
24. [Coronary venous thrombosis and myocardial infarct]
- Author
C, Fournier, C, Malkey, G, Nguyen-Van-Tuyen, A, Barrillon, and A, Gerbaux
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Myocardium ,Myocardial Infarction ,Humans ,Coronary Disease ,Thrombophlebitis ,Coronary Vessels - Published
- 1977
25. [Source of subretinal fluid proteins]
- Author
J, Sebag, D, Chauvaud, J P, Faure, V V, Tuyen, and Y, Pouliquen
- Subjects
Retinal Detachment ,Humans ,Eye Proteins ,Retina - Published
- 1986
26. [Secretion in vitro of hyaluronic acid and of collagen by transformed human embryonic cells in culture by Rous sarcoma virus]
- Author
Vu Van Tuyen and H, Febvre
- Subjects
Polyploidy ,Virus Cultivation ,Avian Sarcoma Viruses ,Neoplasms ,Humans ,Collagen ,Hyaluronic Acid ,Embryo, Mammalian ,Diploidy ,Glycosaminoglycans - Published
- 1967
27. [Electron microscope study of the fixation of lectins labelled with Raifort peroxidase on human embryonic cells transformed in vitro by the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), Bryan strain]
- Author
D, François, Vu-Van-Tuyen, H, Febvre, and F, Haguenau
- Subjects
Immunity, Cellular ,Microscopy, Electron ,Cell Transformation, Neoplastic ,Avian Sarcoma Viruses ,Peroxidases ,Histocytochemistry ,Lectins ,Cell Membrane ,Concanavalin A ,Humans ,Fibroblasts ,Embryo, Mammalian ,Cells, Cultured - Published
- 1972
28. [Demonstration of lectin receptor sites on the membrane of human tumoral cells]
- Author
Vu-Van-Tuyen, R, Maunoury, and H, Febvre
- Subjects
Glucosamine ,Osteosarcoma ,Binding Sites ,Erythrocytes ,Carcinoma ,Cell Membrane ,Lipase ,Astrocytoma ,In Vitro Techniques ,Cell Line ,Cell Transformation, Neoplastic ,Avian Sarcoma Viruses ,Agglutination Tests ,Lectins ,Neoplasms ,Intestinal Neoplasms ,Humans ,Mouth Neoplasms ,Plant Lectins ,Glioblastoma ,Triticum - Published
- 1971
29. [A powerful local anesthetic: 2-N-(beta-(4-propionyl-phenoxy)ethyl)amino-1-phenylpropane]
- Author
P H, Chanh, H V, Tuyen, V V, Phuong, H, Pinhas, and N P, Buu-Hoi
- Subjects
Male ,Structure-Activity Relationship ,Cocaine ,Propylamines ,Anesthesia, Conduction ,Animals ,Lidocaine ,Female ,1-Propanol ,Rabbits ,Anesthetics, Local ,Sciatic Nerve - Published
- 1971
- Author
- Subjects
Male ,Vietnam ,Epidemiology ,Humans ,Leptospirosis ,Epidemics - Published
- 1963
31. Global metabolome changes induced by environmentally relevant conditions in a marine-sourced Penicillium restrictum
- Author
Le, Van-Tuyen, Bertrand, Samuel, Brandolini-Bunlon, Marion, Gentil, Emmanuel, Robiou du Pont, Thibaut, Rabesaotra, Vony, Wielgosz-Collin, Gaëtane, Mossion, Aurélie, and Grovel, Olivier
- Subjects
Marine-derived fungi ,Lipids ,One-strain-many-compounds (OSMAC) ,Ecological media ,Metabolome ,Multiblock ,Biochemistry ,QD415-436 ,Physical and theoretical chemistry ,QD450-801 ,Mathematics ,QA1-939 - Abstract
Marine fungi have been found in all habitats and are able to adapt to their environmental niche conditions. In this study, a combination of liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analytical approaches was used to analyse the metabolic changes of a marine-sourced Penicillium restrictum strain isolated from a marine shellfish area. The P. restrictum MMS417 strain was grown on seven different media including an ecological one with two different water sources (synthetic seawater and distilled water), conditions following the One-Strain-Many-Compounds (OSMAC) approach. Extracts of all media were analysed by LC-HRMS (lipids and specialised metabolites profiling) and GC-MS (fatty acids profiling). Acquired data were analysed using a multiblock strategy to highlight metabolic modification in regard to water conditions and to environmentally relevant conditions (mussel-based culture medium). This revealed that fatty acid composition of lipids was the most altered part of the explored metabolisms whether looking to the effect of water or of environmentally relevant conditions. In particular, data showed that P. restrictum MMS417 is able to produce lipids that include fatty acids usually produced by the mussel itself. This study also provides insight into the P. restrictum adaptation to marine salinity through fatty acids alteration and shows that lipid metabolism is far more altered in an OSMAC approach than the specialized metabolism. This study finally highlights the need for using environment-mimicking culture conditions to reveal the metabolic potentialities of marine microbes.
- Published
- 2024
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32. Preparation of guidance on the appraisal of the environmental impact assessment report for the center for nuclear science and technology of Vietnam
- Author
Van Thuong Ta, Tashlykov O.L., and Khac Tuyen Pham
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
At present, Viet Nam is intensifying work on the preparation of the construction of the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST) with a new research reactor (10 MWt capacity, with the possibility of increasing the capacity to 15 MWt). The implementation of this project will improve Vietnam’s nuclear infrastructure and will become a reliable stepping-stone for the further development of nuclear energy. The main tasks of the CNST are solving tasks in the field of science, engineering, and technology; conducting research in the field of production of radioisotopes for medical and industrial purposes, conversion of materials, and reactor materials science; conducting fundamental and applied research in nuclear physics, experimental research in physical processes; training and advanced training of personnel in the field of nuclear energy. This article presents and analyzes the legal system of Vietnam on environmental protection, up-to-date documents related to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Vietnam and international organizations. Issues requiring attention related to the EIA on the radiological aspect during the implementation of the CNST project at the construction stage, trial, and normal operation are considered. The structure of Guidance on the appraisal of the EIA report (GAR EIA) for Vietnam’s CNST project is presented.
- Published
- 2023
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33. Selection and identification of thermophilic yeast strains in leachate from the organic waste heap in Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam
- Author
Thi Hong Phuong Dang and Do Thi Tuyen
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
The study was carried out to isolate and select useful thermophilic yeast strains in the process of organic domestic waste treatment in Phu Luong - Thai Nguyen. Research results from 23 samples of rust have isolated 10 strains of yeast on YPG medium at 40 oC. Among them, 6 strains of yeast were selected with the ability to grow and develop in a wide temperature range from 20-45 oC. The results of identification combined with morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of yeast strains showed that, out of 6 selected strains, there were 3 strains belonging to the genus Saccharomyces (Saccharomyces sp. TNY13.01, Saccharomyces sp. TNY22.01), Saccharomyces cerevisiae TNY13.09), 2 strains of the genus Candida (Candida sp. TNY23.01, Candida tropicalis TNY23.126) and 1 strain of the genus Papiliotrema (Papiliotrema laurentii TNY23.127). Among them, the identified strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae TNY13.09 has the ability to grow at 45, tolerates a wide pH range of 4.0– 8.5, has a positive catalase reaction, is capable of using a variety of carbon sources, and belongs to class I biosafety group. On that basis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae TNY13.09 has the potential to be further researched and applied as additional microbial inoculants to the organic waste heap.
- Published
- 2023
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34. Using metagenomics tool to evaluate the enrichment efficiency of methanogens in marine sediment in Truong Sa archipelage, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam
- Author
Nguyen Thu Hoai, Do Thi Tuyen, Le Van Thang, Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, Pham Thi Thu Huyen, and Do Thi Thu Hong
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Methanogens (archaea bacteria that produce methan) play an important role in the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, however, in marine environment, the low density of methanogens makes anaerobic digestion very slow. In this study, we used methagenomics tool to evaluate the enrichment efficiency of methanogens communities in marine sediments as a basis for building a anaerobic microbial formulation to treat organic waste in marine environment. The results of determination of methanogen density by MPN method have shown that methanogen has been accumulated with higher density (up to 3.2.107 MNP/ml) through 2 times of enrichment in artificial seawater with CH3COONa 10 mM substrate. In addition, metagenomics data have also shown a decrease in the number of archaea species through each enrichment, indicating that methanogenic species have gradually dominated the microbial community. This is the first study on using metagnenomics tools to evaluate the enrichment of methanogens in marine sediment samples in Truong Sa archipelago, Vietnam. Metagenomics data help provide more reliable evidence in microbial studies, especially in obligate anaerobes such as methanogens.
- Published
- 2023
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35. Variant of the deformation diagram of concrete under uniaxial and volumetric stress state
- Author
Vu Ngoc Tuyen, Fedorova Natalia, Tyurina Vasilina, and Duong Thanh Qui
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Variants of diagrams for the description of the stress-strain state of concrete under uniaxial and volumetric stress state at different levels and stages of deformation have been considered. A variant of nonlinear analytical dependence between stresses and relative deformations of concrete under uniaxial stressed state described by one continuous polynomial function over the entire range of deformation, including the description of the range of limiting deformations on the descending branch of the diagram, is proposed. The obtained dependence has a number of advantages for the calculation of reinforced concrete structures compared to other known variants of diagrams. The use of this dependence as the initial characteristics of concrete properties in the defining relations to describe the volumetric stress state of concrete more fully corresponds to the physical meaning of the law of deformation of concrete, has sufficient accuracy and can be recommended for practical use in the design of reinforced concrete structures.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Community-led model for reconstruction old apartments in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Author
Dinh Tuyen Pham, Tuan Nghia Hoang, and Minh Hieu Nguyen
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Old apartment buildings in Hanoi were built before 1954 and from around 1960 to 1994 with 1600 apartments. Due to the end of construction lifespan, components are sinking, cracking, and tilting, combined with households expanding and repairing themselves, so many buildings are seriously damaged and dangerous, needing to be renovated and rebuilt in the near future to ensure residents’ safety. This work cannot slow down any longer. From 1999 until now, despite great efforts, Hanoi has only renovated and rebuilt 19 apartments (about 1.2%). The main reason is due to conflicts between the interests of the household community and the real estate investors. Contributing to resolving the above contradiction and promoting the speed of redevelopment, this study proposes a community-led model to rebuild old apartment buildings in Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Published
- 2023
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37. Micropropagation of Asparagus officinalis L. through callus development
- Author
Nguyen Minh Ly, Nguyen Thi Nhat Tuyen, Le Huynh Diem Suong, Mironov Aleksey, Vorobyev Mikhail, and Orlova Elena
- Subjects
Microbiology ,QR1-502 ,Physiology ,QP1-981 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
In order to develop an in vitro propagation process for production and conservation, in this study, we investigated the influence of disinfectants and plants growth regulators (PGR) on the infection rate of explants, the ability of callus formation, and the regeneration of shoot and root from Asparagus officinalis L. trunk segments. We obtained the best results when disinfecting trunk segments explants combined with alcohol 70° in 5 minutes and NaClO in 5 minutes with the lowest contamination rate of 3.7%. Callus was formed well in MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose; 0.7% agar, pH= 5.8; 1.0 mg/l BAP and combined with 0.5 mg/l NAA, 1.5 mg/l BAP and 0.75 mg/l NAA. The highest rate of shoot formation was 87.2% when the callus continued to grow in the environment supplemented with 2.0 mg/l BAP and 1.0 mg/l NAA. Roots were formed after 4 weeks of shoot cultivation in MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l NAA with the highest rooting rate of 74.59%.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Preliminary test and antioxidant activity of the Coptosapelta flavescens Korth’s root extract
- Author
Pham Tri Nhut, Le Tien Dung, Nguyen Van Tuyen, Phan Trong Doan, Thach Duc Quang, and Tran Van Khang
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of Coptosapelta flavescens Korth root extract obtained from various places. Phytochemical screening, antioxidant activity testing using DPPH radical reduction, color reaction (ABTS), iron reduction (FRAP), reduction capacity technique (RP), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). The phytochemical tests revealed that C. flavescens water and ethanol extract included alkaloids, coumarins, terpenoids, tannins, and flavonoids. The antioxidant activity results revealed that raw material samples gathered directly in the wild in Ninh Son district (Ninh Thuan province, Vietnam) were more effective than those purchased at the local market with EC50 times value. DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, RP, and TAC techniques yielded 56.02 µg/ml, 54.12 µg/ml, 15.9 µg/ml, 44.85 µg/ml, and 110.94 µg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant impact of raw material samples obtained in Bac Ai district (Ninh Son province, Vietnam) was lower but overall better than that of samples gathered at the local market.
- Published
- 2021
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39. Biological characteristics and classification of thermophilic actinomycetes showed extracellular hydrolytic enzymes producing ability isolated from compost
- Author
Do Thi Tuyen, Le Van Thang, Ngo Cao Cuong, Do Thi Thu Hong, and Dang Thi Hong Phuong
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Compost is a highly humified organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients and a source of a variety of aerobic microorganisms, including actinomycetes, which develop in response to different levels of temperature, humidity, oxygen and pH. Microbes growing on the compost are believed to have the ability to produce extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of thermophilic actinomycetes XM21 isolated from compost in producing hydrolytic enzymes, namely cellulase, amylase, protease, and lipase. The confirmation tests of hydrolytic enzymes-producing ability were conducted by inoculating the microbes into media containing cellulose, starch, gelatin and tween 80, using the method of disc diffusion. The results showed that strain XM21 capable of extracellular enzymes producing, such as cellulase, protease, amylase, lipase. Strain XM21 can grow well with high cellulase activity in a wide range of temperature between 30-55oC, optimum at 45oC. The strain can grow well on different media, utilized carbon sources with pH 5-10, and salinity of 0-5%. On the agar plate, the strain has white aerial mycelia, the mature spore chains appeared spirals, moderately long, bearing 10 to 35 spores each. Based on the biological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA, it can be concluded that strain XM21 is close to Streptomyces flavovariabilis (98, 12%), hence identified as Streptomyces flavovariabilis XM21.
- Published
- 2021
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40. Legal framework for environmental impact assessment in Vietnam: the challenges between the regulations and practice
- Author
Pham Minh Tuyen, Bui Nguyen Khanh, and Puzirevsky Roman
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
After 30 years of economic reforms since the launch of Đổi Mới in 1986, Vietnam has recorded significant and historic achievements. From a poor, war-ravaged, centrally planned economy, which was closed off from much of the outside world, Vietnam has become a middle-income country with a dynamic market economy that is deeply integrated into the global economy. But growth has to a large extent come at the cost of the environment. Vietnam’s greenhouse gas emissions have grown the fastest in the region, while the environmental quality of its air, land, and water has deteriorated considerably. Water and air pollution have reached serious levels, especially near Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, posing major health risks. As the most important environmental management tool, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is recognized by Vietnamese Government and international organizations in the management of the impacts of future development on the country’s natural resource base. EIA is the important Chapter of Law on environmental protection 2014 of Vietnam (which was passed by the 13 National Assembly at the 7th session on June 23, 2014). This article argue that while significant improvements have been achieved in the EIA legal framework, the challenges remains between the EIA regulations and practice. This article contend that the current EIA legal framework is poor and facing with challenges and that future developments of the EIA regulations in Vietnam should focus not only on legislative documents but also on improving capacity of EIA practitioners with strictly sanctions.
- Published
- 2020
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41. Interaction of thermal waters with carbonate and aluminosilicate minerals: a case study of Bang mineral hot spring, Central Vietnam
- Author
Novikov Dmitry A., Van Phan Thi Kim, Van Tuyen Doan, Thu Do Thi, Dultsev Fedor F., Chernykh Anatoliy V., and Hoan Tran Viet
- Subjects
Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Results of the studies of water-rock interactions for the Bang thermal water system (Bang Mineral Hot Spring) in Kuang Binh province, Central Vietnam, are presented for the first time. It was established that the thermal waters (62.1-97.1 °C) with total mineralization of 255-659 mg/dm3 of HCO3-Na composition are supersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals (calcite, magnesite, and dolomite) and saturated with respect to albite, microcline, laumontite, and glaucophane. The waters with the outlet temperature of 24.3-34.5 °C, with mineralization 44-87 mg/dm3 and composition HCO3-Cl-Na-Mg are unsaturated with respect to carbonates and are in the fields of stability of clay minerals: kaolinite, illite, Na-, Ca-, and Mg-montmorillonite. Theseresults are in good agreement with the results of the isotope composition analysis of the hydrothermal vents (δD, δ18O and 3H), according to which the time of water circulation for the first-group is higher than 60 years and may reach more than 1000 years, while for the second-group water it does not exceed 50 years.
- Published
- 2019
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42. Application of damage locating vectors approach on monitoring shock isolation system
- Author
Le Quang Tuyen, Huang Chiung Shiann, and Su Wei Chih
- Subjects
Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Structural damage detection based on the changes of dynamic properties is a major topic for structural health monitoring. In this paper, efforts are made to extend the flexibility-based damage localization methods, especially the damage locating vectors (DLVs) method, to the case of earthquake vibration, where the finite element model and mass matrices are not available. First, a new method using continuous Cauchy wavelet transform (CCWT) and ARX (autoregressive with exogenous input) model is applied to identify the modal parameters of a five-storey steel frame with seismic base isolation system LRB from its simulated acceleration responses under 10% and 100% of Chi-Chi Earthquake excitation (Taiwan, 1999). The DLVs, which determined from the change of flexibility matrix between two cases, are then used to monitor the shock isolation device in the structure through a weighted relative displacement index (WRDI). The proposed scheme is also proved to be superior to mode shape based methods (MAC, COMAC) in monitoring shock isolation system.
- Published
- 2016
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43. Dynamic Analysis of a Micro Drilling System by the Modified Transfer Matrix Method
- Author
Lee An-Chen and Nguyen Danh-Tuyen
- Subjects
Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Normally, breakage is the main cause of failure of a micro drilling system, of which coupling effect of lateral and torsional displacements plays the most important role. This research developed a modified transfer matrix method to investigate the dynamics of a micro drilling system focusing on displacements induced by not only lateral, shear, torsional deformations, but also the coupling effect between lateral and torsional vibrations. The micro drilling system is modeled as pre-twisted rotating Timoshenko beam elements with a continuous-system concept. Each element includes components of linear bearings, axial drilling force, gyroscopic moments, and eccentricity. The overall transfer matrix of the system is developed to determine the state vector of the system including displacements and forces. Finally, a numerical example was presented, where the lateral and torsional displacements and critical speed of the micro drilling system at the micro drill’s tip were presented.
- Published
- 2016
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44. [Activity of different antigenic preparations from the retina to induce experimental auto-immune uveo-retinitis (EAU) in guinea pigs (author's transl)].
- Author
Faure JP, de Kozak Y, Dorey C, and Tuyen VV
- Subjects
- Animals, Cattle, Eye Proteins immunology, Freund's Adjuvant, Guinea Pigs, Isoelectric Focusing, Phosphoric Diester Hydrolases immunology, Photoreceptor Cells immunology, Pigment Epithelium of Eye immunology, Rhodopsin immunology, Solubility, Species Specificity, Uvea immunology, Antigens, Autoantigens, Autoimmune Diseases, Disease Models, Animal, Retina immunology, Retinitis immunology, Uveitis immunology
- Abstract
24 different antigenic preparations from bovine or guinea pig retina and 3 from bovine uvea were tested for their ability to induce uveo-retinitis in guinea pigs. Each animal received one injection into the hind foot pads of 0.1 ml og the tissue preparation mixed with an equal volume of complete Freund's adjuvant. The intensity of the disease was assessed by clinical and histological criteria. Homogenates and extracts from whole guinea pig retina are more active than the same preparations from bovine retina. Autologous retinal extract is slightly more active than homologous in low doses. In bovine retina, the autoantigen(s) is localized in the photoreceptor structures and the pigment epithelium. Bovine uveal preparations seem to be inactive when the epithelium has been removed. Purified outer segments are very active, as well as soluble extracts of outer segments. Highly purified bovine rhodopsin has no immunopathogenic activity. A soluble autoantigen (autoantigen S) has been isolated by preparative isoelectrofocusing from retinas of several species. Autoantigen S from guinea pig induces the disease in guinea pigs at a dose of a few micrograms.
- Published
- 1977
45. [Atrial spetal defects of the ostium secundum type with mitral valve insufficiency. Apropos of 31 cases].
- Author
Pauly-Laubry C, Nguyen-Van-Tuyen G, Perrotin M, Guérinon J, Galvelle P, and Maurice P
- Subjects
- Angiocardiography, Cardiac Catheterization, Child, Cineangiography, Electrocardiography, Follow-Up Studies, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial diagnosis, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial pathology, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial surgery, Humans, Middle Aged, Mitral Valve Insufficiency etiology, Mitral Valve Insufficiency pathology, Mitral Valve Insufficiency surgery, Postoperative Complications, Radiography, Heart Septal Defects, Atrial complications, Mitral Valve Insufficiency diagnosis
- Abstract
31 cases of ASD with mitral incompetence have been reviewed. The aetiology of the mitral incompetence is most frequently congenital, contrary to the classical view. The usual mitral defect is a combination of gaping of posterior commissure with a narrow valvular opening. The usual angiocardiographic picture is one of prolapse of the mitral valve. One of the characteristic findings, which has already been reported in the literature, is of redundant valve tissue, with myxomatous degeneration (one case confirmed histologically). Surgery is indicated in every case. Conservative mitral surgery gives satisfactory results in the mid-term.
- Published
- 1976
46. [Fatal wounds of the left ventricle during mitral valve replacement].
- Author
Fournier C, Paraiso N, Nguyen Van Tuyen G, and Gerbaux A
- Subjects
- Aged, Autopsy, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Heart Valve Prosthesis adverse effects, Heart Ventricles injuries, Mitral Valve surgery
- Published
- 1978
47. [Coronary venous thrombosis and myocardial infarct].
- Author
Fournier C, Malkey C, Nguyen-Van-Tuyen G, Barrillon A, and Gerbaux A
- Subjects
- Adult, Coronary Disease diagnosis, Coronary Disease pathology, Coronary Vessels pathology, Humans, Male, Myocardial Infarction diagnosis, Myocardial Infarction pathology, Myocardium pathology, Thrombophlebitis diagnosis, Thrombophlebitis pathology, Coronary Disease complications, Myocardial Infarction etiology, Thrombophlebitis complications
- Published
- 1977
48. [Source of subretinal fluid proteins].
- Author
Sebag J, Chauvaud D, Faure JP, Tuyen VV, and Pouliquen Y
- Subjects
- Humans, Eye Proteins analysis, Retina analysis, Retinal Detachment metabolism
- Published
- 1986
49. [Severe retroperitoneal hematomas during anticoagulant therapy].
- Author
Fournier C, Van Tuyen GN, Barrilon A, and Gerbaux A
- Subjects
- Aged, Blood Transfusion, Female, Hematoma diagnosis, Hematoma therapy, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Anticoagulants adverse effects, Hematoma chemically induced, Retroperitoneal Space
- Published
- 1977
50. [Experimental autoimmune uveo-retinitis (EAU): cellular immunity and humoral antibodies in the induction of ocular lesions and tolerance to retinal antigens].
- Author
de Kozak Y, Ardy H, Tuyen VV, Thillaye B, and Faure JP
- Subjects
- Animals, Guinea Pigs, Inflammation immunology, Retinitis complications, Antibody Formation, Antigens, Autoimmune Diseases complications, Immune Tolerance, Immunity, Cellular, Retina immunology, Retinitis immunology
- Abstract
EAU is induced in guinea pigs by one inoculation into the foot-pad of a retinal extract in complete Freund's adjuvant. The evolution of the antibodies (complement fixation) is compared with the évolution of the disease (intensity evaluated by frequent ophthalmological examinations). The successful passive transfer of the disease by local injections of immune serum and the demonstration by immunofluorescence of immune complexes in the ocular tissues are arguments for the role of humoral antibodies in the induction of the disease. EAUmay be inhibited by repeated subcutaneous or intradermal injections of the antigen, either before or after the onset of the inflammation. These injections depress the delayed hypersensitivity and increase the titre of complement fixing and passive anaphylactic antibodies.
- Published
- 1977
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