Felzen M, Schröder H, Beckers SK, Böttiger BW, Rott N, Koch-Schultze R, Wingen S, Meißner A, Santowski I, Picker O, Rahe-Meyer N, Dumcke R, Wegner C, van Aken H, Gottschalk A, Weber O, and Rossaint R
Background: Teaching of resuscitation measures is not mandatory in all schools in Germany. It is currently limited to individual, partly mandatory projects despite a low bystander resuscitation rate. For this reason, the Ministry for Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia initiated the project "Bystander resuscitation at schools in NRW" in March 2017., Objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate this project., Material and Methods: All secondary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia were invited to participate in the project. Medical partners from each administrative district took part, who carried out resuscitation training with existing concepts for teacher or student training. After a 3-year period, the evaluation was carried out using standardized questionnaires for school headmasters, teachers and students., Results: In total, more than 40,000 pupils from 249 schools in NRW could be trained in resuscitation within the project with 6 different concepts. Of the students 85% answered the questions regarding resuscitation correctly and overall felt safe in resuscitation measures. The one-off investment requirement for all schools is roughly 4-6.5 million € and around 340,000 € in each budget year., Conclusion: A legal constitution and funding are necessary for a nationwide introduction of resuscitation in schools. All established concepts are effective, therefore each school can use them exactly according to their needs, optimally in a stepped form. Training for teachers should focus on resuscitation.