367 results on '"Hess AT"'
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2. Estudio de la música ibérica y latinoamericana en ascenso: reflexiones desde los Estados Unidos de América
- Author
Carol A. Hess
- Subjects
Musicología en los noventa ,musicología estadounidense ,difusión de repertorios ibéricos y latinoamericanos ,guerra fría ,historiografía ,Music and books on Music ,Music ,M1-5000 - Abstract
Durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, la musicología se estableció como una disciplina académica en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, y aparte de los repertorios medievales y renacentistas ibéricos, los estudiosos estadounidenses hacían caso omiso de la música del mundo de habla hispana y portuguesa. ¿Por qué ha sido así, especialmente a la luz de la fuerte presencia histórica de España en los Estados Unidos? El presente ensayo autobiográfico examina esta cuestión, trazando la trayectoria de la musicóloga hispanista Carol A. Hess. Se evalúan los cambios disciplinarios en la musicología estadounidense —metodológicos, filosóficos e ideológicos— a lo largo de los últimos treinta años, transformaciones éstas que han contribuido a hacer de este repertorio un vibrante campo de estudio vigente hoy día que permite que los musicólogos estadounidenses puedan ejercer su profesión, especializándose en la música ibérica y latinoamericana, además de la música de la diáspora hispana. La temática investigada pueda extenderse desde el compositor vanguardista Llorenç Barber al rapero Nach Scratch o al director de orquesta Xavier Cugat y su público estadounidense de los años 40, mientras que otros persiguen las especializaciones establecidas de la música medieval y renacentista. La música ibérica y latinoamericana se enseña regularmente en las instituciones postsecundarias y docentes tienen a su disposición una variedad de libros de texto y otros recursos pedagógicos. Todo eso nos ha llevado a una libertad disciplinaria que hubiera sido impensable hace sólo unas décadas.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Adaptación y Validación de la Escala de Control del Yo (UC-EgoUndercontrol Scale) a la población argentina
- Author
Carina Daniela Hess and Belén Mesurado, Dra.
- Subjects
adaptation ,argentine ,ego-control ,students ,adolescence ,personality. ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Adaptación de la Escala de Control del Yo (Ego-Undercontrol Scale) de Block y Block (1980, 2006) en estudiantes de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Así, se desarrollaron dos estudios. En el primero, se estudió la validez de constructo a través de un estudio de discriminación de ítems, un análisis factorial exploratorio y los niveles de confiabilidad de la escala. En el segundo, se confirmó la estructura factorial hallada en el estudio 1 así como se analizó la validez convergente con Resiliencia del Yo y los niveles de fiabilidad. Se ha encontrado que la escala posee dos dimensiones y no una, como se presenta en su versión original. Dichos aspectos han sido denominados “impulsividad comportamental” e “impulsividad cognitiva” y presentan buenos niveles de confiablidad. Cabe destacar que la nueva versión presenta menor cantidad de ítems (14 ítems), en comparación con el instrumento original (37 ítems). De este modo, el resultado final es un instrumento breve, el cual puede beneficiar el trabajo y la toma de datos con adolescentes. Los hallazgos obtenidos permiten dar cuenta de que las características psicométricas de la adaptación y validación de la escala de Control del Yo a la población argentina son satisfactorias.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Sex disparities determined by biometric and hematological measurements in Astyanax bimaculatus
- Author
M.O. Pereira, A.L. Preto, A.V. Moraes, M.F. Bittencourt, J.D. Hess, J.I.A. Andrade, and A. Jatobá
- Subjects
yellowtail lambari ,growth performance ,hemogram ,sexual dimorphism ,Animal culture ,SF1-1100 - Abstract
ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the body indexes and hematological characteristics between Astyanax bimaculatus males and females. Four hundred fish were randomly distributed into four polyethylene tanks (100 fish/unit) in a recirculation system and fed four times a day (3% of biomass). After 90 days, ten fish (five ♀ and five ♂) were removed to perform blood tests and to measure weight, height, total length, height/length ratio, condition factor and index determination: vicerosomatic (VSI), hepatosomatic (HSI), and gonadosomatic (GSI). The results showed a higher average weight (g) in females (12.32±0.71) compared to males (6.98±0.75), the same happened to height (cm) = (3.01±0.07) and (2.40±0.05), total length (cm) = (3.01±0.07) and (2.40±0.05), VSI (%) = (11.43±0.81) and (3.55±1.05), HSI (%) = (0.72±0.08) and (0.30±0.04), respectively. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (pg) was higher in females (3.72±1.20) than in males (2.99±1.51). Regarding the number of thrombocytes (103.µL-1), there was an increase in males (25.71±3.91) compared to females (17.40±6.40).
- Published
- 2020
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5. Sales champion, scientifically Glyphosate is a hazardous pesticide
- Author
Rubens Onofre Nodari and Sônia Corina Hess
- Subjects
roundup ,potencialmente cancerígeno ,malformações ,distúrbios reprodutivos ,Medicine ,Science ,Social Sciences - Abstract
The glyphosate-based herbicides (HBG) contain in addition to the active ingrediente (glyphosate), other substances such as surfactants and adjuvants. This article aimed to presente a literature review on risks to human, animal and ecosysten health associated with exposure to HGB. It is hoped that the content can be useful for improving public practices and policies related to nthose pesticides. To carry out this reserach, the databases available at institutional portals were consulted. Although applied on plants, the product is taken away from the site of application, by wind, water, by harvesting pollen, grains, roots, leaves and fruits. Because they are systemic in the plant, they reach bees' hives, at the consumer's plate or even in rivers, lakes and oceans. In contact with other organisms than plants, HBG causes diverse effects, such as cell death, reproductive disorders, cancer, malformations, among others.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Female crack cocaine users under treatment at therapeutic communities in southern Brazil: characteristics, pattern of consumption, and psychiatric comorbidities
- Author
Adriana Raquel Binsfeld Hess and Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida
- Subjects
Crack cocaine ,comorbidity ,public health ,therapeutic community ,women ,Psychiatry ,RC435-571 - Abstract
Abstract Objective To explore and describe sociodemographic characteristics, crack consumption patterns, and psychiatric comorbidities of female crack users receiving treatment at therapeutic communities. Methods This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study. Forty-six women who abstained from crack use were assessed using a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), and a profile of crack use questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analyses were conducted. Results Participants had a mean age of 31.02 years (standard deviation [SD] = 7.73), most were single (76.1%), white (67.4%) and had complete or incomplete elementary education (43.5%). Before treatment, 65.2% of the women reported using crack every day; 46.3% smoked between 10 to 30 crack rocks per week. Mean treatment time was 63.56 days (SD = 75.85), with a mean of 80.41 days of abstinence (SD = 74.52) and 3.37 previous treatments (SD = 5.49). Mean age upon crack use initiation was 22.61 years (SD = 8.06), and the most frequent motivation to start using crack was curiosity (78.3%). The mean lifetime duration of crack use was 82.26 months (SD = 74.76), and the physical complications most frequently reported were weight loss (93.5%), followed by sleep problems (87%). In this study, the most prevalent psychiatric diagnoses were major depressive episode (60.87%), followed by post-traumatic stress disorder (52.17%) and generalized anxiety disorder (13.07%). Conclusions Overall, a pattern of high consumption of crack was observed. The results show a high frequency of mood and anxiety disorders, with the highest frequencies found for major depressive episode and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico para la adquisición de vocabulario académico en estudiantes de secundaria
- Author
Karina Hess Zimmermann and Mariana Alejandra Núñez Rodríguez Wyler
- Subjects
Vocabulario ,Alfabetización académica ,Enseñanza de la lengua ,Enseñanza por proyectos ,Educación secundaria ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 - Abstract
Investigaciones previas muestran que existe una importante relación entre la capacidad de los estudiantes para realizar una descomposición morfológica de las palabras y sus habilidades para adquirir vocabulario. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico en torno a la descomposición de palabras como estrategia para adquirir vocabulario en estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Participó un grupo experimental (26 alumnos) cuyas habilidades de descomposición morfológica se compararon en un pre y post-test con las de un grupo control (21 alumnos). Los resultados mostraron en el grupo experimental un incremento en las habilidades para segmentar las palabras, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas entre grupos en la obtención del significado de palabras. Un análisis cualitativo de las emisiones del docente y de los estudiantes señaló factores importantes a tomar en cuenta para la reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico de esta índole en la escuela secundaria.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Agrotóxicos: críticas à regulação que permite o envenenamento do país
- Author
Sonia Corina Hess, Rubens Onofre Nodari, and Monica Lopes-Ferreira
- Subjects
consumo de agrotóxicos ,agravos à saúde ,deriva ,pulverização aérea ,dose independente ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
O artigo contém uma análise das autorizações para a comercialização e o consumo de agrotóxicos no país na última década, bem como os seus efeitos na saúde humana e no meio ambiente. No período entre 2010 e 2018, a quantidade de agrotóxicos comercializados no Brasil aumentou mais do que o dobro do que cresceu a área cultivada no país. A permissividade da gestão de agrotóxicos no Brasil é ilustrada pelo fato de que, do total de ingredientes ativos químicos com registro no país em julho de 2020, 121 (30%) não tinham uso permitido na União Europeia (EU). A razão da proibição do uso na EU dos produtos autorizados no Brasil, no período referido, está associada aos efeitos adversos a humanos e a outros organismos resultantes da exposição aos ingredientes químicos de agrotóxicos, já descritos na literatura científica. Soja, milho, algodão e cana-de-açúcar constam entre as culturas que tiveram o maior número de novos agrotóxicos com uso autorizado no Brasil entre janeiro de 2019 e junho de 2020. Outra falta de rigor na gestão de agrotóxicos é ilustrada pela deriva, que causa danos agudos e crônicos a terceiros. Adicionalmente, a fragilidade da norma brasileira refere-se ao estabelecimento de um valor de dose, abaixo da qual eles seriam seguros. Contudo, resultados experimentais de estudos mostraram, por exemplo, que os agrotóxicos à base de glifosato, melation e piriproxifem causaram a morte de embriões de peixes em apenas 24 horas de exposição, independentemente da concentração utilizada, desafiando assim a hipótese de que existe dose segura para a exposição a tais produtos. Dessa forma, é urgente não só aumentar o rigor científico dos estudos sobre o tema, mas também promover a participação pública nas tomadas de decisão, garantindo o acesso a todas as informações contidas nos dossiês que acompanham as solicitações de registro e de autorização dos agrotóxicos.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Morfometria de Araucaria angustifolia em diferentes altitudes no Sul do Brasil
- Author
Pollyni Ricken, André Felipe Hess, Patrícia Póvoa de Mattos, Evaldo Muñoz Braz, Nelson Yoshihiro Nakajima, and Roberto Tuyoshi Hosokawa
- Subjects
Análise de crescimento ,Floresta com Araucária ,Método de Bitterlich ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Os índices morfométricos podem ser usados para subsidiar o entendimento da dinâmica de florestas naturais. Diante disso, objetivou-se descrever e avaliar as características morfométricas e dendrométricas de Araucaria angustifolia, como subsídio para compreensão da estrutura da floresta natural de araucária. Os dados foram mensurados em três municípios de Santa Catarina, considerando diferentes altitudes de ocorrência da espécie, com amostragem de 247 árvores, utilizando o método de Bitterlich, sendo medida a circunferência a 1,30 m do solo, altura total e de inserção de copa e raios de copa. As relações interdimensionais das árvores foram descritas por meio de índices morfométricos. O sítio 2 apresentou árvores de maior porte em relação ao diâmetro e área de copa. O sítio 3 apresentou a maior densidade de árvores (403 árvores ha-1), enquanto nos sítios 1 e 2 foram observadas 362 e 232 árvores ha-1, respectivamente. No sítio 3, a maior parte das árvores apresentou proporção de copa superior a 50% e formal de copa menor que 1, indicando árvores de copas mais estreitas e largas. O diâmetro da árvore apresentou correlação negativa e superior a 70% com o grau de esbeltez. Nos três sítios, o diâmetro apresentou correlação positiva com o diâmetro de copa.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Burkhard Hess
- Subjects
achmea ,autonomy of the eu legal order ,investment arbitration ,intra-eu bit ,energy charter treaty ,investment court system ,brexit dispute resolution ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
This article explores the contents and consequences of the Achmea judgment recently given by the European Court of Justice (6 March 2018, case C-284/16). In its first part, the article analyses the judgment from a European point of view. It notes that Achmea is primarily concerned with the autonomy of the EU legal order in international dispute resolution and only secondarily with investment arbitration. The judgment seamlessly ties in with the Court’s Opinion 2/13 on the Accession of the EU to the European Convention of Human Rights. In its second part, the article assesses the consequences of the judgment for current and future investment dispute resolution. It argues that (i) investment arbitration is over for intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties and (ii) most likely also for intra-EU disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty; (iii) the European Commission must be careful not to jeopardise the supremacy of the ECJ in interpreting the EU law when concluding future international dispute resolution agreements; (iv) the same holds true regarding dispute resolution under the UK Withdrawal Agreement when negotiating the Brexit.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Eva J. Lehtonen, Matthew C. Hess, Gerald McGwin Jr., Ashish Shah, Alexandre Leme Godoy-Santos, and Sameer Naranje
- Subjects
Arthroplasty ,Knee ,Patient readmission ,Risk factors ,Medicine ,Orthopedic surgery ,RD701-811 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify independent risk factors, complications and early hospital readmission following total knee arthroplasty. Methods: Using the ACS-NSQIP database, we identified patients who underwent primary TKA from 2012-2015. The primary outcome was early hospital readmission. Patient demographics, preoperative comorbidities, laboratory data, operative characteristics, and postoperative complications were compared between readmitted and non-readmitted patients. Logistic regression identified independent risk factors for 30-day readmission. Results: 137,209 patients underwent TKA; 3.4% were readmitted within 30 days. Advanced age, male sex, black ethnicity, morbid obesity, presence of preoperative comorbidities, high ASA classification, and increased operative time were independently related risk factors. Asian and no reported race were negative risk factors. Postoperative complications: acute myocardial infarction, acute renal failure, stroke, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and deep vein thrombosis show positive associations. Conclusions: Advanced age, male sex, black ethnicity, morbid obesity, presence of comorbidities, high ASA classification and long operative time are independent risk factors for postoperative complications and early hospital readmission following total knee arthroplasty. Level of Evidence III, Case control study.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Hess, Andre Felipe, Ricken, Pollyni, and Ciarnoschi, Lucas Dalmolin
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Ricken, Pollyni, Hess, Andre Felipe, and Borsoi, Geedre Adriano
- Published
- 2018
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14. Chemical characterization of marine fish of low-commercial value and development of fish burgers
- Author
Danielle Regis Pires, Amanda Lima Albuquerque Jamas, Elizete Amorim, Cristiane Hess de Azevedo-Meleiro, Pedro Paulo de Oliveira Silva, and Gesilene Mendonça de Oliveira
- Subjects
Albula vulpes ,bycatch species ,functional ingredients ,marine bonefish ,sensory analysis ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Abstract: The objective of this work was to perform the chemical characterization of marine bonefish (Albula vulpes) and the development of fish burgers. Three formulations of fish burgers were prepared, containing 5, 8, and 10% cassava starch and functional ingredients (onion, garlic, and ground white pepper). Proximate composition, microbiological and pH analyses of the raw material, and fish burgers were performed, as well as the sensory analyses of the fish burgers. The yield and nutritional value of bonefish was found to be comparable with those of species of commercial value, with high-protein and low-lipid contents. The protein content of the fish burgers varied from 17.52 to 19.40 g 100 g-1 (raw), and from 20.74 to 24.25 g 100 g-1 (grilled); and the lipid contents ranged from 0.20 to 0.73 g 100 g-1 (raw), and from 0.36 to 0.77 g 100 g-1 (grilled). In the sensory tests, the formulations received scores between six and seven on the nine-point hedonic scale. Acceptance indexes were higher than 70% for all the assessed attributes. Therefore, the use of this underutilized species proves to be feasible.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Relação entre atenção e desempenho em leitura, escrita e aritmética em crianças
- Author
Elissandra Serena de Abreu, Vanisa FanteViapiana, Adriana Raquel Binsfeld Hess, Hosana Alves Gonçalves, Marcia Santos Sartori, Claudia Hofheinz Giacomoni, Lilian Milnitsky Stein, and Rochele Paz Fonseca
- Subjects
atenção ,desempenho escolar ,leitura ,escrita ,aritmética ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Este estudo buscou verificar se há relação entre atenção (seletiva e sustentada visual) e o desempenho escolar (leitura, escrita e aritmética). Foram avaliados 258 estudantes do 1º a 9º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas brasileiras públicas e privadas, com idade média de 10,33 anos (DP = 2,52). Os estudantes foram avaliados pelo Teste de Cancelamento do Sinos - Versão Infantil (TCS) e pelo Teste de Desempenho Escolar -Segunda Edição (TDE-II). Os escores dos testes foram correlacionados pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, considerando o nível de significância de p ≤ 0,05. Houve correlações significativas positivas de intensidade fraca entre os escores totais do TCS e TDE-II e correlação negativas significativas de intensidade fraca entre os escores de erros e omissões do TCS e escores totais do TDE-II. Foi possível observar relação entre os construtos estudados, porém sugere-se que investigações futuras utilizem diferentes métodos para avaliar outras habilidades relacionadas ao desempenho escolar e processos atencionais.
- Published
- 2017
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16. Chemical resistance of core-shell particles (PS/PMMA) polymerized by seeded suspension
- Author
Luiz Fernando Belchior Ribeiro, Odinei Hess Gonçalves, Cintia Marangoni, Günter Motz, and Ricardo Antonio Francisco Machado
- Subjects
seeded suspension polymerization ,poly(methyl methacrylate) ,polystyrene ,suspension polymerization ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
Abstract Core-shell particles were produced on seeded suspension polymerization by using polystyrene (PS) as polymer core, or seed, and methyl methacrylate (MMA) as the shell forming monomer. Two synthesis routes were evaluated by varying the PS seed conversion before MMA addition. The main purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of synthesis routes on the morphology and chemical resistance of the resulting particles. 1H NMR spectroscopy showed that the use of PS seeds with lower conversion led to the formation of higher amount of poly(styrene-co-MMA). The copolymer acted as a compatibilizer, decreasing the interfacial energy between both homopolymers. As a consequence, a larger amount of reduced PMMA cluster were formed, as was revealed by TEM measurements. Samples in this system showed enhanced resistance to cyclohexane attack compared with pure PS, with a PS extraction of only 37% after 54 hours test.
- Published
- 2017
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17. The continued teacher training: considerations about knowledge and reflective practice
- Author
Angela Hess Gumieiro
- Subjects
formação continuada. professores. saberes e prática reflexiva. ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
This article aims to discuss the continuing education of teachers, evidencing what determines the national legislation on some prerogatives, as well as to highlight some considerations about the know led geand reflective practice of teachers in the midsto continuing education. For the accomplishment of the study was used the research of nature bibliographicdocumentary. The corpus of analysis consists of the following documents: LDB, Law nº 9.394/96, Decree nº. 6.755/09, PNE (2014-2024), Resolution nº. 2 of July 1, 2015. Different sources were consulted, to know, Garcia (1995), Candau (1996), Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Gatti (2008), Pérez Gómez (2001), among others. We conclude by emphasizing the importance of increasing studies that seek the specificities of continuing education actions takingin to account the knowledge and practices of teachers, and we have in the legislation the rights to continuing education of teachers.
- Published
- 2017
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18. Widefield fluorescein angiography based laser treatment in pediatric retinal disease
- Author
Jonathan S Chang, TImothy G Murray, Ditte J Hess, Brenda J Fallas, and Audina M Berrocal
- Subjects
Coats’ disease ,familial exudative vitreoretinopathy ,widefield fluorescein angiography ,diagnosis ,treatment. ,Ophthalmology ,RE1-994 - Abstract
Purpose: To report use of widefield fluorescein angiography (FA) for targeted therapy of Coats’ disease and familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). Study design: Retrospective, noncomparative, consecutive case series. Material and Methods: Patients diagnosed with Coats’ disease or FEVR and evaluated with widefield FA, treated with indirect laser from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012. Visual acuity (VA) and anatomic status of eyes was evaluated. Results: 17 eyes were treated for Coats’ disease, and 25 eyes treated for FEVR. Mean VA in the Coats’ group was 20/384 at baseline, and mean VA at the last followup was 20/258. In the FEVR group, mean VA was 20/100 at baseline, and 20/358 at last follow-up. None of the Coats’ eyes required enucleation or additional surgical intervention. Two of the eyes with FEVR required surgery due to advanced disease. Conclusion: Widefield angiographyguided laser therapy in Coats’ disease and FEVR led to visual and anatomic stability in these diseases.
- Published
- 2017
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19. LDB 1996 vinte anos depois: projetos educacionais em disputa
- Author
Angela Hess Gumieiro
- Subjects
Resenha ,Education - Abstract
Resenha do livro LDB 1996 vinte anos depois: projetos educacionais em disputa
- Published
- 2019
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20. Protection to Animals in Brazil: Reflections Between the Decree no. 24.645/34, and the Federal Senate Bill no. 351/15
- Author
Fernanda Luiza Fontoura de Medeiros and Giovana Albo Hess
- Subjects
Direitos dos animais, Proteção jurídica dos animais, Direito civil ,Law ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
This article intends to carry out the comparison between the provisions of Decree No. 24645/34, promulgated at the beginning of the Vargas era, and recognized as the first standard which dealt with within the context of the time, the legal protection of animals, and the current of the Federal Senate bill . 351/15, on the initiative of Senator Antonio Anastasia you want to change the text of the Civil Code - Federal Law no. 10.406 , 10 January 2012- to disfigure the animals as things- in Article 82- and include them as goods- in Article 83
- Published
- 2016
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21. Efeitos do uso do Crack Sobre o feto e o Recém-nascido: Um Estudo de Revisão
- Author
Cláudia Flores Abraham and Adriana Raquel Binsfeld Hess
- Subjects
Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
O consumo de crack configura-se hoje como um problema emergente de saúde pública. A preocupação acerca deste fenômeno aumenta quando se entende o consumo como um fator que coloca em risco, por exemplo, a experiência da maternidade, pois os danos podem ser irreversíveis. Levando em conta a importância de estudar esse tema e escassez de produções científicas que abordem a temática em sua complexidade e implicações, o objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura a fim de contribuir na psicoeducação de gestantes sobre os efeitos do crack para o feto e o recém-nascido. Foram revisados 25 artigos. Os estudos sugerem que o uso materno de drogas pode acarretar uma redução da chegada de nutrientes e de oxigênio para a placenta e, consequentemente, atingir o feto, ocasionando inúmeros problemas em seu desenvolvimento. Dentre as consequências negativas nos recém-nascidos destacam-se: alterações no reflexo de sucção, baixo peso ao nascer, tremores, sudorese excessiva, choro estridente e até mesmo convulsões. Salienta-se a importância de mais estudos que acompanhem as gestantes usuárias de crack, bem como o desenvolvimento dos seus bebês, podendo fornecer evidências das consequências do uso do crack na gestação em longo prazo.
- Published
- 2016
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22. Assessing Environmental Justice in Large Hydropower Projects: The Case of São Luiz do Tapajós in Brazil
- Author
Christoph Ernst Emil Hess, Wagner Costa Ribeiro, and Silke Wieprecht
- Subjects
Environmental Justice ,hydropower ,Amazon ,São Luiz do Tapajós ,sustainable development ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Electricity supply in a sustainable manner is one of the greatest challenges for human society today. Hydropower is by far the most important renewable electricity technology, but equally far from uncontroversial. Indeed, it is situated at the crossroad of socio-environmentalism trends, as strongly promoted by some as opposed by other environmentalist arguments, organisations and movements. This paper suggests Environmental Justice as an alternative approach on how to incorporate sustainability into energy planning, particularly in hydropower projects. Whereas several methods have been developed to assess Environmental Justice in an urban context, little attention has been given to electricity projects so far. A qualitative method to assess hydropower projects regarding their performance in Environmental Justice is discussed and illustrated in the case of the large hydropower project São Luiz do Tapajós in the Brazilian Amazon. As will be shown, fundamental change is necessary in Brazil if energy planning in general and hydropower projects in particular are to meet the principles of Environmental Justice.
- Published
- 2016
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23. Correlation between clinical findings, mast cell count and interleukin 31 immunostaining in the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis
- Author
Bárbara Hess Rodrigues Gonçalves, Bruna Dantas Matos, Mariana Batista Rodrigues Faleiro, Emmanuel Arnhold, Moema Pacheco Chediak Matos, Ana Paula Iglesias Santin, and Veridiana Maria Brianezi Dignani de Moura
- Subjects
alergia canina ,citocina pró-inflamatória ,azul de toluidina ,Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
ABSTRACT: In this study the correlation between the clinical score, mast cell count and interleukin 31 (IL-31) immunostaining in the skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis was determined. A total of 31 dogs of different breeds, from one to eight years of age, were chosen for the study. The 20 females and 11 males were categorized based on the CADESI-4 system, as having discrete, moderate or marked atopic dermatitis. Skin samples were collected from the axillary and interdigital regions and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for cytohistomorphological analyses and toluidine blue to evaluate the mast cell counts, and immunohistochemistry for the IL-31 immunostaining. Animals revealing higher atopic dermatitis scores had greater numbers of mast cells and IL-31 immunolabeled cells. More numbers of cells immunolabeled for IL-31 were evident in the axillary skin compared with the interdigital skin in dogs having this condition. A correlation was identified between the clinical scores and mast cell numbers in the interdigital region, as well as between the clinical scores and number of cells immunolabeled for IL-31 in the axillary area. A correlation was also reported between the mast cell numbers and IL-31 immunolabeled cells only in the axillary skin, and none in the interdigital regions. It was thus concluded that the mast cells and IL-31 are involved in the pathogenesis of the canine atopic dermatitis (CAD), as well as lymphocytes and plasma cells. It was also observed that the higher the degree of clinical severity of the disease, the more the numbers of mast cells and IL-31 in the skin of those animals suffering from CAD, which implies the influence of these immunological constituents on the genesis of pruritus and disease progression.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Emanuel Arnoni Costa, César Augusto Guimarães Finger, Paulo Renato Schneider, and André Felipe Hess
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Taper functions allow determining size classes and volumes of trees with direct application in the planning of technical and economic forest activities. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to describe the taper of the trunk of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze in the portion between the ground level and the insertion of the crown of individuals in remnant of native forest. Also tried to fit the regression model to represent relations height/DBH, diameter at the insertion of the crown in function DBH and the development of assortment timber table. Eighty-five trees were measured their diameters and heights relatives using Hohenadl cubed method and the diameter of the insertion crown with Criterion RD 1000 instrument. The taper models were adjusted by regression analysis using polynomial of the 5 th degree, Kozak (1988), Lee et al. (2003) and Sharma and Zhang (2004). The adjusted coefficient of determination (R²aj), the standard error of estimate in percentage (Syx%) and graphical analysis between estimated values in function of observed were used statistics to evaluate the quality of fit and models precision. The model height/DBH and diameter at the insertion point of the crown evidence good fit statistical and precision, allowing its application in activities intended at planning and forest inventories. The flexibility and efficiency of Kozak (1988) model in predicting diameters and volumes until the crown insertion point favors the use and obtain timber assortments of araucaria.
- Published
- 2016
25. Tradition in Socioenvironmental State: A Look on the Life Protection
- Author
Fernanda Luiza Fontoura de Medeiros and Giovana Albo Hess
- Subjects
Tradição ,Cultura ,Direitos animais ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Law - Abstract
This article is a brief essay on the concept of tradition from the understanding of reflexive modernity in modern societies or, as is also called, in post-traditional societies, and the search of the residence of why understanding in today's world festivals religious or folk that violate the rights of non-human animals, even though we live in a globally connected society and whose scientific, social, economic, technological and cultural information is widely disseminated. In the present article, to examine the issue, also it is normally accepted premise and recognition of rights to nonhuman animals
- Published
- 2015
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26. Characterization of progesterone loaded biodegradable blend polymeric nanoparticles
- Author
Fernanda Vitória Leimann, Maiara Heloisa Biz, Karine Cristine Kaufmann, Wallace José Maia, Odinei Hess Honçalves, Lucio Cardozo Filho, Claudia Sayer, and Pedro Henrique Hermes de Araújo
- Subjects
progesterona ,interações polímero-droga ,PHBV ,PLLA ,PCL ,Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
ABSTRACT: The encapsulation of progesterone in poly (hydroxybutirate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL), poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) nanoparticles and PHBV/PCL and PHBV/PLLA blend nanoparticles was investigated in this research. Nanoparticles were produced by miniemulsion/solvent evaporation technique with lecithin as surfactant and were characterized regarding to z-average diameter (Dz) and polydispersity (PDI), progesterone recovery yield and encapsulation efficiency. Possible interactions between progesterone and the polymer matrices were investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). High recoveries (up to 102.43±1.80% for the PHBV/PLLA blend) and encapsulation efficiencies (up to 99.53±0.04% for PCL) were achieved and the nanoparticles presented narrow size distribution (0.12±0.03 for PLLA). PCL nanoparticles (217.5±2.12nm) presented significant difference with the Dz from all the other formulations (P
- Published
- 2015
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27. Preparation of PLLA/PMMA and PLLA/PS binary blend nanoparticles by incorporation of PLLA in methyl methacrylate or styrene miniemulsion homopolymerization
- Author
Luana Becker Peres, Laize Becker Peres, Pedro Henrique Hermes de Araújo, Claudia Sayer, and Odinei Hess Gonçalves
- Subjects
miniemulsion polymerization ,PLLA ,polymer blend ,polymeric nanoparticles ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
Miniemulsion homopolymerization reactions of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene (STY) using poly(L-lactide) as co-stabilizer were carried out in order to prepare poly(L-lactide)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PLLA/PMMA) and poly(L-lactide)/polystyrene (PLLA/PS) binary blend nanoparticles. The effect of PLLA concentration on methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene (STY) homopolymerization reactions was evaluated. It was found that the incorporation of PLLA resulted on acceleration of MMA and STY homopolymerization reactions and led to a molar mass increase of up to 70% for PS in PLLA/PS blend nanoparticles in relation to those prepared without PLLA, which can be attributed to an increase of reaction loci viscosity (gel effect). PLLA also acted as an efficient co-stabilizer, since it was able to retard diffusional degradation of droplets when no other kind of co-stabilizer was used. Two isolated Tgs were found in both PLLA/PMMA and PLLA/PS blend nanoparticles which can be associated to blend immiscibility. TEM images corroborate these results, suggesting that immiscible PLLA/PMMA and PLLA/PS blend nanoparticles could be formed with two segregated phases and core-shell morphology.
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Marcos Felipe Nicoletti, João Luis Ferreira Batista, Samuel de Pádua Chaves Carvalho, Tito Nunes de Castro, and André Felipe Hess
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to verify the accuracy of the optical dendrometers Criterion 400 and RC3H bystudying the quality of measures of wood volume determination of standing trees through these dendrometers.The study was developed at the Experimental Station of Forest Sciences, in Itatinga, São Paulo state, whichbelongs to the University of São Paulo (ESALQ / USP). It was sampled a total of 175 trees in three plots ofEucalyptus grandis. The stem diameter of standing trees was measured by the two optical dendrometers atdistances of 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 2.0 meters from this point meter by meter along the stem up to 8 metersheight. After measuring the standing trees they were felled and the diameter was obtained in differentpositions with a caliper and a tape in the same positions that the non-destructive measures were taken. Withthe diameters the volume was calculated by section and by individual trees by the Smalian formula forthe comparison of methods. Analyzing the measurements of stem diameter and the individual tree volume realizes that the two dendrometers provided measures generally underestimated. However, the Criterionprovided the best estimates. For the diameter and individual tree volume the Criterion showed underestimatederrors averaging approximately 1 cm (10%), while the RC3H resulted in errors greater than 5 cm (30%) onaverage.Thus, when measuring observed variables in a non-destructive way with reliability and accuracy,the Criterion showed better results.
- Published
- 2015
29. Gradiente de saturação de oxigênio e concentração de lactato entre átrio direito e artéria pulmonar no pós-operatório imediato de cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea
- Author
Juan Carlos Pendino, Leonardo Hess, Sergio Beltrame, Gonzalo Aldamiz-Echevarría Castillo, and John Trujillo
- Subjects
Oxygen/metabolism ,Oxygen consumption/physiology ,Lactate ,Postoperative period ,Thoracic surgery ,Extracorporeal circulation ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar as modificações na concentração sanguínea do lactato e da saturação de oxigênio em pacientes no pós-operatório imediato de cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea. Métodos: Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 35 pacientes, de forma rápida e aleatória, do acesso arterial e das portas proximal e distal de um cateter pulmonar. Resultados: Não foram verificadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre saturação de oxigênio no átrio direito (72% ± 0,11%) e na artéria pulmonar (71% ± 0,08%). A concentração sanguínea de lactato no átrio direito foi de 1,7mmol/L ± 0,5mmol/L, enquanto na artéria pulmonar esta concentração foi de 1,6mmol/L ± 0,5mmol/L (p < 0,0005). Conclusão: A diferença entre as concentrações sanguíneas de lactato no átrio direito e na artéria pulmonar pode ser consequência da baixa concentração de lactato no sangue do seio coronário, já que o lactato é um importante substrato para o miocárdio durante este período. A ausência de diferenças entre saturação sanguínea de oxigênio no átrio direito e na artéria pulmonar sugere extração de oxigênio mais baixa pelo miocárdio, em razão do menor consumo de oxigênio.
- Published
- 2017
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30. Os efeitos da COVID-19 na prematuridade: uma visão geral das revisões : The effects of COVID-19 on prematurity: an overview of the reviews
- Author
Giovanna Giovacchini dos Santos, Laíssa Viana Carmona, Gabriela Hess Vaz de Lima, Carolina Russo Buttler, Beatriz Bazzo Cilento, Cristina Ortiz Sobrinho Valete, and José Kleber Kobol Machado
- Subjects
trabalho de parto prematuro ,COVID-19 ,recém-nascido prematuro ,General Medicine - Abstract
Introdução: Gestantes são consideradas grupo de risco para a COVID-19. Contudo, faltam evidências acerca dos desfechos neonatais em gestantes infectadas pelo SARS-CoV-2. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se houve aumento de prematuridade em gestantes infectadas, se a infecção foi causa de prematuridade e quais os desfechos do parto e feto-neonatais estudados.Método: Foi feita uma revisão narrativa, que incluiu revisões narrativas, sistemáticas e metanálises, captadas na PubMed a partir dos descritores associados aos termos “COVID-19”, “prematuridade” e “mortalidade neonatal”, publicados no período de janeiro de 2020 a setembro de 2021.Resultados: Foram incluídos 21 estudos. A taxa de prematuridade variou de 20,1% a 63,83% e a via de parto predominante foi a cesariana (53,9 a 93%). Dezesseis estudos revelaram taxas de neonatos testados positivos para SARS-CoV-2 (de 0 a 14,3%). Outros desfechos neonatais incluídos foram: abortamento, mortalidade perinatal, crescimento intrauterino restrito, sofrimento fetal, APGAR abaixo de 7, baixo peso ao nascer, dificuldade respiratória e pneumonia.Discussão: Foi encontrado aumento da taxa de partos prematuros e de cesarianas em mulheres grávidas infectadas pelo SARS-CoV-2 em comparação à população geral. Não foi possível concluir que a COVID-19 seja causa direta de prematuridade, sendo importante ressaltar que as taxas observadas podem se relacionar à interrupção da gestação, possivelmente devido às informações insuficientes no início da pandemia quanto aos riscos da infecção no feto e transmissão vertical. Da mesma forma, a escolha pela cesariana pode estar relacionada à piora da condição materna. Os desfechos neonatais relatados foram variados entre os artigos revisados, o que nos impediu de fazer uma análise quantitativa para síntese dos achados. Pode-se afirmar, entretanto, que os desfechos são restritos à minoria dos casos, e ainda não está claro se são provocados pela infecção materna.Conclusão: Constatou-se aumento da taxa de prematuridade e de cesáreas na população estudada. Com relação aos desfechos neonatais adversos, ainda são necessários mais estudos englobando os períodos seguintes de avanço da pandemia. 
- Published
- 2022
31. Produção de massa de tomate com maior conteúdo de pró-vitamina A: avaliação microbiológica, físico-química e sensorial
- Author
Mariana Silva Pelosi and Cristiane Hess de Azevedo-Meleiro
- Subjects
saúde ,carotenoides ,vitamina A ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Biotechnology ,TP248.13-248.65 - Abstract
A deficiência de vitamina A é um grande problema de saúde pública e um dos grupos mais vulneráveis a essa deficiência são as crianças em idade pré-escolar. Existem medidas de intervenção que podem ser adotadas como forma de preveni-la ou reduzi-la, sendo uma delas o enriquecimento de alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir massa de tomate com fontes naturais de carotenoides pró-vitamínicos A, oriundos de três diferentes concentrações de suco de cenoura, e caracterizar as formulações em relação à análise microbiológica (bactérias lácticas, bolores e leveduras, clostrídios butíricos e termófilos "flat-sour"), análise físico-química (pH, sólidos solúveis e carotenoides) e análise sensorial (teste de aceitação com escala hedônica e intenção de compra). Os resultados mostraram que todas as formulações foram aprovadas no teste microbiológico, durante 90 dias de armazenamento. Quanto às análises físico-químicas, verificou-se aumento significativo do pH, nas três formulações, enquanto o teor de sólidos solúveis manteve-se inalterado, durante os três meses, em cada um dos produtos. Apesar da degradação significativa ao longo do tempo, foi possível aumentar o conteúdo de carotenoides nas massas de tomate com suco de cenoura, nas formulações. Além disso, as formulações foram consideradas, sensorialmente, como boas, pelos provadores. Considerando-se o teor de carotenoides encontrados e a impressão sensorial, as formulações podem ser uma estratégia de prevenção ou de redução da carência de vitamina A.
- Published
- 2014
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32. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in horses
- Author
Tanja Hess and Trinette Ross-Jones
- Subjects
alpha linolenic acid ,arachidonic acid inflammation ,docosahexaenoic acid ,eicosapentaenoic acid ,linoleic acid ,Animal culture ,SF1-1100 - Abstract
Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) are a family of essential fatty acids with many biological activities. These fatty acids are incorporated into cell membranes, changing their structural and functional characteristics. N-3 PUFA can act by modulating inflammatory responses at different levels. Omega-3 PUFA can be converted in the body to longer-chain n-3 PUFA at a limited rate and are differently converted in body systems. It appears that when specific longer-chain n-3 PUFA are desired these need to be supplemented directly in the diet. In different species some evidence indicates a potential effect on improving insulin sensitivity. Recently, a novel class of n-3 PUFA-derived anti-inflammatory mediators have been recognized, termed E-series and D-series resolvins, formed from EPA and DHA, respectively. N-3 PUFA derived resolvins and protectins are heavily involved in the resolution of inflammation. Supplementation with n-3 fatty acids in horses may help manage chronic inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, equine metabolic syndrome, laminitis, and thereby help to improve longevity of sport horse.
- Published
- 2014
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33. A formação continuada de professores no interior sul-mato-grossense e o uso das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação
- Author
Angela Hess Gumieiro
- Subjects
Formação continuada. Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação. ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
O presente artigo apresenta um estudo realizado sobre as ações de formação continuada de professores no interior sul-mato-grossense, tendo como principal objetivo verificar a forma de inserção das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação nessas ações de formação continuada. Utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, com procedimentos metodológicos como a análise de documentos, observação e entrevista semiestruturada. Como resultado, mencionamos que os processos de formação continuada que envolvem as Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação ainda apresentam-se como desafios para serem rompidos na rede municipal de ensino pesquisada.
- Published
- 2014
34. L-Lactide Polymerization in the Presence of Gaseous Nitrogen
- Author
Rosana Aparecida da Silva-Buzanello, Ligiane Aline Inhoato, Mirela Vanin dos Santos Lima, Heron Oliveira dos Santos Lima, Fernanda Vitória Leimann, Pedro Henrique Hermes de Araújo, and Odinei Hess Gonçalves
- Subjects
Biopolymer ,Depolymerization ,Gaseous Nitrogen ,PLLA ,Poly(L-lactic acid) ,Ring Opening Polymerization ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 - Abstract
During the ring opening polymerization of L-lactide the presence of water must be avoided since even small amounts can influence negatively on the reaction kinetic behavior. An effective way of removing water from the reaction system should be easy to implement and have comparatively low cost. The objective of the work was to obtain poly (L-lactic acid) at different conditions of temperature and catalyst concentration when gaseous nitrogen is used to purge the reactor comparing the resulting conversion profiles and final average molar masses. Results showed that a long induction period was observed when no gaseous nitrogen was used. It suggests that nitrogen was effective in removing the water from the reaction system since induction periods were not observed when it was injected before polymerization. Depolymerization was avoided when gaseous nitrogen was used resulting in higher molar masses than the case when no purging was carried out.
- Published
- 2014
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35. Las tecnologías educativas bajo u paradigma construccionista: un modelo de aprendizaje en el contexto de los nativos digitales
- Author
Roland Hess Schwabe
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
Cuando apareció el concepto del constructivismo, las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), como se conocen hoy, eran aún un sueño. Con la aparición de los “Nativos Digitales” (PRENSKY, 2009) cambio el concepto de la educación dado que la tendencia natural de estos Estudiantes es ocupar los Dispositivos Tecnológicos como una herramienta de aprendizaje. Desde este punto de vista, el estudiante opta por poner atención a lo novedoso, sorprendente, colorido e inesperado. Es en este contexto el Construccionismo, un concepto planteado por Seymour Papert, discípulo de Piaget, pensado como un “aprender haciendo” (PAPERT; HAREL, 1991), toma un nuevo sentido. En efecto, el afirmaba que el aprendizaje es mucho mejor cuando los estudiantes se comprometen en la construcción de un producto significativo como un objeto o un programa toma un nuevo sentido. La presente investigación intenta estudiar el impacto de las Tecnologías Educativas asociadas a un método de aprendizaje construccionista.
- Published
- 2014
36. Sintomas internalizantes na adolescência e as relações familiares: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
- Author
Adriana Raquel Binsfeld Hess and Denise Falcke
- Subjects
Adolescência ,Sintomas internalizantes ,Relações familiares ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Este artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura, nacional e internacional, no período de 2005 a 2010, sobre os sintomas internalizantes na adolescência e as relações familiares. Inicialmente, foi realizado um levantamento dos artigos indexados nas bases de dados Academic Search Premier, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), ISI Web of Knowledge, Lilacs, MEDLINEwith Full Text e SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), utilizando-se os descritores, em português, "problemas internalizantes" ou "sintomas internalizantes" e "adolescência ou adolescente ou jovem" e "família"; e, em inglês, "internalizing problems or internalizing symptoms" and "adolescence or adolescent or teenager" and "family". Os artigos foram classificados de acordo com o ano de publicação, o país, a metodologia, o instrumento de mensuração para comportamentos internalizantes e, ainda, quanto à temática principal. Na literatura internacional, constatou-se um predomínio de estudos empíricos e de caráter quantitativo, realizados preponderantemente pelos Estados Unidos. No Brasil, observou-se uma grande escassez de estudos integrando as temáticas da sintomatologia internalizante na adolescência e as relações familiares. Foram encontrados somente dois artigos, o que indica a necessidade de realização de mais pesquisas nesta área em nosso país.
- Published
- 2013
37. Cytology profile and age influence in the equine bronchoalveolar lavage in healthy and asymptomatic inflammatory airway disease Perfil citológico e influência da idade no lavado broncoalveolar de equinos sadios e com doença inflamatória de vias aéreas assintomática
- Author
Eliene Porto Sad, Nayro Xavier de Alencar, Vanessa Viscardi, Maria Fernanda de Mello Costa, Tanja Maria Hess, and Daniel Augusto Barroso Lessa
- Subjects
equino ,doença inflamatória das vias aéreas ,citologia broncoalveolar ,horse ,inflammatory airway disease ,bronchoalveolar cytology ,Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Pulmonary inflammatory diseases have been observed in equine since their domestication. Non-infectious disease processes of the lower airways are amongst the most important diseases of the equine respiratory tract. This study aims to determine the cytology profile and effect of age on the evaluation of equine bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) obtained from healthy animals and from horses with asymptomatic inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Thirty two horses, including 20 males and 12 females, without clinical signs of pulmonary disease and with age varying from 4 to 21 years, were assigned to two groups: 15 animals in the control group and 17 in the asymptomatic group. Groups were divided according to physical examination and mucous accumulation observed during tracheal endoscopy. The BAL results from healthy and asymptomatic horses were, respectively: 56.9% and 48.0% macrophages, 37.2% and 40.0% lymphocytes, 3.3% and 7.1% neutrophils, 1.7% and 1.4% mast cells, 0.3% and 0.7% eosinophils; 0,5% and 0.4% epithelial cells. When horses in the two groups were analyzed according to their age range, no differences were found. In conclusion, IAD in the asymptomatic group was significantly different from the control group. The asymptomatic horses presented a discrete infiltrate of neutrophils, which does not influence cytological evaluation of BAL.Doenças inflamatórias pulmonares são observadas na espécie equina desde sua domesticação. Dentre as enfermidades de maior importância do trato respiratório equino, estão os distúrbios não infecciosos de vias aéreas posteriores. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o perfil citológico e o efeito da idade na avaliação do lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) de equinos sadios e com Doença Inflamatória das Vias Aéreas (DIVA) assintomática. Foram utilizados 32 equinos adultos, aparentemente sadios, de ambos os sexos (20 machos e 12 fêmeas), com faixa etária média semelhante, sendo 15 animais do grupo controle e 17 animais do grupo doente assintomático. Os grupos foram estabelecidos segundo os critérios de GERBER et al. (2004) para acúmulo de muco traqueal após a realização de exames físicos diretos e endoscopia traqueal. Foi realizado o LBA e o percentual dos valores médios obtidos na análise citológica dos cavalos sadios e com DIVA assintomática foram, respectivamente: 56,9% e 48,0% de macrófagos, 37,2% e 40,0% de linfócitos, 3,3% e 7,1% de neutrófilos, 1,7% e 1,4% de mastócitos, 0,3% e 0,7% de eosinófilos; e 0,5% e 0,4% de células epiteliais. Concluiu-se que a DIVA nos animais integrantes do grupo doente assintomático caracterizou- se por um discreto infiltrado de neutrófilos e que a idade não influencia na avaliação citológica do LBA.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Marcos Garcia Neira, Eliana de Toledo, and Cássia Maria Hess
- Subjects
Full-time ,primary and secondary Physical Education. School teachers ,Educación primaria y secundaria ,Profesores ,Complement (complexity) ,Physical education ,Education ,Pedagogy ,Educação Física ,Educación Física ,Sociology ,Ensino fundamental e médio ,Professores escolares ,Discipline ,Ensino Integral ,Educação Física escolar ,atuação profissional ,School education - Abstract
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e problematizar o papel do professor de Educação Física dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, nas escolas do estado de São Paulo de Ensino Integral. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, com abordagem qualitativa. Identificou-se que o professor de Educação Física possui, além de suas atribuições específicas, um papel mais interdisciplinar com o de Arte, com a responsabilidade ainda de acompanhar os alunos no horário da saída e no almoço, e de participar das assembleias e dos agrupamentos. Para complementar a carga horária, deve atuar como apoio docente. Conclui-se que os documentos oficiais determinam a este profissional um papel disciplinador, de recreador, de auxiliar (portão e refeições), com multifunções, inclusive a médica, conforme a própria história da área nos identifica., The purpose of this research was to identify and problematize the role of the Physical Education teacher during the initial years of the elementary schools in full time schools of São Paulo state. It regards a documentary research with a qualitative approach. It was identified that the Physical Education teacher has, in addition to his specific duties, a more interdisciplinary role with Art, with yet the responsibility to accompany the students at the time of leaving and at lunch, and to participate in assemblies and groupings. To complement the timetable, has to act as a teaching support. It is concluded that the official documents determine to this professional a disciplinary role, a recreator, an assistant role (gate and meals), with multi functions, including the medical one, as the history of the area itself identify us.Key-words: Integral Teaching; Physical school education; professional performance., Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar y problematizar el papel del profesor de Educación Física de los años iniciales de la Enseñanza Fundamental, en las escuelas públicas de São Paulo de Enseñanza Integral. Se trata de una investigación documental con enfoque cualitativo. Se identificó que el profesor de Educación Física posee, además de sus atribuciones específicas, un papel más interdisciplinario con el de Arte, con la responsabilidad de acompañar a los alumnos en el horario de la salida y en el almuerzo, y de participar de las asambleas y de las agrupaciones . Para complementar la carga horaria, debe actuar como apoyo docente. Se concluye que los documentos oficiales determinan a este profesional un papel disciplinario, de recreador, de auxiliar (puerta y comidas), con multifunciones, incluso la médica, conforme la propia historia del área nos identifica.Palabras clave: Enseñanza Integral; Educación Física escolar; Actuación profesional.
- Published
- 2022
39. Os impactos da política educacional de municipalização frente à presença do professor de educação física nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental
- Author
Cássia Maria Hess and Eliana Toledo Ishibashi
- Subjects
municipalização ,legislação ,professor de educação física ,educação física ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
As políticas educacionais e a legislação, ainda que tenham boas intenções, nem sempre colaboram para a transformação da realidade. Este artigo analisará os impactos da municipalização na presença do professor de Educação Física nas séries iniciais do E.F. Sendoqualitativo, descritivo e documental, a amostra foi composta por 12 cidades, 32 professores e 15 diretores, que responderam um questionário. Concluímos que antes da municipalização 60% das escolas já tinham professores formados em Educação Física lecionando as aulas nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e atualmente, após a municipalização, 100% dos professores já são graduados na área.
- Published
- 2012
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40. Reformas, políticas públicas e a gestão do conselho nacional de justiça. Doi: 10.5020/2317-2150.2011.v16n2p589
- Author
Heliana Hess
- Subjects
políticas públicas judiciais. reforma do judiciário. emendas constitucionais. pactos republicanos. gestão pelo conselho nacional de justiça. ,Law ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Este artigo pretende apresentar as políticas públicas judiciais introduzidas por modelos de reforma do judiciário, baseados naqueles que foram desenvolvidos pelo Projeto de Florença, da Itália, e no Relatório do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento para a América Latina e Brasil, dos Estados Unidos. Estuda as Emendas Constitucionais e os Pactos Republicanos referentes aos serviços públicos e do Judiciário. Aborda a gestão judicial realizada pelo Conselho Nacional, guiando-se por metas e planejamento para os Tribunais. Introduz os instrumentos de gestão financeira, de recursos humanos, e a normativa do Poder Judiciário. Critica-se o modelo de reforma do judiciário com forte influência da gestão privada, centralizado em órgão de Cúpula da União e sem autonomia financeira para organizar a gestão administrativa interna. Observa-se que estes modelos não refletem a necessária eficiência e modernização dos serviços judiciais nos diversos Tribunais da nação. Há paradoxos entre os princípios constitucionais de eficiência e modernização da gestão com concreta prestação jurisdicional que não proporciona a defesa dos direitos humanos, a melhora na distribuição de justiça e a minimização de desigualdades regionais no Brasil.
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Ana Carolina da Silva, Pedro Higuchi, Manoela Drews de Aguiar, Marcelo Negrini, João Fert Neto, and André Felipe Hess
- Subjects
Árvore de Regressão Multivariada ,estrutura ,Floresta de Araucária ,Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050985091This study investigated the floristic composition and the tree community structure in a secondary Araucaria Forest fragment in the Southern Plateau Region of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, the floristic context of this fragment in relation to other areas of Araucaria Forest in the region and the influence of climatic and geographic variables on the clustering patterns observed. The phytosociological of tree vegetation were assessed through 25, 400 m2, plots, where all trees with DBH (diameter at breast height) ≥ 5 cm were measured and identified.The floristic relationship among remnants and the influence of climatic and geographic variables were analized through a Multivariate Regression Tree, using a presence-absence species matrix and a climatic-geographic variables matrix. In the study area, 87 species were found, distributed into 36 botanic families. The species with the highest importance value were Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze and Podocarpus lambertii Klotzsch. While the distribution of individuals in diametric classes was similar to an inverted J shape for the community, the populations demonstrated different shapes of diametric distribution. In the region, three floristic clusters were discriminated, influenced mainly by temperature seasonality and annual mean temperature. The study site was grouped with together with other areas presenting temperature seasonality higher or equal to 3.053oC.
- Published
- 2012
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42. Waste management in three public hospitals of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil - doi:10.5020/18061230.2010.p221
- Author
Keila Tivirolli, Soraia Cristina Tivirolli, Patrícia Corrêa da Luz, Luana Barbiero Vieira Fujino, Marjolly Priscilla Shinzato, Josué Skowronski, Ariel Ortiz Gomes, Lúcia Helena de Andrade Vasconcelos, and Sônia Corina Hess
- Subjects
Serviço de Limpeza Hospitalar ,Gerenciamento de Resíduos ,Controle de riscos. ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objectives: To assess the management of health service waste generated in three public hospitals of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), including qualitative and quantitative parameters. Methods: This was an observational and descriptive study. We assessed the waste management in two large public hospitals (HG1, 240 hospital beds and HG2, 343 beds) and in a small sized one (HP, 35 hospital beds). The data were collected in situ, by direct observation of the procedures for waste management and by quantifying the mass of waste generated by working sector in the three hospitals. Results: The study revealed that the internal management of waste generated in the three health care unities was not adequate, and that their workers were not trained on the proper management of waste and the use of personal protective equipment. The average rates of waste generation determined in HG1, HG2 and HP were, respectively, 4.7, 4.8 and 2.4 Kg.hospital bed-1.day-1, that fit the range of values reported in the literature. Conclusion: The detected inadequacies directly put at risk the health of workers and others who attend the three assessed hospitals and the outside comunity, which may be exposed to pathogens or toxic agents present in such waste.
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Ana Carolina da Silva, Pedro Higuchi, Manoela Drews de Aguiar, Marcelo Negrini, João Fert Neto, and André Felipe Hess
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
This study investigated the floristic composition and the tree community structure in a secondary Araucaria Forest fragment in the Southern Plateau Region of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, the floristic context of this fragment in relation to other areas of Araucaria Forest in the region and the influence of climatic and geographic variables on the clustering patterns observed. The phytosociological survey of tree vegetation was assessed through 25, 400 m2, plots, where all trees with DBH (diameter at breast height) ¿ 5 cm were measured and identified.The floristic relationship among remnants and the influence of climatic and geographic variables were analized through a Multivariate Regression Tree, using a presence-absence species matrix and a climatic-geographic variables matrix. In the study area, 87 species were found, distributed into 36 botanic families. The species with the highest importance value were Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze and Podocarpus lambertii Klotzsch. While the distribution of individuals in diametric classes was similar to an inverted J shape for the community, the populations demonstrated different shapes of diametric distribution. In the region, three floristic clusters were discriminated, influenced mainly by temperature seasonality and annual mean temperature. The study site was grouped with together with other areas presenting temperature seasonality higher or equal to 3.053oC.
- Published
- 2012
44. Fator de diferenciação de crescimento 15: um novo biomarcador em pacientes com disfunção diastólica? Factor de diferenciación de crecimiento 15: ¿un nuevo biomarcador en pacientes con disfunción diastólica? Growth-differentiation factor-15: a novel biomarker in patients with diastolic dysfunction?
- Author
Wilfried Dinh, Reiner Füth, Mark Lankisch, Georg Hess, Dietmar Zdunek, Thomas Scheffold, Frank Kramer, Rolf Michael Klein, Michael Coll Barroso, and Werner Nickl
- Subjects
Factor 15 de diferenciación de crecimiento ,insuficiencia cardíaca ,volumen sistólico ,disfunción ventricular ,Fator 15 de diferenciação de crescimento ,insuficiência cardíaca ,volume sistólico ,disfunção ventricular ,Growth differentiation factor 15 ,heart failure ,stroke volume ,ventricular dysfunction ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
FUNDAMENTO: O fator de diferenciação de crescimento-15 ou GDF-15, uma citocina de resposta ao estresse relacionada ao fator transformador de crescimento beta (TGF-ß), está elevado e independentemente relacionado à prognóstico adverso na insuficiência cardíaca sistólica. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar os níveis plasmáticos de GDF-15 em pacientes com disfunção diastólica pré-clínica ou insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção normal (ICFEN). MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 119 pacientes com fração de ejeção (FE) normal, encaminhados à angiografia coronariana eletiva, dos quais 75 (63%) tinham doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Os indivíduos foram classificados como tendo disfunção diastólica ventricular esquerda leve (DDVE grau I, n = 61), ICFEN (DDVE grau II ou III, n = 38) ou função diastólica normal (controles, n = 20). Em um subgrupo de 20 indivíduos, alterações no débito cardíaco (DC) foram medidas através de reinalação de gás inerte (Innocor®) em resposta a um teste hemodinâmico ortostático. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de GDF-15 na ICFEN [mediana 1,08, variação interquartil (0,88-1,30) ng/ml] eram significantemente mais altos do que nos controles [0,60 (0,50-0,71) ng/ml, p = 0,003] e em pacientes com DDVE grau I [0,78 (0,62-1,04) ng/ml, p < 0.001]. Além disso, os níveis de GDF-15 estavam significantemente elevados em pacientes com DDVE grau I, em comparação aos controles (p = 0,003). Adicionalmente, GDF-15 estava correlacionado com os marcadores ecocardiográficos de disfunção diastólica e estava correlacionado com a magnitude da resposta do CO à alteração na posição do corpo de ereta para supina (r = -0,67, p = 0,005). CONCLUSÃO: Os níveis de GDF-15 estão elevados em indivíduos com ICFEN e podem diferenciar função diastólica normal de DDVE. Além disso, os níveis de GDF-15 estão associados com uma redução na resposta do DC no teste hemodinâmico ortostático.FUNDAMENTO: El factor de diferenciación de crecimiento-15 o GDF-15, una citocina de respuesta al estrés relacionada con el factor transformador de crecimiento beta (TGF-ß), es elevado y está independientemente relacionado con el pronóstico adverso en la insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar los niveles plasmáticos de GDF-15 en pacientes con disfunción diastólica preclínica o insuficiencia cardíaca con fracción de eyección normal (ICFEN). MÉTODOS: Evaluamos a 119 pacientes con fracción de eyección (FE) normal, derivados a angiografía coronaria electiva, de los cuales 75 (63%), tenían enfermedad arterial coronaria (EAC). Los individuos fueron clasificados como teniendo una disfunción diastólica ventricular izquierda leve (DDVI grado I, n = 61), ICFEN (DDVI grado II o III, n = 38), o función diastólica normal (controles, n = 20). En un subgrupo de 20 individuos, las alteraciones en el débito cardíaco (DC), se midieron a través de una nueva inhalación de gas inerte (Innocor®) en respuesta a un test hemodinámico ortostático. RESULTADOS: Los niveles de GDF-15 en la ICFEN [mediana 1,08, variación intercuartil (0,88-1,30) ng/ml], eran significantemente más altos que en los controles [0,60 (0,50-0,71) ng/ml, p = 0,003] y en los pacientes con DDVI grado I [0,78 (0,62-1,04) ng/ml, p < 0,001]. Además, los niveles de GDF-15 estaban significantemente elevados en los pacientes con DDVI grado I, en comparación con los controles (p = 0,003). Por añadidura, el GDF-15 estaba correlacionado con los marcadores ecocardiográficos de disfunción diastólica y con la magnitud de la respuesta del DC a la alteración en la posición del cuerpo variando de la posición erecta a la posición supina (r = -0,67, p = 0,005). CONCLUSIÓN: Los niveles de GDF-15 están elevados en individuos con ICFEN y pueden diferenciar una función diastólica normal de DDVI. Además, los niveles de GDF-15 están asociados con una reducción en la respuesta del DC en el test hemodinámico ortostático.BACKGROUND: Growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15), a stress-responsive transforming growth factor-ß-related cytokine, is elevated and independently related to an adverse prognosis in systolic heart failure. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate plasma levels of GDF-15 in patients with preclinical diastolic dysfunction or heart failure with normal ejection fraction (HFnEF). METHODS: We evaluated 119 patients with normal ejection fraction referred for an elective coronary angiography, 75 (63%) of whom had coronary artery disease. Subjects were classified as having either mild left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD grade I, n = 61), HFnEF (LVDD grade II or III, n = 38) or normal diastolic function (controls, n = 20). In a subgroup of 20 subjects, changes in cardiac output (CO) were measured by inert gas rebreathing (InnocorTM) in response to an orthostatic hemodynamic test. RESULTS: Growth differentiation factor-15 levels in HFnEF [median 1.08, interquartile range (0.88-1.30) ng/ml] were significantly higher than in controls [0.60 (0.50-0.71) ng/ml, p = 0.003] and in patients with LVDD grade I [0.78 (0.62-1.04) ng/ml, p < 0.001]. In addition, GDF-15 was significantly elevated in patients with LVDD grade I compared to controls (p = 0.003). Furthermore, GDF-15 was correlated with echocardiographic markers of diastolic dysfunction and was correlated with the magnitude of CO response to the change in body position from standing to supine (r = -0.67, p = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Growth differentiation factor-15 levels are elevated in subjects with HFnEF and can differentiate normal diastolic function from asymptomatic LVDD. In addition, GDF-15 is associated with a reduced cardiac output response in the orthostatic hemodynamic test.
- Published
- 2011
45. Waste management in three public hospitals of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
- Author
Keila Tivirolli, Soraia Cristina Tivirolli, Patrícia Corrêa da Luz, Luana Barbiero Vieira Fujino, Marjolly Priscilla Shinzato, Josué Skowronski, Ariel Ortiz Gomes, Lúcia Helena de Andrade Vasconcelos, and Sônia Corina Hess
- Subjects
Hospital Housekeeping Service ,Waste Management ,Risk management. ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objectives: To assess the management of health service waste generated in three public hospitals of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), including qualitative and quantitative parameters. Methods: This was an observational and descriptive study. We assessed the waste management in two large public hospitals (HG1, 240 hospital beds and HG2, 343 beds) and in a small sized one (HP, 35 hospital beds). The data were collected in situ, by direct observation of the procedures for waste management and by quantifying the mass of waste generated by working sector in the three hospitals. Results: The study revealed that the internal management of waste generated in the three health care unities was not adequate, and that their workers were not trained on the proper management of waste and the use of personal protective equipment. The average rates of waste generation determined in HG1, HG2 and HP were, respectively, 4.7, 4.8 and 2.4 Kg.hospital bed-1.day-1, that fit the range of values reported in the literature. Conclusion: The detected inadequacies directly put at risk the health of workers and others who attend the three assessed hospitals and the outside comunity, which may be exposed to pathogens or toxic agents present in such waste
- Published
- 2010
46. VOLUME GROWTH OF Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze IN THREE REGIONS OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL
- Author
André Felipe Hess and Paulo Renato Schneider
- Subjects
crescimento ,regiões fitogeográficas ,Araucaria angustifolia ,Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
The objective of the present work was to study the volume growth of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze individuals, in function of tree ages, in the region of Planalto Médio, Encosta Superior do Nordeste and Serra do Sudeste in Rio Grande do Sul. For this sake, growth equations were fitted to growth data generated to different tree ages estimated by dendrocronology. Backman’s growth equation demonstrated to be efficient with the application of dummy variables, allowing the identification of growth differences according to the region being studied. In order to reduce estimative errors, different equations are needed for each place. Results demonstrated that, in each studied region, the species showed different form and velocity of volumetric growth. In Serra do Sudeste, the maximum annual mean increment in volume was 0.0311 m³ at 56 years-old; in Planalto Médio was 0.0198 m³ at 46 years-old; and, in the Encosta Superior do Sudeste was 0.026 m³ at 48 years-old, indicating a good potential of mean growth in the studied regions.
- Published
- 2010
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47. Crescimento em volume de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze na Serra do Sudeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.
- Author
André Felipe Hess, Paulo Renato Schneider, and César Martins Andrade
- Subjects
Serra do Sudeste ,Araucaria angustifolia ,incremento ,Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar o crescimento em volume de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze na região da Serra do Sudeste e ajustar uma equação de crescimento em volume. Os dados foram obtidos por análise de tronco, de seções transversais nas alturas de 0,10 m, 1,30 m e, após, de 2 em 2m, de árvores abatidas de povoamentos naturais, tendo o volume resultado por idade. O trabalho demonstrou que a espécie nessa região tem incrementos significativos, atingindo, aos 60 anos, o volume sem casca médio igual a 0,6866 m³, com um incremento médio anual em volume sem casca de 0,01585 m³/ano.
- Published
- 2010
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48. Socialização de conhecimentos e experiências sobre o processo de nascimento e tecnologias do cuidado
- Author
Daiane Zocche Darós, Pâmela Tasca Hess, Patrícia Sulsbach, Maria de Fátima Mota Zampieri, and Heloisa Silveira Daniel
- Subjects
Educação em saúde ,Terapêutica ,Assistência pré-natal ,Cuidado de enfermagem ,Parto obstétrico. ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
A cidade de Florianópolis, a exemplo do país, vive um período crítico na obstetrícia, onde taxas de cesárea são altas, assimcomo traumas relacionados ao parto. Partindo desta percepção, enfermeiras e acadêmicas desenvolveram pesquisa qualitativa convergente assistencial com mulheres que participaram, enquanto gestantes/parturientes, de prática educativa durante o processo de nascimento. O estudo realizou-se na comunidade dos Ingleses em 2007, buscou conhecer a importância do processo educativo e as contribuições ao socializar conhecimentos sobre o processo de nascimento e ao praticar tecnologias de cuidado na gestação. Tais tecnologias são ações terapêuticas e não farmacológicas, podem minimizar a dor e ajudar gestantes a conhecerem seus corpos e potenciais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observaçãoparticipante e as mulheres foram questionadas sobre percepção e significado da gravidez, orientação pré-natal, dúvidas. Apósanálise originaram-se categorias - compreender o significado da gravidez e do processo de nascimento; incorporar as tecnologias do cuidado e viver o parto com tranquilidade; sentir-se valorizada por profissional da unidade básica de saúde; favorecer participação ativa no processo de nascimento. A prática educativa colaborou na vivência do processo e na satisfação da mulher. O conhecimento produzido pode subsidiar mudanças no cotidiano do cuidado à gestante na atenção básica.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
André Felipe Hess and Paulo Renato Schneider
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
The objective of the present work was to study the volume growth of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze individuals, in function of tree ages, in the region of Planalto Médio, Encosta Superior do Nordeste and Serra do Sudeste in Rio Grande do Sul. For this sake, growth equations were fitted to growth data generated to different tree ages estimated by dendrocronology. Backman's growth equation demonstrated to be efficient with the application of dummy variables, allowing the identification of growth differences according to the region being studied. In order to reduce estimative errors, different equations are needed for each place. Results demonstrated that, in each studied region, the species showed different form and velocity of volumetric growth. In Serra do Sudeste, the maximum annual mean increment in volume was 0.0311 m³ at 56 years-old; in Planalto Médio was 0.0198 m³ at 46 years-old; and, in the Encosta Superior do Sudeste was 0.026 m³ at 48 years-old, indicating a good potential of mean growth in the studied regions.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
André Felipe Hess, Paulo Renato Schneider, and César Augusto Guimarães Finger
- Subjects
crescimento ,regiões fitogeográficas ,araucária. ,Agriculture ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
The present work aimed to study the natural stand of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze growth in diameter in function of the age, in Medium Plateau, Leans Superior of the Northeast and Mountain of the Southeast phytogeographics areas of Rio Grande do Sul. For this, the Backman’s growth equation had been used, showing to be efficient with application of dummy variables, allowing identifying differences in growth for the studied areas, having the need of separating equations to each place, what allowed minimizing the estimates errors. The obtained results demonstrate that in each area the species presented form and differentiated diametric growth. In the Southeast Mountain, the average annual increment in diameter had been 0,96 cm/year at 33 years; in the Medium Plateau, 0,95 cm/year at 22 years; and in the Northeast Superior Hillside, 1,04 cm/year at 20 years-old, indicating a good potential of medium growth.
- Published
- 2009
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