The announcement of "global epidemic" by the World Health Organization has caused an extraordinary situation that caused a great crisis all over the world.Training activities stopped due to the COVID-19 epidemic were considered as appropriate to be carried out using the Distance Education method according to the decision of Council of Higher Education (CoHE). Education being done in this process is evaluated within the scope of "Education in Emergency". In this process, theoretical courses started to be carried out with distance education, and a new training process has started for lecturers and students. One type of virus has become an epidemic in our lives when it is activated in our lives and promotes its contagiousness. Therefore; students who continue their education in universities, are distributed to different regions of Turkey for distance education. The purpose of this study is to create solutions for defined problems of undergraduate students, who were trying to take distance education beside their families from different regions of Turkey, about distance education. And also to examine students' views on distance education. The research was carried out on 390 students studying at the Faculty of Letters of 19 State Universities and data were collected through the questionnaire on the online platform. Data obtained within the scope of the study were presented under four heading; as demographic findings to recognize students, findings regarding the participation of students to distance education system, findings on students' usage of technology in distance education system and finally qualitatively evaluated findings, which, were the opinions of the students about the future education system, were presented. In this study; quantitative data obtained; It is given by frequency distribution. Descriptive analyzes were used to present the data. In the scope of the questionnaire, content analysis method was used to evaluate the opinions of students on certain topics, while interpreting qualitative data. As a result of the study, it was determined that 61% of the students could not actively participate to the courses which were given by distance education and besides, 60,25% of them had computers or tablets but 40,3% of them had internet connection problems. In general, it was determined that they communicate with the academics whom they took lessons by using different communication tools, preferably using the university's system. Also; students anticipate that the education system will turn into distance education in the future and explained the advantages and disadvantages of this situation from their perspectives. When the related explanations are categorized, the positive aspects of distance education are gathered in 3 themes: convenient and useful system, effective learning activities, and taking responsibility of the student. The explanations about disadvantages of distance education are categorized and technological difficulties, cultural and regional differences, injustices in course evaluation and scoring, unplanned processing of lessons, the problem of not being disciplined and unable to focus, and security problem. As a result, it was determined that students' participation in education from different regions and having different socio-cultural structure affect productivity in distance education. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]