ÖZET Tezin konusu, çevre/yaşam kalitesi açısından teknoparkların yerseçimi, kentsel ve mimari tasarım ilkelerinin belirlenerek; İzmir-Alaçatı için bir teknopark önerisi sunulmasıdır. Bu güne kadar endüstriyel gelişim ile çevre koruma konulan arasında birbirini tamamlayan bir ilişki bulunamamıştır, gelişmiş toplumlar; çevre korumacı yapılan nedeniyle teknoparkları, bu problemin çözümü olarak görmektedirler. Teknoparklarda çevre/yaşam kalitesi gereksinimi ise burada görevli kalifiye işgücünün gereksinim duyduğu çevresel standartlardan kaynaklanır. Bu yüzden günümüz ekonomisinde insan-çevre etkileşimine daha çok önem verilmesi gerekmektedir. Çünkü artık ekonominin dayanağı klasik üretim faaliyetleri değil, yenilikçi kalifiye işgücü tarafından gerçekleştirilen fikir ve buluş üretimidir. Bu nedenle kalifiye işgücüne verimli Ar-Ge çalışmaları için gereksinim duyduğu kalite standartları sağlanmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, teknoparklar için çevre/yaşam kalitesi gerekliliği doğrultusunda ve dünya teknoparklarından örnekler üzerinde yapılan analiz yöntemiyle, teknoparkların yerseçimi, kentsel ve mimari tasarım ilkelerinin saptanmasıdır. Bir inkübatör olarak çalışan İTÜ-Kosgeb Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi şirketlerinin burada çalışmayı seçme nedenleri ve İTÜ'de çalışan bilim adamlarının mevcut ve ideal çalışma ve yaşama koşullarının anket soruşturması yöntemiyle belirlenmesi, son olarak da bütün veriler ve saptanan ilkeler ışığında İzmir Alaçatı için bir teknopark önerisi sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Birinci bölümde; yukarıda özetlenen tezin amacı ve yöntemi açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde çevre/yaşam kalitesi tanımlanmış ve teknoparklar için gerekliliği irdelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde; teknoparklar ile ilgili kavramsal tanım ve açıklamalar yapılmış, teknoparkların dünya ülkelerindeki gelişimi ve bu konuda Türkiye'deki girişimler anlatılmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde; teknoparkların yerseçimi ilkeleri, kuruluş amaçlan doğrultusunda ele alınarak belirtilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde; teknoparkların kentsel ve mimari tasarım amaçlan ve ilkeleri belirlenmiş, bu amaçla teknopark mekanlarının işlev ve özellikleri tanıtılmıştır. Altıncı bölümde; bilim adamlarının ideal çalışma ve yaşama koşullan ve özel şirketlerin inkübatörde çalışmayı seçme nedenlerini bulmaya yönelik anket soruşturmalarının değerlendirmeleri yapılmış, bu sonuçlar ve belirlenen yer seçimi, kentsel ve mimari ilkeler doğrultusunda İzmir-Alaçatı için bir teknopark önerisi sunulmuştur. Yedinci bölümde ise; teknoparkların kendi işleyişleri için çevre/yaşam kalite gereksinimleri ve teknoparkın çevre kalitelerinin yükseltilmesindeki etkileri açılarından sonuçlar belirlenmiş ve öneriler sunulmuştur. ıx SUMMARY The subject of thesis is the determination of the location, urban and architectural design principles of technoparks from the view of environmental quality and to offer a technopark project for İzmir -Alaçatı. Until today, it was not possible to find an optimal relation between the environmental preservation subjects industrial development. Today, civilised societies consider the technopark, the solution of this problem. The environmental / life quality necessity in the technoparks originates from the environmental standards needed by the qualified labour. Because of this in today's economics, man-environment interrelations should be given more importance. Environmental protection is certainly one of the major concerns of our industrialised societies. The deterioration of the environment shows how urgent it is to adopt a sustainable development policy. Resources must be preserved in order to maintain economic development. Directives, laws and decrees stemming from this new awareness have caused major changes in business developments. More stringent regulations necessarily have an effect on production costs involved in reaching these environmental quality levels, and give rise to new competitive stances based on environmental protection. These changes have also led to the development of entirely new Business and professions. One of these establishments are the technoparks. Research has naturally played an important role in developing the requisite procedures and process. Paradoxically, whereas the general public's image of the environment is often associated with the idea of simply protecting natural habitats, it has, in fact, necessitated specific, highly complex technologies, often requiring preliminary research and experimentation. The environment is a high-tech field, given that the application of new technologies requires a type of organisation and methodology which are not simply `scientific` or `technical`, as in the case of identifying a disease and applying the appropriate remedy. On the contrary, the implementation of these high-tech solutions presupposes a systematic investigation of relationships between natural environments and human systems. Environmental technologies require a high-tech base, with intensive research development of industrial applications, and a systematic and broad-based approach in order to tailor projects to specific markets. These criteria are perfectly suited to the current profile of science parks, so it is hardly surprising that a number of mixed university/research centres, science and technology parks, incubators and innovation centres are currently focusing on the environmental angle, either directly, or byintegrating this aspect into the skills, products, or process they developed. This mat either involve improving the quality of specific products or developing totally new products and services in response to specific environmental problems. In the introduction chapter, the aim and the process of the thesis is explained as above. In the second chapter, the life quality and its components are presented and the necessity of the environmental life quality for technoparks is explained. The subject of the third chapter is conceptual explanations and definitions about technoparks: Generally, the accepted definition for technoparks is : a property based initiative which;. has formal and operational links with a University or other Higher Educational Instruction or major Centre of Research ;. is designed to encourage the formation and growth of knowledge-based businesses and other organisations normally resident on-site ;. has a management function which is actively engaged in the transfer of technology and business skills to the organisations on site. The initiatives called by other names as Research Park, Innovation Centre, Science Parks are also called included within the definition where they meet the essential criteria set out above. The main goal of Technoparks is to bring together ideas and people with knowledge and financial strength. The idea is to maximise development by minimising the time between invention to marketable product with economical value. Technoparks have their origins in the US. In the early 1950's Stanford University set up an industrial park to better utilise its land. Then, after a few years Stanford realised that they were attracting onto the site their entrepreneurially minded academics and students. New highly technology industry companies were also attracted the land and the Industrial Park became the world's Technopark. As more companies located on the Technology Park many sought out the best graduates from Stanford University as prospective employees and through this process a whole range of other University / Park Company interactions grew up. It was from this background that Silicon Valley emerged in the 1970's as a major economic force in the world. The other establishers of the Technoparks are namely; Sophia Antipolis (France), Cambridge and Heriot Watt (U.K) in Europe in 1972's. XIAlthough Cambridge and Heriot Watt had individualistic approaches, they both became very successful. In other words the path to success lies in identifying local strength and needs building upon them. The other success criteria of technopoles can be listed as below;. Property : Well designed, flexible settlement in attractive landscaped surrounding must be planned. Academic Links; to have an academic institution nearby offering ease of access to internationally recognised specialisation in a range of technologies, this means a source of qualified graduates when recruiting staff. Activities; Knowledge based business within a community atmosphere must take place in Technoparks. Management; the management of the technoparks must give support to the firms from an on-site management team to advise on local sources of technological and business back-up. All the countries and especially some of them have built their own technopark styles and strategies. American style can be characterised by business incubators while the UK style has the property of strong relations with university. French style gives more importance to urban design of technoparks and call them technopolis. In Japan the central government manages the technopark programme of the country and the Germans call. Research Park their technopark like ventures. In turkey there is not a real technopark but there are some enterprises as İTÜ and ODTÜ Kosgeb Technology Centres, Izmir Teknopark A.Ş., ATAP etc. İzmir- Alaçatı Environmental Technopark is chosen as the sample of the thesis. There are four different elements in the establishment and the management of technoparks which are;. Local Governments. Universities. Private Sector. The management of the technopark As an example in UK, Universities, Local Authorities & Government Agencies are responsible for about 60% of the investment in technopark buildings while private sector companies who own and build their own premises for 32% In the 4th chapter, before the determination of the Location principles, the establishment aims of technoparks are designated. Some of them are below; To increase the assortment of national economic activities and to encourage the establishment of new companies and help them grow, opening up new work fields in this manner. XllTo develop new products with high added value to help speed up the progress of the country. To conduct research and development studies to convert inventions to ready-to purchase goods. To create technology transfer among nations. To convert the research and development efforts in universities into marketable products with economic value. To support entrepreneurship. To open environmental-friendly technology fields and to increase the environmental standards of the region they are built on. To prepare for the tough competition of the 21st century. To built the university - industry relation. The Location Principle of the technoparks according to these aims are; to be close to a University or a Research Centre and to have easy access to them, to have developed transportation facilities, to have an existent or a potential local industry that belongs to the region which the technopark has built, According to these location principles; 1- for the countries which don't have a developed economy; there is not choice much of location as they have to provide a lots at necessities for technoparks like, qualified labour force, airports, highways, telecommunications, web of ancillary service industries, best housing conditions, rich social & cultural networks. They are likely to be highly concentrated in its leading region, the national Capitol. But this choice can also cause a contradiction; this region may have already be starting to experience fairly massive negative economic externalities in the form of traffic congestion, long and arduous work journeys, housing casts and air pollution which may make it a less attractive location than it might potentially be. 2- In more advanced but still developing economies, the best choice is the location to one of the leading provincial cities, which will have grown to the point that it offers an adequate platform of transportation, communication, and specialised facilities including university education. In the 5th chapter, the urban and architectural design principles are designated according to the environmental / life quality criteria. Before this designation, the aims of design are determined as;. The adaptable planning to the environmental datum's like, - climate, - plant cover, - topography, - purification of the natural environment,. Functional action-space organisation. Security. High-tech & also natural image. Providing the psychological & social needs xniThen the activities and the urban and architectural spaces of the technopark and the relations between them are defined. As a result of this definition;. The spatial relations must be well provided by the functional organisations of the spaces in the technopark,. They have to become together in a low density,. Landscaping is very important and the technopark must have a high density plantation,. The support units must take place in the technopark in order to provide clean energy and to eliminate the different sources wastes.. The private sector working buildings must have flexible designs, The sixth chapter is about the survey about the firms in the incubator -İTÜ-KOSGEB Technology Innovation Centre -and the academicians from the Istanbul Technical university. The aim of the survey is to determine the ideal environment for working and living of academicians and the reasons of the firms to work in an incubator. By the conclusions of the survey and the determined location, urban and architectural principles of the technoparks, a technopark proposal for İzmir -Alaçatı is presented. In the seventh chapter, the summary of the general aims and the topic of the thesis is given theoretically. In relation with the other chapters the general conclusions are determined and accordingly, proposals for Turkey are presented. xiv 216