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1. Estimating the Effective Radiative Forcing of Contrail Cirrus.

2. Diverse Responses of Strong Positive SST and Rainfall Indian Ocean Dipole Events under Greenhouse Warming.

3. Consistently Estimating Internal Climate Variability from Climate Model Simulations.

4. Reply to 'Comment on 'Comparison of Low-Frequency Internal Climate Variability in CMIP5 Models and Observations''.

5. Uncertainty in the Past and Future Changes of Tropical Pacific SST Zonal Gradient: Internal Variability versus Model Spread.

6. Impact of Anomalous Northward Oceanic Heat Transport on Global Climate in a Slab Ocean Setting.

7. Comprehensive Representation of Tropical-Extratropical Teleconnections Obstructed by Tropical Pacific Convection Biases in CMIP6.

8. The Long-Term Trends of Global Land Precipitation in GFDL's CM4 and ESM4 Climate Models.

9. An Origin of North American Monsoon Retreat Biases in Climate Models.

10. Sources of Uncertainty in the Time of Emergence of Tropical Pacific Climate Change Signal: Role of Internal Variability.

11. Distinct Responses of North Pacific and North Atlantic Summertime Subtropical Anticyclones to Global Warming.

12. Western and Central Tropical Pacific Rainfall Response to Climate Change: Sensitivity to Projected Sea Surface Temperature Patterns.

13. An Investigation of the Effective Climate Sensitivity in GFDL's New Climate Models CM4.0 and SPEAR.

14. Persistent Discrepancies between Observed and Modeled Trends in the Tropical Pacific Ocean.

15. Using Climate Model Simulations to Constrain Observations.

16. Persistent Anomaly Changes in High-Resolution Climate Simulations.

17. Seasonal Sensitivity of the Cross-Equatorial Hadley Cell Response to Extratropical Thermal Forcings.

18. Observed Statistical Connections Overestimate the Causal Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Changes on Midlatitude Winter Climate.

19. The Observed Relationship between Pacific SST Variability and Hadley Cell Extent Trends in Reanalyses.

20. Tropical Cyclones Downscaled from Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum.

21. An Estimate of the Relative Contributions of Sea Surface Temperature Variations in Various Regions to Stratospheric Change.

22. Enhanced Climate Change Response of Wintertime North Atlantic Circulation, Cyclonic Activity, and Precipitation in a 25-km-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model.

23. Sixty Years of Widespread Warming in the Southern Middle and High Latitudes (1957–2016).

24. Climate Change Amplification of Natural Drought Variability: The Historic Mid-Twentieth-Century North American Drought in a Warmer World.

25. Triggering Global Climate Transitions through Volcanic Eruptions.

26. Relationships among Intermodel Spread and Biases in Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures.

27. The Atmospheric Pathway of the Cloud-Radiative Impact on the Circulation Response to Global Warming: Important and Uncertain.

28. Robust Responses of the Sahelian Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming.

29. The Hadley Circulation Regime Change: Combined Effect of the Western Pacific Warming and Increased ENSO Amplitude.

30. Suppression of Cold Weather Events over High-Latitude Continents in Warm Climates.

31. Drivers of Precipitation Change: An Energetic Understanding.

32. The Climatology of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Contemporary Global Climate Models.

33. Bjerknes Compensation in the CMIP5 Climate Models.

34. Impact of Tropical Cyclones on the Global Ocean: Results from Multidecadal Global Ocean Simulations Isolating Tropical Cyclone Forcing.

35. Projected Response of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Intensification in a Global Climate Model.

36. Exploring the Climatic Response to Wide Variations in Ocean Heat Transport on an Aquaplanet.

37. Unraveling Causes for the Changing Behavior of the Tropical Indian Ocean in the Past Few Decades.

38. Fast and Slow Components of the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to CO2 Forcing.

39. Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in Superparameterized CAM in Response to Warmer SSTs.

40. Comment on 'Comparison of Low-Frequency Internal Climate Variability in CMIP5 Models and Observations'.

41. Bjerknes Compensation in Meridional Heat Transport under Freshwater Forcing and the Role of Climate Feedback.

42. Distinct Patterns of Tropical Pacific SST Anomaly and Their Impacts on North American Climate.

43. Influence of the Ocean and Greenhouse Gases on Severe Drought Likelihood in the Central United States in 2012.

44. Impact of Regional Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Changes on Shifts of the Extratropical Jet Stream in Response to Global Warming.

45. Time-Varying Response of ENSO-Induced Tropical Pacific Rainfall to Global Warming in CMIP5 Models. Part I: Multimodel Ensemble Results.

46. Response of the Superparameterized Madden-Julian Oscillation to Extreme Climate and Basic-State Variation Challenges: A Moisture Mode View.

47. Uncertainty in Tropical Rainfall Projections: Atmospheric Circulation Effect and the Ocean Coupling.

48. On the Potential for Abrupt Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss.

49. Effects of Climatological Model Biases on the Projection of Tropical Climate Change.

50. Scenario Changes of Atlantic Water in the Arctic Ocean.