Roditelji djece s teškoćama u razvoju suočavaju se s brojnim zahtjevima koji proizlaze iz same djetetove teškoće i roditeljsku ulogu ostvaruju u dodatno otežanim uvjetima (Ljubešić, 2013). Suočavanje s ovako brojnim zahtjevima, kao i prilagodba istima, individualna je. Neravnoteža između povećanih zahtjeva i roditeljske nemogućnosti da na iste primjereno odgovori, mogu rezultirati povećanom razinom roditeljskog stresa (Pećnik, 2013), koji može uzrokovati negativne posljedice za roditelja i dijete (Deater-Deckard, 2005). Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati odnose između roditeljskog stresa, strategija suočavanja sa stresom i prilagodbenih ishoda kod roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 53 roditelja (28 majki i 25 očeva) djece s teškoćama u razvoju koja su uključena u dječji vrtić „Latica“ u Zadru. Sudionici su ispunjavali upitnike samoprocjene kojima se ispitivao izvor i intenzitet roditeljskog stresa, strategije suočavanja sa stresom i prilagodbeni ishodi, a dali su i podatke o spolu, dobi, radnom statusu, broju djece, vrsti teškoće u razvoju koju ima njihovo dijete i drugim demografskim varijablama. Dobiveni podaci analizirani su metodama deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na postojanje pozitivne povezanosti između intenziteta i izvora roditeljskog stresa i izraženosti tjelesnih i psihičkih simptoma kao mjere prilagodbenih ishoda. Nije utvrđena povezanost strategija suočavanja sa stresom u odnosu prema intenzitetu i izvoru roditeljskog stresa, kao ni u odnosu prema prilagodbenim ishodima. Razlika između majki i očeva nije utvrđena u intenzitetu roditeljskog stresa, već u njegovim pojedinim izvorima. Kod majki je izvor stresa povezan s nedostatkom podrške i ograničenjima roditeljske uloge, a kod očeva sa zahtjevima drugih uloga. Majke i očevi razlikuju se s obzirom na korištene strategije suočavanja sa stresom, na način da majke više nego očevi koriste emocijama usmjereno suočavanje. S obzirom na prilagodbene ishode, mjerene subjektivno iskazanim tjelesnim i psihičkim simptomima, utvrđena je razlika između majki i očeva na podljestvici pseudoneuroloških simptoma, na način da majke u odnosu na očeve iskazuju više simptoma depresije i anksioznosti. Stručnjacima koji su uključeni u rad s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju i njihovim roditeljima, dobiveni rezultati mogu poslužiti u praktičnom radu (jačanje programa podrške za roditelje), i kao smjernice za daljnja istraživanja., Parents who have children with developmental disabilities face numerous challenges that arise from the child's disability and the performance of their parental role in strenuous conditions (Ljubešić, 2013). Facing these numerous conditions and adjusting to them works on an individual basis. Imbalance between these increased conditions and parental inability to react properly to them may result in a higher level of stress for parents (Pećnik, 2013), which may further cause negative consequences for the parent and the child (Deater-Deckard, 2005). The objective of this research is to determine the relationships between intensity and the source of parental stress, stress coping strategies and adjustment outcomes for parents who have children with developmental disabilities. 53 parents who have children with developmental disabilities were a part of this research (28 mothers and 25 fathers), whose children have been registered and enrolled in kindergarten “Latica” in Zadar. Participants filled out self-assessment questionnaires that analysed the source and intensity of parental stress and adjustment outcomes. They also provided information about gender, age, employment status, number of children and the type of disability their child has and other demographic variables. Results were analysed using a descriptive and inferential statistical method. Results indicate a positive link between the intensity and the source of parental stress, as well as reported physical and psychological symptoms as measures of adjustment outcomes. The link between the intensity and the source of parental stress, as well as adjustment outcomes, was not determined. The difference between the levels of parental stress with mothers and fathers was not determined, however it was noticed in its derivations. For mothers, stress comes from not having the support they need and from their limited parental role, and for fathers, it comes from the requirements from added roles. The usage of parental stress strategies differs with both mothers and fathers, in a way that mothers often use confrontation fuelled with emotions. Regarding adjustment outcomes that were measured by subjective expression of physical and psychological symptoms, the difference between mothers and fathers was determined using a subscale of pseudo neurological symptoms, in a way that mothers, as opposed to fathers, show more symptoms of depression and anxiety. Professionals involved in working with children with disabilities and their parents can use the obtained results in their practical work (strengthening support programs for parents), and as guidelines for further research.