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1. West African Monsoon System's Responses to Global Ocean–Regional Atmosphere Coupling.

2. Arctic September Sea Ice Concentration Biases in CMIP6 Models and Their Relationships with Other Model Variables.

3. Surface Temperature Gradients as Diagnostic Indicators of Midlatitude Circulation Dynamics.

4. Estimating the Relative Uncertainties Sourced from GCMs and Hydrological Models in Modeling Climate Change Impact on Runoff.

5. Are the Central Andes Mountains a Warming Hot Spot?

6. Enhancing Dynamical Seasonal Predictions through Objective Regionalization.

7. Tropical Cyclogenesis Bias over the Central North Pacific in CMIP6 Simulations.

8. Diverse Eurasian Temperature Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Loss in Models due to Varying Balance between Dynamic Cooling and Thermodynamic Warming.

9. A Comparison of CMIP3 Simulations of Precipitation over North America with Observations: Daily Statistics and Circulation Features Accompanying Extreme Events.

10. Circulation Response to Eurasian versus North American Anomalous Snow Scenarios in the Northern Hemisphere with an AGCM Coupled to a Slab Ocean Model.

11. Comprehensive Representation of Tropical-Extratropical Teleconnections Obstructed by Tropical Pacific Convection Biases in CMIP6.

12. Atmospheric Response to a Collapse of the North Atlantic Circulation under a Mid-Range Future Climate Scenario: A Regime Shift in Northern Hemisphere Dynamics.

13. Changes in Extreme Temperature and Precipitation over the Southern Extratropical Continents in Response to Antarctic Sea Ice Loss.

14. Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated with Extreme Wind Events in Canadian Cities.

15. Modality of the Tropical Rain Belt across Models and Simulated Climates.

16. Mechanisms behind the Springtime North Pacific ENSO Teleconnection Bias in Climate Models.

17. Blocking and General Circulation in GFDL Comprehensive Climate Models.

18. Projected Changes in East African Rainy Seasons.

19. Impact of Reduced Arctic Sea Ice on Northern Hemisphere Climate and Weather in Autumn and Winter.

20. Observed Statistical Connections Overestimate the Causal Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Changes on Midlatitude Winter Climate.

21. Explaining the Spatial Pattern of U.S. Extreme Daily Precipitation Change.

22. Terrestrial Evaporation and Global Climate: Lessons from Northland, a Planet with a Hemispheric Continent.

23. Variations in the Frequency of Stratospheric Sudden Warmings in CMIP5 and CMIP6 and Possible Causes.

24. Effect of the North Pacific Tropospheric Waveguide on the Fidelity of Model El Niño Teleconnections.

25. North Atlantic Integrated Water Vapor Transport—From 850 to 2100 CE: Impacts on Western European Rainfall.

26. The Atmospheric Pathway of the Cloud-Radiative Impact on the Circulation Response to Global Warming: Important and Uncertain.

27. Decadal Variations of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Forced by the 11-Year Insolation Cycle.

28. The Mechanisms of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Slowdown Induced by Arctic Sea Ice Decline.

29. The Fast Response of the Tropical Circulation to CO2 Forcing.

30. The Signature of Shallow Circulations, Not Cloud Radiative Effects, in the Spatial Distribution of Tropical Precipitation.

31. A Hierarchy of Idealized Monsoons in an Intermediate GCM.

32. Modeled and Observed Multidecadal Variability in the North Atlantic Jet Stream and Its Connection to Sea Surface Temperatures.

33. Dynamical Properties of the North Atlantic Atmospheric Circulation in the Past 150 Years in CMIP5 Models and the 20CRv2c Reanalysis.

34. Fast and Slow Components of the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to CO2 Forcing.

35. A Weather-Type-Based Cross-Time-Scale Diagnostic Framework for Coupled Circulation Models.

36. A Framework to Decompose Wind-Driven Biases in Climate Models Applied to CCSM/CESM in the Eastern Pacific.

37. Classifications of Winter Euro-Atlantic Circulation Patterns: An Intercomparison of Five Atmospheric Reanalyses.

38. The Modulation of Stationary Waves, and Their Response to Climate Change, by Parameterized Orographic Drag.

39. Tropical Precipitation and Cross-Equatorial Ocean Heat Transport during the Mid-Holocene.

40. Impact of Regional Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Changes on Shifts of the Extratropical Jet Stream in Response to Global Warming.

41. The Robustness of Midlatitude Weather Pattern Changes due to Arctic Sea Ice Loss.

42. Intensification of the Western North Pacific Anticyclone Response to the Short Decaying El Niño Event due to Greenhouse Warming.

43. The Equatorial Energy Balance, ITCZ Position, and Double-ITCZ Bifurcations.

44. Uncertainty in Tropical Rainfall Projections: Atmospheric Circulation Effect and the Ocean Coupling.

45. Comparing CAM5 and Superparameterized CAM5 Simulations of Summer Precipitation Characteristics over Continental East Asia: Mean State, Frequency-Intensity Relationship, Diurnal Cycle, and Influencing Factors.

46. Improved Low-Cloud Simulation from the Community Atmosphere Model with an Advanced Third-Order Turbulence Closure.

47. CMIP5 Projections of Arctic Amplification, of the North American/North Atlantic Circulation, and of Their Relationship.

48. Bridging Past and Future Climate across Paleoclimatic Reconstructions, Observations, and Models: A Hydroclimate Case Study*.

49. Effects of Localized Grid Refinement on the General Circulation and Climatology in the Community Atmosphere Model.

50. Preceding Factors of Summer Asian-Pacific Oscillation and the Physical Mechanism for Their Potential Influences.