The reorganization of the curriculum and the necessary assembling of proper materials of instruction attendant thereto are probably receiving more of the attention of educational leaders at the present moment than any other school problem. The Bureau of Education is endeavoring to be of assistance to those attempting a solution of this important problem. The author was asked to prepare from time to time a series of studies based directly upon the child's need and interest as related to present-day civilization. The last of these studies pertains to the field of transportation and is a carefully assembled series of projects adapted to the level of children in the intermediate grades of the elementary school, entitled "How the World Rides." No single invention has so influenced the development of man himself, and the changes he has made in his environment, as the making of the wheeled vehicle. It has placed him in close contact with other peoples, with new ideas and with new manners and customs which have altered his point of view and have broadened his conception of the meaning of life itself. This will be doubly true with the development of aircraft, now so rapidly nearing that degree of efficiency which will insure its use as means of transportation for commercial purposes and a mode of travel for business and social convenience. Water travel has kept pace with land travel and inland waterways are being developed wherever possible. Trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific schedules grow shorter each year, and only the minimum time for these journeys is considered by travelers who are selecting routes for voyages on the high seas. These great movements in the history of man, affecting as they do his material, intellectual, and civic life, should find some place in the enriched curricula now offered to pupils in American schools who are prepared by endowment and training to accomplish more in elementary grades than is now offered them by the standard courses of study. This bulletin contains: (1) Animal service and the evolution of the wheeled vehicle; (2) The railroad train; (3) The automobile; (4) The airplane; (5) The airship; and (6) Inland waterways. (Contains 12 figures and 4 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.]