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Today, state structures are the most important initiator and the main guarantor of investments in agriculture in the region, especially in peripheral areas. Often, the state is also the main investor, especially in socially significant projects. However, state investments can and should also pursue the goal of reducing other investments in the region���s agriculture, for example, subsidies, as well as social spending. In fact, an economically justified state policy in the agricultural sector of the republic should aim to provide agricultural producers with modern highly effective agricultural tools and training to work with them as much as possible in the conditions of the region, instead of subsidizing, subsidizing and other forms of state support aimed at artificially maintaining the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, often technologically backward and organizationally outdated. The implementation of the investment project is inseparably linked with the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise, and not only at the planning stage, when it is necessary to thoroughly study all aspects of the enterprise���s activities - for example, during the reconstruction of the cowshed mentioned above, it is necessary to take into account the financial stability of the enterprise, the current productivity of the herd, the planned, and the amount of costs for the reconstruction, and the payback indicators for the project, etc. The development of methodological approaches for promoting investment opportunities is of great importance for activating investment processes, along with this, attention should also be paid to the methods of selecting investment projects, compiling an investment portfolio, taking into account the principle of diversification.