Josephson Junction (JJ) based superconductor logic families have been proposed and implemented to process analog and digital signals [1] for its low energy dissipation and ultrafast switching speed. Thanks to its construction of resistance-less wires and ultrafast switches, it can operate at clock frequencies of several tens of gigahertz and even hundreds of thousands of times as energy efficient as its CMOS counterparts. It has been perceived to be an important candidate to replace stateof-the-art CMOS due to the superior potential in operation speed and energy efficiency, as recognized by the U.S. IARPA C3 and SuperTools Programs and Japan MEXT-JSPS Project. The design and fabrication of superconducting circuits have already been established [2]-[4]. In addition, a prototype superconducting microprocessor "Core 1" has been demonstrated in 2004 [3], which is able to execute instructions at a high clock frequency of several tens of gigahertz, and with extremely low-power dissipation. These achievements make superconducting electronics highly promising for future high-performance computing applications. As one of the most matured superconducting technology, the Rapid-Single-Flux-Quantum (RSFQ) technology is proposed by K. Likharev, O. Mukhanoc, V. Semenov in 1985 [1]. Despite its capability to be operated at an ultra-high speed of hundreds of GHz while maintaining extremely low switching energy (10^-19 J), it suffers from an increasing static power due to on-chip resistors that are required for constant DC bias supply for the main RSFQ circuit. Numerous methods have been proposed to resolve the static power dissipation problem of RSFQ, including low-voltage RSFQ (LV-RSFQ) [5], reciprocal quantum logic (RQL) [6], LRbiased RSFQ [7] and energy-efficient single-flux quantum (eSFQ) [8]. The Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron (AQFP) technology, on the other hand, uses AC bias/excitation currents as both multiphase clock signal and power supply [9] to mitigate the power consumption overhead of DC bias while operating at a frequency of few GHz. Consequently, AQFP is remarkably energy efficient compared to RSFQ, albeit operating at a lower frequency. The energy-delay-product (EDP) of the AQFP circuits fabricated using processes such as the AIST standard process 2 (STP2) and the MIT-LL SFQ process [10], [11], is at least 200 times smaller than those of the other energy-efficient superconductor logics and is only three orders of magnitude larger than the quantum limit [9]. Physical testing results of an AQFP 8-bit carry-look-ahead adder and large scale circuits consisting up-to 10,000 AQFP logic gates have demonstrated the AQFP being a promising technology that is robust against circuit parameter variations [12]. Despite the high application potential of AQFP in VLSI circuits, a systematic, automatic synthesis framework for AQFP is imminent. There are two features of AQFP that restrict conventional CMOS synthesis methods being directly applied on AQFP. In spite of And-Or-Inverter(AOI) based representation, which conventional CMOS circuits highly relies on, AQFP circuits prefer majority gates. In fact, its two inputs AND and OR gates are also built with three inputs majority gate with one input being constant. In addition, given its clock-synchronized data propagation nature, AQFP technology requires all inputs to any gate having equal delay. In order to meet this balanced timing requirement, splitters and buffers need to be inserted to the circuit. As a matter of fact, some circuit size can be doubled even with optimum amount of buffers and splitters inserted. The buffer and splitter insertion method can have a huge impact on the overall resource consumption. As the design complexity increases, an unoptimized buffer and splitter insertion method could result in huge amount of unnecessary buffers and splitters added. In addition to a complete synthesis framework, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for AQFP design is also lacking. It is imminent to have an IDE for AQFP integrating tools that offer schematic and layout editor, simulation and analysis for better and more efficient AQFP design flow. In this paper, we propose a complete design tool for AQFP design including an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), a complete majority based synthesis framework and a buffer and splitter insertion framework. we propose a majority gates synthesis framework for AQFP circuits that is capable of converting any AOI netlist to its corresponding MAJ netlist by mapping all feasible three-input sub-netlists to corresponding MAJ based implementations. In addition, we also propose an automated buffer and splitter insertion method that is capable of adding the optimum amount of buffers and splitters to any given gate-level netlist. The proposed method can find the minimum amount of buffers and splitters to inserted to achieve equal delay with any library limitation on the size of splitters. Experimental results suggest that the proposed methods can deliver very optimized results. The majority conversion tool can reduce circuit size by an average of 16:47% and delay by 30:21% in average. The buffer and splitter insertion tool only introduces an average of 14:24% overhead in size and 4:70% delay with splitter fanout size limited to 4 compared to an unachievable ideal results with no limitations on splitter fan-out size. Overall, the balanced design in majority gates can be reduced by 23:85% and 29:54% in size and delay compared to its AND/OR/Inverter implemented counterpart.