- Author
Sindik, Joško, Manojlović, Narcisa, and Klarić, Marica
- Subjects
turizam ,kruzing turizam ,percepcija stanovništva ,Dubrovnik ,tourism ,cruising tourism ,residents’ perceptions - Abstract
Kruzing turizam može, uz pozitivne, rezultirati dugoročnim negativnim učincima po okoliš i život lokalnog stanovništva. U radu se analizira kako stanovnici Dubrovnika percipiraju razvoj i učinke kruzing turizma. Anketnom primjenom Skale utjecaja turizma (TIS) na uzorku od 122 stanovnika ljeta 2015. godine ispitano je postojanje povezanosti između pojedinih aspekata/percipiranih učinaka kruzing turizma i izabranih obilježja stanovnika: dobi, obrazovanja, radnog iskustva, broja članova obitelji, dužine življenja u Dubrovniku, udaljenosti stana/kuće od područja koja posjećuju turisti s kruzera te neposrednih iskustva s kruzing turizmom, kao i rodne razlike u latentnim dimenzijama kruzing turizma. Utvrđene su dobre osnovne metrijske karakteristike (pouzdanost i konstruktna valjanost) TIS-a. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne rodne razlike u percipiranim aspektima kruzing turizma. Postoji manji broj statistički značajnih povezanosti između aspekata/percipiranih učinaka kruzing turizma s odabranim socio-demografskim i drugim varijablama istraživanja. U žena su te povezanosti mahom niske i vrlo niske. U radu se ističu implikacije percepcija i stavova lokalnog stanovništva na razvoj turizma i važnost njihovog daljnjeg istraživanja., In addition to its positive effects, cruising tourism can also have longterm negative impacts on the environment and life of local population. This paper analyzes how the development of cruising tourism in Dubrovnik and some of its effects are perceived by its residents. Using the questionnaire Tourism Impact Scale (TIS) on the sample of 122 residents during the summer of 2015, the correlation between the particular aspects/perceived effects of cruising tourism and some characteristics of the residents was examined (age, education level, work experience, family members' number, length of stay in Dubrovnik, the distance of the flat/house from the areas visited by the tourists from cruisers and direct experience with crusing tourism), as well as gender differences in latent dimensions of cruising tourism. Good metric characteristics (reliability and construct validity) of Tourism Impact Scale (TIS) were obtained, showing the relative compatibility with the original scales in the questionnaire TIS. There were no statistically significant gender differences in the perceived aspects of the cruiser tourism. There was a small number of statistically significant correlations between certain aspects/perceived effects of the cruising tourism with some socio-demographic and other variables in the research. For female participants, these correlations are mainly low and very low. The paper highlights the implications of perceptions and attitudes of local inhabitants on the development of tourism and emphasizes the importance of further research.
- Published
- 2017