L’enfant capable de discernement a désormais la possibilité d’être entendu et assisté dans toutes les procédures le concernant. Il reste pourtant du chemin à faire pour que ses droits soient véritablement efficients. L’avocat a toute sa place aux côtés d’un enfant, notamment lorsque celui-ci a affaire à la justice. Si sa présence est obligatoire au pénal, elle n’est pas assez fréquente en assistance éducative lorsque l’enfant est considéré en danger. L’avocat d’enfant a pourtant vocation à être son protecteur puisqu’il est garant des droits de l’enfant, qu’il le conseille et l’assiste, et est son porte-parole. Il tire sa légitimité de son indépendance et de ses compétences pluridisciplinaires., The child who has developed a sense of discernment gets the possibility to be heard and assisted within every procedures concerning him personally. But there is still things to improve in order to make his rights really efficient. The lawyer gets his place at the side of the child, particularly when it is about justice procedures. If his presence is mandatory when facing criminal justice, it is not enough frequent under the educative care when the child is considered as in danger. Child lawyer has vocation to be his protector though, since he is the warrant of the child’s rights, since he advises and assists him, and since he is his representative. He gets his legitimity from his independence and his multi-disciplinary skills.