Blattisocius everti n. sp. Diagnosis. Adult females: dorsal shield reticulate, with 32 pairs of setae. Seta s 2, eleven pairs of marginal (r -R) and six pairs of submarginal (UR) setae usually present on unsclerotised cuticle. Sternal and genital shields smooth, both posteriorly truncate. With two pairs of metapodal plates. Ventrianal shield transversely striate, approximately pentagonal and with three pairs of opisthogastric setae. Peritreme short, reaching only median level of coxa III. Fixed cheliceral digit slightly shorter than movable cheliceral digit, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth and with setiform pilus dentilis; movable cheliceral digit with a single tooth in addition to apical tooth. Anterior margin of epistome slightly convex and smooth. Spermathecal calyx horn-like, variously constricted near vesicle; atrium globular. Adult males: ornamentation of dorsal shield, number of dorsal shield setae, insertion of s 2, shape and relative lengths of dorsal shield setae, marginal and submarginal setae as in adult females. Sternogenital shield centrally smooth, with scarce lateral striae posterior to st 3 and punctate near anterior and posterior margins; with pronounced indentation behind st 4. Ventrianal shield, transversely striate medially, reticulate near lateral margins and with a punctate area laterally to anus, approximately triangular, with sinuous lateral margins. Fixed and movable cheliceral digits similar to female; spermatodactyl distally curved, with a membrane along dorsal surface, subterminal ventral spine���like projection and concave apex. Adult females (Fig. 1 A��� 1 G) (five specimens examined). Dorsum of idiosoma (Fig. 1 A): dorsal shield reticulate, 399 (395���400) long and 163 (156���165) wide at level of s 4. Podonotal region of dorsal shield with 17 pairs of setae (j 1 ���j 6, z 1 ���z 6, s 1, s 3 ���s 6), four pairs of lyrifissures and four pairs of pores; opisthonotal region of the shield with 15 pairs of setae (J 1 ���J 5, Z 1 ���Z 5, S 1 ���S 5), nine pairs de lyrifissures and two pairs of pores. Unsclerotised cuticle along dorsal shield usually with 18 pairs of setae (s 2, r 2 ��� r 6, R 1 ���R 6, UR 1 ���UR 6) and four pairs of lyrifissures; numbers of R and UR variable; of 14 specimens examined, two did not have one of the R setae, eleven had six UR setae on both sides and two had six UR setae on one side and five on the other. Dorsal shield setae moderately long, except j 1, J 5 and z 1, slightly shorter than others; setae smooth, except J 3 ���J 5 and Z 5, serrate. Setal lengths as in Table 1. Venter of idiosoma (Fig. 1 B): base of tritosternum 10 (10���12) long and 14 (13���15) wide; laciniae free for approximately 55 % of their total length of 62 (60���65). Sternal shield smooth, 98 (95���100) long and 70 (70���72) wide at level of st 2, with narrow projection between coxae I���II bearing a pore at the end (sometimes, end of the each post-embryonic stage of Blattisocius everti n. sp. (-) absent. projection vey lightly sclerotised). Metasternal shield absent; st 4 and associated lyrifissures (iv 3) on unsclerotised cuticle. Genital shield smooth, about 142 (140���145) long (including anterior membranous region) and 72 (70���74) wide near the posterior margin; posteriorly truncate and bearing genital seta; paragenital lyrifissure on sclerotised cuticle posterolaterad of genital seta. With a very narrow plate between genital and ventrianal shields. With two pairs of metapodal plates, the posterolateral of which longer. Ventrianal shield transversely striate, approximately pentagonal, slightly concave laterally, 107 (105���108) long and 78 (75���80) of greater width, with two contiguous punctate areas on each side of the anus and a punctate area behind the anus. With three pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 1 ���JV 3), a pair of lyrifissures on the anterior margin, laterad of JV 1, and a pair of pores on the lateral margin, approximately in level with posterior margin of the anus; para���anal seta about as long as post���anal seta. Unsclerotised cuticle around ventrianal shield with seven pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 4, JV 5, ZV 1 ���ZV 5) and three pairs of lyrifissures; two specimens with SV on both sides, five with SV on only one side and the remaining without SV. Discrete endopodal shield absent. Exopodal shield narrow, extending from midline of coxa II to posterior region of coxa III. Peritremal shield narrow, extending anteriorly to level of s 1 and posteriorly to region behind coxa IV; lyrifissure evident. Peritreme short, 26 (23���28) long, reaching posterior margin of coxa III. All setae setiform; setal lengths as shown in Table 2. Spermatheca (Fig. 1 C): calyx horn-like, variously constricted near vesicle; atrium globular. Gnathosoma: Fixed cheliceral digit 25 (23���25) long, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth and setiform pilus dentilis (Fig. 1 D); movable cheliceral digit 30 (30���32) long, with a tooth in addition to apical tooth. Anterior margin of the epistome smooth, with small rounded median lobe (Fig. 1 E). Corniculus tapered and convergent. Deutosternal denticles not distinguishable (Fig. 1 F). Numbers of setae on palpal segments normal for suborder Gamasina (Evans, 1964), from trochanter to genu: 2, 5 and 6 setae; tibia and tarsus, not counted; apotele bifurcate. Hypostomal and subcapitular setae setiform and of similar lengths, as shown in Table 2. Legs: pretarsi of legs I���IV consisting of elongate stalk, a pair of claws and pulvillum with three rounded lobes. Lengths of legs: I, 335 (328���351); II, 263 (260���275); III, 244 (233���246); IV, 300 (298���306). Numbers of setae on leg segments normal for suborder Gamasina (Evans, 1963): coxa, 2, 2, 2, 1; trochanter, 6, 5, 5, 5; femur, 12, 11, 6, 6; genu, 13, 11, 9, 9; tibia, 13, 10, 8, 10; tarsi II���IV, 18, 18, 18 (Fig. 1 G). Tarsus I 2.2 times as long as tibia I. Macrosetae absent. Adult males (Fig. 2 A��� 2 F) (five specimens examined). Dorsum of idiosoma (Fig. 2 A): dorsal shield reticulate, 348 (340���365) long and 142 (125���150) wide at s 4. Numbers and shape of setae, lyrifissures and pores as in adult females. Setal length as shown in Table 1. Venter of idiosoma (Fig. 2 B): base of tritosternum 7 (6���8) long and 12 (11���13) wide; laciniae free for approximately 65 % of their total length of 49 (48���50). Sternogenital shield centrally smooth, with sparse reticulation posteriorly to st 3 and punctate near anterior and posterior margins, 169 (168���170) long and 67 (65���70) wide at level of st 2; with narrow projections between coxae I���II and coxae II���III and pronounced indentation behind st 4; with four pairs of setae and three pairs of lyrifissures; st 5 and paragenital lyrifisure on unsclerotised cuticle. Ventrianal shield approximately triangular, with sinuous lateral margins, transversely striate medially, reticulate near lateral margins and with punctate area laterally to anus, 124 (122���126) long and 156 (152���160) wide at level of anterolateral angles; with six pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 1 ���JV 3; ZV 1 ���ZV 3), three pairs of lyrifissures and a pair of marginal pores (at level of anus); para���anal seta about as long as post���anal seta. Unsclerotised cuticle around ventrianal shield with three pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 5, ZV 4, ZV 5) and three pairs of lyrifissures. Discrete endopodal shield absent. Peritremal and exopodal shields similar to those of adult females. Peritreme similar to the female, but with a narrow, transversely ridged strip externally to peritreme, 23 (19���25) long. All setae setiform; setal length as shown in Table 2. Gnathosoma: fixed chelicera digit 20 (20���21) long, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth and setiform pilus dentilis (Fig. 2 C); movable cheliceral digit 22 (21���22), with a tooth in addition to apical tooth. Spermatodactyl distally curved, with a membrane along dorsal surface, a ventral subterminal spine���like projection and concave apex, 18 (17���19) long. Epistome similar to adult females (Fig. 1 D). Corniculi more widely spaced than in adult females, convergent; with seven rows of deutosternal denticles, each with 1���2 teeth (Fig. 1 E). Numbers of setae of palp segments as well as hypostomal and subcapitular setae as in adult females. Setal length as shown in Table 2. Legs: pretarsi of legs I���IV as in adult females. Lengths of legs: I, 290 (280���300); II, 232 (220���240); III, 210 (195���220); IV, 272 (268���275) (Fig. 2 F). Numbers of setae of leg segments and length of tarsus I as in adult females. Deutonymph (Fig. 3 A���C) (three specimens examined). Dorsum of idiosoma (Fig. 3 A): dorsal shield reticulate, with deep lateral incision behind z 6 and s 6; 322 (310���330) long and 133 (130���140) wide at s 4. Podonotal region of dorsal shield with 15 pairs of setae (j 1 ���j 6, z 2 ��� z 6, s 3 ���s 6), four pairs of lyrifissures and two pairs of pores; opistonotal region as in adult females. Unsclerotised cuticle along dorsal shield with 20 pairs of setae (z 1, s 1, s 2, r 2 ���r 6, R 1 ���R 6, UR 1 ���UR 6) and four pairs of lyrifissures; dorsal shield setae of similar lengths, except J 5, considerably shorter; all setae setiform, except J 3 ���J 5 and Z 5, serrate. Setal lengths as in Table 1. Venter of idiosoma (Fig. 3 B): base of tritosternum 10 long and 13 (12���14) wide; laciniae free for approximately 50 % of their total length of 55 (53���56). Sternogenital shield very lightly sclerotised, 165 (160���185) long and 67 (65���68) wide at level of st 2, smooth, with a narrow and short projection between coxae I���II; posterior margin truncate, with four pairs of setae (st 1 ���st 4) and three pairs of lyrifissures. Metasternal shield absent; st 5 inserted on the membrane, anteromesad of paragenital lyrifissure. With a pair of metapodal plates. With a very narrow plate between genital and ventrianal shields. Anal shield ellipsoidal and smooth, 52 (50���55) long and 78 (75���80) wide, with a pair of pores on the margin, approximately in transverse line with post���anal setae. Para���anal seta about as long as post���anal seta. With ten pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 1 ���JV 5, ZV 1 ���ZV 5) and four pairs of lyrifissures on unsclerotised cuticle around anal shield. Peritreme short, 13 (12���14) long, hardly reaching posterior margin of coxa III. Peritremal shield not distinct. All setae setiform; setal lengths as shown in Table 2. Gnathosoma: fixed cheliceral digit 20 (20���21) long, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth and with setiform pilus dentilis (Fig. 3 C); movable cheliceral digit 23 (22���24) long, with a tooth in additional to apical tooth. Epistome, rows of deutosternal denticles, numbers of setae on palpal segments as in adult females. Hypostomal and subcapitular setae setiforme; h 1 and h 3 of similar lengths, slightly larger than h 2, as shown in Table 2. Legs: pretarsi of legs I���IV as in adult females. Lengths of legs: I, 285 (278���293); II, 233 (225���240); III, 212 (200���221); IV, 255 (250���265). Numbers of setae of leg segments as in adult females. Macrosetae absent. Protonymph (Fig. 3 DF) (three specimens examined). Dorsum of idiosoma (Fig. 3 D): podonotal and opistonotal shields separated, reticulate. Podonotal shield 165 (164���165) long and 134 (133���135) wide at level of s 4, with eleven pairs of setae (j 1 ���j 6, z 2, z 4, z 5, s 4, s 5), three pairs of lyrifissures and three pairs of pores; unsclerotised cuticle along podonotal shield with four pairs of setae (s 6, r 2, r 3, r 5) and two pairs of lyrifissures. Opistonotal shield 67 (65���70) long and 104 (102���106) wide, with eight pairs of setae (J 3, J 5, Z 3 ���Z 5, S 4 ���S 5), four pairs of lyrifissures and a pair of pores. Unsclerotised cuticle between podonotal and opistonotal shields with three pairs of round plates, seven pairs of setae (J 1, J 2, Z 1, Z 2, S 2, S 3, R 1), six pairs of lyrifissures and a pair of pores. Peritreme short, hardly reaching posterior margin of coxa III. Peritremal shield not distinct. All setae setiform; setal lengths as shown in Table 2. Venter of idiosoma (Fig. 3 E): base of tritosternum 9 (9���10) long and 14 wide; laciniae free for approximately 50 % of their total length of 47 (46���48). Sternal shield very lightly sclerotised, smooth; st 1 and st 2 of similar lengths and slightly longer than st 3; st 4 absent; st 5 on unsclerotised cuticle; with two pairs of lyrifissures (iv 1 and iv 2; iv 3 absent). Paragenital lyrifissures indistinguishable. Anal shield mostly smooth, pentagonal, with a punctate area behind post���anal seta (cribrum), 45 long and 53 (50���55) wide; with a pair of pores on the lateral margin, about in transverse line with pos���anal seta; para���anal seta and post���anal setae of similar lengths. With four pairs of opisthogastric setae (JV 1, JV 2, JV 5, ZV 2) and five pairs of lyrifissures on unsclerotised cuticle around anal shield. All setae setiform; setal lengths as shown in Table 2. Gnathosoma (Fig. 3 F): fixed cheliceral digit 21, with three teeth in addition to apical tooth and setiform pilus dentilis; movable cheliceral digit 21 (21���22) long, with a single tooth in addition to apical tooth. Epistome and deutosternal rows of denticles as in adult females. Numbers of setae on palpal segments: trochanter 2, femur 4, genu 5; tibia and tarsus not counted; trochanter with one more seta than reported by Evans (1964) for Gamasina protonymphs. Hypostomal setae h 1 and h 3 of similar lengths and slightly longer than h 2. All setae setiform; setal length as shown in Table 2. Legs: pretarsi of legs I���IV as in adult females. Lengths of legs: I, 253 (250���260); II, 208 (205���210); III, 195 (186���205); IV, 227 (222���230). Numbers of setae of leg segments normal for Gamasina protonymphs (Evans, 1963): coxa, 2, 2, 2 1; trochanter, 4, 4, 4, 4; femur, 10, 8, 5, 4; genu, 8, 6, 6, 5; tibia, 8, 7, 7, 7. Macrosetae absent. Larva (Fig. 4 A���C) (three specimens examined). Dorsum of idiosoma (Fig. 4 A): dorsal shield indistinct. Podonotal region with a pair of apparently superficial structures, for most of its extension parallel to the main axis of the idiosoma and bent laterally immediately before j 6; with ten pairs of setae (j 1, j 3 ���j 6, z 2, z 4, z 5, s 4, s 6) and four pairs of lyrifissures. Opisthonotal region with eight pairs of setae (J 2 ���J 5, Z 3, Z 4, S 3 ���S 5; Z 5 and S 5 located ventrally), four pairs of lyrifissures and two pairs of pores. All setae setiform; lengths as shown in Table 1. Venter of idiosoma (Fig. 4 B): base of tritosternum 6 (5���6) long and 9 wide; laciniae free for approximately 45 % of their total lengths of 41 (40���42). Sternal shield indistinct. setae st 1 ���st 3 of similar lengths; st 4 and st 5 absent; with a pair of subcutaneous setiform structures mediad to the posterior margin of coxa III. Anal shield indistinguishable. Para���anal seta slightly longer than post���anal seta. With four pairs of opisthogasgtric setae (JV 1, JV 2, JV 5, ZV 1) in addition to Z 5, S 5 and two pairs of lyrifissures on unsclerotised cuticle around the anus. All setae setiform; lengths as shown in Table 2. Gnathosoma (Fig. 4 C): fixed and movable cheliceral digits 12 and 16 (15���16) long, respectively, both apparently without teeth. Epistome similar to adult females. Numbers of setae on palpal segments normal for suborder Gamasina (Evans 1964), from trochanter to genu: 0, 4 and 5 setae; tibia and tarsus not counted. Hypostomal setae h 1 and h 2 of similar lengths, as shown on Table 2. All setae setiform. Legs: pretarsi of legs I���III as in adult females. Lengths of legs: I, 241 (235���245); II, 199 (195���205); III, 190 (178���202). Numbers of setae of leg segments normal Gamasina larvae (Evans 1963): coxa, 2, 2, 2; trochanter, 4, 4, 4; femur, 10, 7, 5; genu, 8: 6 6; tibia, 8, 7, 7. Macrosetae absent. Type specimens: Holotype, four paratype females, five paratype males, three paratype deutonymphs, three paratype protonymphs and three paratype larvae, taken in October 2011 from a laboratory colony started with specimens collected from commercial dog food in Charqueada, State of S��o Paulo, Brazil., Published as part of Britto, Erika P. J., Lopes, Paula C. & De, Gilberto J., 2012, Blattisocius (Acari, Blattisociidae) species from Brazil, with description of a new species, redescription of Blattisocius keegani and a key for the separation of the world species of the genus, pp. 33-51 in Zootaxa 3479 on pages 35-42, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.214695, {"references":["Evans, G. O. (1964) Some observations on the chaetotaxy of the pedipalps in the Mesostigmata (Acari). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 13, 6, 513 - 527.","Evans, G. O. (1963) Observations on the chaetotaxy of the legs in the free-living Gamasina (Acari, Mesostigmata). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zooology, 10, 275 - 303."]}