Limnogeton fieberi Mayr, 1853 (Figs. 2 A���D) Limnogeton fieberi Mayr, 1853: 16. Limnogeton fieberi: Montandon (1896): 517. Limnogeton fieberi: Poisson (1949): 7. Limnogeton fieberi: Poisson (1954): 12. Limnogeton fieberi: Linnavuori (1964): 334. Limnogeton fieberi: Poisson (1967): 1324. Limnogeton fieberi: Poisson (1968 a): 26. Limnogeton fieberi: Poisson (1969): 16. Limnogeton fieberi: Linnavuori (1971): 355 (in part). Types. Limnogeton fieberi was described based on a male holotype (from Mayr���s collection) from Kordofan, Sudan according to Mayr (1853), probably deposited in NHMW. This specimen was not examined. Material examined. Marno.[?], Wadai, IV. 1882, [���MUSEUM PARIS //MUSEUM VIENNE 1899 ���]: 1 m (MNHN). EGYPTE. 1880, (Letourneux), J. R. I. Ribeiro det. 2011, A. L. Montandon det. 1899: 3 f (MNHN). SUDAN. I. 1863, (Penty), A. L. Montandon det. 1899, J. R. I. Ribeiro det. 2011: 1 f (MNHN). CAMEROON. [Museum E. A. C.], 1950, (P. Malzy leg.), J. R. I. Ribeiro det. 2011: 1 f (MNHN); Garoua, 2012, (Meyin), S. E. Meyin det. 2013: 1 m and 2 f (SM). CONGO. N. Rhodesia, Kinge, 18.I. 1938, (H. J. Br��do) [R. DET. 7123 A, COLL. MUS. CONGO]: 1 m (MRAC). Distribution. Mabwe, Upemba (Democratic Republic of Congo) (Poisson 1954); Kordofan (Sudan) (Poisson 1967), Egypt (Mayr 1871; Linnavuori 1964; Poisson 1967), Cameroon, Central African Republic, Palestine (Poisson 1967); Brazzaville (Congo) (Poisson 1967); Bangweulu Lake [as R��gion du Lac Bangweolo] (Samfya, Zambia), R��gion de la Kafubu (Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo) (Poisson 1968 a); Luanza (Kaluko River, Zambia) (Poisson 1969). Measurements (m / f): Total length (from apex of head to apex of abdomen at rest): 40.6���55.9 / 45.0���53.0; greatest width of body: 18.2���25.7 / 19.5���23.1. General coloration. Almost uniformly brown. Body ovate, with wings covering completely abdomen. Head, thorax, and abdomen. Pronotum with longitudinal median carina usually developed on posterior portion; prosternal keel elongate and cylindrical, strongly spiniform, with apex acute (Fig. 2 B, PC). Pilosity poorly developed, covering almost half of connexivum, slightly constricted between spiracles, not extending posteriorly along genital operculum (see Fig. 3 C, compare with Fig. 1 C). Male genitalia: Parameres symmetrical with apex curved, directed upward, not edentate, smoothly curved; length of phallotheca about twice ventral diverticulum in dorsal view; ventral diverticulum not robust; dorsal arms of phallotheca poorly developed and poorly connected or fused along basal portion, rounded at apex, never Ushaped (Fig. 2 C, DA); lateral outer margins of ventral diverticulum straight, not sinuous (Fig. 2 C); ventral diverticulum with anterior margins not strongly sclerotized, narrower, obviously convergent posteriorly in ventral view (Fig. 2 D, MVD). Taxonomic notes. Members of this species are now thought to comprise part of a strange morphocline, including L. expansum and L. scutellatum, for we have always found forms with the dorsal arms of phallotheca short and never V-shaped in L. fieberi (Fig. 2 C), whereas they are either somewhat or quite long in L. scutellatum and L. expansum, respectively (Figs. 1 D, 5 C). This morphological continuum seems to be linked to body size, since males of L. expansum have the dorsal arms extremely V-shaped, divergent, and more promimently developed. By contrast, L. fieberi is the smallest species of this genus and bears dorsal arms that are much shorter., Published as part of Ribeiro, Jos�� Ricardo I., Meyin-A-Ebong, Solange E., Le-Gall, Philippe & Guilbert, Eric, 2014, A taxonomic synopsis of Limnogeton Mayr, 1853 (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Belostomatidae), pp. 573-584 in Zootaxa 3779 (5) on pages 576-578, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.5.7,, {"references":["Mayr, G. (1853) Zwei neue wanzen aus Kordofan. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien, 2, 14 - 18.","Montandon, A. (1896) Hemipteres heteropteres exotiques. Notes et descriptions. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 40, 508 - 520.","Poisson, R. A. (1949) Hemipteres aquatiques. Exploration du Parc National Albert (Mission G. F. de Witte (1933 - 1935), 58, 1 - 94.","Poisson, R. A. (1954) Hemipteres aquatiques. Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba. Mission G. F. de Witte en collaboration avec W. Adam, A. Janssens, L. van Meel et R. Verheyen (1946 - 1949), 31, 1 - 53.","Linnavuori, R. (1964) Hemiptera of Egypt, with remarks on some species of the adjacent Eremian region. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 1, 306 - 356.","Poisson, R. A. (1967) Contribution a la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. LXIII. Hemipteres Heteropteres Hydrocorises. Bulletin de l'I. F. A. N., 24, 1321 - 1333.","Poisson, R. A. (1968 a). Heteropteres aquatiques. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Bassin du Lac Bangweolo et du Luapula, 14, 1 - 50.","Poisson, R. A. (1969) Heteropteres aquatiques du Bassin de la Luanza. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Bassin du Lac Bangweolo et du Luapula, 14, 1 - 25.","Linnavuori, R. (1971) Hemiptera of the Sudan, with remarks on some species of adjacent countries. 1. The aquatic and subaquatic families. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 8, 340 - 366.","Mayr, G. (1871) Die Belostomiden. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft, 21, 399 - 440."]}