15 results on '"pasulj"'
Search Results
2. Uticaj sorte i mikrobioloških preparata na broj i masu nodula kod organske proizvodnje pasulja
- Author
Gorica Cvijanović, Gordana Dozet, Marijana Jovanovic Todorovic, Vojin Đukić, Dimitrije Dozet, Zlatica Miladinov Mamlic, and Nenad Đurić
- Subjects
variety ,mikrobiološki preparat ,food and beverages ,pasulj ,bean ,microbial preparations ,broj i masa nodula ,sorta ,number and mass nodules - Abstract
Obavljena su trogodišnja istraživanja sa uticajem mikrobioloških preparata i Guaanita na broj i masu nodula na korenu pasulja kod organske proizvodnje. Najveći broj i masa nodula bila je u vremenski povoljnijoj godini sa više vlage. Najmanji broj nodula je bio u varijanti kada se Tiffi nanosio direktno na seme pre seve, dok je masa nodula bila najmanja u kontroli. Utvrđena je pozitivna nesignifikatna korelacija broja i mase nodula sa prinosom. Nodulacija je zavisila od sorte. Primena EM 7 dana pred setvu i kombinacija Guanito pred setvu+EM u cvetanju pokazali su pozitivan uticaj na broj i masu nodula. Three-year research, in the impact of microbial preparations and Gunatito on bean-root-nodule number and mass in organic production, was published. The highest nodule number and mass was in the year with a more favorable weather conditions, with a higher humidity. The lowest nodule number was in the method with a direct Tiffi application on the pre-sowing seed, whereas the lowest nodule mass was in the control variety. A positive insignificant correlation was determined between nodule number and mass, and yield. Nodulation was variety dependant. EM application 7 days before sowing, and the combination of Guanito before sowing with EM in flowering, showed a positive impact on nodule number and mass
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Mirjana, Vastć, Stanko, Milić, Borivoj, Pejić, Jelica, Gvozdanović-Varga, Livija, Maksimović, and Danica, Bošnjak
- Subjects
- *
DOUBLE cropping , *FIELD crops , *MULTIPLE cropping , *BEANS , *MANNERS & customs - Abstract
In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to be managed economically and in accordance with good farming practice. One of the ways to ensure intensive soil use is to carry out crop production through out the year, which in this climatic region involves the sowing of multiple crops in a single growing season. Irrigation capability is one prerequisite for such production. The other one, growing period length, should en able determinate bean varieties to be planted as the second crop in double-cropping systems. Be cause some bean varieties are day length sensitive and be cause not all cultivars of this crop interact in the same way with environmental conditions, we first tested a wider range of bean cultivars and then chose four (Dvadesetica, Maksa, Belko and Sremac) for further study. When choosing the varieties, we took into ac count their market characteristics as well. The cultivars responded differently both yield- and grain size-wise. All of the cultivars studied were found to be suitable for use in double cropping. What remains to be done is to develop an adequate set of cultivar-specific cultural practices for this type of production. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
4. Morfološke osobine pasulja gajenog po organskim principima
- Author
Dozet, Gordana, Abuatwarat, Sufyan, Jakšić, Snežana, Đukić, Vojin, Đurić, Nenad, Vasić, Mirjana, and Milan Ugrinović
- Subjects
morphological characteristics ,morfološke osobine ,organic breeding ,bean ,pasulj ,organsko gajenje - Abstract
Dvogodišnji poljski eksperimentalni dvofaktorijalni ogled bio je postavljen po dizajnu spli-plot sa dve sorte pasulja i pet tretmana sa organskim dubrivom i mikrobiološkim preparatima. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi uticaj faktora ispitivanja na morfološke osobine — broj bočnih grana i visinu biljaka koje indirektno utiču na prinos u organskom sistemu gajenja. Sorta Zlatko u proseku je formirala 7,80% više bočnih grana i 2,05% veću visinu biljaka u odnosu na sortu Maksa. The biennial two-factorial field experiment was set by split-plot design with two bean varieties and five treatments with organic fertilizer and microbiological preparations. The aim was to identify the influence of the examination factors on the morphological characteristics — number of side branches and plant height which indirectly affects the yield in an organic system of production. Variety Zlatko has, in average, formed 7.80% more side branches and a 2.50% greater height in comparison with the variety Maksa.
- Published
- 2019
5. Elaboration of Methods for Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli on Bean Seeds
- Author
Mirjana Vasić, Zorica Nikolić, Tatjana Popović, and Jelica Balaz
- Subjects
food.ingredient ,lcsh:Plant culture ,veštačka inokulacija ,law.invention ,Microbiology ,food ,law ,Agar ,pasulj ,lcsh:SB1-1110 ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Polymerase chain reaction ,biology ,Seed ,Inoculation ,food and beverages ,Bean ,Building and Construction ,biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition ,biology.organism_classification ,Artificial inoculation ,Xanthomonas campestris ,Horticulture ,PCR ,Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli ,artificial inoculation ,seme ,Elisa test ,Xanthomonas axonopodis ,bean ,ELISA ,seed ,Seed testing ,Bacteria - Abstract
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli detection on artificially inoculated bean seeds was investigated. The method of the International Seed Federation - ISF (2006) was used. It included bacteria extraction from seeds and isolation on semiselective media with pathogenicity test of the investigated isolates. ELISA and PCR were used for verification of results. The results showed that the semiselective media MT (Milk Tween Agar) and XCP1 (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli Agar) were very suitable for isolation of X. a. pv. phaseoli. Pathogenicity was confirmed on young bean plants. ELISA test and PCR confirmed that all investigated isolates and reisolates belong to the bacterium X.a.pv. phaseoli. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost utvrđivanja prisustva bakterije Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli na veštački inokulisanom semenu pasulja. Ispitivanja su vršena po metodi International Seed Federation (ISF), ekstrakcijom bakterija iz semena i izolacijom na poluselektivne podloge uz proveru patogenosti dobijenih izolata. Za potvrdu dobijenih rezultata korišćen je ELISA test i PCR. Prema dobijenim rezultatima ova bakterija se može uspešno izolovati na poluselektivne podloge MT (Milk Tween Agar) i XCP1 (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli Agar). Patogenost je dokazana na mladim biljčicama pasulja. ELISA testovi i PCR su potvrdili da svi ispitivani izolati i reizolati pripadaju bakteriji X.a.pv. phaseoli.
- Published
- 2008
6. Analiza i predviđanje profita u konvencionalnoj i organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji pasulja u Srbiji
- Author
Nenad Pavlovic, Milan Ugrinović, Jasmina Zdravković, Jelena Mladenović, and Radoš Pavlović
- Subjects
Net profit ,Organic product ,net profit ,Organic production ,Agricultural economics ,Profit (economics) ,lcsh:Agriculture ,Agricultural science ,organic production ,0502 economics and business ,Per capita ,Economics ,pasulj ,Legume ,05 social sciences ,Simulation modeling ,lcsh:S ,General Medicine ,expenses ,Human nutrition ,organska proizvodnja ,neto profit ,bean ,troškovi ,050203 business & management ,050212 sport, leisure & tourism - Abstract
Bean is the third most important food legume crop of the world after soybean and groundnuts; it provides an important source of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber essential in human nutrition worldwide. A high, per capita bean consumption of 13 to 40 kg yr-1 was observed in developing countries. In EU developed countries, market of the organic products is growing in average 10 % per annum, but this growth has not been followed by production growth and this is the chance for Serbian products. Organic bean growing enables the producers a higher profit. Expenses in organic production are higher (2170 EUR/ha) than those in conventional bean production (1825 EUR/ha). However, net profit in the organic production was estimated to 1440 EUR/ha, while the profit in the conventional concept was 315 EUR/ha. Also, profitability rate and the economic efficiency coefficient had higher values when growing bean in organic concept. Gajenje pasulja u skladu sa organskim principima omogućava proizvođačima veći profit u odnosu na konvencionalni sistem gajenja. Ispitivana i komparirana je proizvodnja pasulja u konvencionalnom i organskom sistemu gajenja metodama bazičnih ekonomskih parametara a za metodu prognoze korišćena je Monte Carlo simulacija na osnovu projektovanih prosečnih tržišnih cena po jedinici proizvoda. Troškovi u organskoj proizvodnji su veći (2170 EUR /ha) od troškova u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji pasulja (1745 EUR /ha). Međutim, ostvarena dobit u konceptu organske proizvodnje je iznosila 1402 EUR /ha, dok kod konvencionalnog koncepta je 955 EUR /ha. Takođe, stopa rentabilnosti poslovanja kao i koeficijent ekonomičnosti su imali veće izračunate vrednosti u gajenju pasulja po konceptu organske biljne proizvodnje. Simulacijom rasta cena na tržištu korišćenjem Monte Carlo simulacionog modela u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji figurira neto profit od 93.4 EUR /ha, dok je u organskoj veći i iznosi 348.16 EUR /ha.
- Published
- 2016
7. Soil microbial activity under conventional and organic production of bean and maize
- Author
Branislava Tintor, Jelena Marinković, Ivan Susnica, Dragana Bjelic, and Mirjana Vasić
- Subjects
microbial abundance ,brojnost mikroorganizama ,dehydrogenase activity ,Soil organic matter ,food and beverages ,konvencionalna i organska proizvodnja ,Organic production ,dehidrogenazna aktivnost ,maize ,conventional and organic production ,Horticulture ,Agronomy ,kukuruz ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Environmental science ,bean ,pasulj ,lcsh:Science (General) ,General Environmental Science ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of conventional and organic production system on microbial activity in the soil cultivated with bean and maize crops. The trial in Đurđevo was set up according to the conventional farming system, while organic farming system was used in Futog. Two maize hybrids and two bean cultivars were used in the trial. Soil samples were collected in two periods during 2014 (before sowing, at flowering stage of bean crops, and at 9-11 leaf stage of maize) at two depths, at both locations. The following microbiological parameters were tested: the total number of microorganisms, number of ammonifiers, Azotobacter sp., free nitrogen fixing bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, and activity of dehydrogenase enzyme. The results showed that the total number of microorganisms, number of free N-fixers and dehydrogenase activity were higher within organic production, while Azotobacter sp. was more abundant in conventional production. Variations in the number of ammonifiers, fungi and actinomycetes in relation to the type of production were not obtained. Significant differences in microbial activity were also obtained between period and depths of sampling. Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se uporede efekti konvencionalnog i organskog sistema gajenja na mikrobiološku aktivnost u zemljištu koje je pod pasuljem i kukuruzom kao usevima. Ogled u Đurđevu postavljen je u sistemu konvencionalne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a ogled u Futogu u sistemu organske proizvodnje. U ogledima su korišćena dva hibrida kukuruza i dve sorte pasulja Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Uzorci zemljišta za mikrobiološke analize uzeti su tokom 2014. godine (pre setve i u fazi cvetanja pasulja, kao i u fazi 9-11 listova kukuruza), sa dve dubine, na oba lokaliteta. Mikrobiološka aktivnost praćena je na osnovu zastupljenosti ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, amonifikatora, Azotobacter sp., slobodnih azotofiksatora, gljiva, aktinomiceta i aktivnosti enzima dehidrogenaze. Rezultati su pokazali da su ukupan broj mikroorganizama, broj slobodnih azotofiksatora i dehidrogenazna aktivnost bili veći u sistemu organske proizvodnje, dok su vrste iz roda Azotobacter sp. bile zastupljenije u sistemu konvencionalne proizvodnje. Nisu zabeležene razlike u brojnosti amonifikatora, gljiva i aktinomiceta u zavisnosti od sistema gajenja. Takođe, značajne razlike u mikrobiološkoj aktivnosti utvrđene su između perioda i dubine uzorkovanja.
- Published
- 2016
8. Identifikacija rasa Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola na domaćim sortama pasulja
- Author
Popović, Tatjana, Živković, Svetlana, Dolovac, Nenad, and Milovanović, Predrag
- Subjects
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ,bean ,pasulj ,race ,rase - Abstract
Halo blight caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola is economically important disease of bean in our area. In the present study, the pathogen was isolated from the leaves of the diseased bean plants, with the leaf samples having been collected from cultivars Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni and Zlatko using a nutrient agar (NA) and the medium enriched with 5% sucrose (NSA). Pathogenicity of the obtained isolates was proved by inoculation of young bean pods and by hypersensitive reaction (HR) on tobacco and geranium leaves. Biochemical and physiological characteristics were tested by conventional phytobacteriological methods. The race identity of the isolates was determined using a differential set of Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B). Inoculation was performed with atomizer, by spraying of bacterial suspension onto the undersurface of primary leaves. Obtained results indicated that strains showed the most similarity to race 1 of this bacterium. Oreolna plamenjača pasulja čiji je prouzrokovač fitopatogena bakterija Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ekonomski je štetno oboljenje ove gajene kulture kod nas. U ovom radu vršena je izolacija patogena iz obolelog lišća pasulja sorti Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni i Zlatko na hranljivi agar (NA) i podlogu obogaćenu saharozom (NSA). Patogenost izolata je dokazana infiltracijom bakterijske suspenzije u mlade mahune boranije i pozitivnom hipersenzitivnom reakcijom (HR) na listu duvana i muškatle. Biohemijsko-fiziološke odlike ispitane su standardnim bakteriološkim metodama. Pripadnost dobijenih izolata fiziološkim rasama određena je korišćenjem diferencijalnog sortimenta Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B. Inokulacija je vršena atomizerom, prskanjem naličja primarnog lišća bakterijskom suspenzijom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na najveću sličnost izolata sa rasom 1 ove bakterije.
- Published
- 2011
9. Susceptibility of bean and pepper to flame weeding
- Author
Rajković, Miloš, Malidža, Goran, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Vasić, Mirjana, and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
- Subjects
weed control ,pepper ,paprika ,organic production ,flaming ,bean ,propane ,pasulj ,propan ,suzbijanje korova ,plamen - Abstract
A rapidly increasing area under organic crop production and difficulties in weed control impose the need for improvement of non-chemical methods for weed control, such as flaming. The objective of this study was to determine a tolerance of bean, pepper and four weeds to intrarow flaming. Field trials were conducted in 2010 at two locations (Rimski Šančevi and Srbobran, Serbia). Flaming machine was constructed by modifying inter-row cultivator, and eight propane doses (0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100 kg/ha) were tested. Bean and pepper plants exhibited increased susceptibility to increased propane doses, and pepper proved more susceptible to flaming than bean. Weed species Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis were more sensitive to flaming than Portulaca oleracea, and Sorghum halepense from rhizome. Doses of propane that reduce the fresh biomass of studied weeds by 90-95%, caused unacceptable reduction in seed yield of beans and pepper fruits compared to untreated controls. U poljskim ogledima tokom 2010. godine ispitivana je osetljivost pasulja, paprike i četiri vrste korova na primenu plamena. Za ova ispitivanja korišćen je prototip uređaja nastao modifikacijom četvororednog međurednog kultivatora, na koji su dodati rezervoari sa propanom, gasne instalacije i plamenici. Sagorevanjem rastućih doza propana u zoni redova (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 kg/ ha), utvrđen je neprihvatljiv intenzitet oštećenja useva i smanjenje prinosa, pri čemu je paprika ispoljila veću osetljivost od pasulja. Korovske vrste Chenopodium album i Setaria viridis su bile osetljivije na primenu plamena od Portulaca oleracea i Sorghum halepense iz rizoma. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je za visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju ispitivanih korova (90-95%) neophodno primeniti veće količine propana od količina koje su prouzrokovale prihvatljiva oštećenja biljaka paprike i pasulja. Iz ovih razloga, neophodno je nastaviti ispitivanja u cilju povećanja selektivnosti ove metode suzbijanja korova u paprici i pasulju.
- Published
- 2011
10. Proučavanje nekih populacija pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris L). poreklom iz centralne Srbije
- Author
Zdravković, Milan, Zdravković, Jasmina, Pavlović, Radoš, Girek, Zdenka, Pavlović, Nenad, Cvikić, Dejan, and Pavlović, Suzana
- Subjects
stalk height ,absolute weight of grain ,broj zrna u mahuni ,visina stabla ,apsolutna masa zrna ,pasulj ,bean ,number of grains per pod - Abstract
Proučavanje populacija pasulja prikupljenih tokom rada na terenu, poseta proizvođačima ili na lokalnim pijacama centralne Srbije, ima izuzetno veliki značaj za program oplemenjivanja pasulja u Institutu za povrtarstvo d.o.o. u Smederevskoj Palanci. U početnim istraživanjima obuhvaćene su standardne osobine: visina stabla, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna u mahuni, masa 1000 semena, oblik i boja zrna, potencijalna rezistentnost. Istraživanjima su obuhvaćene 37 populacija. Od posmatranih osobina u radu su prokazane tri osobine: visina stabla, broj zrna u mahuni i masa 1000 semena Study of bean populations collected during the field work, visiting the producers or local markets in central Serbia is extremely significant in bean breeding at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka. In the initial studies of standard traits of beans: stalk height, number of pods per plant, number of grains in pod, weight of 1000 grains, shape and col our of grains, potential resistance have been examined. The study covered 37 populations. From all re searched traits, this pa per deals with three: stalk height, number of grains per pod and weight of 1000 grains.
- Published
- 2011
11. Distribution and characterization of phytopathogenic bacteria on commercial bean crop in Vojvodina
- Author
Popović, Tatjana, Balaž, Jelica, Gavrilović, Veljko, and Aleksić, Goran
- Subjects
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli ,Pseudomonas savastanoi pv.phaseolicola ,identifikacija ,identification ,bean ,pasulj - Abstract
The present paper discusses the occurrence and severity of bacterial bean diseases in the Serbian province of Vojvodina. Leaf samples of diseased bean plants were collected from a number of locations in the province. All the samples from all the locations tested positive for Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, indicating that the bacterium is widespread on commercial plots and gardens planted to bean in Vojvodina. The bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola was isolated from a smaller number of samples, which shows that it is not widespread on bean in the province. Identification of the isolates was confirmed using the classic phytobacterial methods (for the pathogenic, morphological, breeding and biochemical-physiological characteristics of the isolates) as well as the rapid modern methods (ELISA for serological and PCR for molecular properties). U radu su proučavane bakterioze pasulja, njihovo prisustvo i intenzitet pojave na teritoriji Vojvodine. Izolacijama iz prikupljenih obolelih uzoraka pasulja (list) na standardne hranljive podloge, dobijene su kolonije Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli iz svih ispitivanih uzoraka i lokaliteta, što ukazuje na dominantno prisustvo ove bakterije na proizvodnim parcelama i okućnicama pasulja kod nas. Bakterija Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola je izolovana kod manjeg broja uzoraka, što pokazuje da nije široko rasprostranjena u našim uslovima gajenja pasulja. Identifikacija izolata ovih bakterija je dokazana korišćenjem klasičnih fitobakterioloških (patogene, morfološke, odgajivačke i biohemijsko-fiziološke odlike izolata) i brzih, savremenih metoda (serološke-ELISA i molekularne-PCR).
- Published
- 2009
12. Razrada metoda za dokazivanje Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola na semenu pasulja
- Author
Balaž, Jelica, Popović, Tatjana, Vasić, Mirjana, and Nikolić, Zorica
- Subjects
PCR ,artificial inoculation ,seme ,Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ,food and beverages ,bean ,ELISA ,pasulj ,veštačka inokulacija ,seed - Abstract
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola detection on artificially inoculated bean seeds was investigated. The method of the International Seed Federation - ISF (2006) was used. It includes bacteria extraction from seeds, isolation on semiselective media and checking the pathogenicity of investigated isolates. For verification of results, quick new methods of investigation were used (ELISA test and PCR). The results show that semiselective media MT (Milk Tween Agar) and MSP (Modified Sucrose Peptone Agar) can be appropriate for isolation of this bacterium. Pathogenicity of the investigated isolates was confirmed on cotyledon leaves of bean. ELISA test and PCR confirmed that all investigated isolates and reisolates belong to the bacterium P.s.pv. phaseolicola. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost utvrđivanja prisustva bakterije Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola sa veštački inokulisanog semena pasulja. Korišćena je metoda International Seed Federation (ISF), koja uključuje ekstrakciju bakterija iz semena, izolaciju na poluselektivne podloge i proveru patogenosti dobijenih izolata. U cilju potvrde rezultata korišćene su brze savremene metode identifikacije (ELISA test i PCR). Rezultati dobijeni tokom rada pokazuju da su poluselektivne podloge MT (Milk Tween Agar) i MSP (Modified Sucrose Peptone Agar) pogodne za izolaciju ove bakterije. Patogenost odabranih izolata dokazana je na kotiledonim listovima pasulja. Primenom ELISA testova i PCR, potvrđeno je da svi ispitivani izolati i reizolati pripadaju bakteriji P.s.pv. phaseolicola.
- Published
- 2008
13. Possibility of growing bean as a double crop in agroecological conditions of Vojvodina
- Author
Vasić, Mirjana, Milić, Stanko, Pejić, Borivoj, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Maksimović, Livija, and Bošnjak, Danica
- Subjects
cultural practices ,double cropping ,agrotehnika ,postrno gajenje ,sortna specifičnost ,bean ,pasulj ,cultivar specificity - Abstract
In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to be managed economically and in accordance with good farming practice. One of the ways to ensure intensive soil use is to carry out crop production throughout the year, which in this climatic region involves the sowing of multiple crops in a single growing season. Irrigation capability is one prerequisite for such production. The other one, growing period length, should enable determinate bean varieties to be planted as the second crop in double-cropping systems. Because some bean varieties are day length sensitive and because not all cultivars of this crop interact in the same way with environmental conditions, we first tested a wider range of bean cultivars and then chose four (Dvadesetica, Maksa, Belko and Sremac) for further study. When choosing the varieties, we took into account their market characteristics as well. The cultivars responded differently both yield- and grain size-wise. All of the cultivars studied were found to be suitable for use in double cropping. What remains to be done is to develop an adequate set of cultivar-specific cultural practices for this type of production. U okviru poljoprivredne proizvodnje zemljište je neobnovljivi, ograničeni resurs i njime je neophodno ekonomično i domaćinski gazdovati. Jedan od načina njegovog intenzivnog korišćenja je proizvodnja tokom cele godine, što u našem klimatskom području podrazumeva setvu više useva u vegetacionoj sezoni. Uslov za ovakvu proizvodnju je mogućnost navodnjavanja. Drugi uslov, dužina vegetacija, trebalo bi da omogući determinantnim sortama pasulja da se seju postrno, kao drugi usev. Neke sorte pasulja su osetljive na dužinu dana, a i interakcija sa uslovima spoljašnje sredine nije kod svih ista te je prvo ispitan širi sortiment, a zatim iz njega odabrane tri sorte (Maksa, Belko i Sremac) za dalja ispitivanja. Pri izboru sorata vodilo se računa i o njihovim tržišnim karakteristikama. Sorte su različito reagovale kako prinosom tako i krupnoćom zrna. Sve ispitivane sorte mogu se koristiti u postrnoj proizvodnji, ali je neophodno primeniti adekvatnu sortnu agrotehniku.
- Published
- 2007
14. Effect of inoculation and fertilizer application on nitrogen fixation in bean
- Author
Milić, Vera M., Vasić, Mirjana, and Marinković, Jelena
- Subjects
azotofiksacija ,nitrogen fixation ,fertilization ,sadržaj azota ,bean ,pasulj ,NS - Nitragin ,đubrenje ,komponente prinosa ,NS-Nitragin ,yield components ,nitrogen content - Abstract
The legume family is comprised of a highly diverse set of plant species essential to animal and human nutrition. The introduction of effective strains of nodule bacteria during bean sowing increases nitrogen fixation and enables these plant species to be grown even on less fertile soils. This paper has studied the effects of inoculation and fertilization on nitrogen fixation parameters in the bean variety Belko. Sowing was done by hand and the seeds were inoculated using the microbiological fertilizer NS-Nitragin which contained a mixture of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Phaseoli strains specific to bean as a crop species. Both the bean genotype and NS-Nitragin fertilizer used originate from the Institute. Plant dry matter mass and nitrogen content were determined at flowering, while grain dry matter mass per plant, number of pods formed, and grain number per pod were measured at physiological maturity. The basic agrochemical soil analyses were performed just before sowing, at flowering and at physiological maturity. Plant nitrogen was determined according to Kjeldahl. The trial was established at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field and the trial treatments were as follows 1) 0 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 2) 50 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 3) 100 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 4) 50 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 5) 200 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 6) 250 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 7) 0 kg/ha; 8) 100 kg/ha; and 9) 200 kg/ha. No NPK mineral fertilizers were incorporated and the phosphorus and potassium rates were the same (80 kg/ha P2O5 and K2O) in all of the treatments. In treatments 1 through 6 harvest residues (HR) were incorporated by plowing under, and every three years 50 kg/ha N were added after wheat. In treatments 7, 8 and 9 harvest residues were removed. Each treatment consisted of an inoculated and a noninoculated version. The study results showed that inoculation had a positive effect on the symbiotic association parameters concerned, i.e. the plant length, dry matter mass, pod number per plant, grain number per pod and plant nitrogen content of the inoculated plants from all of the treatments were on average greater than those of the noninoculated ones. The different fertilization treatments had different effects on the effectiveness of the symbiotic association as well. The amount of nitrogen fixed ranged from 13.68 to 68.97 kg N/ha, averaging 23.31 kg N/ha. No nitrogen fixation occurred in treatments 5 and 9. U radu je ispitan uticaj inokulacije i đubrenja na parametre azotofiksacije kod sorte pasulja Belko. Ogled je izveden na oglednim poljima Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Inokulacija semena je izvršena sa mikrobiološkim đubrivom NS-Nitraginom za pasulj. Genotip pasulja Belko i NS-Nitragin poreklom su iz Instituta. U fazi cvetanja i u fazi fiziološke zrelosti urađena je i osnovna agrohemijska analiza zemljišta. U obe faze analizirana je masa biljke (nadzemni deo, koren i kvržice), sadržaj azota u biljci, masa zrna po biljci, broj formiranih mahuna i broj zrna po mahuni. Inokulacija je uticala na povećanje sadržaja humusa i sadržaj ukupanog azota u zemljištu u većini kombinacija đubrenja. U proseku na svim varijantama đubrenja kod inokulisanih biljaka veća je masa suve materije biljke (korena nadzemnog dela i zrna), broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po mahuni i sadržaj azota u biljci.
- Published
- 2003
15. Use of microbiological fertilizers in bean, soybean and maize production
- Author
Milić, Vera M., Hrustić, Milica, Vasić, Mirjana, Starčević, Ljubinko, and Marinković, Jelena
- Subjects
seed yield ,mikrobiološki preparati ,kukuruz ,microbiological fertilizers ,bean ,pasulj ,soybean ,soja ,maize ,prinos zrna - Abstract
The objective of this paper was to study the effects of several microbiological fertilizers (NS-Nitragina, Azotobaktera, BactoFil A and B Phylazonit MC) on biological and agrochemical soil properties in order to determine if these preparations can provide conditions suitable for increased plant production. Three trials were established at the Rimski Sančevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad during 2002. In two of them (the ones with soybean and bean), the seed was inoculated with various microbiological fertilizers, whereas in the check treatment, it was not. The third trial involved maize (the NS-640 hybrid (FAO 600)) and various fertilization levels accompanied by the application of the microbiological fertilizer BactoFil A. The results of the study show that microbiological fertilizers influence the relative abundance of the various microbial groups studied depending both on the genotype and the type of inoculation. The use of microbiological fertilizers in the soybean and bean trials increased the total number of microorganisms and the abundance of free nitrogen-fixers, azotobacters, actinomycetes, and microorganisms affecting the release of inorganic phosphates in the soil. The various inoculation treatments of soybean increased the dry matter mass nodule number per plant, pod number per plant, grain number per plant and grain weight. The largest grain yields were obtained using double inoculation with NS-Nitragin (N+N) and the microbiological fertilizer NS-Nitragin and an Azotobacter mixture (N+A) and the lowest using BactoFil B. With beans, NS-Nitragin and Phylazonit MC produced the greatest effect both on grain yield and the parameters of nitrogen fixation and there was also an increase in nodule number, grain weight, dry matter mass, while the smallest grain yield was found in the treatment with the Azotobacter mixture. Our results showed that there was an increase of yield in all of the fertilization treatments in the maize trial relative to the control. However, when only barnyard manure plus the recommended dosage of BactoFil A were used the increase was 55%, whereas the same treatment with no fertilization produced an increase of 47%. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj mikrobioloških đubriva (NS-Nitragina, Azotobaktera, BactoFila A i B, Phylazonit MC) na biološke i agrohemijske osobine zemljišta kako bi se došlo do zaključka da li ovi preparati mogu da obezbede pogodne uslove za veću produkciju biljaka. Na osnovu rezultata bioloških ogleda može se zaključiti da mikrobiološka đubriva utiču pozitivno na biogenost zemljišta. Najveći prinos zrna soje ostvaren je kod dvostruke inokulacije soje sa NS-Nitraginom (N+N) i uz primenu Azotobaktera. Kod pasulja najveći efekat je bio kako na prinos zrna tako i na paramètre azotofiksaeije, na varijantama sa NS-Nitraginom i Phylazonitom MC, a najmanji sa dodatim Azotobakterom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je na svim varijantama đubrenja kukuruza došlo do povećanja prinosa u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu. Na varijanti bez dubrenja ali uz primenu preporučene količine BactoFila A dobiveno je naveće povećanje prinosa zrna kukuruza (47%). Na varijanti gde je đubreno samo sa stajnjakom uz preporučenu dozu BactoFila A povećanje prinosa bilo je 55%.
- Published
- 2003
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