1. Izdelava grafične podobe Strletove kmetije in linije sladoledov Strletov sladoled
- Author
Jenko, Mojca and Pušnik, Nace
- Subjects
corporate identity ,Strle’s farm ,Ta Strletov sladoled ,sladoled ,The Strle’s ice cream ,ice cream ,celostna grafična podoba ,Strletova kmetija - Abstract
Hrana, izdelana in pridelana lokalno z uporabo sestavin slovenskih kmetij igra pomembno vlogo v nasˇem življenju. Če bomo kupovali slovenske produkte, bomo s tem podpirali in investirali v slovenska podjetja in posledično ohranjali obstoj lokalne prehrane v Sloveniji. Zato mora biti slovenski izdelek na trgovskih policah vabljiv in jasno sporočati, da je izdelan na slovenskih tleh. Ko produkt držimo v rokah, pregledamo embalažo produkta in vizualno ocenimo kvaliteto. Kaj je tisto, kar stranko pritegne za nakup produkta in kaj je tisto, zaradi česar je stranka produkt izbrala in prijela v roke? Človek že od nastanka civilizacije stremi k identifikaciji. Danes je podobno pri podjetjih, storitvah in izdelkih. Zato je potrebno raziskati zgodbo in vizijo podjetja in na podlagi analize in s pomočjo smernic izdelati primerno podobo podjetja in produktov ali storitev, ki jih podjetje ponuja. Po napotkih iz literature smo oblikovali celostno grafično podobo Strletove kmetije in vizualno podobo produktov Ta Strletov sladoled. Poleg napotkov smo raziskali še trg sladoleda in našli nekaj zanimivih referenčnih primerov. Zacˇeli smo pri imenu podjetja in iskanju ikonografije, izdelali logotip, izbrali barve in pisavo ter dodali avtorske ilustracije, ki krasijo Strletovo kmetijo, in embalažo sladoleda. Poleg skiciranja na papir smo uporabili racˇunalnisˇke programe Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop in graficˇne tablice. Pri izbiri materiala za produkt smo izbirali okolju prijazne materiale. Primerno oblikovana, zabavna in privlacˇna embalazˇa bo tako pritegnila kupca za nakup lokalnega sladoleda. Locally produced food from Slovenian farms plays an important role in our lives. If we buy Slovenian products, we will support and invest in Slovenian companies and consequently maintain the existence of the local food industry in Slovenia. Therefore, a Slovenian product on store shelves must be attractive and clearly state that it is made on Slovenian soil. When we hold the product in our hands, we inspect the packaging of the product and visually assess its quality. What is it that attracts the customer to buy the product and what is it that makes the customer choose the product and take it in their hands and buy it? A man has been striving for identification since the beginning of civilization. Today, it is similar with companies, stories, and products – identification is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to research the story and vision of the company and, based on analysis and with the help of guidelines, to create a suitable business company and the products or services it offers. Following the instructions from the literature, we designed the overall graphic image of Strle's farm and the visual image of the products of Strle's ice cream. We also researched the ice cream market and found some interesting reference examples. We started with the name of the company and iconography, created a logo, chose colors and fonts, and added original illustrations that adorn Strle’s farm, as well as ice cream packaging. In addition to sketching on paper, we used computer programs Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and graphics tablet. When choosing the material for the product, we chose environmentally friendly materials. Properly designed, fun, and attractive packaging has thus attracted the buyer to buy local ice cream.
- Published
- 2022