23 results on '"Pilipczuk, Marcin"'
Search Results
2. On weighted graph separation problems and flow-augmentation
- Author
Kim, Eun Jung, Masařík, Tomáš, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Sharma, Roohani, and Wahlström, Magnus
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,68Q27, 68Q25 ,F.2 - Abstract
One of the first application of the recently introduced technique of \emph{flow-augmentation} [Kim et al., STOC 2022] is a fixed-parameter algorithm for the weighted version of \textsc{Directed Feedback Vertex Set}, a landmark problem in parameterized complexity. In this note we explore applicability of flow-augmentation to other weighted graph separation problems parameterized by the size of the cutset. We show the following. -- In weighted undirected graphs \textsc{Multicut} is FPT, both in the edge- and vertex-deletion version. -- The weighted version of \textsc{Group Feedback Vertex Set} is FPT, even with an oracle access to group operations. -- The weighted version of \textsc{Directed Subset Feedback Vertex Set} is FPT. Our study reveals \textsc{Directed Symmetric Multicut} as the next important graph separation problem whose parameterized complexity remains unknown, even in the unweighted setting., Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure
- Published
- 2022
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3. A tight quasi-polynomial bound for Global Label Min-Cut
- Author
Jaffke, Lars, Lima, Paloma T., Masařík, Tomáš, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Souza, Ueverton S.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
We study a generalization of the classic Global Min-Cut problem, called Global Label Min-Cut (or sometimes Global Hedge Min-Cut): the edges of the input (multi)graph are labeled (or partitioned into color classes or hedges), and removing all edges of the same label (color or from the same hedge) costs one. The problem asks to disconnect the graph at minimum cost. While the $st$-cut version of the problem is known to be NP-hard, the above global cut version is known to admit a quasi-polynomial randomized $n^{O(\log \mathrm{OPT})}$-time algorithm due to Ghaffari, Karger, and Panigrahi [SODA 2017]. They consider this as ``strong evidence that this problem is in P''. We show that this is actually not the case. We complete the study of the complexity of the Global Label Min-Cut problem by showing that the quasi-polynomial running time is probably optimal: We show that the existence of an algorithm with running time $(np)^{o(\log n/ (\log \log n)^2)}$ would contradict the Exponential Time Hypothesis, where $n$ is the number of vertices, and $p$ is the number of labels in the input. The key step for the lower bound is a proof that Global Label Min-Cut is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the number of uncut labels. In other words, the problem is difficult in the regime where almost all labels need to be cut to disconnect the graph. To turn this lower bound into a quasi-polynomial-time lower bound, we also needed to revisit the framework due to Marx [Theory Comput. 2010] of proving lower bounds assuming Exponential Time Hypothesis through the Subgraph Isomorphism problem parameterized by the number of edges of the pattern. Here, we provide an alternative simplified proof of the hardness of this problem that is more versatile with respect to the choice of the regimes of the parameters.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Flow-augmentation III: Complexity dichotomy for Boolean CSPs parameterized by the number of unsatisfied constraints
- Author
Kim, Eun Jung, Kratsch, Stefan, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Wahlström, Magnus
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
We study the parameterized problem of satisfying ``almost all'' constraints of a given formula $F$ over a fixed, finite Boolean constraint language $\Gamma$, with or without weights. More precisely, for each finite Boolean constraint language $\Gamma$, we consider the following two problems. In Min SAT$(\Gamma)$, the input is a formula $F$ over $\Gamma$ and an integer $k$, and the task is to find an assignment $\alpha \colon V(F) \to \{0,1\}$ that satisfies all but at most $k$ constraints of $F$, or determine that no such assignment exists. In Weighted Min SAT$(\Gamma$), the input additionally contains a weight function $w \colon F \to \mathbb{Z}_+$ and an integer $W$, and the task is to find an assignment $\alpha$ such that (1) $\alpha$ satisfies all but at most $k$ constraints of $F$, and (2) the total weight of the violated constraints is at most $W$. We give a complete dichotomy for the fixed-parameter tractability of these problems: We show that for every Boolean constraint language $\Gamma$, either Weighted Min SAT$(\Gamma)$ is FPT; or Weighted Min SAT$(\Gamma)$ is W[1]-hard but Min SAT$(\Gamma)$ is FPT; or Min SAT$(\Gamma)$ is W[1]-hard. This generalizes recent work of Kim et al. (SODA 2021) which did not consider weighted problems, and only considered languages $\Gamma$ that cannot express implications $(u \to v)$ (as is used to, e.g., model digraph cut problems). Our result generalizes and subsumes multiple previous results, including the FPT algorithms for Weighted Almost 2-SAT, weighted and unweighted $\ell$-Chain SAT, and Coupled Min-Cut, as well as weighted and directed versions of the latter. The main tool used in our algorithms is the recently developed method of directed flow-augmentation (Kim et al., STOC 2022)., Comment: v2. Major update to all three flow-augmentation papers
- Published
- 2022
5. On the Complexity of Problems on Tree-structured Graphs
- Author
Bodlaender, Hans L., Groenland, Carla, Jacob, Hugo, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Pilipczuk, Michał
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
In this paper, we introduce a new class of parameterized problems, which we call XALP: the class of all parameterized problems that can be solved in $f(k)n^{O(1)}$ time and $f(k)\log n$ space on a non-deterministic Turing Machine with access to an auxiliary stack (with only top element lookup allowed). Various natural problems on `tree-structured graphs' are complete for this class: we show that List Colouring and All-or-Nothing Flow parameterized by treewidth are XALP-complete. Moreover, Independent Set and Dominating Set parameterized by treewidth divided by $\log n$, and Max Cut parameterized by cliquewidth are also XALP-complete. Besides finding a `natural home' for these problems, we also pave the road for future reductions. We give a number of equivalent characterisations of the class XALP, e.g., XALP is the class of problems solvable by an Alternating Turing Machine whose runs have tree size at most $f(k)n^{O(1)}$ and use $f(k)\log n$ space. Moreover, we introduce `tree-shaped' variants of Weighted CNF-Satisfiability and Multicolour Clique that are XALP-complete.
- Published
- 2022
6. The Influence of Dimensions on the Complexity of Computing Decision Trees
- Author
Kobourov, Stephen G., Löffler, Maarten, Montecchiani, Fabrizio, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Rutter, Ignaz, Seidel, Raimund, Sorge, Manuel, and Wulms, Jules
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
A decision tree recursively splits a feature space $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ and then assigns class labels based on the resulting partition. Decision trees have been part of the basic machine-learning toolkit for decades. A large body of work treats heuristic algorithms to compute a decision tree from training data, usually aiming to minimize in particular the size of the resulting tree. In contrast, little is known about the complexity of the underlying computational problem of computing a minimum-size tree for the given training data. We study this problem with respect to the number $d$ of dimensions of the feature space. We show that it can be solved in $O(n^{2d + 1}d)$ time, but under reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions it is not possible to achieve $f(d) \cdot n^{o(d / \log d)}$ running time, where $n$ is the number of training examples. The problem is solvable in $(dR)^{O(dR)} \cdot n^{1+o(1)}$ time, if there are exactly two classes and $R$ is an upper bound on the number of tree leaves labeled with the first~class., Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures
- Published
- 2022
7. Close relatives (of Feedback Vertex Set), revisited
- Author
Jacob, Hugo, Bellitto, Thomas, Defrain, Oscar, and Pilipczuk, Marcin
- Subjects
Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Mathematics - Combinatorics - Abstract
At IPEC 2020, Bergougnoux, Bonnet, Brettell, and Kwon showed that a number of problems related to the classic Feedback Vertex Set (FVS) problem do not admit a $2^{o(k \log k)} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$-time algorithm on graphs of treewidth at most $k$, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. This contrasts with the $3^{k} \cdot k^{\mathcal{O}(1)} \cdot n$-time algorithm for FVS using the Cut&Count technique. During their live talk at IPEC 2020, Bergougnoux et al.~posed a number of open questions, which we answer in this work. - Subset Even Cycle Transversal, Subset Odd Cycle Transversal, Subset Feedback Vertex Set can be solved in time $2^{\mathcal{O}(k \log k)} \cdot n$ in graphs of treewidth at most $k$. This matches a lower bound for Even Cycle Transversal of Bergougnoux et al.~and improves the polynomial factor in some of their upper bounds. - Subset Feedback Vertex Set and Node Multiway Cut can be solved in time $2^{\mathcal{O}(k \log k)} \cdot n$, if the input graph is given as a clique-width expression of size $n$ and width $k$. - Odd Cycle Transversal can be solved in time $4^k \cdot k^{\mathcal{O}(1)} \cdot n$ if the input graph is given as a clique-width expression of size $n$ and width $k$. Furthermore, the existence of a constant $\varepsilon > 0$ and an algorithm performing this task in time $(4-\varepsilon)^k \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$ would contradict the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis., Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2021
8. A Double Exponential Lower Bound for the Distinct Vectors Problem
- Author
Pilipczuk, Marcin and Sorge, Manuel
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics - Abstract
In the (binary) Distinct Vectors problem we are given a binary matrix A with pairwise different rows and want to select at most k columns such that, restricting the matrix to these columns, all rows are still pairwise different. A result by Froese et al. [JCSS] implies a 2^2^(O(k)) * poly(|A|)-time brute-force algorithm for Distinct Vectors. We show that this running time bound is essentially optimal by showing that there is a constant c such that the existence of an algorithm solving Distinct Vectors with running time 2^(O(2^(ck))) * poly(|A|) would contradict the Exponential Time Hypothesis.
- Published
- 2020
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9. Cluster Editing parameterized above modification-disjoint $P_3$-packings
- Author
Li, Shaohua, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Sorge, Manuel
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics - Abstract
Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and an integer $k$, the Cluster Editing problem asks whether we can transform $G$ into a union of vertex-disjoint cliques by at most $k$ modifications (edge deletions or insertions). In this paper, we study the following variant of Cluster Editing. We are given a graph $G=(V,E)$, a packing $\cal H$ of modification-disjoint induced $P_3$s (no pair of $P_3$s in $\cal H$ share an edge or non-edge) and an integer $\ell$. The task is to decide whether $G$ can be transformed into a union of vertex-disjoint cliques by at most $\ell+|\cal H|$ modifications (edge deletions or insertions). We show that this problem is NP-hard even when $\ell=0$ (in which case the problem asks to turn $G$ into a disjoint union of cliques by performing exactly one edge deletion or insertion per element of $\cal H$) and when each vertex is in at most 23 $P_3$s of the packing. This answers negatively a question of van Bevern, Froese, and Komusiewicz (CSR 2016, ToCS 2018), repeated by C. Komusiewicz at Shonan meeting no. 144 in March 2019. We then initiate the study to find the largest integer $c$ such that the problem remains tractable when restricting to packings such that each vertex is in at most $c$ packed $P_3$s. Here packed $P_3$s are those belonging to the packing $\cal H$. Van Bevern et al. showed that the case $c = 1$ is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to $\ell$ and we show that the case $c = 2$ is solvable in $|V|^{2\ell + O(1)}$ time., Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures
- Published
- 2019
10. Turing Kernelization for Finding Long Paths in Graph Classes Excluding a Topological Minor
- Author
Jansen, Bart M. P., Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Wrochna, Marcin
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,F.2.2 ,G.2.2 - Abstract
The notion of Turing kernelization investigates whether a polynomial-time algorithm can solve an NP-hard problem, when it is aided by an oracle that can be queried for the answers to bounded-size subproblems. One of the main open problems in this direction is whether k-Path admits a polynomial Turing kernel: can a polynomial-time algorithm determine whether an undirected graph has a simple path of length k, using an oracle that answers queries of size poly(k)? We show this can be done when the input graph avoids a fixed graph H as a topological minor, thereby significantly generalizing an earlier result for bounded-degree and $K_{3,t}$-minor-free graphs. Moreover, we show that k-Path even admits a polynomial Turing kernel when the input graph is not H-topological-minor-free itself, but contains a known vertex modulator of size bounded polynomially in the parameter, whose deletion makes it so. To obtain our results, we build on the graph minors decomposition to show that any H-topological-minor-free graph that does not contain a k-path, has a separation that can safely be reduced after communication with the oracle.
- Published
- 2017
11. Hardness of approximation for strip packing
- Author
Adamaszek, Anna, Kociumaka, Tomasz, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Pilipczuk, Michał
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
Strip packing is a classical packing problem, where the goal is to pack a set of rectangular objects into a strip of a given width, while minimizing the total height of the packing. The problem has multiple applications, e.g. in scheduling and stock-cutting, and has been studied extensively. When the dimensions of objects are allowed to be exponential in the total input size, it is known that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor better than $3/2$, unless $\mathrm{P}=\mathrm{NP}$. However, there was no corresponding lower bound for polynomially bounded input data. In fact, Nadiradze and Wiese [SODA 2016] have recently proposed a $(1.4 + \epsilon)$ approximation algorithm for this variant, thus showing that strip packing with polynomially bounded data can be approximated better than when exponentially large values in the input data are allowed. Their result has subsequently been improved to a $(4/3 + \epsilon)$ approximation by two independent research groups [FSTTCS 2016, arXiv:1610.04430]. This raises a question whether strip packing with polynomially bounded input data admits a quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme, as is the case for related two-dimensional packing problems like maximum independent set of rectangles or two-dimensional knapsack. In this paper we answer this question in negative by proving that it is NP-hard to approximate strip packing within a factor better than $12/11$, even when admitting only polynomially bounded input data. In particular, this shows that the strip packing problem admits no quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme, unless $\mathrm{NP} \subseteq \mathrm{DTIME}(2^{\mathrm{polylog}(n)})$.
- Published
- 2016
12. Hitting forbidden subgraphs in graphs of bounded treewidth
- Author
Cygan, Marek, Marx, Dániel, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Pilipczuk, Michał
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
We study the complexity of a generic hitting problem H-Subgraph Hitting, where given a fixed pattern graph $H$ and an input graph $G$, the task is to find a set $X \subseteq V(G)$ of minimum size that hits all subgraphs of $G$ isomorphic to $H$. In the colorful variant of the problem, each vertex of $G$ is precolored with some color from $V(H)$ and we require to hit only $H$-subgraphs with matching colors. Standard techniques shows that for every fixed $H$, the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the treewidth of $G$; however, it is not clear how exactly the running time should depend on treewidth. For the colorful variant, we demonstrate matching upper and lower bounds showing that the dependence of the running time on treewidth of $G$ is tightly governed by $\mu(H)$, the maximum size of a minimal vertex separator in $H$. That is, we show for every fixed $H$ that, on a graph of treewidth $t$, the colorful problem can be solved in time $2^{\mathcal{O}(t^{\mu(H)})}\cdot|V(G)|$, but cannot be solved in time $2^{o(t^{\mu(H)})}\cdot |V(G)|^{O(1)}$, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). Furthermore, we give some preliminary results showing that, in the absence of colors, the parameterized complexity landscape of H-Subgraph Hitting is much richer., Comment: A full version of a paper presented at MFCS 2014
- Published
- 2014
13. Fixed-parameter tractable canonization and isomorphism test for graphs of bounded treewidth
- Author
Lokshtanov, Daniel, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michał, and Saurabh, Saket
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity - Abstract
We give a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that, given a parameter $k$ and two graphs $G_1,G_2$, either concludes that one of these graphs has treewidth at least $k$, or determines whether $G_1$ and $G_2$ are isomorphic. The running time of the algorithm on an $n$-vertex graph is $2^{O(k^5\log k)}\cdot n^5$, and this is the first fixed-parameter algorithm for Graph Isomorphism parameterized by treewidth. Our algorithm in fact solves the more general canonization problem. We namely design a procedure working in $2^{O(k^5\log k)}\cdot n^5$ time that, for a given graph $G$ on $n$ vertices, either concludes that the treewidth of $G$ is at least $k$, or: * finds in an isomorphic-invariant way a graph $\mathfrak{c}(G)$ that is isomorphic to $G$; * finds an isomorphism-invariant construction term --- an algebraic expression that encodes $G$ together with a tree decomposition of $G$ of width $O(k^4)$. Hence, the isomorphism test reduces to verifying whether the computed isomorphic copies or the construction terms for $G_1$ and $G_2$ are equal., Comment: Full version of a paper presented at FOCS 2014
- Published
- 2014
14. Known algorithms for EDGE CLIQUE COVER are probably optimal
- Author
Cygan, Marek, Pilipczuk, Marcin, and Pilipczuk, Michał
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics ,F.2.2 - Abstract
In the EDGE CLIQUE COVER (ECC) problem, given a graph G and an integer k, we ask whether the edges of G can be covered with k complete subgraphs of G or, equivalently, whether G admits an intersection model on k-element universe. Gramm et al. [JEA 2008] have shown a set of simple rules that reduce the number of vertices of G to 2^k, and no algorithm is known with significantly better running time bound than a brute-force search on this reduced instance. In this paper we show that the approach of Gramm et al. is essentially optimal: we present a polynomial time algorithm that reduces an arbitrary 3-CNF-SAT formula with n variables and m clauses to an equivalent ECC instance (G,k) with k = O(log n) and |V(G)| = O(n + m). Consequently, there is no 2^{2^{o(k)}}poly(n) time algorithm for the ECC problem, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first results for a natural, fixed-parameter tractable problem, and proving that a doubly-exponential dependency on the parameter is essentially necessary., Comment: To appear in SODA 2013
- Published
- 2012
15. Fixed-parameter tractability of multicut in directed acyclic graphs
- Author
Kratsch, Stefan, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michał, and Wahlström, Magnus
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,F.2.2 - Abstract
The MULTICUT problem, given a graph G, a set of terminal pairs T={(s_i,t_i) | 1 <= i <= r} and an integer p, asks whether one can find a cutset consisting of at most p non-terminal vertices that separates all the terminal pairs, i.e., after removing the cutset, t_i is not reachable from s_i for each 1 <= i <= r. The fixed-parameter tractability of MULTICUT in undirected graphs, parameterized by the size of the cutset only, has been recently proven by Marx and Razgon (STOC'11) and, independently, by Bousquet et al. (STOC'11), after resisting attacks as a long-standing open problem. In this paper we prove that MULTICUT is fixed-parameter tractable on directed acyclic graphs, when parameterized both by the size of the cutset and the number of terminal pairs. We complement this result by showing that this is implausible for parameterization by the size of the cutset only, as this version of the problem remains W[1]-hard.
- Published
- 2012
16. Subexponential fixed-parameter tractability of cluster editing
- Author
Fomin, Fedor V., Kratsch, Stefan, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michał, and Villanger, Yngve
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
In the Correlation Clustering, also known as Cluster Editing, we are given an undirected n-vertex graph G and a positive integer k. The task is to decide if G can be transformed into a cluster graph, i.e., a disjoint union of cliques, by changing at most k adjacencies, i.e. by adding/deleting at most k edges. We give a subexponential algorithm that, in time 2^O(sqrt(pk)) + n^O(1) decides whether G can be transformed into a cluster graph with p cliques by changing at most k adjacencies. We complement our algorithmic findings by the following tight lower bounds on the asymptotic behaviour of our algorithm. We show that, unless ETH fails, for any constant 0 < s <= 1, there is p = Theta(k^s) such that there is no algorithm deciding in time 2^o(sqrt(pk)) n^O(1) whether G can be transformed into a cluster graph with p cliques by changing at most k adjacencies., Comment: The new version contains results accepted for publication on the 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2013) under title 'Tight bounds for Parameterized Complexity of Cluster Editing'
- Published
- 2011
17. Clique cover and graph separation: New incompressibility results
- Author
Cygan, Marek, Kratsch, Stefan, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michał, and Wahlström, Magnus
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,F.2.2 - Abstract
The field of kernelization studies polynomial-time preprocessing routines for hard problems in the framework of parameterized complexity. Although a framework for proving kernelization lower bounds has been discovered in 2008 and successfully applied multiple times over the last three years, establishing kernelization complexity of many important problems remains open. In this paper we show that, unless NP is a subset of coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses up to its third level, the following parameterized problems do not admit a polynomial-time preprocessing algorithm that reduces the size of an instance to polynomial in the parameter: - EDGE CLIQUE COVER, parameterized by the number of cliques, - DIRECTED EDGE/VERTEX MULTIWAY CUT, parameterized by the size of the cutset, even in the case of two terminals, - EDGE/VERTEX MULTICUT, parameterized by the size of the cutset, and - k-WAY CUT, parameterized by the size of the cutset. The existence of a polynomial kernelization for EDGE CLIQUE COVER was a seasoned veteran in open problem sessions. Furthermore, our results complement very recent developments in designing parameterized algorithms for cut problems by Marx and Razgon [STOC'11], Bousquet et al. [STOC'11], Kawarabayashi and Thorup [FOCS'11] and Chitnis et al. [SODA'12].
- Published
- 2011
18. Dominating Set is Fixed Parameter Tractable in Claw-free Graphs
- Author
Cygan, Marek, Philip, Geevarghese, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michał, and Wojtaszczyk, Jakub Onufry
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,F.2.2 - Abstract
We show that the dominating set problem parameterized by solution size is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) in graphs that do not contain the claw (K(1,3)), the complete bipartite graph on four vertices where the two parts have one and three vertices, respectively) as an induced subgraph. We present an algorithm that uses 2^O(k^2)n^O(1) time and polynomial space to decide whether a claw-free graph on n vertices has a dominating set of size at most k. Note that this parameterization of dominating set is W[2]-hard on the set of all graphs, and thus is unlikely to have an FPT algorithm for graphs in general. The most general class of graphs for which an FPT algorithm was previously known for this parameterization of dominating set is the class of K(i,j)-free graphs, which exclude, for some fixed i,j, the complete bipartite graph K(i,j) as a subgraph. For i,i >= 2, the class of claw-free graphs and any class of K(i,j)-free graphs are not comparable with respect to set inclusion. We thus extend the range of graphs over which this parameterization of dominating set is known to be fixed-parameter tractable. We also show that, in some sense, it is the presence of the claw that makes this parameterization of the dominating set problem hard. More precisely, we show that for any t ?>= 4, the dominating set problem parameterized by the solution size is W[2]-hard in graphs that exclude the t-claw K(1,t) as an induced subgraph. Our arguments also imply that the related connected dominating set and dominating clique problems are W[2]-hard in these graph classes. Finally, we show that for any t, the clique problem parameterized by solution size, which is W[1]-hard on general graphs, is FPT in t-claw-free graphs. Our results add to the small and growing collection of FPT results for graph classes defined by excluded subgraphs, rather than by excluded minors.
- Published
- 2010
19. Subset feedback vertex set is fixed parameter tractable
- Author
Cygan, Marek, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Pilipczuk, Michal, and Wojtaszczyk, Jakub Onufry
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,F.2.2 - Abstract
The classical Feedback Vertex Set problem asks, for a given undirected graph G and an integer k, to find a set of at most k vertices that hits all the cycles in the graph G. Feedback Vertex Set has attracted a large amount of research in the parameterized setting, and subsequent kernelization and fixed-parameter algorithms have been a rich source of ideas in the field. In this paper we consider a more general and difficult version of the problem, named Subset Feedback Vertex Set (SUBSET-FVS in short) where an instance comes additionally with a set S ? V of vertices, and we ask for a set of at most k vertices that hits all simple cycles passing through S. Because of its applications in circuit testing and genetic linkage analysis SUBSET-FVS was studied from the approximation algorithms perspective by Even et al. [SICOMP'00, SIDMA'00]. The question whether the SUBSET-FVS problem is fixed-parameter tractable was posed independently by Kawarabayashi and Saurabh in 2009. We answer this question affirmatively. We begin by showing that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parametrized by |S|. Next we present an algorithm which reduces the given instance to 2^k n^O(1) instances with the size of S bounded by O(k^3), using kernelization techniques such as the 2-Expansion Lemma, Menger's theorem and Gallai's theorem. These two facts allow us to give a 2^O(k log k) n^O(1) time algorithm solving the Subset Feedback Vertex Set problem, proving that it is indeed fixed-parameter tractable., Comment: full version of a paper presented at ICALP'11
- Published
- 2010
20. Even Faster Exact Bandwidth
- Author
Cygan, Marek and Pilipczuk, Marcin
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
We deal with exact algorithms for Bandwidth, a long studied NP-hard problem. For a long time nothing better than the trivial O*(n!) exhaustive search was known. In 2000, Feige an Kilian came up with a O*(10^n)-time algorithm. Recently we presented algorithm that runs in O*(5^n) time and O*(2^n) space.. In this paper we present a major modification to our algorithm which makes it run in O(4.83^n) time with the cost of O*(4^n) space complexity. This modification allowed us to perform Measure & Conquer analysis for the time complexity which was not used for such types of problems before., Comment: Paper submitted to Transaction on Algorithms on 5th Nov 2008
- Published
- 2009
21. nullnullA Double Exponential Lower Bound for the Distinct Vectors Problem
- Author
Pilipczuk, Marcin, Sorge, Manuel, and Episciences
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics - Abstract
In the (binary) Distinct Vectors problem we are given a binary matrix A with pairwise different rows and want to select at most k columns such that, restricting the matrix to these columns, all rows are still pairwise different. A result by Froese et al. [JCSS] implies a 2^2^(O(k)) * poly(|A|)-time brute-force algorithm for Distinct Vectors. We show that this running time bound is essentially optimal by showing that there is a constant c such that the existence of an algorithm solving Distinct Vectors with running time 2^(O(2^(ck))) * poly(|A|) would contradict the Exponential Time Hypothesis.
- Published
- 2020
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22. Parameterized Complexity of Scheduling Chains of Jobs with Delays
- Author
Bodlaender, Hans L., Wegen, Marieke van der, Cao, Yixin, Pilipczuk, Marcin, Sub Algorithms and Complexity, and Algorithms and Complexity
- Subjects
FOS: Computer and information sciences ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Theory of computation → Fixed parameter tractability ,Scheduling ,Theory of computation → Parameterized complexity and exact algorithms ,Computing methodologies → Planning and scheduling ,Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ,parameterized complexity - Abstract
In this paper, we consider the parameterized complexity of the following scheduling problem. We must schedule a number of jobs on m machines, where each job has unit length, and the graph of precedence constraints consists of a set of chains. Each precedence constraint is labelled with an integer that denotes the exact (or minimum) delay between the jobs. We study different cases; delays can be given in unary and in binary, and the case that we have a single machine is discussed separately. We consider the complexity of this problem parameterized by the number of chains, and by the thickness of the instance, which is the maximum number of chains whose intervals between release date and deadline overlap. We show that this scheduling problem with exact delays in unary is W[t]-hard for all t, when parameterized by the thickness, even when we have a single machine (m = 1). When parameterized by the number of chains, this problem is W[1]-complete when we have a single or a constant number of machines, and W[2]-complete when the number of machines is a variable. The problem with minimum delays, given in unary, parameterized by the number of chains (and as a simple corollary, also when parameterized by the thickness) is W[1]-hard for a single or a constant number of machines, and W[2]-hard when the number of machines is variable. With a dynamic programming algorithm, one can show membership in XP for exact and minimum delays in unary, for any number of machines, when parameterized by thickness or number of chains. For a single machine, with exact delays in binary, parameterized by the number of chains, membership in XP can be shown with branching and solving a system of difference constraints. For all other cases for delays in binary, membership in XP is open., LIPIcs, Vol. 180, 15th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2020), pages 4:1-4:15
- Published
- 2020
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23. Component order connectivity in directed graphs
- Author
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Eduard Eiben, Gregory Gutin, Magnus Wahlström, Anders Yeo, Cao, Yixin, and Pilipczuk, Marcin
- Subjects
FOS: Computer and information sciences ,General Computer Science ,Parameterized Algorithms ,Applied Mathematics ,semicomplete digraphs ,Semicomplete digraphs ,Computational Complexity (cs.CC) ,directed graphs ,Computer Science Applications ,Computer Science - Computational Complexity ,Component order connectivity ,Computer Science::Discrete Mathematics ,TheoryofComputation_ANALYSISOFALGORITHMSANDPROBLEMCOMPLEXITY ,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms ,Theory of computation → Parameterized complexity and exact algorithms ,Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS) ,component order connectivity ,Directed graphs - Abstract
A directed graph D is semicomplete if for every pair x,y of vertices of D, there is at least one arc between x and y. Thus, a tournament is a semicomplete digraph. In the Directed Component Order Connectivity (DCOC) problem, given a digraph D = (V,A) and a pair of natural numbers k and 𝓁, we are to decide whether there is a subset X of V of size k such that the largest strong connectivity component in D-X has at most 𝓁 vertices. Note that DCOC reduces to the Directed Feedback Vertex Set problem for 𝓁 = 1. We study parameterized complexity of DCOC for general and semicomplete digraphs with the following parameters: k, 𝓁, 𝓁+k and n-𝓁. In particular, we prove that DCOC with parameter k on semicomplete digraphs can be solved in time O^*(2^(16k)) but not in time O^*(2^o(k)) unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. The upper bound O^*(2^(16k)) implies the upper bound O^*(2^(16(n-𝓁))) for the parameter n-𝓁. We complement the latter by showing that there is no algorithm of time complexity O^*(2^o(n-𝓁)) unless ETH fails. Finally, we improve (in dependency on 𝓁) the upper bound of Göke, Marx and Mnich (2019) for the time complexity of DCOC with parameter 𝓁+k on general digraphs from O^*(2^O(k𝓁 log (k𝓁))) to O^*(2^O(klog (k𝓁))). Note that Drange, Dregi and van 't Hof (2016) proved that even for the undirected version of DCOC on split graphs there is no algorithm of running time O^*(2^o(klog 𝓁)) unless ETH fails and it is a long-standing problem to decide whether Directed Feedback Vertex Set admits an algorithm of time complexity O^*(2^o(klog k))., LIPIcs, Vol. 180, 15th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2020), pages 2:1-2:16
- Published
- 2020
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