Energy Monitor for the Dutch greenhouse sector, 2007 The Energy Monitor 2007 provides an insight into the energy input and output of the Dutch greenhouse sector, as well as the energy indicators agreed with the authorities for the period to 2007 inclusive. The energy efficiency exhibited a substantial improvement during this period: in 2007, the greenhouse horticulture sector's primary fuel consumption per unit of product was 60% lower than in 1980. During the period under review, CO2 emissions from cultivation first increased and then decreased, and in 2007 were ultimately about 24% lower than in 1990. Sustainable energy¿s share increased from 0.1 to 0.8% during the period from 2000 to 2007. The number of co-generation plants increased greatly during this period, as a result of which purchases of natural gas increased and purchases of electricity decreased: sales of electricity increased sharply. The greenhouse horticulture sector has been a net supplier of electricity since 2006. At the end of 2007, approximately two-thirds of the greenhouse-horticulture area was equipped with alternative supplies of energy alongside traditional, natural gas-fired boilers. De energiemonitor 2007 brengt de ontwikkeling van de energie-input en -output van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw en de met de overheid overeengekomen energie-indicatoren in de periode tot en met 2007 in kaart. De energie-efficiëntie laat een belangrijke verbetering zien. De glastuinbouw kwam in 2007 uit op 60% minder primair brandstofverbruik per eenheid product dan in 1980. De CO2-emissie voor de teelt nam in de verslagperiode eerst toe, daarna af en was in 2007 zo'n 24% lager dan in 1990. Het aandeel duurzame energie nam in de periode 2000-2007 toe van 0,1 tot 0,8%. Het gebruik van warmtekrachtinstallaties is sterk toegenomen, waardoor meer aardgas en minder elektriciteit wordt ingekocht; de elektriciteitsverkoop nam sterk toe. Sinds 2006 is de glastuinbouw netto elektriciteitsleverancier. Eind 2007 heeft circa twee derde van het glastuinbouwareaal een alternatieve energievoorziening naast de traditionele, aardgasgestookte ketel.