9 results on '"socijalni kapital"'
Search Results
2. Self-presentation of Instagram users through economic, cultural and social capital
- Author
Sivić-Cug, Nina and Nikodem, Krunoslav
- Subjects
samoprezentacija ,ekonomski kapital ,social media ,Bourdieu ,economic capital ,socijalni kapital ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Sociology ,cultural capital ,kulturni kapital ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Sociologija ,Instagram ,social capital ,društvene mreže ,self-presentation - Abstract
Društvene mreže u zadnjih desetak godina napravile su revoluciju u komunikaciji, poslu, provođenju slobodnog vremena, ali i u izražavanju korisnika online. U tome prednjači društvena mreža Instagram koja je na globalnoj razini izrazito popularna, a koristi ju više od 1,3 milijarde ljudi. Na Instagramu se korisnici prezentiraju kroz vizualne sadržaje, odnosno putem fotografija i videozapisa. Istraživanja o Instagramu većinom se svode na pitanja ovisnosti, mentalnih bolesti ili motiva korištenja, što nas je potaknulo da istražimo ovu društvenu mrežu na drugačiji način. Teorijski koncept ekonomskog, socijalnog i kulturnog kapitala Pierra Bourdieua povezali smo sa samoprezentacijom korisnika na društvenoj mreži Instagram. Istraživanje je provedeno analizom sadržaja kojom smo prikupljali podatke o aktivnostima na Instagramu te načinima samoprezentacije pomoću vizualnog sadržaja (koja tema prevladava, jesu li objave sponzorirane, spominje li se kulturni sadržaj, kakva je komunikacija s publikom i sl.). Cilj istraživanja jest opisati na koje se načine prikazuje ekonomski, socijalni i/ili kulturni kapital u samoprezentaciji korisnika na društvenoj mreži Instagram. Uzorak čini 200 objava s 40 profila koji su jednako podijeljeni u 8 kategorija po broju pratitelja. Kroz tri teme (ekonomski, socijalni i kulturni kapital) odabrali smo indikatore koji ih najbolje opisuju, a prikupljeni podaci su kodirani i analizirani te predstavljeni i raspravljeni u ovome radu. Prema analiziranim podacima možemo zaključiti da su kapitali vidljivi u objavama na Instagramu te da mogu doprinijeti povećanju ili smanjenju virtualnog statusa. Uz to, osobe s nižim ekonomskim kapitalom imaju u pravilu manji broj pratitelja, dok osobe s višim ekonomskim kapitalom imaju veći broj pratitelja. Također, socijalni kapital pomaže u stvaranju virtualnog socijalnog kapitala koji doprinosi postizanju višeg virtualnog socijalnog statusa na Instagramu. In the last ten years, social media have revolutionized communication, work, leisure, but also the expression of users online. Leading the way users express themselves online is the social media Instagram, which is extremely popular globally and is used by more than 1.3 billion people. On Instagram, users present themselves through visual content, such as photos and videos. Research on Instagram mostly come down to issues of addiction, mental illness, or motives for using it, which prompted us to research this social media in a different way. We linked Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concept of economic, social and cultural capital with the self-presentation of users on the social media Instagram. The research was conducted through content analysis with which we collected Instagram activities data and ways of self-presentation using visual content (which topic prevails, whether posts are sponsored, whether cultural content is mentioned, types of communication with audience etc.). The goal of this research is to describe the ways in which economic, social and/or cultural capital is presented in the self-presentations of users on Instagram. The sample consists of 200 posts with 40 profiles that are equally divided into 8 categories according to the number of followers. Through three topics (economic, social and cultural capital), we selected the indicators that best describe them. Collected data were coded, analyzed and than presented and discussed in this paper. According to the analyzed data, we can conclude that the capital is visible in the posts on Instagram and that it can contribute to increasing or decreasing the virtual status. In addition, people with lower economic capital tend to have fewer followers, while people with higher economic capital have more followers. Also, social capital helps to create virtual social capital that contributes to achieving higher virtual social status on Instagram.
- Published
- 2022
3. Kvaliteta hrvatskog obrazovanja.
- Author
Pastuović, Nikola
- Subjects
INSTRUCTIONAL systems ,EDUCATIONAL quality ,EDUCATIONAL outcomes ,ELEMENTARY schools ,ACADEMIC achievement ,INDIVIDUAL differences - Abstract
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- Published
- 2009
- Author
Knežević, Mladen, Kraljević, Radojka, and Jurković, Jozo
- Subjects
kulturni kapital ,socijalni kapital ,oporavak ,eksperimentalna metoda ,turizam ,cultural capital ,social capital ,recovery ,experimental method ,tourism - Abstract
Turizam je kao privredna djelatnost u dobroj mjeri ukotvljen u mnoge elemente, kako kulture receptivnih destinacija, tako i kulturnih tradicija emitivnih okolina. Jedan dio pristupa turizmu kao društvenom procesu polazi od potrebe čovjeka za odmorom, za uspostavljanjem nove emocionalne ravnoteže narušene repetitornom svakodnevicom neoliberalnog društva i, posebno, gospodarstva. Takav je pristup stvorio neku vrstu stereotipa, po kojemu se turist “sigurno osjeća dobro” u nenadmašnoj arhitekturi srednjevjekovnog Dubrovnika. Istraživanje je, međutim, pokazalo da moderni turizam, sa skraćivanjem turističkog boravka, jurnjavom od destinacije do destinacije, zapravo ne dovodi do osjećaja sreće, da ima daleko više projiciranih negativnih emocija, koje dovode u pitanje relaksirajuću prirodu turističke djelatnosti., Tourism, as an economic activity is incorporated in various elements of the culture of receptive destinations, but also in elements of cultural traditions of emitting regions. One part of the approach to observing tourism as a social process lies in the human need for rest, and for establishing emotional balance, which is damaged through repetitive everyday life of neoliberal society and economy, in particular. This kind of approach has created certain stereotypes, where a tourist “must feel good” in the architecture of Dubrovnik, which is larger than life. However, researches have shown that modern tourism, with shortened stay, rushing from one destination to another, does not, in reality, bring the feeling of happiness. There are far more negative emotions being projected, which are questioning if the tourism as business activity is relaxing at all.
- Published
- 2019
5. Media audiences and democracy in Croatia: social stratification as a predictor of media use and its role for political participation
- Author
Vozab, Dina and Peruško, Zrinjka
- Subjects
politička participacija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija. Hrvatska politika/politika europske unije ,medijski repertoari ,media repertoires ,medijske publike ,ekonomski kapital ,economic capital ,media practices ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science. Croatian Policy/Policy of the European Union ,udc:316(043.3) ,socijalni kapital ,social stratification ,društvena stratifikacija ,cultural capital ,Sociologija ,kulturni kapital ,Sociology ,medijske prakse ,social capital ,habitus ,political participation ,media audiences - Abstract
Ovaj rad bavi se krajnjom točkom u procesu političke komunikacije: učincima informiranja građana na njihovu spremnost da politički participiraju. Zbog promijenjene uloge medijskih publika u novom medijskom okolišu (Cardoso, 2011; Castells, 2009; Prior, 2007), društvena stratifikacija oblikuje informiranje, komunikaciju i participaciju građana, reproducirajući nejednakosti u demokratskom procesu (Lindell 2015; Prior, 2007; van Dijk, 2012). Teorije medijske mučnine (Delli Carpini, 2004; Putman, 2000) i kruga vrlina (Norris, 2000; Strömbäck i Shehata, 2010) bave se učincima informiranja na političku participaciju, ali ovdje se analiziraju u odnosu na društvenu stratifikaciju, polazeći od koncepata ekonomskog, socijalnog i kulturnog kapitala (Bourdieu, 1979/2011), kako bi se pokazalo koja je zapravo uloga medija za političku participaciju u novom medijskom okolišu. Koncept habitusa (Bourdieu, 1979/2011) primijenjuje se na analizu načina informiranja medijskih korisnika, koji su strukturirani svojom društvenom pozicijom, resursima koje imaju i uvjetima u kojima djeluju. Kako bi se razlikovale različite stratificirane grupe medijskih korisnika uvodi se pojam medijskih ili informacijskih repertoara (Hasebrink i Domeyer, 2012). U prvom dijelu analize preuzima se tradicionalni pristup iz političke komunikacije kojim se traže medijski učinci na ponašanje građana. U drugom dijelu kreće se iz novijih paradigmi, te se iz perspektive publika (non-mediacentric approach) analiziraju načini na koje njihova stratifikacija određuje prakse informiranja i odnos prema politici. Eksplanatorni sekvencijalni dizajn miješanih metoda koristio se za prikupljanje, integraciju i analizu podataka u dvije istraživačke faze, kvantitativnoj i kvalitativnoj (Creswell i Plano Clark, 2011: 82). Rad daje odgovore na četiri glavna istraživačka pitanja. Informiranje medijskih publika u Hrvatskoj nema značajan mobilizacijski potencijal za političku participaciju, osim za online participaciju, a komercijalizirani mediji imaju efekt medijske mučnine za neke oblike participacije. Hrvatske medijske publike fragmentiraju se u odnosu na informacijske repertoare u pet idealnih tipova, koji se razlikuju prema svojoj društvenoj poziciji, dostupnim resursima, te se informiraju na različite načine i s različitom svrhom. Analizom je izdvojeno pet načina na koje medijske publike u Hrvatskoj uokviruju politiku. The focus of this doctoral thesis is political communication process in terms of citizen's media and information practices and the effects these practices have on their willingness to engage in various forms of political participation. However, these effects are not conceptualized as linear and uniform for all citizens. The transforming nature of media audiences in the „new media environment“ (Cardoso, 2011; Castells, 2009; Prior, 2007), makes information practices, communication and participation of citizens socially stratified in specific ways, which reproduces inequalities of citizens in democratic process (Hargittai i Walejko, 2008; Lindell 2015; Lutz, 2016; Napoli, 2012; van Dijk, 2012). The theoretical approaches used in the thesis are media malaise (Delli Carpini, 2004; Putnam, 2000) and virtuous circle (Norris, 2000), which postulate the possible nature of the effects of media (information) use on political participation; and Bourdieu's (1986) concepts of habitus, economic, social and cultural capital, which are used to analyse the social stratification of media and information practices. According to media malaise theory, greater exposure to media, and especially to television, leads towards alienation and less trust in political and social institutions (Delli Carpini, 2004: 400). This theory is described in Putnam's (2000) book Bowling Alone, in which he claims that television privatises leisure time, in a way citizens spend more time indoors, have fewer social interactions, are less keen to spend time in activites that foster social capital and therefore less civically engaged. Research which supports this theory showed that negative media coverage of politics and media framing of politics as a strategic game makes citizens more cynical about politics and makes them feel less adequate to make changes through their participation (Delli Carpini, 2004: 399). On the other hand, authors that believe that media can mobilize people to political participation, argue that exposure to political information offered by media and political participation are in virtuous circle – citizens that are more engaged in politics will follow news media more, which will keep their political interest and make them further engaged (Norris, 2000; Strömbäck i Shehata, 2010). According to virtuous circle theory, citizens that follow news media the most are those who have most political knowledge, trust in institutions and are more likely to be politically active. However, media environment and media audiences in such environment are profoundly changed and political communication processes should be examined in the light of such changes. With multiplication and fragmentation of different forms of media in the post-broadcast era, citizens should have more information choices in a „high choice“ media environment (Prior, 2005, 2007). However, this may not be true- the increasing choice provided by new media may even increase inequalities in political knowledge, as those with less political interest will avoid some information sources (Prior, 2005, 2007). The new communication models of „mass-self communication“ (Castells, 2009) or „networked communication“ (Cardoso, 2011), provided by digital networked media, adds to the media choice, and enables new media practices. Audiences can search, avoid, share or create information, be autonomous, selective and participative, but at the same time might become fragmented, polarized, or divided by media repertoires (Ahlers, 2006; Hasebrink and Domeyer, 2012; Ksizek and Tewksbury, 2003; Napoli, 2012; Yuan, 2011; Webster, Ksiazek, 2012). The fragmentation of media audiences, the differences in media choices they make and in ther media practices could be traced following their social stratification (Lindell, 2015). In such environment it is much harder to analyse uniqe and linear media effects. Political communication research should rather adapt to these changes and embrace more flexible approaches from media audiences research (Kleis Nielsen, 2014). Therefore, to adress such changes and the stratification of media audiences, in this thesis the non-mediacentric approach is followed. Media audiences are studied from the sociological perspective, analysing how do media users, as social agents in certain social position use media (Lindell, 2015). The concept of habitus (Bourdieu, 1979/2011) is taken as a key concept to analyse different information and media practices, which are structured by the social position of the media user, the resurces media users have and environment and circumstances in which they act, but which also enables the analysis of media users as social agents, or their agency, enabled or limited by structures. Bourdieu's approach is seen by communication scholars as useful to address cross-media or trans-media use in contemporary media environment and „systematically describe the interrelation between the individual's media use and his/her societal position in a structured society“ (Weiss, 2000/2001, in Hasebrink and Domeyer, 2012: 763). Bourdieu (1986, 1979/2011) claimed that social relations are impossible to analyse without employing conepts of capital in all of its forms, not just the one used in economic theory. Depending on the field in which it operates, capital exists as an economic capital, cultural capital and social capital. Economic capital could be directly transformed in money or ownership rights and cultural capital can be transformed into economic capital through institutionalization to educational qualifications (Bourdieu, 1986). Bourdieu's matrix of social space is constructed through dimensions of economic and cultural capital. However, this analysis should also include social capital, especially when it regards post-socialist societies in which political and social capital were far more important for the social position then economic capital (Bourdieu, 1998; Cvetičanin, 2007, 2012; Cvetičanin and Popescu, 2011). Similarly as Bourdieu (1979/2011) approached the analysis of cultural consumption of consumers with specific habituses on specific social positions, media consumers, or media audiences will be analysed in this thesis. In order to distinguish between different groups of media users defined by social stratification of various media practices, the concept of media/ information repertoires is introduced (Hasebrink and Domeyer, 2012). The concept of media repertoires is useful to analyse media use in cross-media environment, and refers to „the entirety of media he or she regularly uses“ or „relatively stable trans-media patterns of media use“ (Hasebrink and Domeyer, 2012: 759). As stratification of media audiences is analysed in the thesis, or inequalities which produce different information repertoires and practices, besides Bourdieu's concept of economic, cultural and social capital, the analysis also draws from the digital divide and digital inequalities theories (Hargittai, 2003; Hargittai and Walejko, 2008; van Dijk, 2012) which offer explanations to unequal access to and use of (digital) media. In this thesis four research questions were answered: 1) Do different media/ information practices of citizens have mobilization effect (virtuous circle theory) for differnet forms of political participation? 2) What kind of media audiences typologies in terms of their media/information repertoires exist? 3) In what way does the social position of the media user (economic, cultural and social capital) influence the formation of media/ information repertoires? 4) What kind of media practices and preferences and attitudes towards politics are specific to types of media audiences defined by their media/information repertoires? For the purpose of determining patterns of socially stratified media use and political participation, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods will be used. The integration of the quantitative and qualitative data will be done through explanatory sequential mixed methods design (Creswell, Plano Clark, 2011: 82). This kind of data integration in mixed methods design is most useful when the research aim is to assess trends and relationship between variables and explain the deeper mechanisms or reasons behind these trends (Creswell, Plano Clark, 2011: 82). Mixed methods explanatory sequential design is done in two phases. In the first phase, the quantitative strand is designed and implemented by creating instruments for quantitative analysis, collecting and analysing data. In the second phase, qualitative analysis follows quantitative analysis design and these data are analysed keeping in mind the results of the first phase. First and second phase are “integrated” through the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data (Creswell, Plano Clark, 2011: 83). Research results don't confirm the hypothesis that more exposure to information has a significant effect on political participation, besides on online participation. On the other hand, commercial media have media malaise effect on some forms of political participation. Therefore, media in Croatia seem not to have a significant beneficial effect on political participation, as virtuous circle theory would suggest. Croatian media audiences are fragmented based on their information repertoires in five ideal types, with uninterested users being the most frequent type. These different groups of media users differ because of their social position, the economic, cultural, social capital and other resources they hold, and are informing themselves in different ways and with different pursposes. Analysis also resulted in five ways these media audiences groups frame politics. Politics is framed mostly negatively, audiences being apathetic to it, framing it as a „dirty game“, seing politics as being mediatized (which is also perceived as negative), having populist approaches to politics, or more rarely expressing interest. However, noone expressed positive frames of politics as a democratic process.
- Published
- 2016
6. Obrazovne nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj: trenutačno stanje i pravci budućih istraživanja
- Author
Pavić, Željko and Željko Pavić, Ivana Žužul, Tihomir Živić, Ivana Bestvina Bukvić, Lucija Ljubić, Zlatko Kramarić, Helena Sablić Tomić, Miljenko Brekalo, Stanislav Marijanović, Antun Tucak, István Blazsetin
- Subjects
obrazovne nejednakosti ,Hrvatska ,kulturni kapital ,socijalni kapital - Abstract
Obrazovne se nejednakosti mogu odrediti kao sve vrste zapreka, namjernih ili strukturnih, koje dovode do nejednakog pristupa određenim dijelovima obrazovnog sustava ili do različite uspješnosti unutar njega, a smanjenje obrazovnih nejednakosti može se smatrati poželjnim iz bar dvaju razloga: postizanja društvene pravednosti i povećavanja društvene učinkovitosti. U ovom se radu navode i objašnjavaju najvažnije teorije koje pokušavaju objasniti nastanak i održavanje obrazovnih nejednakosti (teorija kulturnog kapitala, teorija lingvističke deprivacije, teorija financijske deprivacije i teorija racionalnog izbora) te se analiziraju dosadašnja istraživanja o ovoj tematici u Hrvatskoj. Zaključuje se da, iako je postojanje značajnih obrazovnih nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj dobro potvrđeno u spomenutim istraživanjima, dubinsko istraživanje njezinih razloga i testiranje navedenih teorija još uvijek nedostaju.
- Published
- 2016
7. Kvaliteta hrvatskog obrazovanja
- Author
Nikola Pastuović
- Subjects
knowledge society ,quality of education ,social capital ,cultural capital ,family circumstances ,društvo znanja ,kvaliteta obrazovanja ,socijalni kapital ,kulturni kapital ,obiteljska sredina - Abstract
U radu se problematizira odnos između koncepata društva znanja i kvalitete obrazovanja. Kvaliteta obrazovanja se operacionalizira kao kvaliteta obrazovnih ishoda. Pokazatelji kvalitete nacionalnog osnovnoškolskog sustava su: nacionalni prosjek obrazovnih postignuća na skalama prirodoslovne, matematičke i čitalačke pismenosti, veličina razlika u školskim prosjecima na skalama pismenosti unutar zemlje te veličina povezanosti obiteljske sredine s nacionalnim prosjekom, međuškolskim razlikama i individualnim razlikama u postignućima unutar škola. Prikazani su i interpretirani rezultati što su ih postigli petnaestogodišnji učenici hrvatskih škola u međunarodnom istraživanju kvalitete obrazovanja 2006. godine (PISA, 2006.)., The paper discusses the relationship between the concepts of a knowledge society and the quality of education. The quality of education is seen in the quality of educational outcomes. The indicators of the quality of the national elementary school system are the following: the national average of educational achievements in terms of science, mathematics and reading competences; the extent of differences in school averages in relation to literacy in the country and the degree of interrelatedness between family circumstances and the national average; and differences between schools and individual differences in terms of achievements within schools. The paper shows and interprets the results achieved by fifteen-year-old students in Croatian schools during the 2006 international survey on the quality of education (PISA 2006).
- Published
- 2009
8. Socio-ekonomski uzroci uspjeha učenika na nacionalnim ispitima u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Miličević, Filip
- Subjects
socio-ekonomski status ,nacionalni ispiti ,kulturni kapital ,socijalni kapital ,ekonomski kapital ,Hrvatska - Abstract
U svijetu se sve više pozornosti posvećuje razvoju obrazovanja i podizanju njegove kvalitete. U skladu s globalnim trendovima, Hrvatska je 2004. godine započela s uvođenjem sustava vanjskog vrednovanja u srednje školstvo. Temeljna svrha novog sustava je podizanje i ujednačavanje kvalitete obrazovanja, ali i osuvremenjivanje te rasterećivanje nastavnog programa. Prvi nacionalni ispiti provedeni su 2006. godine za sve učenike prvih razreda gimnazija iz hrvatskog jezika, matematike, stranih jezika (engleski, francuski i njemački jezik) te talijanskog kao materinskog jezika. Rezultati ovih ispita prvi su objektivni pokazatelji o razini usvojenih znanja i vještina. Dobiveni rezultati predstavljaju polazište za različita edukacijska, sociološka i psihološka istraživanja. Još s pojavom knjige Human Capital Gary Beckera, odnos obrazovanja i gospodarstva postaje sve zanimljivi istraživačima. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala utjecaj stupnja obrazovanosti i veličine prihoda. S obzirom da mnoge razvijene zemlje i sve tranzicijske zemlje istočne i jugoistočne Europe imaju probleme sa starenjem stanovništva i niskim natalitetom, javlja se potreba za rastom produktivnosti i realizacijom svih raspoloživih ljudskih potencijala. Odnos obrazovanja i gospodarstva je dvosmjeran. Oba smjera zaslužuju istraživačku pozornost. Rezultati na nacionalnim ispitima predstavljaju podlogu za istraživanje utjecaja socio-ekonomske obiteljske pozadine na uspjeh učenika. Postoje tri osnovna elementa kroz koja će se sagledavati socio-ekonomska pozadina. Kulturni kapital se odnosi na posjedovanje kulturnih dobara, kulturnu kompetenciju i kulturne aktivnosti. Socijalni kapital se odnosi na interakciju učenika i roditelja te na sudjelovanje učenika u raznim školskim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima. Ekonomski status se mjeri indeksom posjedovanja materijalnih dobara. Očekuje se da sve tri varijable utječu na uspjeh na nacionalnim ispitima.
- Published
- 2007
9. Hrvatska u Europi: uporišta i kušnje
- Author
Sokol, Ivica
- Subjects
Hrvatska ,Europa ,identitet ,tranzicija ,kulturni kapital ,mentalitet ,socijalni kapital - Abstract
U ovom radu se razmatra problem oblikovanja mentaliteta u Hrvatskoj prilikom prikljućenja Europskoj uniji. Naglašava se potreba napuštanja takozvanog mentaliteta opsade i isticanje isključivo tradicionalističkih vrijednosti.Za što bolju adaptaciju europskim vrijednostima preporuča se oslanjanje na vlastiti sociokulturni kapital kao temelj razvoja. Isto tako naglašava se potreba za razvitkom ekonomskih aktivnosti temeljenih na proizvodima viših kulturnih vrijednosti. Nosilac tih aktivnosti trebala bi biti "nova klasa" čija snaga leži prvenstveno u znanju.
- Published
- 2004
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