1. Privrženost u bliskim odnosima i strah od intimnosti u ljubavnoj vezi kod odrasle djece razvedenih roditelja
- Author
Matić, Karla and Ćubela-Adorić, Vera
- Subjects
razvod roditelja ,social support during the divorce ,socijalna podrška tijekom razvoda ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Psihologija ,posljedice u odrasloj dobi ,razvod roditelja, posljedice u odrasloj dobi, privrženost, socijalna podrška tijekom razvoda, strah od intimnosti ,parental divorce ,privrženost ,fear of intimacy ,strah od intimnosti ,consequences in adulthood ,attachment ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Psychology - Abstract
Budući da je stopa razvoda braka u Republici Hrvatskoj u konstantnom porastu, sve veći broj djece odrasta u necjelovitim obiteljima. U skladu s tim, raste interes za utvrđivanje posljedica koje razvod ostavlja, a od posebne je važnosti ispitati odnose između reakcija na razvod roditelja i kvalitete funkcioniranja u bliskim odnosima u odrasloj dobi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između kvalitete privrženosti roditeljima i ljubavnom partneru te straha od intimnosti u ljubavnim vezama kod odraslih osoba čiji su roditelji razvedeni. U tu svrhu provedeno je online korelacijsko istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku od 344 sudionika u dobi od 18 do 54 godine. Prosječna dob koju su sudionici imali za vrijeme razvoda roditelja iznosila je 11 godina, a na pitanja o vlastitim reakcijama na razvod roditelja odgovarali su retrospektivno. Sudionici su popunili Upitnik iskustva razvoda roditelja, Upitnik percipirane socijalne podrške tijekom razvoda, Upitnik komponenata straha od intimnosti te Skraćenu verziju Brennanovog Inventara iskustava u bliskim vezama. Osim latentne strukture navedenih mjernih instrumenata, analizirane su i spolne razlike na korištenim varijablama, njihove međusobne korelacije te prediktivni doprinos različitih vlastitih reakcija na iskustvo razvoda roditelja, privrženosti partneru i roditeljima objašnjenju varijance straha od intimnosti. Spolne razlike u strahu od intimnosti u ljubavnoj vezi nisu utvrđene, ali je utvrđeno da muškarci referiraju o, u prosjeku, manje negativnih emocionalnih posljedica razvoda braka roditelja te iskazuju veću percipiranu socijalnu podršku tijekom razvoda. Rezultati su pokazali da je kod sudionika, kao i kod sudionica u ovom istraživanju, strah od intimnosti u ljubavnoj vezi pozitivno povezan s većom izraženošću negativnih reakcija na razvod braka te s dimenzijama izbjegavanje i anksioznost u odnosu s partnerom, ocem i majkom. Nadalje, u oba poduzorka percipirana socijalna podrška tijekom razvoda negativno je povezana s većom izraženošću negativnih reakcija na razvod, strahom od intimnosti u ljubavnoj vezi te s dimenzijama izbjegavanje i anksioznost u odnosu s partnerom, ocem i majkom. U poduzorku muškaraca utvrđen je značajan pozitivan doprinos izbjegavanja u odnosu s partnerom i ocem objašnjenju varijance straha od intimnosti u ljubavnim vezama. Kod žena je utvrđen značajan pozitivan doprinos izbjegavanja i anksioznosti u odnosu s partnerom te izbjegavanja u odnosu s majkom objašnjenju varijance straha od intimnosti. As the rate of divorce in the Republic of Croatia is constantly increasing, there is an increasing number of children growing up in incomplete families. In accordance with that, there is a growing interest in determining the consequences that divorce has in functioning and psychological well-being of children, and it is of particular importance to identify the relationships between reactions to parental divorce and the quality of functioning in close relationships in adulthood. Accordingly, the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between quality of parental and romantic attachment and the fear of intimacy in romantic relationship of adults whose parents are divorced. For this purpose, an online correlation survey was conducted on a convenience sample of 344 participants in the age 18-54. The average age of participants at the time of parental divorce was 11 years and on the questions about their own reactions on parental divorce they answered retrospectively. Participants completed the Experience of Parental Divorce Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale, Fear of Intimacy Components Questionnaire and Modified Version of Brennan’s Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory. Apart from the latent structure of the instruments, gender differences were analysed on the used variables, their intercorrelations and predictive contribution of different own negative reactions to the parental divorce and the attachment to partner and parents in explaining the variance of the fear of intimacy. Gender differences in the fear of intimacy in romantic relationship were not found, but it is observed that male participants refer about, in average, less negative emotional consequences of the divorce and show greater perceived social support during the divorce. Results also revealed, that in male participants, as well as in female participants in this study, fear of intimacy in romantic relationship is positively correlated with negative reactions to divorce and the dimensions of avoidance and anxiety in relationships with partner, father and mother. Moreover, on both subgroups, perceived social support during the divorce is negatively correlated with negative reactions to divorce, fear of intimacy in romantic relationship and dimensions of avoidance and anxiety in relationships with partner, father and mother. On the subgroup of men, there was significant positive contribution of avoidance in relationships with partner and father in explaining the variance of the fear of intimacy in romantic relationships. On the subgroup of women, significant positive contribution of avoidance and anxiety in relationship with partner and avoidance in relationship with mother in explaining of the fear of intimacy variance was observed.
- Published
- 2020