The aim of the thesis Real Estate Market of Russia is to analyze the real estate market in the Russian Federation with a deeper exploration activities of foreign investors in the Russian real estate market. Thesis theme is very topical and interesting, because among other things, examines the impact of the financial and economic crisis on the real estate market and changes in the interests of foreign investors in the Russian investment projects in real estate and interests of Russian companies abroad. Currently, the real estate market in the Russian Federation is developing very dynamically, it can be said that over the years of crisis and financial instability signed on aggregate supply and demand for real estate in Russia very little. However, at the moment it is merely a statement - proof of this statement is to provide this thesis. The thesis analyzes not only the interest of foreign investors in the real estate market of Russia, but also the interest of Russian investors in the Czech real estate market. Already in the nineties of the twentieth century has seen a significant interest of Russian citizens on housing and commercial real estate in the Czech Republic. It is interesting to explore whether this interest persists to this day and the extent to which the Czech real estate owned by Russian citizens or legal entities whose members are Russian citizens. Another objective of this thesis is to evaluate the real estate market in Russia, with a focus on international development company. This objective will be gradually implemented through the analysis of the current real estate market and evaluate the activities of foreign investors of their share of development projects. The operational objective of the thesis is to evaluate the interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation on real estate in foreign countries (for example, the Czech Republic). Czech Republic was chosen as analyzed state due to good orientation of the author of the thesis in the Czech environment and find out the appropriate options detailed information about the problem. Sub-objectives will be achieved through a detailed analysis of the statistical data of the Czech Statistical Office and also the author's own analysis carried out "in the field". The main hypothesis of this thesis is the claim that the interest of foreign developers in the Russian real estate market is increasing. During the meeting the objectives of the thesis should be stated hypothesis to prove or disprove. The methodological basis of the thesis will consist primarily statistical analysis of data from the Czech Statistical Office and the Russian Federal Statistics Service, as well as data from the media and Russian companies. After selecting the appropriate data and information to analyze existing and ongoing development of real estate markets. Another method used in this thesis, the method of synthesis. With the synthesis of the work will examine the influence of individual factors (financial crisis, negative fluctuations in the economy of Russia, migration processes in Russia) on the real estate market of Russia. In the context of the activities of Russian citizens in the real estate market in the Czech Republic to examine the impact of the liberalization of laws and overall trends in immigration and migration policy of the Czech Republic in question increased interest of Russian investors in real estate projects. The work is logically divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on general characterization of the terms used in the thesis and their relationships. The theoretical part is to explain the main factors affecting the price of real estate and its variations. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the description and analysis of the current state of the property market in Russia and the Czech Republic. Among other things, describes the current development and privatization processes in Russia in 1990 - 2000. These analyzes and research are part of the practical part.