V diplomskem delu obravnavamo vplive onesnaževanja morja s plastiko in težave, ki jih to povzroča. Plastika je v današnjem času del človeškega vsakdana. Uporablja se zato, ker je lahka, uporabna in cenovno zelo ugodna, zato njena uporabnost iz leta v leto narašča. Zaradi trpežnosti se kemično zelo težko reciklira. Ker je ločevanje drago, plastični odpadki marsikdaj pristanejo v naravi. Za potrebe pisanja diplomskega dela smo analizirali sekundarne vire, ki govorijo o plastičnih odpadkih, težavah z njimi in njihovih negativnih vplivih na živali in ljudi. Ker se količine plastike v morju letno povečujejo, smo se osredotočili tudi na mehanizme, ki preprečujejo vnos plastike v morje. Ugotovili smo, da plastika negativno vpliva na morje oziroma okolje, živali in ljudi. Ko se plastika razgradi, v morje spusti škodljive snovi, ali pa jo ribe in preostale morske živali zaužijejo, še preden se razgradi. Tako so mlade ribe že tako navajene plastike, da jo imajo rajši kot hrano. Zaradi prehranjevanja s plastiko težko rastejo in se razvijajo, kar vpliva tudi na njihovo vedenje. To je samo še en razlog, zakaj ribe težko preživijo. Plastika pa je nevarna tudi za nas, saj izloča bisfenol A in ftalate. To so zelo nevarne snovi, ki se začnejo izločati s staranjem plastike in ob njeni izpostavljenosti visokim temperaturam. Ljudje nismo toliko ozaveščeni o škodljivostih, ki smo jim izpostavljeni, niti ne o tem, kako bi lahko preprečili nastanek toliko ton plastičnih odpadkov, ki pristanejo v naravi. Zavzeti bi se morali za naravo in se truditi za zmanjšanje vnosa plastike v okolje. Prav tako bi se vsak posameznik moral zavedati posledic, ki nastajajo ob onesnaževanju narave. In the thesis we addressed the effects and problems of polluting the sea water with plastic. The artificial item has became a part of daily human life in present times. Plastic is used because it is light, very useful and cheap, that’s why its use is growing on yearly bases. Due to its durability it is chemically really hard to recycle. Whereas the separation of plastic waste is expensive, a problem occurs where all the plastic waste lands in nature. For the purpose of writing the thesis, we analyzed secondary sources, which talked about plastic waste, problems and negative effects that they have on animals and human beings. Because the amount of plastic, which ends up in sea water, is higher every year, we also focused on the mechanisms that prevent plastic waste to get in to the sea. We discovered that plastic waste has negative effects on the sea, nature, animals and humans. When plastic decomposes, it leaves harmful substances in the sea or fish and other sea creatures eat them. That’s why the little or baby fishes are so used to plastic, that they prefer it instead of real food. Due to feeding on plastic, there growth and developing is significantly more difficult, which also effects their behavior. This is just one out of many reasons why fish survive more difficulty. Furthermore, plastic in dangerous even for us humans, since it releases bisphenol A and phthalates, which are very dangerous for human beings. Secretion occurs with aging of plastic and if it’s exposed to high temperatures. Humans aren’t aware enough of the harmfulness that we are expose to, as well as how we could prevent the occurrence of so many tons of plastic, which lands in nature in the end. We should stand up for nature and act in the direction of reducing pollution of the environment with plastic waste. Every individual should also be aware about the consequences that occur with the contamination of the environment.