1,290 results on '"Golobič A"'
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202. Pool boiling performance of water and self-rewetting fluids on hybrid functionalized aluminum surfaces
- Author
Iztok Golobič, Matevž Zupančič, Radek Šulc, Viktor Vajc, and Matic Može
- Subjects
self-rewetting fluids ,Materials science ,020209 energy ,vrenje v bazenu ,Nucleation ,funkcionalizirane površine ,Bioengineering ,TP1-1185 ,02 engineering and technology ,mehurčkasto vrenje ,nucleate boiling ,functionalized surfaces ,Boiling ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) ,heat transfer enhancement ,izboljšan prenos toplote ,QD1-999 ,pool boiling ,Critical heat flux ,udc:536.242:66.046.7 ,Chemical technology ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,Heat transfer enhancement ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Surface energy ,Superheating ,Chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,površinska modifikacija ,Surface modification ,samoomočljivi fluidi ,0210 nano-technology ,surface modification ,Nucleate boiling - Abstract
The boiling performance of functionalized hybrid aluminum surfaces was experimentally investigated for water and self-rewetting mixtures of water and 1-butanol. Firstly, microstructured surfaces were produced via chemical etching in hydrochloric acid and the effect of the etching time on the surface morphology was evaluated. An etching time of 5 min was found to result in pitting corrosion and produced weakly hydrophilic microstructured surfaces with many microcavities. Observed cavity-mouth diameters between 3.6 and 32 μm are optimal for efficient nucleation and provided a superior boiling performance. Longer etching times of 10 and 15 min resulted in uniform corrosion and produced superhydrophilic surfaces with a micropeak structure, which lacked microcavities for efficient nucleation. In the second stage, hybrid surfaces combining lower surface energy and a modified surface microstructure were created by hydrophobization of etched aluminum surfaces using a silane agent. Hydrophobized surfaces were found to improve boiling heat transfer and their boiling curves exhibited a significantly lower superheat. Significant heat transfer enhancement was observed for hybrid microcavity surfaces with a low surface energy. These surfaces provided an early transition into nucleate boiling and promoted bubble nucleation. For a hydrophobized microcavity surface, heat transfer coefficients of up to 305 kW m−2 K−1 were recorded and an enhancement of 488% relative to the untreated reference surface was observed. The boiling of self-rewetting fluids on functionalized surfaces was also investigated, but a synergistic effect of developed surfaces and a self-rewetting working fluid was not observed. An improved critical heat flux was only obtained for the untreated surface, while a lower critical heat flux and lower heat transfer coefficients were measured on functionalized surfaces, whose properties were already tailored to promote nucleate boiling.
- Published
- 2021
203. Defining Landscapes, and Their Importance for National Identity—A Case Study from Slovenia
- Author
Mateja Šmid Hribar, Jelka Hudoklin, Nadja Penko Seidl, Tomaž Pipan, and Mojca Golobič
- Subjects
Geography, Planning and Development ,Slovenia ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,0507 social and economic geography ,Identity (social science) ,TJ807-830 ,02 engineering and technology ,Computer-assisted web interviewing ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,TD194-195 ,Representativeness heuristic ,Renewable energy sources ,cultural landscape ,GE1-350 ,Environmental planning ,Spatial planning ,Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,Cultural landscape ,05 social sciences ,021107 urban & regional planning ,Citizen journalism ,landscape identity ,Field (geography) ,landscape features ,Environmental sciences ,Geography ,national landscape identity ,evaluation criteria ,National identity ,050703 geography - Abstract
Although each landscape has its own identity, only some of them are recognized as nationally important because of their cultural and natural values and their contribution to national identity. In Slovenia, these landscapes are listed in the national Spatial Development Strategy (adopted in 2004). However, this list was neither supported by implementation instruments nor integrated in any conservation or management policy documents and was poorly integrated into spatial plans. The aim of this research was to renew the methodology for identifying landscapes of national importance. The methods included in-depth interviews with experts, an online questionnaire, participatory workshops, and field visits. The questionnaire results showed that only eight landscapes from the original list of 62 were explicitly recognized as nationally important, which confirmed the hypothesis that the initial method was not transparent and that the criteria were biased. The proposed approach included the following criteria: (1) representativeness, (2) the quality of the landscape features, and (3) the cultural and scientific value. The methodology was accompanied with the list of landscape features and landscape types that are important for Slovenian national identity, recommendations for implementing the method on national, regional, and local levels, and the general guidelines for spatial planning and management of these landscapes.
- Published
- 2021
204. Copper(II) Coordination Compounds with Methanoato and Pyridine Ligands: Conversion from Mononuclear to Polynuclear in the Presence of Moisture
- Author
Amalija Golobič, Primož Šegedin, Fedja Marušič, and Marta Počkaj
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,pyridine ,Moisture ,chemistry.chemical_element ,crystal structure determination ,Copper ,Pyridine ligand ,law.invention ,Coordination complex ,lcsh:Chemistry ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,structure conversion ,chemistry ,Optical microscope ,lcsh:QD1-999 ,Covalent bond ,law ,copper(ii) methanoates ,Polymer chemistry ,Pyridine ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Single crystal ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Blue prismatic crystals of mononuclear [Cu II (O 2 CH) 2 (Py) 3 ] (Py = pyridine, C 5 H 5 N), 1 , were prepared from reaction solution containing dry pyridine and dinuclear [Cu 2 II (O 2 CH) 4 (Py) 2 ]. When a portion of solution together with crystals was exposed to air moisture, crystals of 1 dissolved in mother liquid. Simultaneously, blue needles of 2 , i.e. covalently linked one-dimensional chain structure with formula [Cu(O 2 CH) 2 (Py) 2 ] n · n H 2 O, grew out of the solution. The process lasted few minutes and was observed under optical microscope. The conversion from 1 to 2 takes place also outside of solution in the solid state. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data were collected at 150 K for 1 and after that for 2 , originating from the same reaction solution. This paper reports the structures of both compounds. Alternative synthesis method of 2 arising from a mixture of copper methanoate and pyridine is also reported.
- Published
- 2021
205. Vpliv umetniških programov osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na kulturni razvoj in orientacijo šolske populacije
- Author
Golobič, Špela and Misson, Andrej
- Subjects
kulturno-umetnostna vzgoja ,symphony matinees ,arts and cultural education ,symphony orchestra ,simfonični orkester ,simfonične matineje ,music-education programs ,glasbena umetnost ,glasbeno-izobraževalni programi ,udc:37.015.31:785.11(043.3) ,musical art - Abstract
Doktorska disertacija obravnava področje kulturne vzgoje na področju glasbene umetnosti in je vsebinsko razdeljena na osem poglavij s podpoglavji, v katerih so obravnavana teoretična izhodišča kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, umeščenost glasbe v slovenski izobraževalni sistem, izobraževalna dejavnost slovenskih in izbranih tujih glasbenih institucij ter vpliv osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na kulturni razvoj in orientacijo šolske populacije. Kulturna vzgoja ima pomembno vlogo pri izboljšanju kakovosti izobraževanja, dvigovanju ravni kulturne zavesti, spodbujanju ustvarjalnosti pri otrocih in mladih, razvijanju posameznikovih potencialov ter razvoju družbe kot celote. Številni nacionalni in mednarodni dokumenti in raziskave poudarjajo pomen kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje ter izpostavljajo potrebo po nadaljnjem sistematičnem razvoju področja. V Sloveniji imajo otroci in mladi številne možnosti glasbenega udejstvovanja v okviru kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, ki se odvija tako v osnovnih, glasbenih in nekaterih srednjih šolah kot tudi v kulturnih ustanovah. Pri glasbenem izobraževanju pa ima bistveno vlogo kompetenten učitelj, ki mora poleg načrtovanja pouka poznati tudi možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja in možnosti umeščanja glasbe v širši šolski prostor v okviru vzgojnega načrta šole, interesnih dejavnosti, izbirnih predmetov, kulturnih dnevov, ustvarjalnega preživljanja prostega časa, projektov in natečajev ter ob tem vedno znova vzpostavljati partnerske povezave z umetniškimi ustanovami in glasbeniki. Umetniški programi osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij zajemajo tudi številne programe, namenjene šolajoči populaciji, ki otrokom in mladim omogočajo stik z glasbeno umetnostjo ter skrbijo za vzgojo bodočih generacij poslušalcev. V prvi polovici 20. stoletja je imela vlogo osrednjega slovenskega glasbenega društva Glasbena matica, ki je z Orkestralnim društvom tudi prva začela prirejati komentirane koncerte za mlade poslušalce, v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja pa sta vlogo osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih društev prevzeli Glasbena mladina Slovenije in Glasbena mladina ljubljanska. Društvi še danes sistematično skrbita za koncertno ponudbo za mlade poslušalce, poleg tega velik del koncertne dejavnosti namenjata talentiranim mladim glasbenikom, ki na njunih koncertih dobivajo pomembne koncertne izkušnje. Dejavnost obravnavanih tujih simfoničnih orkestrov poleg koncertov za mlade poslušalce in mlade glasbenike zajema tudi izobraževalne programe, namenjene družinam, učiteljem in širši javnosti, orkestri pa se preko njih povezujejo z najširšim krogom poslušalcev. V raziskavo je zajetih pet slovenskih glasbenih ustanov, in sicer Orkester Slovenske filharmonije, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenije, Slovensko narodno gledališče Opera in balet Ljubljana, Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor in Cankarjev dom. Poleg tega so v raziskavo vključeni tuji simfonični orkestri, ki smo jih izbrali na podlagi odličnosti, mednarodne prepoznavnosti ter izjemno razvite izobraževalne dejavnosti. Izbrani tuji orkestri so: Londonski filharmonični orkester, Berlinski filharmoniki, Dunajski filharmoniki, Newyorška filharmonija, Losangeleška filharmonija, Simfonični orkester Cincinnati, Orkester Philadelphia in Orkester Cleveland. Prikazan je presek izobraževalne dejavnosti izbranih domačih in tujih orkestrov ter Glasbene mladine Slovenije in Glasbene mladine ljubljanske v koncertni sezoni 2013/2014. V tujini se je v devetdesetih letih 20. stoletja začela razvijati koncertna pedagogika, ki koncerte simfoničnih orkestrov prepleta s sodobnimi pedagoškimi pristopi in jih na razumljiv način posreduje poslušalcem. V Sloveniji ni opaznega razvoja tovrstne dejavnosti, pač pa gre za ustaljene procese ustvarjanja glasbeno-izobraževalnih programov, ki jih osrednje slovenske glasbene institucije izvajajo v sodelovanju z Glasbeno mladino Slovenije in Glasbeno mladino ljubljansko. Umetniški programi osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij vplivajo na kulturni razvoj šolske populacije ter otrokom in mladim omogočajo orientacijo k umetniško kvalitetni glasbi. Opazen je vpliv umetniških programov osrednjih slovenskih glasbenih institucij na željo mladih poslušalcev po nadaljnjem obiskovanju koncertov in opernih predstav, saj jo je izrazila približno četrtino mladih obiskovalcev koncertov in opernih predstav. Izrazit je pozitiven vpliv opernih predstav na mlade poslušalce, saj jih je polovica priznala, da so imeli o operi pred obiskom operne predstave predsodke, ki pa so s pozitivno operno izkušnjo izzveneli. Tudi 10 % učencev, ki so se udeležili koncerta simfoničnega orkestra, je po obisku koncerta izboljšalo svoje mnenje o tovrstnih koncertih. Številni mladi poslušalci se na umetniških programih, ki jih za šole izvajajo osrednje slovenske glasbene institucije, prvič srečajo z glasbeno umetnostjo, ob tem pa jih velika večina doživi pozitivno koncertno izkušnjo. Dobra polovica učencev je nad programi izrazila navdušenje, saj so ob ogledu koncertnih prireditev doživeli notranjo obogatitev. The doctoral dissertation deals with the area of arts education in the field of music and the content is divided into eight chapters and subchapters which discuss the theoretical foundations of arts and cultural education, the placement of music in the Slovenian education system, the educational activity of Slovenian and selected foreign musical institutions and the influence of the central Slovenian musical institutions on the cultural development and orientation of the school population. Arts education plays an important role in improving the quality of education, raising the level of cultural awareness, promoting creativity in children and young people as well as in the development of each individual`s potentials and the development of society as a whole. Several national and international documents and studies highlight the importance of arts and cultural education and underline the need for continued systematic development of the field. In Slovenia children and young people have several possibilities to participate in music activities within the arts and cultural education that takes place both in elementary schools, music schools and some secondary schools as well as in cultural institutions. A competent teacher plays a crucial role in music education since in addition to curriculum planning he or she should also know the possibilities of cross-curricular integration and the possibility of placing the music into the wider school space within the educational plan of the school, extracurricular activities, optional subjects, cultural days, creative leisure activities, projects and competitions, and thus repeatedly establish partnership links with art institutions and artists. Artistic programs of the central Slovenian musical institutions include a number of programs aimed at school aged population which make it possible for children and young people to come into contact with musical arts and take care of the education of future generations of listeners. In the first half of the 20th century Glasbena matica was the central Slovenian music society with its Orchestral Society that first began to stage concerts with commentary for young listeners. In the sixties of the 20th century the role of the central Slovenian music society was taken over by Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Jeunesses Musicales Ljubljana. The societies in question even today systematically foster concert offers for young listeners, moreover, they give ground to talented young musicians (often a large part of the concert) who thus receive important concert experience. The activity of selected foreign symphony orchestras in addition to the concerts for young audiences and young musicians includes also educational programs for families, teachers and the general public allowing the orchestras to connect with the widest circle of listeners. The survey covers five Slovenian musical institutions, namely the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia, the Slovenian National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, Slovenian National Theatre Maribor and Cankarjev dom. In addition, it includes foreign symphony orchestras, which were selected on the basis of excellence, international recognition, and extremely well-developed educational activities. The selected foreign orchestras are: London Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, New York Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra and Cleveland Orchestra. The information below is a cross-section of educational activities of selected domestic and foreign orchestras and Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Ljubljana concert season 2013/2014. In the nineties of the 20th century most countries began to develop a concert pedagogy which combined the concerts of symphonic orchestras with modern pedagogical approaches in order to pass the message in understandable way to the listeners. In Slovenia there is no noticeable development of such activities, only a consistent process of creating music and educational programs which are performed by the central Slovenian music institutions in collaboration with Jeunesses Musicales Slovenia and Jeunesses Musicales Ljubljana. Artistic programs of the central Slovenian music institutions influence the cultural development of school population and guide children and young people towards artistic, quality music. There has been a noticeable influence of artistic programs of the central Slovenian musical institutions on the music wish of young listeners to continue attending concerts and opera performances, as expressed by about a quarter of young visitors of concerts and opera performances. It showed a positive impact of opera performances on young listeners since half of them admitted to being prejudiced against opera before visiting actual opera performances, which they eventually managed to overcome with a positive opera experience. Even 10 % of the students who attended the concert of the symphony orchestra improved their opinion about such concerts afterwards. For many young listeners arts programs that are organized for schools by the central Slovenian musical institutions represents their first encounter with musical arts and a vast majority has a positive concert experience. More than half of the pupils expressed their excitement about the programs as they felt that the concert events had enriched their lives.
- Published
- 2021
206. Jože Plečnik and Art Deco
- Author
Krečič, Peter and Golobič, Marjan
- Published
- 1990
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207. Slovene Architecture from Secession to Expressionism and Functionalism
- Author
Bernik, Stane and Golobič, Marjan
- Published
- 1990
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208. Structures in solid state and solution of dimethoxy curcuminoids: regioselective bromination and chlorination
- Author
Galer, Petra, Golobič, Amalija, Koller, Jože, Košmrlj, Berta, and Šket, Boris
- Published
- 2013
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209. Parallel synthesis of 7-heteroaryl-pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamides
- Author
Ahmetaj, Sizana, Velikanje, Nina, Grošelj, Uroš, Šterbal, Ines, Prek, Benjamin, Golobič, Amalija, Kočar, Drago, Dahmann, Georg, Stanovnik, Branko, and Svete, Jurij
- Published
- 2013
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210. A Review of Crystallization Fouling in Heat Exchangers
- Author
Berce, Jure, primary, Zupančič, Matevž, additional, Može, Matic, additional, and Golobič, Iztok, additional
- Published
- 2021
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211. Tailoring Water Adsorption Capacity of APO-Tric
- Author
Mal, Suzana, primary, Ristić, Alenka, additional, Golobič, Amalija, additional, and Zabukovec Logar, Nataša, additional
- Published
- 2021
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212. Anketno ocenjevanje kot način pridobivanja meril v postopku prostorskega planiranja
- Author
BARTOL, Blanka, GOLOBIČ, Mojca, KAVČIČ, Iztok, LOGAR, Janez, MARUŠIČ, Janez, MLAKAR, Aleš, and SIMONIČ, Tanja
- Published
- 1998
213. Territorial impact assessment: a policy assessment-like strategic environmental assessment in action
- Author
Ainhoa González, Naja Marot, Mojca Golobič, Tara Muthoora, Olivier Sykes, and Thomas B. Fischer
- Subjects
Action (philosophy) ,Impact assessment ,Business ,Strategic environmental assessment ,Environmental planning - Published
- 2021
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214. Spatial targeting, synergies and scale: Exploring the criteria of smart practices for siting renewable energy projects
- Author
Bohumil Frantál, Stanislav Martinát, Luís Silva, Naama Teschner, Serge Schmitz, Michael Roth, Mojca Golobič, and Dan van der Horst
- Subjects
COUNTRIES ,Renewable energy ,Guiding Principles ,020209 energy ,02 engineering and technology ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,DECISION-MAKING ,7. Clean energy ,CHINA ,12. Responsible consumption ,Energy landscapes ,SUSTAINABILITY ,Malpractice ,11. Sustainability ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Spatial planning ,Smart practice ,business.industry ,POLICIES ,Environmental economics ,Europe ,General Energy ,Quantitative analysis (finance) ,13. Climate action ,Software deployment ,Scale (social sciences) ,Sustainability ,TECHNOLOGIES ,Business ,Case studies - Abstract
Policies and strategies to develop renewable energy and the rates of successful deployment vary from country to country. Academic literature is rife with examples of recurring problems and malpractice in the implementation of renewable energy projects. We could see each national and sectoral effort as an 'experiment' in the early phase of our attempted transition to a low carbon energy system. What lessons can we learn from a comparative analysis of these experiments? This paper seeks to draw generic lessons not from what has gone wrong but from national case studies that stand out in a best way. Through a European academic network, we have selected and analysed 51 'smart practice' case studies of renewable energy development from 20 countries. We present the outcomes of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of these case studies (smart practice criteria) and discuss a set of generic findings concerning specific types of smart practices and problems of potential transferability of projects to other regions. With regards to policy relevance, the findings can be used for evaluating portfolios of renewable energy projects developed to date and for setting guiding principles for project design, spatial planning and consent by means of cross-national learning and fertilization.
- Published
- 2021
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215. Hydroxylammonium fluorometalate: synthesis and characterisation of a new fluorozincate
- Author
Dojer, Brina, Golobič, Amalija, Jagličić, Zvonko, Kristl, Matjaž, and Drofenik, Miha
- Published
- 2012
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216. Two new nickel(II) carboxylates with 3- and 4-aminopyridine: syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties
- Author
Dojer, Brina, Golobič, Amalija, Jagličić, Zvonko, Kristl, Matjaž, and Drofenik, Miha
- Published
- 2012
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217. Synthesis and structure of hydroxylammonium fluoroaluminate
- Author
Kristl, Matjaž, Golobič, Amalija, Dojer, Brina, and Drofenik, Miha
- Published
- 2011
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218. Pool Boiling Performance of Water and Self-Rewetting Fluids on Hybrid Functionalized Aluminum Surfaces
- Author
Može, Matic, primary, Vajc, Viktor, additional, Zupančič, Matevž, additional, Šulc, Radek, additional, and Golobič, Iztok, additional
- Published
- 2021
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219. Defining Landscapes, and Their Importance for National Identity—A Case Study from Slovenia
- Author
Penko Seidl, Nadja, primary, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, additional, Hudoklin, Jelka, additional, Pipan, Tomaž, additional, and Golobič, Mojca, additional
- Published
- 2021
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220. Effect of Nanoparticle Size and Concentration on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer with TiO 2 Nanofluids on Laser-Textured Copper Surfaces.
- Author
Hadžić, Armin, Može, Matic, Arhar, Klara, Zupančič, Matevž, and Golobič, Iztok
- Subjects
NANOFLUIDS ,EBULLITION ,NANOPARTICLE size ,HEAT transfer ,COPPER surfaces ,HEAT transfer coefficient ,TITANIUM dioxide - Abstract
The enhancement of boiling heat transfer has been extensively shown to be achievable through surface texturing or fluid property modification, yet few studies have investigated the possibility of coupling both enhancement approaches. The present work focuses on exploring the possibility of concomitant enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer by using TiO
2 -water nanofluid in combination with laser-textured copper surfaces. Two mass concentrations of 0.001 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% are used, along with two nanoparticle sizes of 4–8 nm and 490 nm. Nanofluids are prepared using sonification and degassed distilled water, while the boiling experiments are performed at atmospheric pressure. The results demonstrate that the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) using nanofluids is deteriorated compared to using pure water on the reference and laser-textured surface. However, the critical heat flux (CHF) is significantly improved at 0.1 wt.% nanoparticle concentration. The buildup of a highly wettable TiO2 layer on the surface is identified as the main reason for the observed performance. Multiple subsequent boiling experiments using nanofluids on the same surface exhibited a notable shift in boiling curves and their instability at higher concentrations, which is attributable to growth of the nanoparticle layer on the surface. Overall, the combination of nanofluids boiling on a laser-textured surface proved to enhance the CHF after prolonged exposure to highly concentrated nanofluid, while the HTC was universally and significantly decreased in all cases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2022
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221. Synthesis of Naphthalene-Based Push-Pull Molecules with a Heteroaromatic Electron Acceptor
- Author
David Šarlah, Amadej Juranovič, Boris Kožar, Luka Rejc, Amalija Golobič, and Andrej Petrič
- Subjects
FDDNP analogs ,push-pull dyes ,heterocyclization ,cross-coupling reactions ,UV/vis spectroscopy ,Organic chemistry ,QD241-441 - Abstract
Naphthalene derivatives bearing electron-accepting and electron-donating groups at the 2,6-positions belong to the family of D-π-A push-pull dyes. It has been found that these compounds, e.g., 2-(1-(6-((2-(fluoro)ethyl)(methyl)amino)naphthalen-2-yl)ethylidene)malononitrile (FDDNP), show not only interesting optical properties, such as solvatochromism, but they have the potential to label protein aggregates of different compositions formed in the brain of patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (AD). In continuation of our research we set our goal to find new FDDNP analogs, which would inherit optical and binding properties but hopefully show better specificity for tau protein aggregates, which are characteristic for neurodegeneration caused by repetitive mild trauma. In this work we report on the synthesis of new FDDNP analogs in which the acceptor group has been formally replaced with an aromatic five- or six-membered heterocycle. The heterocyclic moiety was annealed to the central naphthalene ring either by classical ring closure reactions or by modern transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions. The chemical characterization, NMR spectra, and UV/vis properties of all new compounds are reported.
- Published
- 2016
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222. Percepcija kakovosti prostoživečih in vzrejenih potočnih postrvi
- Author
Golobič, Mitja and Pohar, Jurij
- Subjects
vzrejene ribe ,ribe ,diplomske naloge ,marketing ,potočna postrv ,kakovost ,udc:597:658.8(043.2) ,percepcija ,Slovenija ,ankete ,prostoživeče ribe ,porabniki - Published
- 2020
223. Optical Measurements for Phase Change Heat Transfer
- Author
Janez Štrancar, Jungho Kim, and Iztok Golobič
- Subjects
Phase change heat transfer ,Materials science ,Optical measurements ,Molecular physics - Published
- 2020
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224. Izdelava funkcionalnega prototipa embalaže s tehnologijo 3D-tiska
- Author
Golobič, Sara and Muck, Deja
- Subjects
termokromna tiskarska barva ,plastic bottle ,tehnologija ekstrudiranja materiala ,termokromni materiali ,plastenka ,termokromizem ,3D-tisk ,3D printing ,thermochromism ,thermochromic materials ,thermochromic printing ink ,material extrusion technology - Abstract
S komercializacijo in inovativnostjo se je uporaba 3D-tiska umestila na mnoga področja, tudi na področje embalaže. Embalaži, narejeni s tehnologijo 3D tiska, lahko na primer razširimo funkcionalnost z uporabo termokromnih filamentov, ki spremenijo svojo obarvanost ob spremembi temperature. Cilj magistrske naloge je bila izdelava dveh funkcionalnih prototipov embalaže (tj. plastenk) s 3D tiskalnikoma ob uporabi tehnologije ekstrudiranja termoplasta. Termokromni indikator je bil prototipoma plastenke dodan v dveh oblikah – kot termokromni filament, sočasno uporabljen v kombinaciji s konvencionalnim ABS filamentom pri tisku, in kot termokromna tiskarska barva, nanešena na predhodno tiskano plastenko iz konvencionalnega ABS filamenta. V eksperimentalnem delu magistrske naloge smo analizirali lastnosti in obnašanje termokromnega filamenta in termokromne tiskarske barve po izpostavitvi visokim temperaturam. Termokromna indikatorja smo testirali na izdelanih vzorcih in na koncu na samih prototipih plastenke. Ugotovitve so bile naslednje: izdelava plastenke z uporabo konvencionalnega ABS filamenta in z naknadno nanešeno termokromno tiskarsko barvo se je izkazala kot manj zahtevna v primerjavi z izdelavo plastenke s sočasno uporabo konvencionalnega ABS in termokromnega filamenta. Plastenka, izdelana z uporabo konvencionalnega ABS filamenta in z naknadno nanešeno termokromno tiskarsko barvo se je v smislu indikacije spremembe temperature izkazala kot boljša izmed obeh plastenk. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da ima termokromna tiskarska barva zelo intenziven odziv ob izpostavitvi visoki temperaturi, vendar ob daljši izpostavitvi temperaturam nad 250 °C degradira. S primerjavo časovne dinamike obarvanosti termokromnega filamenta in termokromne tiskarske barve smo ugotovili, da je način aplikacije termokromnega indikatorja vplival na hitrost spreminjanja obarvanosti ob povišani temperaturi. Kot boljši način aplikacije se je izkazal naknadni nanos termokromne tiskarske barve na predhodno tiskano plastenko. As a consequence of recent commercialisation and innovation, 3D printing technology has emerged into many fields, including the field of packaging. Functionality of packaging made by 3D printing technology may be expanded by addition of thermochromic filaments that change their colour as the temperature changes. The aim of the master’s thesis was to produce two functional prototypes of packaging (i.e. plastic bottles) with two 3D printers based on extrusion of thermoplastic material technology. A thermochromic element was added to prototypes of plastic bottle in two forms – as a thermochromic filament, concurrently used in combination with conventional ABS filament during 3D printing and as a thermochromic printing ink, subsequently applied to pre-printed plastic bottle with conventional ABS filament. In the experimental part of the master’s thesis we analysed the properties and behaviour of thermochromic filament and thermochromic printing ink after exposure to elevated temperatures. We tested the thermochromic indicators on the experimental specimens and on the pre-made prototypes of a plastic bottle. The findings were as follows: the printing of a plastic bottle with only conventional ABS filament and subsequently applying thermochromic printing ink proved to be less demanding than the printing of a plastic bottle with concurrent use of conventional ABS and thermochromic filament. The plastic bottle made with only conventional ABS filament and subsequently coated with the thermochromic printing ink proved to be the better of the two bottles in the sense of temperature indication. We also found out that thermochromic printing ink has a very intense response when exposed to elevated temperatures, however after a longer exposure to elevated temperature above 250 °C the thermochromic printing ink degrades. By comparing the temporal dynamics of colouration of the thermochromic filament and the thermochromic printing ink, we observed that the method of application of the thermochromic indicator affected the rate of colouration change at elevated temperatures. Subsequently applying thermochromic printing ink on a pre-printed plastic bottle proved out to be the better of the two tested methods of application of the thermochromic indicator.
- Published
- 2020
225. Stereodivergent Synthesis of Camphor-Derived Diamines and Their Application as Thiourea Organocatalysts
- Author
Franc Požgan, Jurij Svete, Sebastijan Ričko, Uroš Grošelj, Amalija Golobič, and Bogdan Štefane
- Subjects
Bridged-Ring Compounds ,Models, Molecular ,diamines ,Dibenzoylmethane ,Tertiary amine ,Acetylacetone ,asymmetric synthesis ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Medicinal chemistry ,Catalysis ,Article ,Analytical Chemistry ,lcsh:QD241-441 ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,diamini ,lcsh:Organic chemistry ,Nucleophile ,Pentanones ,bifunkcionalni organokatalizatorji ,Drug Discovery ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Bifunctional ,thiourea ,Molecular Structure ,Organic Chemistry ,tiosečnina ,Enantioselective synthesis ,Thiourea ,Ketones ,Nitro Compounds ,(+)-camphor ,Dimethyl malonate ,Camphor ,chemistry ,Chemistry (miscellaneous) ,Molecular Medicine ,udc:547.415.1 ,(+)-kafra ,bifunctional organocatalysts ,asimetrična sinteza - Abstract
A series of 18 regio- and stereo-chemically diverse chiral non-racemic 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-diamines have been synthesized from commercial (1S)-(+)-ketopinic acid and (1S)-(+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid. The structures of the diamines are all based on the d-(+)-camphor scaffold and feature isomeric diversity in terms of regioisomeric attachment of the primary and the tertiary amine function and the exo/endo-isomerism. Diamines were transformed into the corresponding noncovalent bifunctional thiourea organocatalysts, which have been evaluated for catalytic activity in the conjugative addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl nucleophiles (dimethyl malonate, acetylacetone, and dibenzoylmethane) to trans-&beta, nitrostyrene. The highest enantioselectivity was achieved in the reaction with acetylacetone as nucleophile using endo-1,3-diamine derived catalyst 52 (91.5:8.5 er). All new organocatalysts 48&ndash, 63 have been fully characterized. The structures and the absolute configurations of eight intermediates and thiourea derivative 52 were also determined by X-ray diffraction.
- Published
- 2020
226. Laser-Engineered Microcavity Surfaces with a Nanoscale Superhydrophobic Coating for Extreme Boiling Performance
- Author
Peter Gregorčič, Iztok Golobič, Matej Hočevar, Matevž Zupančič, Matej Senegačnik, and Matic Može
- Subjects
pool boiling ,Materials science ,Fabrication ,Critical heat flux ,020209 energy ,laser texturing ,Nanotechnology ,02 engineering and technology ,Heat transfer coefficient ,Chemical vapor deposition ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Superhydrophobic coating ,Boiling ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,surface engineering ,hydrophobic surfaces ,General Materials Science ,Wetting ,0210 nano-technology ,Nucleate boiling ,Research Article ,surface functionalization - Abstract
Functionalized interfaces enhancing phase-change processes have immense applicability in thermal management. Here, a methodology for fabrication of surfaces enabling extreme boiling heat transfer performance is demonstrated, combining direct nanosecond laser texturing and chemical vapor deposition of a hydrophobic fluorinated silane. Multiple strategies of laser texturing are explored on aluminum with subsequent nanoscale hydrophobization. Both superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces with laser-engineered microcavities exhibit significant enhancement of the pool boiling heat transfer. Surfaces with superhydrophobic microcavities allow for enhancements of a heat transfer coefficient of over 500%. Larger microcavities with a mean diameter of 4.2 μm, achieved using equidistant laser scanning separation, induce an early transition into the favorable nucleate boiling regime, while smaller microcavities with a mean diameter of 2.8 μm, achieved using variable separation, provide superior performance at high heat fluxes. The enhanced boiling performance confirms that the Wenzel wetting regime is possible during boiling on apparently superhydrophobic surfaces. A notable critical heat flux enhancement is demonstrated on superhydrophobic surfaces with an engineered microstructure showing definitively the importance and concomitant effect of both the surface wettability and topography for enhanced boiling. The fast, low-cost, and repeatable fabrication process has great potential for advanced thermal management applications.
- Published
- 2020
227. Glive povzročiteljice odmiranje in nekroz skorje zelenega bora v nasadih iglavcev Mlake v Beli krajini
- Author
Golobič, David and Jurc, Dušan
- Subjects
zeleni bor ,nekroze ,Pinus strobus ,udc:630*44(043.2)=163.6 ,glive ,fungi ,green pine ,necrosis - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali zdravstveno stanje in bolezni zelenega bora (Pinus strobus) v nasadih iglavcev v Mlakah v Beli krajini. Namen naloge je bil določiti povzročitelje odmiranja borov in nekroz skorje na odmirajočih drevesih zelenega bora. V nasadih smo zato v letu 2015 večkrat nabrali vzorce obolelih rastlinskih delov, na Gozdarskem inštitutu Slovenije pa smo določevali povzročitelje bolezni. Vzorce smo shranili v zbirko živih kultur Laboratorija za varstvo gozdov na Gozdarskem inštitutu Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da se na zelenem boru, ki odmira predvsem zaradi močne okuženosti korenin z glivo Phaeolus schweinitzii, pojavljata tudi dve vrsti gliv iz rodu Pezicula in sicer vrsta Pezicula eucrita ter Pezicula sp. Ena ali obe vrsti sta verjetno vpleteni v nastanek nekroz skorje odmirajočih zelenih borov v Mlakah v Beli krajini. Health status and diseases found on Pinus strobus trees in conifer plantation Mlake in Bela Krajina were surveyed during this research. The purpose of the thesis was to determine fungi, causing necroses and drying of the bark on. P. strobus dying trees. In 2015 we collected samples of the diseased trees. Disease agents were determined in the Laboratory of Forest Protection at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. All fungal isolates, obtained during our research, were deposited in the Culture Collection of the Laboratory of Forest Protection at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Based on our results and surveys, we conclude, that diebacks of P. strobus trees in Mlake are most likely a consequence of frequently present fungus Phaeolus schweinitzii. In addition, two fungal species from the genus Pezicula (P. eucrita and Pezicula sp.) were isolated from the diseased P. strobus trees. We believe that one or both species are also involved in the development of bark necroses of P. strobus in Mlake, Bela Krajina.
- Published
- 2020
228. Investigation of the scatter in reported pool boiling CHF measurements including analysis of heat flux and measurement uncertainty evaluation methodology
- Author
Matevž Zupančič, Iztok Golobič, and Matic Može
- Subjects
Materials science ,020209 energy ,vrenje v bazenu ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology ,02 engineering and technology ,mehurčkasto vrenje ,Temperature measurement ,critical heat flux ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,nucleate boiling ,Thermal conductivity ,020401 chemical engineering ,Boiling ,measurement uncertainty ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,0204 chemical engineering ,pool boiling ,udc:66.021.4:66.046.7 (045) ,Critical heat flux ,meritev gostote toplotnega toka ,Mechanics ,heat flux measurement ,Superheating ,Temperature gradient ,kritična gostota toplotnega toka ,Heat flux ,merilna negotovost ,Nucleate boiling - Abstract
This study investigates the effect of experimental setup design factors on pool boiling CHF, compares spatial temperature gradient calculation methods and analyzes the uncertainty of heat flux and surface superheat. Reported CHF values on smooth copper surfaces, measured for saturated pool boiling of water at atmospheric pressure on flat horizontal samples, are highly scattered, which cannot be explained solely by the measurement uncertainty or the randomness of the boiling process. CHF data for 54 experiments from 47 publications is analyzed using regression analysis and ANOVA to determine which experimental setup design factors influence the CHF value. Methods for estimating the axial temperature gradient in a heating stem are compared using the Monte Carlo method and analytical nonlinear gradients. Heat flux values calculated using temperature measurements in a cylindrical copper heating stem together with either constant or temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and various temperature gradient calculation methods are compared. Overall heat flux and surface superheat measurement uncertainties are analyzed and the impact of contributing uncertainties including that of the thermal conductivity, temperature measurement and distance between thermocouples is reported.
- Published
- 2020
229. The ESPON EATIA: A Qualitative Approach to Territorial Impact Assessment
- Author
Mojca Golobič, Naja Marot, and Thomas B. Fischer
- Subjects
Negotiation ,Process (engineering) ,Impact assessment ,Order (exchange) ,Political science ,Member states ,Corporate governance ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Plan (drawing) ,Public administration ,Natura 2000 ,media_common - Abstract
This chapter presents the results of the European ESPON EATIA research project in which a Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) methodology was developed for administrations in EU member states in order to inform their national positions in European draft directives’ negotiation processes. Rather than applying another EU-wide top-down quantitative modelling approach based on indicators, the EATIA project explored the possibility to use a qualitative bottom-up approach that is simple to perform and comprehend for regional and/or local stakeholders, and national administrations of the 27 EU member states. The project was conducted between 2010 and 2012 in a transnational manner, connecting four universities and ministries, responsible for planning from the UK, Portugal, Slovenia and the Netherlands. The main output of the project is a TIA framework (Fischer TB, Sykes O, Gore T, Marot N, Golobic M, Pinho P, … Perdicoulis A. Territorial impact assessment of European Draft Directives—the emergence of a new policy assessment instrument. Eur Plan Stud 23(3): 433–451, 2015), based on a process consisting of screening, scoping, assessment and evaluation, with possible techniques allocated to each of these stages, and proposed governance arrangements. Testing of the TIA framework on various EU directives (e.g. Natura 2000, SEVESO) has shown that the approach meets the expectations of experts, but its success to a large extent rests on the commitment of the governing stakeholders to engage with and contribute to the process.
- Published
- 2020
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230. Coordination compound containing σ-hole interactions: Synthesis and crystal structure of NH4[Cr(CO(NH2)2)6][Hg(SCN)4]2·2H2O
- Author
Mayank Khera, Amalija Golobič, Neetu Goel, Diksha Sachdeva, Vinit Prakash, and Ritu Bala
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Hydrogen bond ,Organic Chemistry ,Intermolecular force ,Supramolecular chemistry ,Infrared spectroscopy ,Crystal structure ,Analytical Chemistry ,Coordination complex ,Inorganic Chemistry ,Crystallography ,chemistry ,Molecule ,Single crystal ,Spectroscopy - Abstract
The crystallographic analysis of complex, NH4[Cr(CO(NH2)2)6][Hg(SCN)4]2⋅2H2O (1) has revealed that its cations and anions are held together by secondary non-covalent interactions. These interactions have led to the formation of four σ-holes, one on Hg and three on S atoms. The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) study confirms that the σ- holes on sulphur are large enough to generate interactions between S...S (chalcogens) and S...N (chalcogen-pincogen) in [Hg(SCN)4]2−. Single crystal X-ray diffraction of 1 has revealed that [Cr(CO(NH2)2)6]3+ are stacked one upon another running parallel along a-axis and surrounded by a “cylinder” consisting of anions, ammonium cations and water molecules. The supramolecular architecture has been obtained which is being stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions (O-H⋅⋅⋅N, O-H⋅⋅⋅S, N-H⋅⋅⋅N, N-H⋅⋅⋅O (H2O)) along with the formations of σ-hole interactions. The crystals of 1 has been obtained using one-pot synthetic method by reacting [Cr(CO(NH2)2)6]Cl3⋅3H2O, HgCl2 and NH4SCN (in 1:2:8 molar ratio) in aqueous medium and have been initially characterized by UV-visible and IR spectroscopy.
- Published
- 2022
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231. Mechanistic models for pool nucleate boiling heat transfer: input and validation
- Author
Kenning, David, Golobič, Iztok, Xing, Huijuan, Bašelj, Matej, Lojk, Vito, and Hardenberg, Jost von
- Published
- 2006
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232. The effects of EU policies on preserving cultural landscape in the Alps
- Author
Nadja Penko Seidl and Mojca Golobič
- Subjects
business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Cultural landscape ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Environmental resource management ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,021107 urban & regional planning ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Landscape diversity ,01 natural sciences ,Geography ,Quantitative analysis (finance) ,Agriculture ,Nature Conservation ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,European union ,business ,Common Agricultural Policy ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,General Environmental Science ,media_common ,Diversity (politics) - Abstract
Agriculture is among the main drivers of Alpine cultural landscape diversity. Therefore the specific integration of landscape diversity into the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) objectives can potentially have an important effect on cultural landscape diversity. This paper presents an evaluation of a selected set of CAP’s agricultural measures and their impact on this diversity, using quantitative analysis combined with expert qualitative evaluation. Our hypothesis is that although the CAP’s measures consider landscape diversity up to a point, they are too general to embrace the diversity of European landscapes and may have unwanted impacts for the diversity of Alpine landscapes.
- Published
- 2018
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233. Synthesis of functionalized pyrazole derivatives by regioselective [3+2] cycloadditions ofN-Boc-α-amino acid-derived ynones
- Author
Amalija Golobič, Sebastijan Ričko, Eva Pušavec Kirar, Franc Požgan, Jurij Svete, Uroš Grošelj, and Bogdan Štefane
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,010405 organic chemistry ,Chemistry ,Stereochemistry ,Regioselectivity ,Stereoselectivity ,General Chemistry ,Pyrazole ,010402 general chemistry ,01 natural sciences ,0104 chemical sciences ,Amino acid - Abstract
[3+2] cycloadditions of ynones derived from glycine and (S)-alanine and some other dipolarophiles with azomethine imines, nitrile oxides, diazoacetate, and azidoacetate were studied. The dipolarophiles were obtained fromα-amino acids, either by the reduction of the carboxy function with ethynylmagnesium bromide or by propiolation of the amino function. Cu-catalyzed cycloadditions of ynones to azomethine imines were regioselective and gave the expected cycloadducts as inseparable mixtures of diastereomers. In some instances, further oxidative hydrolytic ring-opening took place to afford 3,3-dimethyl-3-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)propanoic acids. Acid-catalyzed cycloadditions of 3-butenone were also regioselective and provided mixtures of diastereomeric cycloadducts, which were separated by chromatography. In the reactions of title ynones with alkyl diazoacetates,in situ-formed benzonitrile oxides, andtert-butyl azidoacetate, all cycloadducts were obtained as single regioisomers. The structures of all novel compounds were established by nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction.
- Published
- 2018
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234. Structural investigations in pure-silica and Al-ZSM-12 with MTEA or TEA cations
- Author
Anton Meden, Mojca Rangus, Andrew M. Beale, Gregor Mali, Amalija Golobič, Marta Počkaj, Ines Lezcano-Gonzalez, and Nataša Zabukovec Logar
- Subjects
Thermogravimetric analysis ,Materials science ,02 engineering and technology ,General Chemistry ,Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ,010402 general chemistry ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Condensed Matter Physics ,01 natural sciences ,0104 chemical sciences ,Crystallography ,symbols.namesake ,Mechanics of Materials ,Aluminosilicate ,symbols ,General Materials Science ,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ,Isostructural ,0210 nano-technology ,Raman spectroscopy ,Superstructure (condensed matter) ,Powder diffraction - Abstract
Two different quaternary ammonium cations, methyltriethyl- (MTEA) and tetraethylammonium cations (TEA) were used as templates in the synthesis of pure-silica as well as aluminosilicate ZSM-12 (MTW-type) frameworks. The distribution of the template cations in the 12-membered rings channels in the 1-dimensional framework topology was studied; thus the as-prepared products were characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction, Raman, transmission FTIR, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric and elemental analyses and SEM. It was shown that in pure-silica (PS) ZSM-12, TEA cations are well ordered - a superstructure with three-times longer b edge (in comparison to unit cell of empty framework) along the channel is formed, which can be seen by virtue of a few additional peaks in the X-ray powder pattern. Herein we describe that its aluminosilicate counterpart with TEA also contains ordered TEA cations and is isostructural to PS-ZSM-12. Conversely, in both pure-silica and aluminosilicate ZSM-12 frameworks with MTEA, the cations are disordered and no superstructure is formed.
- Published
- 2018
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235. Delivering a national spatial development strategy: a success story?
- Author
Mojca Golobič and Naja Marot
- Subjects
Strategic planning ,Process management ,Process (engineering) ,05 social sciences ,Geography, Planning and Development ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,0507 social and economic geography ,021107 urban & regional planning ,02 engineering and technology ,Business ,Renewal theory ,National planning ,050703 geography - Abstract
The Slovenian national planning policy has been in a renewal process since 2014. The process required an evaluation to reveal to which level the defined measures have been delivered and discuss the...
- Published
- 2018
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236. Industrial energy-flow management
- Author
Lampret, Marko, Bukovec, Venceslav, Paternost, Andrej, Krizman, Srecko, Lojk, Vito, and Golobic, Iztok
- Published
- 2007
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237. Strong antiferromagnetism in the dinuclear 2-pyridone complex with N–C–O bridges: A paddle-wheel analogue of the dinuclear tetracarboxylates
- Author
Kozlevčar, Bojan, Radišek, Marjeta, Jagličić, Zvonko, Merzel, Franci, Glažar, Lea, Golobič, Amalija, and Šegedin, Primož
- Published
- 2007
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238. Diverse coordination of two ligands in ferromagnetic [Cu( μ-HCO 2) 2(3-pyOH)] n and [Cu 2( μ-HCO 2) 2( μ-3-pyOH) 2(3-pyOH) 2(HCO 2) 2] n
- Author
Kozlevčar, Bojan, Glažar, Lea, Pirc, Gordana, Jagličić, Zvonko, Golobič, Amalija, and Šegedin, Primož
- Published
- 2007
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239. Crystal-structure and Mössbauer studies of Li 1.746Nd 4.494FeO 9.493
- Author
Drofenik, Miha, Ban, Irena, Makovec, Darko, Hanžel, Darko, Golobič, Amalija, and Golič, Ljubo
- Published
- 2007
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240. Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanostructured Copper Surfaces for Efficient Pool Boiling Heat Transfer with Water, Water/Butanol Mixtures and Novec 649
- Author
Viktor Vajc, Matevž Zupančič, Iztok Golobič, and Matic Može
- Subjects
self-rewetting fluids ,bakrene nanostrukture ,Materials science ,General Chemical Engineering ,vrenje v bazenu ,Enhanced heat transfer ,chemistry.chemical_element ,udc:536.24:542.467:669.3 ,mehurčkasto vrenje ,Heat transfer coefficient ,Surface engineering ,Article ,nucleate boiling ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Boiling ,surface engineering ,inženiring površin ,General Materials Science ,enhanced heat transfer ,izboljšan prenos toplote ,QD1-999 ,self‐rewetting fluids ,pool boiling ,copper nanostructures ,Critical heat flux ,Silane ,Copper ,Novec 649 ,Chemistry ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,samoomočljivi fluidi ,Nucleate boiling - Abstract
Increasing heat dissipation requirements of small and miniature devices demands advanced cooling methods, such as application of immersion cooling via boiling heat transfer. In this study, functionalized copper surfaces for enhanced heat transfer are developed and evaluated. Samples are functionalized using a chemical oxidation treatment with subsequent hydrophobization of selected surfaces with a fluorinated silane. Pool boiling tests with water, water/1-butanol mixture with self-rewetting properties and a novel dielectric fluid with low GWP (Novec™ 649) are conducted to evaluate the boiling performance of individual surfaces. The results show that hydrophobized functionalized surfaces covered by microcavities with diameters between 40 nm and 2 µm exhibit increased heat transfer coefficient (HTC; enhancements up to 120%) and critical heat flux (CHF; enhancements up to 64%) values in comparison with the untreated reference surface, complemented by favorable fabrication repeatability. Positive surface stability is observed in contact with water, while both the self-rewetting fluids and Novec™ 649 gradually degrade the boiling performance and in some cases also the surface itself. The use of water/1-butanol mixtures in particular results in surface chemistry and morphology changes, as observed using SEM imaging and Raman spectroscopy. This seems to be neglected in the available literature and should be focused on in further studies.
- Published
- 2021
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241. Process development and performance assessment of flexible calcium looping biomass gasification for production of renewable gas with adjustable composition.
- Author
Žalec, Domen, Hanak, Dawid P., Može, Matic, and Golobič, Iztok
- Subjects
BIOMASS production ,CALCIUM ,BIOMASS gasification ,NATURAL gas ,DESIGN exhibitions ,SIMULATION software - Abstract
Summary: In recent years, the field of biomass gasification as a method of transforming biomass into a more useable gaseous fuel experienced expedited development since it represents a prominent way to achieve sustainability goals and targets set by the Paris accord and, more recently, the European Green Deal. The use of natural gas is projected to reduce with the transition toward exploitation of renewable gas, while a new area of hydrogen applications is also emerging. However, with uncertain production of current processes, and consumption patterns seen on the market, an opportunity for a new flexible process exists. This article investigates a concept process design of sorption‐enhanced gasification (SEG) based on calcium looping. Aspen Plus simulation software was used to develop and simulate the process models for flexible production of bio‐SNG or bio‐H2. The process parameters can be manipulated to either achieve a high‐purity bio‐H2 (>96 mol%) or high‐purity bio‐SNG (>95 mol%), as well as any other combination of the two main products. The concept process is based on a low‐pressure, low‐temperature dual‐fluidized bed reactor with steam as a gasifying agent and an additional downstream Sabatier process reactor to achieve high CH4 contents. The simulated process achieves process efficiency of up to 62.2%LHV and 78.0%LHV for H2 and CH4 production, respectively, with production yields reaching 0.112 kg H2/kg BM and 0.23 kg CH4/kg BM. These values were validated and benchmarked against comparable process designs, and the performance of the proposed process was found to be on par or superior. Overall, the proposed process design exhibits clear benefits of calcium looping gasification, with high process efficiency, negligible NOx, SO2, and H2S content, and high flexibility. Therefore, the proposed process addressed and successfully solved some of the key challenges of achieving viability of a gasification plant on a commercial scale. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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242. Dynamic pseudo Jahn–Teller distortion in a compressed octahedral CuO 6 complex
- Author
Kozlevčar, Bojan, Golobič, Amalija, and Strauch, Peter
- Published
- 2006
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243. Complexes with lignin model compound vanillic acid. Two different carboxylate ligands in the same dinuclear tetracarboxylate complex [Cu 2(C 8H 7O 4) 2(O 2CCH 3) 2(CH 3OH) 2]
- Author
Kozlevčar, Bojan, Odlazek, Darja, Golobič, Amalija, Pevec, Andrej, Strauch, Peter, and Šegedin, Primož
- Published
- 2006
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244. The role of enhanced coated surface in pool boiling CHF in FC-72
- Author
Golobič, I. and Ferjančič, K.
- Published
- 2000
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245. Stereodivergent Synthesis of Camphor-Derived Diamines and Their Application as Thiourea Organocatalysts
- Author
Ričko, Sebastijan, primary, Požgan, Franc, additional, Štefane, Bogdan, additional, Svete, Jurij, additional, Golobič, Amalija, additional, and Grošelj, Uroš, additional
- Published
- 2020
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246. Contentious eye-catchers: Perceptions of landscapes changed by solar power plants in Slovenia
- Author
Bevk, Tadej, primary and Golobič, Mojca, additional
- Published
- 2020
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247. Laser-Engineered Microcavity Surfaces with a Nanoscale Superhydrophobic Coating for Extreme Boiling Performance
- Author
Može, Matic, primary, Senegačnik, Matej, additional, Gregorčič, Peter, additional, Hočevar, Matej, additional, Zupančič, Matevž, additional, and Golobič, Iztok, additional
- Published
- 2020
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248. A Review of Crystallization Fouling in Heat Exchangers
- Author
Matevž Zupančič, Jure Berce, Matic Može, and Iztok Golobič
- Subjects
fouling ,crystallization ,020209 energy ,mešanje ,kristalizacija ,fouling mitigation ,Bioengineering ,TP1-1185 ,modeliranje mešanja ,02 engineering and technology ,law.invention ,law ,udc:536.24:532.78 ,Heat exchanger ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) ,energijska učinkovitost ,preprečevanje mešanja ,Crystallization ,heat exchanger ,Process engineering ,QD1-999 ,energy efficiency ,Microscale chemistry ,Fluid composition ,Fouling mitigation ,Fouling ,business.industry ,Chemical technology ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,prenosniki toplote ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Chemistry ,fouling modelling ,Heat transfer ,Environmental science ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Nucleate boiling - Abstract
A vast majority of heat exchangers suffer from unwanted deposition of material on the surface, which severely inhibits their performance and thus marks one of the biggest challenges in heat transfer. Despite numerous scientific investigations, prediction and prevention of fouling remain unresolved issues in process engineering and are responsible for large economic losses and environmental damage. This review article focuses specifically on crystallization fouling, providing a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of fouling in heat exchangers. The fundamentals of the topic are discussed, as the term fouling resistance is introduced along with distinct fouling behaviour, observed in laboratory and industrial environments. Insight into subsequent phases of the fouling process is provided, along with the accompanying microscale events. Furthermore, the effects of fluid composition, temperature, flow velocity, surface condition, nucleate boiling and composite fouling are comprehensively discussed. Fouling modelling is systematically reviewed, from the early work of Kern and Seaton to recently used artificial neural networks and computational fluid dynamics. Finally, the most common fouling mitigation approaches are presented, including design considerations and various on-line strategies, as well as off-line cleaning. According to our review, several topics require further study, such as the initial stage of crystal formation, the effects of ageing, the interplay of two or more fouling mechanisms and the underlying phenomena of several mitigation strategies.
- Published
- 2021
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249. Tailoring Water Adsorption Capacity of APO-Tric
- Author
Nataša Logar, Amalija Golobič, Alenka Ristić, and Suzana Mal
- Subjects
Materials science ,General Chemical Engineering ,02 engineering and technology ,elektrokemija ,010402 general chemistry ,01 natural sciences ,Energy storage ,law.invention ,single-crystal structure determination ,Inorganic Chemistry ,APO-Tric, water adsorption capacity, thermal energy storage, green ionothermal synthesis, single-crystal structure determination ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Adsorption ,Bromide ,law ,Hydrothermal synthesis ,water adsorption capacity ,General Materials Science ,Calcination ,green ionothermal synthesis ,Crystallography ,thermal energy storage ,sinteza ,Microporous material ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Condensed Matter Physics ,APO-Tric ,0104 chemical sciences ,hranilniki toplote ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,QD901-999 ,elektrokemija, hranilniki toplote, absorpcija, sinteza ,udc:544.5/.6 ,Ionic liquid ,0210 nano-technology ,absorpcija ,Ambient pressure - Abstract
Microporous triclinic AlPO4-34, known as APO-Tric, serves as an excellent water adsorbent in thermal energy storage, especially for low temperature thermochemical energy storage. Increased water adsorption capacity of thermochemical material usually leads to higher thermal energy storage capacity, thus offering improved performance of the adsorbent. The main disadvantage of aluminophosphate-based TCM materials is their high cost due to the use of expensive organic templates acting as structure directing agents. Using ionic liquids as low cost solvents with associated structure directing role can increase the availability of these water adsorbents for TES applications. Here, a green synthesis of APO-Tric crystals at elevated and ambient pressure by using 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium bromide ionic liquid is presented. Large 200 µm romboid shaped monocrystals were obtained at 200 °C after 6 days. The structure of APO-Tric and the presence of 1,3-dimetylimidazolium cation in the micropores were determined by single crystal XRD at room temperature and 150 K. Water sorption capacity of APO-Tric prepared by ionothermal synthesis at elevated pressure increased in comparison to the material obtained at hydrothermal synthesis most probably due to additional structural defects obtained after calcination. The reuse of exhausted ionic liquid was also confirmed, which adds to the reduction of toxicity and cost production of the aluminophosphate synthesis.
- Published
- 2021
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250. Cu 0 -catalysed 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of α-amino acid derived N,N -cyclic azomethine imines to ynones
- Author
Eva Pušavec Kirar, Uroš Grošelj, Bogdan Štefane, Amalija Golobič, Franc Požgan, Sebastijan Ričko, Jona Mirnik, and Jurij Svete
- Subjects
Quantum chemical ,Reaction conditions ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,010405 organic chemistry ,Chemistry ,Organic Chemistry ,010402 general chemistry ,01 natural sciences ,Biochemistry ,Medicinal chemistry ,Fluorescence ,0104 chemical sciences ,Amino acid ,Catalysis ,Dipole ,Yield (chemistry) ,Drug Discovery ,Reactivity (chemistry) - Abstract
A series of 20 CuAIAC reactions between eight 4-acylamino substituted pyrazolidine-3-one-1-azomethine imines and four terminal ynones were performed using Cu0 as catalyst. The corresponding fluorescent cycloadducts were obtained in very high yields upon simple workup. Thus, Cu-metal turned out to be a better catalyst than CuI in terms of yield and ease of isolation. Availability of azomethine imines, mild reaction conditions, and simple workup enable a “click” access to libraries of densely substituted 2,3-dihydro-1H,5H-pyrazolo[1,2-a]pyrazol-1-ones. Reactivity of differently substituted dipoles was evaluated experimentally and by quantum chemical methods (DFT).
- Published
- 2017
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