To comprehensively evaluate the mobility performance of protective gloves, quantitatively analyze the effects caused by protective gloves on hand mobility, and better promote the research and development of protective gloves, relevant studies on the mobility of protective gloves are reviewed. The research on the mobility performance of protective gloves originated in the 1960s, when researchers found that it took longer to complete tasks when working with wool gloves. The influencing factors of the activity performance of protective gloves were summarized from three aspects: protective gloves, human body, and environment. In terms of the influence of protective gloves, the thickness, number of layers, and material of protective gloves are the main factors influencing their activity performance. Specifically, with the increase of glove thickness, the activity performance of the gloves decreased almost linearly; latex gloves had the smallest negative impact on the maximum grip strength, with no significant effect, while aerospace gloves made of rubber had the greatest impact, with a 65% reduction in the maximum grip strength. Furthermore, glove style construction and size are also an influence on dexterity, with ill-fitting gloves reducing hand grip strength. In terms of human influence, the subject’s experience level is an important factor affecting the glove activity performance. For this reason, the experiment requires that the subjects should all have the same experience level. Also, the duration of the hand movement, the rest time between repetitive motions and the body position or posture are all factors that will have an effect on the grip strength measurements. Additionally, torque strength is influenced by differences in the context of a particular task, the specific method of task performance and the nature of the tool handle. In terms of environmental influences, studies have shown that temperature and air pressure in the environment can have an effect on dexterity. From the kinematic level, the method of evaluating the activity performance in terms of the range of motion of fingers and wrists, maneuvering dexterity, and tactile acuity in wearing protective gloves was explored. Kinematic indicators were utilized to describe the laws of hand movement and evaluate the mobility of the hand after people’s wearing gloves. The range of motion of the fingers and wrist refers to the angle at which the fingers and wrist can move freely under the action of the joints. And the test method is divided into static and dynamic tests, in which the static test utilizes an electrical goniometer or a digital camera to record the static interphalangeal angle or the angle of the wrist joint when the finger or wrist reaches the maximum activity state; the dynamic test utilizes the camera to dynamically track the hand’s continuous operation. In addition to recording joint postures, motion coordinates can also be established by video processing software to quantify joint motion angles. The study noted that wearing gloves inhibits the range of motion of the fingers and wrist compared to bare hands. Hand dexterity is a motor skill determined by the range of motion of the arm, palm, and fingers as well as the ability to manipulate the hand and fingers. Hand manipulation dexterity was assessed by using the Bennett Hand Tool Dexterity Test, the Minnesota Hand Dexterity Test, the O’Connor Dexterity Test, the Pennsylvania Two Handed Work Sample Assembly Test, and the Rope Knotting Test, skid steer maneuvering, and many other hand movement simulation tests, most of which use the time or efficiency required to complete the test as a measure of operational dexterity. In fact, wearing gloves can negatively affect tactile acuity. Currently, tactile acuity tests are conducted in the areas of force perception, spatial perception, and shape and texture perception. The evaluation of the kinetic level of protective gloves mainly includes three parts: grip strength, torque, muscle activity and fatigue evaluation. Using kinetic indicators to explain the mechanism of hand movement patterns, the article explored the formation principle of hand activity appearance after people wear gloves from the perspective of force. When conducting grip strength evaluation, most of the studies chose maximal grip strength as the test index, while a few studies also use submaximal grip strength as the evaluation index because many grip strength operations require the participation of submaximal grip strength. Unlike gloves, which can negatively affect grip strength, the effect of gloves on torque is uncertain. The most common operational tasks in evaluating torque include the use of hand tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches, and other types of operational tasks include twisting the throttle of a motorcycle, turning the steering wheel of an automobile, unscrewing a bottle cap, operating a knob, opening a valve, and toggling a round electrical connector. The effect of the glove on torque can vary depending on the action being tested. EMG measurements provide information on internal muscle loading and fatigue with dynamic measurements, in addition to being safe, simple and non-invasive. Finally, it was proposed that a comprehensive evaluation system and evaluation standards for the mobility performance of protective gloves should be established in the future, and the evaluation of the mobility performance of protective gloves should be carried out in virtual reality/augmented reality to simulate real working conditions, reveal the influencing factors of the mobility performance of protective gloves in a comprehensive way and improve the accuracy of the evaluation of the mobility performance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]